Extract definitions from contracts

The Contracts Definition Extraction model will automatically extract each definition in a contract and store it in a Contracts Definition object. This object has fields for the definition name and text. For example, let's say that in a contract there is the following definition: Loan rate means the domestic rate or the Eurodollar rate. If you run the definition extraction model and go to the Contracts Definition tab, you'll find a row for that definition. For example:

Name: Loan Rate

Text: the Domestic Rate or the Eurodollar Rate

If you add the Definitions field to a view on the Contracts Definition object, the document control number is stored in the document containing the definition.

Contracts definition extraction

To run Contracts definition extraction:

  1. Go to the Contracts Analysis Profiles tab.
  2. Click New Contracts Analysis Profile.
  3. Name your analysis profile.
  4. Add a description.
  5. Add the Definition Extraction model.
  6. Click Save.

To run the new analysis set:

  1. Go to the Analysis Set tab.
  2. Click New Contracts Analysis Set.
  3. Name your analysis set.
  4. Choose the analysis profile you created.
  5. Select a saved search to run the analysis on.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Analyze.

The status of the analysis will appear under the Status section. Once complete, click the Refresh button to refresh the page and view results.

Fields auto populated by Contracts

Name, Text, and Definitions fields are automatically populated by Contracts. Following are descriptions of each field.

Field Field Type Field Auto population  
Name Fixed-length text Auto populated with the name of the definition, extracted directly from text in the contract.
Text Long text Auto populated with the text of the definition, extracted directly from the text in the contract.
Definitions Multiple object

Auto populated with the control number of the document containing the definition.

Note: To add the Contracts Definition object to a coding layout in the Contracts Viewer, add this Definitions multiple object field to a layout.

Regular expression definition extraction

If Contracts definition extraction is not performing well on your data set, you can extract definitions based on your own custom regular expression.

If your regular expression does not have a capture group, Contracts will populate the Name field as the Definition Extraction model would have. If your regular expression does have a capture group, it will be used for the Name field.

Run regular expression definition extraction

To run regular expression definition extraction:

  1. Navigate to the Contracts Models tab.
  2. Click New Contracts Model.
  3. Enter a Name. For Model Type, select Regular Expression Definition Extraction.
  4. Select a Regular Expression.
  5. Save the Model.
  6. Go to the Contracts Analysis Profiles tab.
  7. Whether creating a new analysis profile or editing an existing one, navigate to the Definition Extraction tab in the layout group and select the model you created.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Next, run the new analysis set:

  1. Go to the Contracts Analysis Sets tab.
  2. Click New Contracts Analysis Set.
  3. Name your analysis set.
  4. Choose the analysis profile.
  5. Select a saved search to run the analysis on.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click the Analyze button.

The status of the analysis will appear under the Status section. Once complete, click the Refresh button to refresh the page and view results.