Relativity upgrade

Use the following workflows to upgrade your current Relativity installation to Relativity Server 2022. To begin your upgrade process, address custom solutions and scripts before downloading the Relativity installer. Once you complete the workflow specific to your upgrade path, we recommend completing the post-installation verification tests post-upgrade to confirm that your environment has been upgraded properly.

As a best practice, we recommend preparing for your upgrade process by using the Pre-Upgrade Checklist. You can use this document to discuss an upgrade strategy for your current installation of Relativity with Customer Support.

If you are installing Relativity for the first time, contact Customer Support for additional information. You may also want to review the information on the Relativity installation page.

Note: Relativity plans to deprecate Windows Service Bus in Server 2023. We recommend that you begin conversion to RabbitMQ beginning in Server 2022.

Addressing custom solutions pre-upgrade

The Solution Snapshot application helps you identify compatibility issues with custom applications in your environment so you can resolve them prior to upgrade. Using the Solution Snapshot application, you can view a list of the applications currently installed in your Application Library and review the application owner's recommendation for upgrade. For more information, see Solution Snapshot.

Addressing custom scripts that trigger imaging jobs

If you plan on upgrading Relativity and you use custom scripts that programmatically trigger imaging jobs in your current Relativity environment, those scripts will no longer work after you upgrade.

This is because the components that those custom scripts rely upon no longer exist due to the changes made to the imaging framework, which are listed below. The imaging operations performed by these custom scripts aren't accounted for in the KCD Snapshot Solution script.

  • The Imaging Set Manager and Worker agents have been deprecated.
  • The Imaging Set Queue table has been deprecated.
  • The Imaging API now submits an imaging job directly to Invariant (worker manager server).

Before you upgrade to Server 2022, contact Customer Support at Relativity Support for instructions on how to adjust your custom scripts.

Required pre-upgrade steps for all Relativity versions

Before you begin your upgrade, you must complete the following pre-upgrade steps.

10.x to Server 2022 upgrade workflow

Use the following workflow when upgrading from Relativity 10.x to Server 2022.

Note: Never upgrade your Relativity version while there are jobs of any type currently in progress in your environment. Doing this leads to inaccurate results when you attempt to finish those jobs after your upgrade is complete. This is especially important for imaging and processing jobs.

To upgrade your environment from 10.x to Server 2022, use the following diagram as a guide. Click on a step to navigate to a topic.

  • Before you upgrade, verify that you meet all requirements outlined in Pre-installation.
  • Once you've completed upgrading core servers (Secret Store, Primary SQL, Worker Manager, Service Bus) all remaining servers can be upgraded in any order or in parallel.
  1. Install the Relativity Secret Store and configure all machines in your environment to access it. This step should be completed before the Relativity upgrade and can be done online without impacting user review. For more information, see Relativity Secret Store.
  2. Stop all agent services.
  3. Stop the IIS.
  4. Run the Relativity installer on your Primary SQL Server to upgrade the EDDS database and install the required library applications. You can't access your Relativity environment until you complete this step. Depending on what version you're upgrading from, this process may start automatically after the installer is finished running. See Upgrading your SQL Server.
  5. Run the Relativity installer on all distributed SQL servers if present. See Distributed SQL Server upgrade.
  6. Install the Relativity service bus server. Ensure that the Relativity service bus server is a node in the Service Bus for Windows Server farm. See Upgrading your Relativity service bus We recommend migrating to RabbitMQ for any Relativity upgrade.
  7. Run the Relativity installer on the Agent server. See Upgrading your agent server.
  8. Run the Relativity installer on the Web server. See Upgrading your web server.
  9. Restart the IIS.
  10. (Optional) Log in to Relativity and click the Workspace Upgrade queue. Set the priority or order on the workspaces as necessary. You can monitor your workspaces in the Monitoring upgrades with the Workspace Upgrade queue.

    Note: After you run the installer on at least one agent server, the system begins upgrading individual workspaces. You can now log in to Relativity to monitor workspace upgrades via the Workspace Upgrade queue.

  11. Upgrade your worker manager server. For more information, see the Upgrading a worker manager server installation.

    Note: You must upgrade any worker servers after upgrading your worker manager server.

  12. Upgrade Relativity Analytics. See Upgrading or installing your Analytics server.
  13. Apply the latest hotfixes for your Relativity version. For more information, see Applying a Server hotfix or patch.