Moving Analytics indexes and structured analytics sets

Moving Analytics indexes and structured analytics sets

The steps below assist with Analytics index and structured analytics set moves, where the Analytics installation remains on its original server. These instructions differ depending on whether the Analytics server is using Single Data Directory mode.

Note: Please note that there can only be one index and structured analytics set location per Analytics server. Indexes and structured analytics sets must use the same location. Moving indexes requires downtime of all Analytics functionality in Relativity, such as clustering, categorization, index creation, etc. This doesn't impact any functionality in Relativity other than Analytics functions. For this reason, we recommend performing the move during off-hours.

Step 1 - Identifying the directory mode

Single Data Directory mode is only available on new Analytics installations; you can't enable it on upgrades. To determine whether or not the server is using Single Data Directory, take the following steps:

  1. Open a browser on the Analytics server and navigate to the Analytics REST URL:


  2. Log in with the Analytics REST credentials.
  3. Verify the configured device and the device's path.

    If the server is in Single Data Directory mode, the device appears with a special name of single-data-directory and the file path.

Step 2a - Moving the data in non-Single Data Directory Mode

  1. After verifying that the server is not in Single Data Directory Mode, stop the Content Analyst (CAAT)/ Relativity Analytics Engine Windows service on the Analytics server.
  2. Copy the indexes and sets from the original location to the new location. You must copy all subfolders, even if they are empty. The CAAT® software needs this folder structure in order to access the index or set. Be sure to copy all indexes and structured analytics sets to the same folder location:
    1. Move the contents of the C:\CAAT\data-default folder to the new location. This folder contains a .ufx folder and a @README text file.
    2. Move the contents of the C:\CAAT\indexes folder to the new location.
    3. If applicable, move the contents of the C:\CAAT\staging folder the new location.
  3. Verify that the new location contains all indexes and structured analytics sets with no separation using subfolders, as shown below.

  1. Navigate to the C:\CAAT\device-links folder. Delete the caat symbolic link folder.

    1. Open a Windows command prompt.
    2. Run the following command: cd C:\CAAT\device-links
    3. Run the following command: mklink /d caat F:\NewDataLocation
      (In the previous command, "F:\NewDataLocation" represents the file path where the data was migrated from the data-default folder.)
    4. Double-click the new caat symbolic link.
      This displays your new folder location. In Windows Explorer, it will look like you are in C:\CAAT\device-links\caat. However, this is not really a folder (it is a link pointing to the data location).

      You should see a folder structure similar to the following in the caat directory:

    5. There should be a .ufx folder as well as any Analytics indexes listed outside of the .ufx folder.

  2. Open the .ufx folder and verify that it contains both caat and db folders.
  3. Navigate to the C:\CAAT folder, and then delete the C:\CAAT\data-default folder.
  4. Navigate to the C:\CAAT\etc directory.
  5. Open the file in a text editor. Change the “device-caat” line to point to your new index location. The file path should have a forward slashes ( / ).
  1. Save the file.
  2. Start the Content Analyst (CAAT)/Relativity Analytics Engine Windows service.
  3. Verify the new location.

    To verify that the new directory is working properly, perform the following steps:

    1. Open a browser on the Analytics server, and then navigate to the Analytics REST URL:


    2. Verify that you can see and access all expected Analytics indexes and structured analytics sets.
    3. Log in to Relativity, and then navigate to the Servers tab.
    4. Activate the Analytics server.
    5. Verify that you're able to run concept searches against the pre-existing indexes.
    6. Create a small Analytics index in one of the demo workspaces, such as Salt vs. Pepper.
    7. Once complete, confirm the new index resides in the new location.
    8. Create a small Language ID structured analytics set in one of the demo workspaces, such as Salt vs. Pepper.
    9. Once complete, confirm the new structured analytics set resides in the new location in the .ufx folder.

Step 2b - Moving the data in Single Data Directory Mode

  1. After verifying that the server is in Single Data Directory Mode, stop the Content Analyst (CAAT)/Relativity Analytics Engine Windows service on the Analytics server.
  2. Copy the indexes and sets from the original location to the new location.

    Note: You must copy all subfolders, even if they are empty. The Analytics software needs this folder structure in order to access the index or set. Be sure to copy all indexes and structured analytics sets to the same folder location.

  3. Move the index directory to the new location. This will include all indexes, older structured analytics sets, a .ufx folder, and an .initialized file.
  4. Verify that the new location contains all indexes and structured analytics sets with no separation using subfolders, as shown below.

  1. Navigate to the C:\CAAT\etc directory.
  2. Open the file in a text editor. Change the “” line to point to your new index location. The file path should have a forward slashes ( / ).
  1. Save the file.
  2. Start the Content Analyst (CAAT)/Relativity Analytics Engine Windows service.
  3. Verify the new location.

    To verify that the new directory is working properly, perform the following steps:

    1. Open a browser on the Analytics server, and then navigate to the Analytics REST URL:


    2. Verify that you can see and access all expected Analytics indexes and structured analytics sets.
    3. Log in to Relativity, and then navigate to the Servers tab.
    4. Activate the Analytics server.
    5. Verify that you're able to run concept searches against the pre-existing indexes.
    6. Create a small Analytics index in one of the demo workspaces, such as Salt vs. Pepper.
    7. Once complete, confirm the new index resides in the new location.
    8. Create a small Language ID structured analytics set in one of the demo workspaces, such as Salt vs. Pepper.
    9. Once complete, confirm the new structured analytics set resides in the new location in the .ufx folder.

Migrating the Analytics server

If you need to migrate the Analytics server to a new server, use these instructions. For this procedure, you need to move the Analytics installation as well as the indexes and structured analytics sets.

Backing up or archiving Analytics data

Use these instructions for backing up or archiving Analytics data.

Backing up or archiving an Analytics index

Backing up an individual structured analytics set

Backing up all structured analytics sets

Restoring Analytics data

Use these instructions for restoring Analytics data.

Restoring necessary Analytics indexes

Restoring an individual structured analytics set

Restoring all structured analytics sets