Infrastructure considerations for logging

Logging can be a resource-intensive operation. As a system admin or an infrastructure manager, you must consider the impact of logging on your IT infrastructure.

See these related pages:

File sink

Consider this when configuring a file sink for logging:

  • Because Relativity application threads can't have an exclusive lock on a network share, we recommend you don't select a network share as a logging sink.
  • Granular logging (WARNING and lower) can fill disk space quickly. We recommend you don't select your primary (C:/) drive as a destination for file logging..

Storing database passwords

When you configure an alternative SQL Server database sink for logging (other than the RelativityLogs table in the EDDSLogging database) , the password in the connection string is stored as unencrypted (clear) text. This may not be allowed in certain high-security environments.

Moving EDDSLogging database

Relativity logging relies on the EDDSLogging database for centralized configuration storage. It also uses it the database as the default sink. In a distributed database environment, EDDSLogging must be hosted on the primary database server (the server that hosts the EDDS database). If you move the EDDS database to a different database server, you must also move the EDDSLogging database to the same server.