Upgrading or installing your Analytics server

An upgrade of your Analytics server is required for Relativity Server 2022. Follow these steps to upgrade your analytics servers.

Pre-installation considerations

Before upgrading the Analytics servers, make sure you have completed the following steps:

  1. Review the Analytics upgrade considerations for the current version. For more information, see Upgrade considerations for Relativity.
  2. Install or upgrade your Relativity instance by performing the required steps. For more information, see Relativity installation.
  3. Perform a Pre-installation check of the Analytics server.
  4. If you are upgrading your Analytics server, confirm whether your existing Analytics instance uses Single Data Directory (SDD) mode and migrate your data to an SDD install if necessary.

Note: Single Data Directory (SDD) is a mode which stores all data in a single location, separate from the Analytics engine installation files. This separation simplifies maintenance and upgrades and has fewer opportunities for error compared to the older, non-SDD installation method. If your organization uses the non-SDD mode, we recommend migrating to an SDD install as part of your upgrade process.

TLS version considerations

Beginning in Server 2022, the Analytics engine has TLS 1.1 disabled by default. This may cause issues if you're not using TLS 1.2 everywhere throughout your environment.

For this reason, we recommend enabling TLS 1.2 comprehensively throughout your environment. If it is already, no further action is recommended.

If you're not sure whether it is or not, check the registry key on all web and agent servers and then enable TLS 1.2, per the description in Managing TLS protocols and specifying cipher suites.

For assistance with enabling TLS 1.2, contact Support.

Installing or upgrading Relativity Analytics

You need the following items in order to successfully run the Relativity Analytics upgrade or installation:

  • The primary database server instance name and corresponding EDDSDBO password. If your SQL Server uses SSL encryption, see Installing Analytics server when SQL Server uses SSL encryption before beginning the Analytics server installation.
  • The Relativity Service Account user name and password.
  • All SQL Servers must be active and accessible at the time of the installation.
  • A self-signed or a trusted SSL certificate with the certificate's private key is required by Relativity Analytics. We recommend using the certificate that Relativity Secret Store generates. For more information, see Relativity Secret Store.

Special considerations

  • Before attempting an upgrade, stop all Relativity Analytics engine processes, such as ensuring that all Java and PostgreSQL processes are stopped. After you do this, back up the CAAT install directory and the CAAT data directory. If something goes wrong with the upgrade, this will greatly reduce any downtime spent to fix the problem.
  • The Analytics Index Share houses all of your Analytics data for a particular Analytics server, and it can grow to be very large. We have found that NTFS file systems work for small environments, but if you anticipate running sets of 10 million or more documents through your Analytics Engine, you should use a file system that supports larger files such as exFAT or ReFS. We do not have a recommendation for either file system, so you must determine which is the better fit for you.
  • The Analytics upgrade includes an updated version of PostgreSQL, which is installed in the background. For more information, see Upgrading from previous versions.

Installing Analytics for the first time

Upgrading from previous versions

Note: If you are upgrading from Relativity 9.3.332.21 (CAAT 3.17) or lower, contact Relativity Support.

The Analytics upgrade includes an updated version of PostgreSQL, which is installed in the background. Review the following guidelines for applying this upgrade:

  • Ensure that the Users group has Full Control permissions on the install and data directories.
  • Ensure that you have Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables 2010/2012/2013/2015 (x64 and x86) installed. For download links, see Microsoft's Support site.

  • Ensure that you have adequate disk space for the upgrade. A new pgsql folder is created as part of the upgrade, which temporarily doubles the disk usage while both versions of PostgreSQL are installed on the server. The caat.pg.upgrade-in-place and caat.overrideDiskSpaceCheck properties provide additional configuration options for upgrading. See Setting properties in the response-file.properties file.
  • The upgrade may take longer than normal as the existing PostgreSQL data needs to be converted.
  • After applying the upgrade, we recommend running the Structured Analytics portion of the Post-installation verification test document. For more information, see Post-installation verification test.

After you apply the upgrade and verify all Analytics components are functioning correctly, delete the old PostgreSQL install directory from the following location to complete the uninstall:


Updating the default SSL/TLS certificate

Verifying the Analytics server in Relativity

Managing TLS protocols and specifying cipher suites

When setting up Analytics, you have the option of disabling TLS 1.0 and 1.1 to enforce stricter security protocols. Additionally, you can specify which cipher suites you want to use or block.

To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Search for C:\CAAT\etc\ssl\tweak-ssl.xml. Create or update it as follows.
    1. If the file already exists, append the following lines:

    2. If the file does not exist yet, create a new XML file with that name and file path. Enter the following full text:

  2. To specify allowed or excluded cipher suites, append the following to C:\CAAT\etc\ssl\tweak-ssl.xml. This step is optional.

    Note: The cipher suites used in this sample text are examples only. We do not currently endorse specific cipher suites, and we recommend discussing preferred suites with your security team.

  3. Open `C:\CAAT\start.ini`. Look for the tweak-ssl.xml file path. If it's not listed yet, append it to the bottom as follows:

    ## Override SSL configuration file 

    Note: If you don't have a file called start.ini, do not create a new one. Instead, contact our Support team at support@relativity.com.

  1. Restart the Content Analyst (CAAT) Windows service.

  2. Update the registry key on all web and agent servers as follows. If you previously disabled TLS 1.0 and 1.1 for other parts of Relativity, you can skip this step.

    1. Create or update the following registry keys on each server as shown below. You should be able to create a *.reg file out of the snippet below.
    2. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 
    3. Restart IIS or the agent service on each applicable server.
  1. Verify that the connection works by clicking Save in the Analytics Server layout.

Installing Analytics server when SQL Server uses SSL encryption

Changing the REST password

Uninstalling the Relativity Analytics server

We don't recommend uninstalling the Relativity Analytics Server application for any reason as it causes data loss. If you uninstall the Relativity Analytics Server application from the analytics server, all structured analytics sets created in Relativity 8.2 and above can't be used with another installation. There is no way to merge a previous Relativity Analytics Server installation with a new installation. As a result, structured analytics sets created in Relativity 8.2 and above become unusable.

You shouldn't uninstall the application from the server unless you're certain you won't use the server for Analytics functionality in the future, and you understand that uninstalling Relativity Analytics renders structured analytics sets created in Relativity 8.2 and higher unusable.

If you still need to uninstall the Relativity Analytics components from the server, complete the following steps: