X1 data source

This topic provides details on how to capture X1 data sources with Collect.


X1 data sources require separate licensing, configuration, and training through a third party. For example, X1. For more information, see X1's licensing documentation.

Creating the data source

Use the following procedure to create a new Collect source instance.

  1. Navigate to Collection Admin within Collect Admin of Set Up.
  2. Click the New Collection Source Instance button.
  3. Do the following:
    • Name—enter in a unique name for the data source.
    • Type—select X1 Emails or X1 Files the type of data source.
    • Settings—enter the required information in the Settings fields. For more information, see Settings fields.
  1. Click Save. The data source displays on the Collection Admin page.

Settings fields

To connect Relativity to an X1 data source, you need to gather and enter the information for the following fields. For more information on X1 fields, see X1's user documentation:

  • X1 Enterprise Manager Endpoint URL—enter the endpoint URL of the X1 Manager Service. An example of a URL is https://mapleproject.x1dev.com:8443/. For more information, see X1's user documentation.
  • X1 Enterprise Manager Endpoint Port—enter the port number used for Manager Service traffic.
  • X1 Downloader API Endpoint URL—enter the endpoint URL of the X1 Downloader Service. An example of a URL is https://mapleproject.x1dev.com:8443/.
  • X1 Download API Endpoint Port—enter the port number used for Downloader Service traffic.
  • Client ID—enter the X1 Client ID found on the API Clients page in X1. For more information, see X1's user documentation.
  • Client Secret—enter the X1 secret OAuth token copied from the X1 user interface. For more information, see X1's user documentation.
  • Project ID—enter the Project ID found in the X1 user interface to automate X1 with a third party client via the API. For more information, see X1's user documentation.
  • Project Path—enter the Global Project Collection path found in the X1 user interface. For more information, see X1's user documentation.
  • Target External ID—enter the specific identifier of the email locations. Collect only searches the specified location.
  • Certificate Thumbprint—enter the secured thumbprint that validates a self-signed SSL certificate. Locate the thumbprint in X1. For more information on locating the Certificate Thumbprint, see X1's user documentation.

Configuring the data source

Configure the data sources chosen in the Collection Details step. If you select multiple data sources in the first step, you'll configure all sources in the step. Switch between each source by clicking the name of the data source in the left navigation menu. Clicking Next and Previous also moves you through the data sources. Select individual data sources by clicking on the checkbox and then using the right arrows to select them. After selecting the data sources to configure, fill out the criteria. Each data source has different criteria to enter.

Data source criteria

Add criteria to collect specific data. To configure the data sources, complete the following fields:

  • Select and unselected tabs—choose the data sources to collect from by moving unselected data sources to the selected list.
  • Field—choose the field to filter on within the data source.
    Notes: Collect requires this field after you select a calendar source.
  • Operator—choose an operator such as equals, contains, greater than, or less than.
  • Value—enter a value to find in the selected field.

After selecting field options, you must click Add Criteria. Things to know about criteria:

  • Each criteria is then separated by an AND operator.
  • Leave the data source criteria empty to collect all data from the sources.

Filter a data source's data that you want to collect by adding criteria. This section covers the different criteria for each data source. This section also includes what you can search within each data source. The criteria options change based on the selected data source.

X1 emails

The following table lists the filter criteria supported for X1 Emails collections. Setting criteria for X1 emails is not required.

Note: You must register Relativity in X1 before using this data source. For information on registering Relativity in X1, see X1's user documentation.

Criteria Field Operators Description Example
Attachment Name Contains, Does Not Equal, Equals When you use the Attachment Name, the search returns all attachments that contain the text in the name of the attachment file.

If you search for "quarterly financial records," your search results will include the searched phrase from all attachment names in X1 email data sources.

BCC Contains, Does Not Equal, Equals When you use the Email From property in a query, the search returns all messages that contain the text in the Email BCC field. If you search “@example.com,” your results include all blind carbon copied messages received by people with the @example.com in their email address.
CC Contains, Does Not Equal, Equals When you use the Email From property in a query, the search returns all messages that contain the text in the Email CC field. If you search “@example.com,” your results include all carbon copied messages received by people with the @example.com in their email address.
Email Body Contains When you use the Email Body property in a query, the search returns all messages email message contains the text you’re searching for. If you search “Dear John,” your results include all messages that contain the text in email body.
Note that this is not the same as searching for “Dear” OR “John”. In order to do that, you need to separate keyword by OR
Folder Path Contains, Does Not Equal, Equals When you use the File Path property in a query, the search returns all messages equals/does not equal or contain the folder path entered. If you search “Contains C:/documents/Relativity,” your results include all files within the listed folder and any folder beyond the file path entered.
Free Form Search Equals Searches across all data sources simultaneously with general searching options. For more information on X1 searching, see Basic Search Commands and Advanced Search Command.

If you search for "quarterly financial records," your search results will include the searched phrase from all X1 email data sources.

From Contains, Does Not Equal, Equals When you use the Email From property in a query, the search returns all messages that contain the text in the Email From field. If you search “@example.com,” your results include all messages sent by people with the @example.com in their email address.
Has Attachments Equals When you use the Has Attachments property, the search returns emails with or without attachments based on the Value setting. If you mark toggle the Value setting On, your results include all messages that include an attachment.
Indexing Status Contains, Does Not Equal, Equals

When you use the Indexing Status property in the query, the search returns all files that contains, equals, or does not equal one of the listed indexing statuses. The list of statuses are Starting, Indexing, Finished, Paused, Queued, Error, Cancelled. For more information on Indexing Statuses, see X1 documentation

If you search Does Not Equal "Error," your search results will include all files without the Error index status.
Received Date Equals, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equals, Less Than, Less Than or Equals When you use the Email Received Date property in a query, the search returns all messages that equal/doesn’t equal, greater/less than the date entered. If you search “Less Than 1/1/2020,” your results include all emails received before January 1, 2020.
Sent Date Equals, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equals, Less Than, Less Than or Equals When you use the email Sent Date property in a query, the search returns all messages that equal/doesn’t equal, greater/less than the date entered. If you search “Greater Than 1/1/2001,” your results include all emails sent after January 1, 2001.
Subject Contains, Does Not Equal, Equals .When you use the Subject property, the search returns all messages that contains the search word or phrase in the email's title.  If you use the Subject property in a query, the search returns all messages which the subject line contains the text you’re searching for. In other words, the query doesn’t return only those messages that have an exact match. For example, if you search for subject “Quarterly Financials,” your results include messages with the subject “Quarterly Financials 2018”
To Contains, Does Not Equal, Equals When you use the email To property in a query, the search returns all messages that contain the text in the Email To field. If you search “@example.com,” your results include all messages sent to people with the @example.com in their email address.

X1 files

The following table lists the filter criteria supported for X1 Files collections. Setting criteria for X1 files is not required.

Note: You must register Relativity in X1 before using this data source. For information on registering Relativity in X1, see X1's user documentation.

Criteria Field Operators Description Example
Date Created Equals, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equals, Less Than, Less Than or Equals When you use the Creation Date property in a query, the search returns all messages that equal/doesn’t equal, greater/less than the date entered. If you search “Greater Than 1/1/2001,” your results include all messages created after January 1, 2001.
Date Modified Equals, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equals, Less Than, Less Than or Equals When you use the Modification Date property in a query, the search returns all updated files that equal/doesn’t equal, greater/less than the date entered. If you search “Less Than 1/1/2020,” your results include all files modified before January 1, 2020.
Document Type Contains, Does Not Equal, Equals When you use the Document Type property in a query, the search returns all documents that contain, equal, or does not equal what you entered. If you search "spreadsheet, your results include Excel files.
Extension Contains, Does Not Equal, Equals When you use the File Extension property in a query, the search returns all files that contain the entered file extension. If you search “Contains docx,” your results include all Microsoft Word files saved with that extension.
Free Form Search Equals

Searches across all data sources simultaneously with general searching options. For more information on X1 searching, see Basic Search Commands and Advanced Search Command.

If you search for "quarterly financial records," your search results will include the searched phrase from all X1 file data sources.
Indexing Status Contains, Does Not Equal, Equals When you use the Indexing Status property in the query, the search returns all files that contains, equals, or does not equal one of the listed indexing statuses. The list of statuses are Starting, Indexing, Finished, Paused, Queued, Error, Cancelled. For more information on Indexing Statuses, see X1 documentation. If you search Does Not Equal "Error," your search results will include all files without the Error index status.
Name Contains, Does Not Equal, Equals When you use the File Name property in a query, the search returns all files that equals/does not equal or contain the value entered. If you search “Equals Important_Document,” your results include all files with that text in the filename.
Path Contains, Does Not Equal, Equals When you use the File Path property in a query, the search returns all messages equals/does not equal or contain the folder path entered. If you search “Contains C:/documents/Relativity,” your results include all files within the listed folder and any folder beyond the file path entered.