iManage data source
This topic provides details on how to capture iManage with Collect.
Your iManage account needs to have an iManage support account. To get an iManage support account, please refer to iManage's documentation. You must also connect it to Collect using the steps below.
- If you are a RelativityOne Government customer and are using iManage Cloud, you do not need to take different steps to authenticate or to collect data.
iManage Control Center must be configured for Password authentication and not SSO. Collect application authentication relies on password authentication and is not compatible with SSO.
- Before configuring the Collect application in your iManage tenant, you need to submit an email to The sender's email address must be associated with a valid iManage Help Center account. In the email, request to add the Collect application to your iManage tenant. The request should include:
- The following statement: This is for the Relativity Collect application.
- Your organization or company name.
- Your iManage tenant ID.
- If you have IP restrictions in your environment, you must reach out to the iManage Cloud Support team at to get additional addresses/ranges added to the allowlist.
- If you are using iManage Cloud Classic, you must add your tenant-specific iManage API endpoint URL to the allowlist in RelatvityOne Government before running collections. This is because in Cloud Classic, the endpoints are unique for each iManage customer. You will need to work with the RelativitiyOne implementation team to add your API endpoint URL to the allowlist.
Setting up Relativity Collect in iManage
To set up Collect in iManage, you need to have the App Management role permission in iManage. For more information, see iManage documentation on adding an application package. Then, use the following procedure to configure the application.
Note: iManage Control Center must be configured for Password authentication and not SSO. Collect application authentication relies on password authentication and is not compatible with SSO.
- In the iManage Control Center, navigate to the Settings > Applications pane.
- Click Add Application.
- In the available applications list, search for and select the Relativity Collect application.
- Click Authentication to configure the OAuth settings for single sign-on.
- In the OAuth settings:
- Allow Refresh Token—No
- Refresh Token Expiry—default, 365 days
- Access Token Expiry—default, 30 minutes
- Click Access to configure which users can use the Relativity Collect application.
- Set Allow Access to Custom to give access to specific users or groups to use the application.
- Search for and select the user account you want to provide access to use the application. Collect requires this account and the associated password when setting up the iManage data source connection in RelativityOne.
- Select Review to view your changes.
- Click Finish.
Once you have completed setting up the Collect application in iManage, do the following:
- Click on the application in the Applications Explorer.
- Click View.
The Client ID displays in the application view, but the Client Secret does not. iManage will provide it to you.
- You need the Client ID and Client Secret later when setting up your iManage data source connection in the Collect application so be sure to make note of them.
- Relativity bases permissions off the account you selected for granting application access to. The scope of what is visible for collections will be dependent on the permissions of that user account.
Collect bases the permissions off the account you use to authenticate with the iManage API. You can locate this account's username and credentials in the configuration file under the settings Username and Password. The module will only be able to discover items that the account specified by username has access to.
Collect handles throttling by reading the response headers for each API call Relativity makes for the header x-ratelimit-remaining. When that header value returns 0, Relativity looks for another header value called x-ratelimit-reset. The x-ratelimit-reset value specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait until Collect no longer needs to. After the wait, the module will retry the throttled API call.
Creating the data source in Collect
In RelativityOne, use the following procedure to connect the iManage data source to Collect.
- Navigate to Collection Admin within Collect Admin of Set Up.
- Click the New Collection Source Instance button.
- Do the following:
- Name—enter in a unique name for the data source.
- Type—select the iManage data source.
- Settings—enter the required information in the Settings fields. For more information, see Settings fields.
- Click Save.
For more information, see Creating a collect data source.
Settings fields
To connect Relativity to an iManage data source, you need to gather and enter the information for the following fields:
- Client ID—enter the Client ID for the application.
- Client secret—enter the Client Secret for the application.
- Username—enter the iManage user name.
- Password—enter the iManage password.
- Library ID—enter the name of the iManage database.
- iManage Base address—enter the base address that points to the domain or sub-domain of your iManage Cloud instance. For example,, or, If the URL contains, Collect targets the Cloud. If it does not contain that, then Collect targets Classic Cloud.
Data source details
Each data source details page includes an Actions console. The options available will be different for each data source.
You can click Validate Connection to validate to validate the client ID, certificate, and other credentials with iManage.
Configuring the data source in Collect
Configure the data sources chosen in the Collection Details step. If you select multiple data sources in the first step, you'll configure all sources in the step. Switch between each source by clicking the name of the data source in the left navigation menu. Clicking Next and Previous also moves you through the data sources. Select individual data sources by clicking on the checkbox and then using the right arrows to select them. After selecting the data sources to configure, fill out the criteria. Each data source has different criteria to enter.
Add search criteria to collect specific data. To configure the data sources, complete the following fields:
- Select and unselected tabs—choose the data sources to collect from by moving unselected data sources to the selected list.
- Field—choose the field to filter on within the data source.
- Notes: This field is only required if you select a calendar source.
- Operator—choose an operator, such as equals, contains, greater than, or less than.
- Value—enter a value to find in the selected field.
The following table lists the filter criteria supported for iManage collections. Setting criteria for iManage is not required. If you have not selected criteria, Relativity collects all results by default. All dates are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
The Less Than operator is only supported when used in conjunction with Greater Than or Equals.
Criteria | Operators | Description | Example |
Anywhere Search Term | Equals | When you use the Anywhere Search Term property in a query, the search returns all data containing the searched text. | If you search “RelativityOne,” your results include all files that contain the searched text in the file. |
Body Search Term | Equals | When you use the Body Search Term property in a query, the search returns all data that matches the text you are searching. | If you search “Dear John,” your results include all data that contains the text in body. Note that this is not the same as searching for “Dear” OR “John”. In order to do that you need to enter keywords in separate lines. |
Creation Date | Greater than or equals; Less than or equals | When you use the Creation Date property in a query, the search returns all data that equals greater/less than the date entered. | If you search “Greater than or equals 1/1/2001,” your results include all emails sent on and after January 1, 2001. |
File Extension Exclusion | Equals | When you use the File Extension Exclusion property, the search returns data without the entered file extension. | If enter .csv, your results include all data that does not include .csv files. |
File Extension Inclusion | Equals | When you use the File Extension Inclusion property, the search returns data with the entered file extension. | If enter .csv, your results include all data that does include .csv files. |
iManage Workspace Name | Equals | When you use the iManage Workspace name property, the search returns all data within the workspaces that equals the search word or phrase in the workspace's name. |
If you use the iManage Workspace Name property in a query, the search returns all data that the workspace name equals the text you’re searching. In other words, the query doesn’t return only the data from channels that have an exact match. For example, if you search for “finance_team,” your results include data from workspaces like "finance_team_project.” |
Received Date | Greater than or equals; Less than or equals | When you use the Received Date property in a query, the search returns all messages that equals, greater/less than the date entered. | If you search “Less than or equals 1/1/2023,” your results include all data received on and before January 1, 2021. |
Recipient SMTP | Equals | When you use the Recipient SMTP property in a query, the search returns all data that matches the text in the Recipient SMTP field. | If you search “iManage,” your results include all messages sent to iManage SMTPs. |
Sender SMTP | Equals | When you use the Sender SMTP property in a query, the search returns all data that matches the text in the Sender SMTP field. | If you search “iManage,” your results include all messages sent from iManage SMTPs. |
Sent Date | Greater than or equals; Less than or equals | When you use the Sent Date property in a query, the search returns all data that is greater than or equals or less than or equals the date entered. | If you search “Greater than or equals 1/1/2001,” your results include all data sent on or after January 1, 2001. |
Subject Search Term | Equals | When you use the Subject Search Term property, the search returns all messages that contains the search word or phrase in the data's subject. | If you use the Subject Search Term property in a query, the search returns all data that the subject line contains the text you’re searching. In other words, the query doesn’t return only those messages that have an exact match. For example, if you search for subject “Quarterly Financials,” your results includes data with the subject “Quarterly Financials 2023.” |
Edit Date | Greater than or equals; Less than or equals | When you use the Edit Date property in a query, the search returns all data that equals greater/less than the date entered. | If you search “Greater Than 1/1/2001,” your results include all documents edited after January 1, 2001 |
Document Class | Equals | When you use the Document Class property, the search returns data with the entered document class | If you search for a document class that equals one of your custom-defined class categories, your results will include documents only in that class. |
Document Subclass | Equals | When you use the Document Subclass property, the search returns data with the entered document subclass | If you search for a document subclass that equals one of your custom-defined subclass categories, your results will include documents only in that class. |
iManage Custom1-16 value | Equals | When you use the iManage Custom1-16 Value properties in a query, the search returns all data that equals the entered value in its Custom 1 Property within iManage. | If you search for an iManage Custom1-16 value, your results will include documents that match your custom value between 1 and 16. For more information, see iManage custom fields documentation. |
iManage Custom21-24 Value | Greater than or equals; Less than or equals | When you use the Edit Date property in a query, the search returns all data that equals greater/less than the date entered. | If you search for an iManage Custom21-24 value, your results will include documents that match your custom value between 1 and 16. For more information, see iManage custom fields documentation. |
iManage Custom25-28 Value | Equals, Does Not Equal | When you use the iManage Custom25 Value property in a query, the search returns all data that matches the entered value in its Custom 25 Property within iManage. | If you search for an iManage Custom25 value, your results will include documents that match your custom value 25. For more information, see iManage custom fields documentation. |
iManage Custom29-30 Value | Equals | When you use the iManage Custom29-30 Value property in a query, the search returns all data that equals the entered value in its Custom 29-30 Property within iManage. | If you search for an iManage Custom29-30 value, your results will include documents that match your custom value between 29-30. For more information, see iManage custom fields documentation. |