Relativity Server 2022 release notes

This page contains release notes for all supported Relativity server versions and all product updates up to this version.

For a list of known issues in Relativity, see Known issues.

For Relativity Server Hotfix release notes, see the Relativity Server 2022 Hotfixes or Relativity Server 2021 Hotfixes pages.

In the following table, click on any column heading to sort the column in alphanumeric order:

Version Type Feature Description
Server 2023 Resolved defects Legal Hold Updated the Legal Hold application to save time stamps in UTC going forward. This will decrease discrepancies for customers who have Server time zones set to something other than UTC
Server 2022 Resolved defects Legal Hold Updated the Legal Hold application to save time stamps in UTC going forward. This will decrease discrepancies for customers who have Server time zones set to something other than UTC
Server 2023 Enhancement Product Documentation You can now mouse-over section headings in product documentation to get (and copy) a hyperlink directly to that heading.
Server 2023 Enhancement .NET Framework .NET Framework 4.8 and 4.8.1 is now supported.
Server 2023 Enhancement Active Learning Active Learning can now use any single-choice field as its designation, not just fields with exactly two choices. During project setup, one choice is selected as positive, another choice as negative, and the rest of the choices are treated as "neutral" and will not train the model.
Server 2023 Enhancement Active Learning You now have the option to turn off index health documents in an Active Learning Prioritized Review Queue. This allows stable projects to substantially reduce review overhead.
Server 2023 Enhancement Active Learning We increased document-to-document speed in active learning queues by approximately 30%.
Server 2023 Deprecation Analytics The Conceptual Resource Manager Agent was removed. Indexes that are inactive for seven (or the configured number of days) will no longer be deactivated.
Server 2023 Enhancement Case Dynamics We updated the Add Fact logic from the Viewer and selected text is no longer copied to the Description field.
Server 2023 Resolved defects Discovery Emails and Calendar items sent using the "On Behalf Of" feature will now correctly display that text in extracted text.
Server 2023 Enhancement Legal Hold You now have increased flexibility to configure escalations, including the number of recurrences, the email subject line, and the email recipient. This offers a customizable experience when including escalations in your legal hold communications.
Server 2023 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now send legal hold emails using the values set in the instance settings, without having to enter email credentials into a workspace.
Server 2023 Enhancement Legal Hold We added timezone labeling throughout a variety of lists within the Legal Hold application including within the Mailbox tab.
Server 2023 Enhancement Legal Hold We added timezone labeling in the legal hold confirmation emails.
Server 2023 Enhancement Legal Hold Using an apostrophe in a preservation case name is no longer prohibited.
Server 2023 Enhancement Legal Hold You are no longer required to include a portal link for hold notice communications that do not require acknowledgement and do not have an associated questionnaire.
Server 2023 Resolved defects Legal Hold You can now close projects that have custodians on active Microsoft 365 preservation holds. The holds will automatically be closed as part of closing the project.
Server 2023 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now use modern authentication, certificate based, for setting up Preservation Hold Settings. Basic authentication, username and password, is no longer available for Preservation Hold Settings.
Server 2023 Resolved defects List Page Fixed a responsive UI issue with the Only link in the list filter so that it is now fully visible.
Server 2023 Enhancement OCR The OCR engine now provides faster throughput and better text recognition results. These improvents impact non-Latin-based alphabet languages as well.
Server 2023 Enhancement Processing The Copy mass operation is now available on the Processing Profiles tab.
Server 2023 Enhancement Processing Fix native imaging issue for Japanese PDF file without embedded fonts.
Server 2023 Enhancement Processing Removed UvmSqlUser check for Logging.
Server 2023 Resolved defects Processing Administration Processing Source Locations will function as expected regardless of if the UNC path provided has a trailing slash or not.
Server 2023 Enhancement Review The Edit mass operation is available for Similar Documents and Concept Search cards in the Viewer.
Server 2023 Enhancement Review Interface When a coding decision is made, updates to coding layout values visible in the Related Items card will automatically refresh to display those new values. Additionally, any information in the Related Items card can be refreshed whenever the user manually clicks on the Refresh icon in the Related Items card.
Server 2023 Enhancement Review Interface The Replace Native and Image feature will be implemented in the new Viewer as a drop-down selection from the document name. When clicking on the document name in the Viewer, the option to either Replace document native or Replace images for this document are available. Following this selection, you can select a file to upload.
Server 2023 Enhancement Review-AI The Filtering & sorting option is now available for Find Similar Documents, Concept Search and Keyword Expansion AI cards in the Viewer.
Server 2023 Enhancement Review-AI The Copy Selected Keywords option is now available for Keyword Expansion AI card in the Viewer.
Server 2023 Enhancement Review-AI Dynamic columns option is now available for Find Similar Documents and Concept Search AI cards in the Viewer.
Server 2023 Deprecation RSAPI RSAPI endpoints are no longer available for consumption. All applications must use Kepler endpoints instead.
Server 2023 Deprecation Service Bus Service Bus for Windows is no longer supported. You need to convert Service Bus to RabbitMQ before upgrading to Server 2023. Server 2023 supports RabbitMQ version 3.10.x, 3.11.x, and 3.12.x
Server 2023 Enhancement SQL Server SQL Server 2022 is now supported.
Server 2023 Enhancement Structured Analytics Signature blocks are no longer considered part of segment bodies when it comes to email threading analysis. This improves how email signature blocks impact the inclusiveness designation of an email are reduces over-inclusiveness based on signature blocks.
Server 2023 Enhancement Structured Analytics Structured Analytics now appears in Aero styling.
Server 2023 Enhancement Structured Analytics You can now copy the results of the domains identified by Name Normalization into new multi-object fields. These new fields remove empty entries, remove duplicated domains, and support expanded filter options. You can also create a tab in your workspace that includes all the domains identified by the Name Normalization to export your results.
Server 2023 Deprecation Viewer The Classic Viewer has been removed in Server 2023. Users will no longer have the option to revert to the Classic Viewer. All review functionality is now standardized on the new Viewer introduced with Aero UI. We’re making this change to enable your teams with a faster, more consistent review experience across native, image, and text documents.
Server 2023 Enhancement Viewer Reviewers now have the ability to rotate native documents.
Server 2023 Enhancement Viewer The Export to CSV option is now available for Find Similar Documents, Concept Search, and Keyword Expansion AI cards in the Viewer.
Server 2023 Enhancement Viewer Save as Search functionality is available for documents in Concept Search and View Similar documents cards in Viewer.
Server 2023 Enhancement Viewer The Export to CSV option is now available for Find Similar Documents, Concept Search, and Keyword Expansion AI cards in the Viewer.
Server 2023 Enhancement Windows Server Windows Server 2022 is now supported.
Server 2023 Enhancement Windows Server Windows Server 2012 R2 is no longer supported.
Server 2023 Deprecation RSAPI RSAPI endpoints are no longer available for consumption. All applications must use Kepler endpoints instead.
Server 2022 Enhancement Active Learning Elusion Test has been renamed Project Validation. It now has an option to sample across the whole Active Learning project and calculate Recall, Richness, and Precision in addition to Elusion Rate.
Server 2022 Enhancement ADS For instance level applications with no workspace components, Developers can use the Global Application property within their applications, which will prevent installs of the application into workspaces. Applications tagged "Global" will be viewable and manageable on the UI. 
Server 2022 Resolved defects Analytics The Analytics Engine's new postgres version will fail to upgrade when the file is a UNC path. To complete the upgrade, temporarily change the SDD to a mapped drive (e.g. Once the upgrade completes, you can revert the SDD to the original UNC path.
Server 2022 Enhancement Analytics Indexes Analytics Index are now converted to Aero styles with a simplification of the settings layout and console areas.
Server 2022 Enhancement Analytics Indexes Analytics Indexes no longer include the options to continue index builds to completion and remove documents in error. Analytics Index builds will now default to completing past population and will automatically remove documents in error.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Analytics Indexes Saving Analytics Index changes can take ten seconds to complete with no progress feedback.
Server 2022 Enhancement ARM [Document].ProcessingFileId != [File].FileID check in ARM to include those files as non-processing file is not correct and has been removed. ProcessingFieldId is File ID in Invariant Store and isn't related to the FileID in the File table in Relativity.
Server 2022 Enhancement ARM A readiness check to ensure that a processing migration agent exists, and is enabled, has been added to support ARM with processing.
Server 2022 Enhancement ARM After the workspace has been restored with ARM the Workspace Admin Group needs to be created manually and assigned to the Workspace.
Server 2022 Enhancement ARM ARM with processing readiness checks have been made more resilient with the addition of retry code.
Server 2022 Enhancement ARM Because there are duplicated documents, there are 3 rows in File table (this is perfectly fine) pointing on the same file due to the fact that ARM during Move job uses ""Move"" method, the 2nd and the 3rd time ARM cannot find the file because it is already moved. Still update path method, does the path update (and file name update) in case of linked files always to file guid name. (thats why if original linked file was not guid named, it will be moved and renamed). (renaming linked files in case of changing them to repository files which mean copy them into repository is desired behavior because e.g. there can be already a file in repository with exactly same name, and the it would be overwritten or skipped, or cause error) There is also a mismatch in call to methods, so ARM creates batches not including processing files.
Server 2022 Enhancement ARM Data Grid migrations won't restart after retry if they are already running.
Server 2022 Enhancement ARM On the Job Details page there are "Retry" buttons next to each migrator that let the user retry each migrator separately in case of failures before the Job ends.
Server 2022 Enhancement ARM System admins can restore workspaces directly to Client Domain space. Previously, client domain resource pools, clients, and matters were not visible in the drop-down list.
Server 2022 Enhancement ARM The Missing File list comma-separated values (CSV) file contains the following updates: Repository files display "DocumentRepositoryFile"; NonRepository display as ""DocumentLinkedFile"; the rest of the Relativity files (internal) display "NonDocumentRepositoryFile".
Server 2022 Enhancement ARM Upon retry of an Archive/Restore job, if the job failed during or had to restart the Processing Migration portion, it would fail on retry with a false positive Readiness Check. This issue has been resolved so that retries that are submitted for Processing Migration execute their Readiness check correctly and proceed as expected.
Server 2022 Enhancement ARM When Include Linked Files is set to TRUE and Include Processing is set to FALSE the following warning will appear on the New Archive Job page: "Files published with Processing will be archived as Linked files for Workspace 9999991." These files will be available only as Repository files on Restore.
Server 2022 Enhancement Audit ARM Archives that have the Include Data Grid option selected now contain retry logic when a 401 authentication error is encountered, to keep the job progressing.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Case Metrics You will now need to install Case Metrics to any workspace that you want to report on. Installing Case Metrics at the instance level only will no longer allow users to report on any workspace within that instance, unless the app is installed to that workspace as well.
Server 2022 Enhancement Clustering Cluster labels are displayed in a radial orientation in the dial cluster visualization.
Server 2022 Enhancement Clustering Clustering now shows up to ten titles per cluster for all newly built or rebuilt clusters.
Server 2022 Enhancement Conceptual Analytics Conceptual Analytics Features (Find Similar Documents, Concept Search, Keyword Expansion, Account Categorization) are all fully functional with Relativity Review (Aero Viewer).
Server 2022 Enhancement Developer Platform Parent tabs and sidebar tabs are enabled and are configurable in ADS. All changes to tabs in ADS will be backwards compatible with previous versions of the application schema.
Server 2022 Enhancement Developer Platform Resource Files, that are added to an application with Custom Pages, since the last time the application was "Pushed to Library" will be deleted on the upgrade to Server 2022. To prevent the Resource Files from being deleted and to persist with this resource file when the application is exported, the application needs to be pushed to library from a workspace it is installed in.
Server 2022 Enhancement Developer Platform The Agent object is no longer available for linking to Relativity applications in Workspaces. Users can continue to link new agents to an application from the Resource Files tab.
Server 2022 Enhancement Developer Platform The Custom Page object is no longer available for linking to Relativity Applications in Workspaces. The Custom Page tab will no longer be available at the workspace level. Users can continue to link new Custom Pages to an application from the Custom Pages tab, which is now available at an instance level.
Server 2022 Enhancement Developer Platform When a Custom Page is upgraded, the ADS system will launch a new process to handle the HTTP traffic. The Readiness Check URL will be called by the hosting system before any client traffic is routed to the new process. This gives the application an opportunity to "warm up" by exercising code paths. This technique significantly reduces the delay seen by end users when live traffic is finally routed to the new application process. The Readiness Check URL is defined in a field on the Custom Page RDO in Relativity. The URL should be a relative URL hosted by the custom page, e.g. ~/Relativity/CustomPages/{app_guid}/{route}.
Server 2022 Enhancement Developer Platform With the schema version feature, applications can declare two versions in the application.xml file. The first is the existing <Version/> element which is the version of the entire application. Changes to the application version triggers updates to the hosted components. The second is the new <SchemaVersion/> element. It applies only to the schema components. The schema version allows application developers to control when schema components are updated. They can keep the same value to push through updates to hosted components without affecting workspaces resulting in better performance.
Server 2022 Enhancement Developer Tools and Applications A new Publish to Relativity tool is released, which is only compatible with Relativity 12.0 and above. The deprecated Relativity Services APIs (RSAPI) within the tool have been updated to use the RESTFul Kepler Services. 
Server 2022 Enhancement Discovered Files Now you can track publish status on Discovered Files with the Is Published field.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Discovered Files OR expressions now function as expected on the Deleted Documents view on the Files tab.
Server 2022 Enhancement Discovered Files The Details modal in the Discovered Files tab has received Aero style updates.
Server 2022 Enhancement Discovered Files The Discovered Files tab has been renamed to the Files tab to account for additional workflow utilization beyond Discovery.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Discovered Files The Discovered Files View now correctly displays child email files as having no date metadata, rather than setting them to the creation date of the temp file.
Server 2022 Enhancement Discovered Files The Error Phase field is now a Single Choice field, which will allow for enhanced filtering capabilities when working with processing errors.
Server 2022 Enhancement Discovered Files The Error Status field on the Files tab will now let you know whether a files associated errors are resolved, not resolved, or in the process of being resolved.
Server 2022 Enhancement Discovered Files The Errored Files view in the Discovered Files tab has been split into Current Errored Files and All Errored Files. These views allow for quick visibility of active and historical processing errors.
Server 2022 Enhancement Discovered Files The Errored Files view in the Discovered Files tab will be available to display all Discover and Publish file level errors that occur during Processing. This view will simplify how errors are interacted with in Relativity with the addition of singular Error Message and Error Phase fields that will display the most important error at that moment.
Server 2022 Enhancement Discovered Files The individual Discover Error and Text Extraction Error message fields have been removed from the Discovered Files tab. In their place will be displayed a combined Error Phase field which will indicate the phase of which a file has encountered an error in.
Server 2022 Enhancement Discovered Files The processing error workflow has been moved to the Files tab. You can now view, retry, ignore, and download or replace files from the Files tab.
Server 2022 Enhancement Discovered Files The re-written Error Category field on the Files tab will allow you to group similar processing errors together. These new categories have been written in a way that will better explain why errors occurred and what resulted from them.
Server 2022 Enhancement Discovered Files The Retry Delete mass action has been combined with the Retry Errors mass action to create a single action button for retrying issues that occur during Discovery, Publish, and Deletion.
Server 2022 Enhancement Discovered Files The Sender Domain and the Sort Date fields are now visible on the Discovered Files tab.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Discovered Files When changing views in the Discovered Files tab, the proper view conditions are now applied to any pivots within the currently displayed dashboard.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Discovery A defect that would cause publishing a document to fail, if there had been an error during file identification for that document, has been fixed.
Server 2022 Enhancement Discovery Delete temp files jobs are now also automatically created after retrying discovery jobs.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Discovery Emails and Calendar items sent using the "On Behalf Of" feature will now correctly display that text in extracted text.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Discovery Error messages arising from defective zip files are now less generic, providing more specific information about the problem with the zip file.
Server 2022 Enhancement Discovery Extraneous non-critical Lotus Notes services have been automatically disabled to improve NSF stability and general worker performance.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Discovery Fixed a defect that could result in incomplete extracted from Lotus Notes emails.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Discovery Fixed an issue when Bloomberg files come in where the attachment TAR file is using an unexpected name, or when the XML files are inside a compressed ZIP folder. The Bloomberg handler repeatedly makes database calls trying to find the TAR file, causing a slow down in throughput.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Discovery Fixed an issue where processing workers could cause jobs to be stuck when processing files with very long, unbroken lines of text.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Discovery Fixed an issue with Relativity Text Extraction method where some documents had the "WasDecrypted" metadata incorrectly set to True.
Server 2022 Enhancement Discovery Invariant now uses proprietary code instead of MAPI to extract messages from PST and OST files. This will improve processing speeds, reduce errors, and allow for physical hash values for messages to generate consistently from workspace to workspace. Dedupe Hash and overall deduplication will be unaffected.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Discovery Processing errors arising from low disk space on workers has been improved to better reflect the actual nature of the problem.
Server 2022 Enhancement Discovery Relativity Processing will no longer error on improperly created PSTfiles that contain a mix of ANSI and Unicode messages.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Errors Additional processing error messages have been re-written in a clear, user-centered format. 
Server 2022 Enhancement Errors The error messages that can occur on documents within the Discovery and Publish phases of Processing have been rewritten in an understandable, user-centric format.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Errors We improved performance on Processing error creation by approximately 50% and reduced the likelihood of jobs getting stuck on completion.
Server 2022 Enhancement Export Application API A new RESTFul API to export applications from workspaces as RAP files is now available making application development faster.
Server 2022 Enhancement Extensibility Points RESTful Kepler API are available for Resource File workflows like Create, Read, Update, Delete and Push Resource Files. Developers can begin the process of deprecating older RSAPI or Relativity Services code from their applications and migrate to the new RESTful way of communicating with the Relativity Platform.
Server 2022 Enhancement Field Catalog Added four new fields to the Field Catalog to support the new processing error handling workflow. These new fields are, "Error Category", "Error Phase", "Error Message", and "Error Status".
Server 2022 Enhancement Field Mapping Mapping a field to a Processing Source uses a paginated list of Processing Source Fields. This allows environments with a large number of discovered metadata fields to quickly display available Processing Source options.
Server 2022 Enhancement Find Similar Documents Added a "View Similar Documents" button to console in the Relativity Review (Aero Viewer) to run Find Similar on the opened document in the viewer with one click. The enabling of the "View Similar Documents" button is dependent upon the opened document being part of an active Conceptual Index within the workspace.
Server 2022 Enhancement Home Page System Administrators now have the ability to connect instances in order to provide their users with a single page to launch cases that they have access to.
Server 2022 Enhancement Home Page Users now have the ability to pin their favorite workspaces on the newly styled workspace list page.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Imaging Certain PDF files will no longer have missing checkmarks after the file are imaged using a native profile.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Imaging PDF files will no longer render incorrectly when using the native imaging profile.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Imaging The creation of the ContextContainer was updated to no longer request an OnBehalfOfTOken each time. It is now created on demand, only when needing to audit.
Server 2022 Enhancement Imaging The Image mass operation now supports conversion of PDFs that are stored in Relativity into images for redactions. You can also convert those images back to stored PDFs if needed using the PDF mass operation.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Infrastructure Basic Imaging dates are now formatted according to the regional settings of the worker.
Server 2022 Enhancement Integration Points Integration Points Retried jobs for promoting data between workspaces (natives push) will be handled via new enhanced path which will reflect in improved stability and availability of ECA flow.
Server 2022 Enhancement Integration Points Integration Points Scheduled jobs for promoting data between workspaces (natives push) will be handled via new enhanced path that improves stability and availability of ECA flow.
Server 2022 Enhancement Integration Points The Fixed-Length Text type fields will have the number of characters reflected in the brackets when mapping the fields in Integration Point for better visibility if the maximum length matches between source and destination workspaces.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Integration Points The preview options is no longer available for document, image and production load file import via Integration Points.
Server 2022 Enhancement Integration Points This is an improvement for fields mapping while creating an ECA Integration Point for exporting data between workspaces. When clicking on "Map All Fields," the fields will be validated and the ones that might fail a job are excluded from auto-mapping.
Server 2022 Enhancement Integration Points When creating an Integration Point for exporting Saved Search data between workspaces the customer can automatically map the Saved Search fields. There is a new 'Map Saved Search" button available on the "Map Fields" step while creating an Integration Point or Integration Point Profile.
Server 2022 Enhancement Integration Points While creating an ECA Integration Point or Integration Points Profile for exporting data between workspaces during fields mapping the fields will be validated and the ones that might fail a job will be excluded from auto-mapping. You can automatically map the Saved Search fields as there is a new "Map Saved Search" button available on the Fields Mapping step.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Legal Hold Additional logic has been added to handle Microsoft 365 throttling that can occur during target discovery of large SharePoint repositories as part of a preservation case.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Legal Hold Employee employment end dates imported via Integration Points now display properly on the Employee Change Report.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Legal Hold The "Use Portal As" feature now works for ARMed users that have re-mapped Artifact IDs.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Legal Hold The Custodian Change report can now only be run as a scheduled report. This change ensures long running reports containing a large amount of data will complete as expected.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Legal Hold The Discover Targets button on the Project Console page is now enabled when you have not enabled auto-discovered targets as part of your Preservation Case setup for Microsoft 365 SharePoint.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Legal Hold The Send Portal Link feature now works again for non-System Admin users.
Server 2022 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now mass assign custodians to a Project using a list of employee numbers.
Server 2022 Resolved defects List Page Pie charts no longer extend beyond their container.
Server 2022 Resolved defects List Page Pivot contents no longer fail to load and display a SignalR error.
Server 2022 Resolved defects List Page The "Page Cannot Load" no longer appears after viewing a document from a saved search that has the "Email Threading Dispaly" field select, but doesn't include other required fields, to the saved search list page, where the error would appear.
Server 2022 Enhancement Lockbox Notifications All members of the new "Security Notifications" group will receive an email notification when Relativity staff are granted access to a workspace. Members will also receive notifications when they are added or removed from the group.
Server 2022 Enhancement Lotus Notes Improved processing of larger Lotus Notes NSF files resulting in fewer timeouts and increased processing speed.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Lotus Notes Resolved an issue where password protected Lotus Notes could become locked in processing if the correct password was not among the first few listed in the password bank.
Server 2022 Enhancement Markups & Highlights Timestamp information in the Markup History modal display in the Date/Time format, respecting the browsers local timezone.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Mass Edit Fixed defect in Mass Edit form that allowed removing the value of a required field. The Mass Edit form behavior is now consistent with the single object edit form, and will not allow clearing out a required field. If you need to work around this behavior, you can temporarily mark the field as not required, null/clear the field out, then mark the field as required again.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Mass Operations Mass Edit will now include family documents with dtSearch
Server 2022 Resolved defects Mass Operations The manage button for the Mass edit popup will now appear for multi-choice field.
Server 2022 Enhancement Migrate Migrate now enables you to migrate workspace data from Relativity Server to RelativityOne in a simple, efficient way. Thanks to an straightforward workflow, migration will be seamless and intuitive, allowing workspaces to be migrated in just 6 clicks within a single product as opposed to what amounted to 90+ clicks (in multiple tools), previously.With Migrate you will now be able to set up a default migration configuration, choose and assign workspaces for migration, preview the migration before executing the data transfer, and if needed, even retry failed workspace migrations easily from the same user interface. Migrations are easy to track and you can configure email notifications to alert the proper resources in your organization of migration status.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Name Normalization Name normalization now generates a document error when an email segment contains more than 50,000 characters in one of the recipient fields.
Server 2022 Enhancement OCR A new Document Completion field to OCR Set now presents the count of documents completed in the OCR set, the number of documents with errors, and the number of documents left to have text assembled.
Server 2022 Enhancement OCR If an OCR set is in a status of 'Completed with errors' and the data source is modified (i.e. the OCR set is updated from a Saved Search to a Production Set), the OCR set will reset to a status of "Ready to run" and cannot be retried.
Server 2022 Enhancement OCR Now it's possible to see Image OCR Errors and Document OCR Text Import Errors in the same tabbed display as Document (OCR Results). Only the first 1000 image errors and first 1000 document errors are shown. These errors cannot be filtered.
Server 2022 Resolved defects OCR OCR will no longer fail on images that has a space in the file path.
Server 2022 Enhancement OCR The completed OCR text in the Destination Field of the Document is now updated as the OCR Set is progressing, and not at the end of the job.
Server 2022 Enhancement OCR The OCR Set Console page now presents more granular status updates.
Server 2022 Enhancement OCR When you copy an OCR set, every current setting besides the Status and OCR Results field in that set copies over.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Password Bank Fixed an issue where when entering multiple passwords into one Password Bank entry, the passwords may not be recognized until each had their own, individual Password Bank entry.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Password Bank The Password Bank tab for Processing will now be named "Password Bank | Processing" for easier identification.
Server 2022 Enhancement PDF A user on the HTML Viewer that does not have permissions to any of the "Markup Sets" will now get an error if trying to select "Include Redactions" or "Include Highlights" when creating a PDF from the HTML viewer.
Server 2022 Enhancement PDF Customers and developers will now receive a message about what properties are incorrectly set to null instead of receiving Null reference exception messages when working with the PDF Profile APIs.
Server 2022 Resolved defects PDF PDF downloads in a zip file will now produce individual PDFs in a zip file.
Server 2022 Enhancement PDF RDC supports searchable PDF file export. Native documents converted to Searchable PDFs in Relativity, can now be exported to local drive.
Server 2022 Enhancement PDF The PDF application was enhanced to provide a more meaningful message when an error occurs while a user is downloading the resulting file.
Server 2022 Enhancement PDF The PDF application was optimized to better handle concurrent jobs.
Server 2022 Enhancement PDF The PDF application was optimized to provide a better experience when users cancel PDF jobs. This includes UI and error messages enhancements.
Server 2022 Enhancement PDF The PDF mass operation now supports conversion of native files into PDFs that can be reviewed in Relativity in a new PDF viewer. The new PDF viewer does not support applying redactions directly to the PDFs. Users can also use the PDF mass operation to delete those stored PDFs.
Server 2022 Enhancement PDF The PDF mass operation was updated to better support the download of large files. This includes supporting browser to display download progress and better management of interruptions during the download process.
Server 2022 Enhancement PDF The PDF profile now supports the following new options - comments and speaker notes for MS PowerPoint documents. These options are available when the user wants to download the resulting PDFs or stored them in Relativity for Review.
Server 2022 Enhancement PDF The PDF profile now supports the following new options: comments and speaker notes for Microsoft PowerPoint documents. These options are available when the user wants to download the resulting PDFs or stored them in Relativity for Review.
Server 2022 Enhancement PDF The PDF profile now supports the following new options: new page level branding options, defining the resulting paper size when converting natives to PDFs, and the ability to include comments and track changes for Microsoft Word documents. These options are available when the user wants to download the resulting PDFs or store them in Relativity for review.
Server 2022 Enhancement PDF When converting images to searchable PDFs, the OCR timeout is no longer limited to 3600 seconds. This applies for both Mass PDF and on-the-fly PDF operations.
Server 2022 Enhancement PDF When hovering the mouse over the PDF icon in the Review interface, clients will now see a tool tip with the text: "Create PDF."
Server 2022 Enhancement Persistent Highlight Sets You can remove terms you previously searched for in the Review Interface. Hover over your recent searches or an individual term to display an 'X' icon that can be used to clear the term or all terms.
Server 2022 Enhancement Post-Publish Delete When you delete a document that has been published into Review, Processing will re-calculate deduplication to identify and publish the duplicate if there is one, and will not include the deleted document in subsequent deduplication logic.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Post-Publish Delete When you delete a folder from Review, you will see the Processing deletion warning in the Delete confirmation modal.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Post-Publish Delete You can now delete a folder from Review when the folder contains documents originating from Processing.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Post-Publish Delete You can now filter as expected on the Processing Deletion? field on the Files tab, including within the Deleted Documents view.
Server 2022 Enhancement Processing A new processing profile option for Word and Excel files called "Relativity Processing" is now available for use. Processing is an alternate method for extracting text that does not require the Office application to be used. Instead, we are leveraging our own proprietary handlers to extract the text from these document types.
Server 2022 Enhancement Processing Auto-scaling now kicks off when a Processing Set is created in a workspace. This allows Processing Sets to have scaled out workers by the time it is submitted, rather when while its already running.
Server 2022 Enhancement Processing NIST Version 2.72 is now available for download. To obtain the installer, contact your customer support manager.
Server 2022 Enhancement Processing Administration Implemented deallocation-based scaling to reduce the time to scale workers in your processing workflow.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Processing Administration Processing Source Locations will function as expected regardless of if the UNC path provided has a trailing slash or not.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Processing Administration The Processing History page now displays the correct number of checked records when selecting the check box for each row in the "All" view.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Processing Administration When filtering in the Processing Administration tab for Data Sources run in the "Last 7 Days" view, you now see the correct number of checked Processing Sets displayed in the Mass Operation section.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Processing Administration When updating the priority of a job from the Worker Manager Queue, the root job and any newly created sub-jobs will use the new priority designated by the user. There may be some sub-jobs still created with the old priority if the job is already in progress.
Server 2022 Enhancement Processing profile A processing profile now includes the Inclusion/Exclusion discovery filter option. You can now choose which files get discovered during processing by adding a list of file extensions to the processing profile.
Server 2022 Enhancement Processing profile Fields in the Processing Profile layout now span a single column.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Processing Set When a Processing Set has completed Inventory, but has not yet started Discovery, you are unable to create new Data Sources. To workaround, you must delete the Processing Set and create a new one.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Processing Sets Processing Data Sources now correctly saves with any available OCR language selection added to it.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Processing Sets Relativity now properly sends workspace information in email notifications upon completion of a Processing Set.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Processing Sets The order of Processing Source Locations when creating Processing Data Sources is now displayed based on the order values chosen in the Admin Choices tab.
Server 2022 Enhancement Processing Sets When creating a Processing Data Source, you are directed to the Processing Data Source tab instead of receiving a pop-up modal. Upon completion of creating one or many data sources, you are directed back to the Processing Set page upon saving.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Processing sets When saving a processing data source, clicking Save multiple times will create only a single data source.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Production Sets Producing a production under the Existing Production Numbering setting will no longer get stuck in the Apply Bates stage.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Publish Documents that have no extracted text will no longer occasionally result in a publishing error.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Publish When an invalid email address causes a publish error, the error now contains additional details to help in troubleshooting (name of the field to unmap, name of unexpected field).
Server 2022 Enhancement Publish You can now republish your published files as needed. If case requirements change, or you simply need to map additional fields, you can use a mass operation to republish the files in no time.
Server 2022 Enhancement Relativity Desktop Client Different field can be selected as Overlay Identifier for an "Append/Overlay" data transfer mode.
Server 2022 Enhancement Reports The Discovery File Exclusion report has now been added to provide the ability to provide a summary on what was filtered out of discovery by a Inclusion or Exclusion filter at the File Extension level.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface To better support viewing very large documents in the review interface, specifically, the introduction of conversion streaming for natives and images and the enhanced performance profile of Relativity Review, we raised the default values for the instance settings that govern the maximum native file size for the native viewer and the maximum page count for the image viewer. MaximumNativeSizeForViewerInBytes - default value will be the equivalent of 100mb in bytes (formerly 10mb). MaximumImageCountForViewer - default value will be 10,000 pages (formerly 1,000 pages).
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, all viewer modes are displayed even if the document does not contain content for that particular mode (example: a document without an image will display a tab for the Image Viewer labeled as "No Image"). This can be controlled using the ViewerVisibilityWithoutContentForRelativityReview instance setting. If a user views the Image Viewer tab with no content, an option is available to generate images if the user has the appropriate permissions.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, controls for creating redactions on images have been adjusted. Redactions now allow users to select a type (black, cross, white text) and a mode (basic, full-page, inverse, mass) to determine how the redaction will be drawn. Note that inverse redactions only draw as black, even if a different type is selected.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, highlight hits can be navigated through highlight set or by individual term. This is performed by clicking on the name of the set or term, then using the previous and next navigation buttons that appear.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, highlight terms display the hit count using the same font color and background color configured for the individual term.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, highlight terms with zero hits can be viewed using the Show Terms With Zero Hits toggle located at the bottom of the Highlights card.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, several Document oriented actions have moved to the Document actions drop-down menu. This is located in the top-center of the header as part of the displayed Document Identifier. Available actions includes sharing the Document link, imaging the Document, and deleting images from the document.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, several Review Interface oriented actions have moved to the Review Interface Actions drop-down menu. This is located in the top right and is represented by a gear icon. Available actions include toggling the tab navigation strip, toggling keyboard shortcuts, and displaying the keyboard shortcuts legend.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, tab width can be customized in the Long Text Viewer using the Tab Width drop-down menu. This allows the size of tab characters to be adjusted in order to better align text, such as when viewing extracted text for a spreadsheet. Changes to this setting do not modify the stored text and only adjust how it is displayed.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, the Coding and Related Items cards can be fully collapsed using the expand/collapse toggle located in the top-right of each card.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, the Document Review Queue can be displayed using the Documents card located on the left side. The columns displayed will match the view used prior to entering the Review Interface.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, the last-viewed Long Text or Production is persisted per user. This allows users to enter and exit the Review Interface and immediately view the last viewed Production/Text if applicable to the current document.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, thumbnails are available in the Native Viewer for file types that support pagination.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, word-wrap can be toggled in the Long Text Viewer.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface Relativity Review now supports the ability to open a document in a separate browser window when the user clicks on file-icons if they are present on a list view within the Review Interface in the Related Items card and the Document List card. This viewer configuration is known as the 'unsynced' standalone viewer because the document view has no relationship to the document you are viewing in the main document view. Viewer extensions may not be available in the unsynced standalone viewer upon first release, but they'll be added as soon as those extensions are able to enable those viewer extensions in the unsynced standalone viewer configuration. An example of a viewer extension that is not yet available in the unsynced standalone viewer is Email Thread Visualization (ETV). Finally, the document actions dropdown menu in the 'unsynced' standalone viewer configuration does not yet have the same options as the other viewer configurations. Upon initial release, only the 'download native' option is available, but the remaining document actions will be added shortly thereafter.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface Relativity Review now supports the ability to view on-the-fly search hits with the additional context of the preceding and following 100 characters of each hit within the Viewer. The contextual search drawer is on the right side of the main document view and can be opened and closed by clicking on the magnifying glass' icon. Initially, the contextual search drawer is only supported in the native viewer but will also be supported in the text viewer in our next available Relativity Review update.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface The new Relativity Review Interface is available. This can be enabled at an environment-level using the UseRelativityReviewInterface instance setting and enabled at the user-level using the Document Viewer user setting. Selecting "Relativity Review" or "Default" will enable the new Review Interface for users.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface The position of the "Save & Next" and "Save" buttons on the coding layout in the Review Interface have been swapped. The button styling has also been adjusted to better call-out the primary "Save & Next" action.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface The Production History, Document History, and Batches cards in the Related Items area of the Review Interface are no longer present if the user does not have permission to view the applicable data. Previously, these cards would be present and included no data for the user.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface Time stamp information in the Markup History modal display in the Date/Time format, respecting the browsers local time zone.
Server 2022 Enhancement Review Interface Searches now persist across viewer jump-ins for a user's Relativity session from ad hoc list page search jump-ins, saved search jump-ins, and searches from the Viewer document search box. Searches in the Viewer document search box now require searches to be in the dtSearch syntax. Translating keyword syntax to dtSearch syntax is as simple as adding an asterisk to the end of your search term (ex, keyword syntax 'sea' --> dtSearch syntax 'sea*'
Server 2022 Resolved defects RPC The export settings file, .exf, on the Processing Console can now be saved as expected.
Server 2022 Deprecation Sample-based Learning Sample-based Learning has been deprecated. We recommend using Active Learning for TAR workflows, and Categorization for other TAR work not covered by Active Learning
Server 2022 Resolved defects Save as PDF Creating searchable PDFs from 400 or more files no longer crashes the OCR process.
Server 2022 Resolved defects Save as PDF Improved performance on PDF jobs and PDF files compression. This results on PDF jobs completing faster with smaller files size when converting documents that include markups.
Server 2022 Enhancement Short Message Viewer Conversations Display field - If not available, populate with Untitled.
Server 2022 Enhancement Short Message Viewer Empty Participant Display Scenario - If the display name is missing, we will now show "Undisclosed Participant" now in the image
Server 2022 Enhancement Short Message Viewer Empty Scenarios Display for Attachments - When imaging an RSMF document that is missing attachment name, we have changed the title of the attachment from "Untitled" to "Missing."
Server 2022 Enhancement Short Message Viewer Google Chat Icon Now supported. If an RSMF contains data from Google Chat, and the 'platform' field's value is such, the Viewer will display the Google Chat icon for that conversation. Imaging will also use the Google Chat icon when imaging.
Server 2022 Enhancement Short Message Viewer Participant Display field - Fall back value includes email value, then 'account_id'. If neither are available, populate with Unnamed [id], where id is the field.
Server 2022 Enhancement Short Message Viewer Viewer no longer fails and now displays when any of the following data is missing: Reaction Value, Conversation ID, Event Type, Attachment ID.
Server 2022 Enhancement Short Message Viewer When conversations or timestamps were missing, we now display RSMFs instead of failing the Viewer. Missing conversations are reconstructed from other info in the file. Missing timestamps called out on each event where it's missing, and shown at the top of the associated conversation.
Server 2022 Enhancement Structured Analytics Clicking on an email in the Email Threading Display field from the document list page now opens that document in the Document Preview panel, rather than a new pop-up window.
Server 2022 Enhancement Structured Analytics Email thread visualization is now fully functional within Relativity Review (Aero Viewer). This includes updated styling and easier switching between analytics sets.
Server 2022 Enhancement Structured Analytics Email threading now considers white space in attachment text during duplicate spare analysis.
Server 2022 Enhancement Tab Sync Allow users to copy the tab structure of a Source workspace to multiple destination workspaces in one step.
Server 2022 Enhancement Track Document Field Edits by Reviewer Tracker Validation for denoting when Reviewed On and/or Reviewed By fields are already in use. Other bugs have also been fixed.
Server 2022 Enhancement Transcripts The following parts of the Transcripts application received a style update: importing modal, transcripts report pop-up window, right-click modals, and printing pop-up window. Now the application's UI more closely matches the new Aero design patterns.
Server 2022 Enhancement Markups and highlights Time stamp information in the Markup History modal display in the Date/Time format, respecting the browsers local time zone.
Server 2022 Enhancement Transcripts The Transcripts Application is fully functional with Relativity Review (Aero Viewer).
Server 2021 Enhancement Active Learning Prioritized Review gives you the option to review family documents (optimized for email and attachments) together. When Include Family is enabled, Active Learning serves documents with their family documents to reviewers. All family documents included in the index are served to the reviewer, including documents that were previously coded.
Server 2021 Enhancement Analytics Cluster Visualization interactions have improved to keep consistent with other visualization methods within the UI. To select and apply a filter, the user interaction is single click (left click) and to zoom into a cluster, the user interaction is to double click (left click).
Server 2021 Enhancement Analytics The Analytics Engine's new postgres version will fail to upgrade when the file is a UNC path. To complete the upgrade, temporarily change the SDD to a mapped drive (e.g. Once the upgrade completes, you can revert the SDD to the original UNC path.
Server 2021 Enhancement Application Library UI Library Application UI page now uses the new Kepler APIs. The user experienced improved by reducing the number of clicks and steps needed to install an application including buttons to install a library application into all the workspaces in one click, buttons to cancel and retry upgrades, and a progress bar that displays real time updates of the status of application upload into the library.
Server 2021 Enhancement ARM ARM Restores that Include Data Grid and audits stored in Elasticsearch now automatically retry restore steps when transient errors (502, 503, 504, etc.) occur.
Server 2021 Enhancement Assisted Review The three new columns display in the Review Summary/Prioritized Review report. Highest ranked is the denominator in the relevance rank calculation, highest ranked coded positive choice is the numerator and index health are the documents not considered in the calculation. Index Health, Highest Ranked, Highest Ranked Coded <Positive Choice>.
Server 2021 Enhancement Audit ARM Archives that Include Data Grid now contain retry logic when a 401 authentication error is encountered to keep the job progressing.
Server 2021 Enhancement Case Dynamics With the new auto-save feature, your changes are saved automatically when you create, link, and unlink items on the Coding Pane to reduce clicks. Additionally, the Coding Pane was modified to clearly distinguish linked or unlinked items. The auto-save feature only applies to the Case Dynamics Coding Pane; on other layouts the Save buttons are required to save changes.
Server 2021 Enhancement Case Dynamics With the new autosave feature, your changes will be saved automatically when you create, link and unlink items on the Coding Pane. Since you no longer have to click the Save buttons to apply changes, a 1/3 or more of the clicks are eliminated and you can build out your case strategy more efficiently. Additionally, the Coding Pane was modified to clearly distinguish which items are linked or unlinked. The autosave feature only applies to the Case Dynamics Coding Pane; on other layouts the Save buttons will still be required to save changes.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Case Metrics Resolved Reviewer Statistics script was returning incorrect results. Resolved defect querying fields that contained special characters. Script compatible with Server 2021 and below.
Server 2021 Enhancement Core Choices can now be created for any single and multiple choice field directly from the field page. Simply create the field, save it, and then locate the choice editor that appears on the page. There is now only a single choice tab on the navigation bar, which navigates to the choice list page, on which you can create new choices
Server 2021 Enhancement Developer Platform Relativity Services APIs (RSAPI) have been deprecated to make way for a more modern and intuitive RESTFul framework to enable developers to more easily and reliably extend the platform. For more information, see the RSAPI Deprecation Process page,
Server 2021 Resolved defects Discovery Child documents extracted from AD1 files now have their file times set correctly before expansion. This affects the Date Modified, Date Created, and Date Accessed fields.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Discovery Child documents extracted from AD1 files now have their file times set correctly before expansion. This affects the Date Modified, Date Created, and Date Accessed fields.
Server 2021 Enhancement Discovery Improvements made to the stability of Discovering Cabinet files.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Discovery Improvements made to the stability of Discovering TAR container files.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Discovery Increased speed in throughput by fixing an issue when Bloomberg files come in with the attachment Tar file (tar.gz) is using an unexpected name, or when the Extensible Markup Language file (.xml) are inside a compressed ZIP folder. The Bloomberg handler repeatedly made database calls trying to find the Tar file, causing a slow down in throughput.
Server 2021 Enhancement Discovery Processing now supports Solidworks eDrawings 2020.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Discovery Resolved a condition during Text Extraction that causes stuck jobs, requiring manual intervention to resolve.
Server 2021 Enhancement Discovery We have improved the performance of Discovering smaller zip files.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Discovery We have improved the stability of Discovering zip files.
Server 2021 Enhancement Discovery When discovering emails with OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) object attachments, we now extract the child document successfully.
Server 2021 Enhancement Document Export API Improved document export performance, especially for large text files.
Server 2021 Enhancement Document Preview Panel The Document Preview Panel displays all available viewer tabs even if the document has no content for those viewer modes. If no content exists, the tab styling is updated to indicate that and a placeholder is displayed with a message stating the content does not exist.
Server 2021 Resolved defects ECA and investigation The ECA & Investigation application has been deprecated and is no longer available for the Server customers.
Server 2021 Enhancement Errors Stack Trace information in the TrackingLog table moved from the Details column to its own StackTrace column. Stack Trace information is no longer present in the Relativity front-end in the advanced tab for Processing Errors.
Server 2021 Enhancement Integration Points The Proof of Concept option for transferring documents between Relativity instances no longer exists. Integration Points should continue to be used for transferring documents between workspaces within the same instance.
Server 2021 Enhancement Integration Points When a new workspace is created using a template workspace with existing Integration Point Profiles, the profiles are copied over to the newly created workspace. Only Export type Integration Point Profiles with Source:Relativity and Destination: Relativity are enabled for copying at workspace creation. The Integration Point Profiles with Type: Import or Export with Destination:Loadfile are not be carried over.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Legal Hold Legal Hold communications and questionnaires no longer display run-on text when viewed on Mac OS or iOS devices. To fix communications created prior to this update you will need to copy and paste the existing text out, update the communication with some other value in that field and save. Then, edit the communication and paste the text back and save.
Server 2021 Enhancement Legal Hold The Legal Hold tab is now set as the default tab during installation of Legal Hold into a workspace.
Server 2021 Enhancement Legal Hold The new Relativity Legal Hold Preservation Agent handles all Office 365 Preservation-related work. If you have active O365 Preservations or if you intend to, you need to create at least one agent of this new type in order for Preservation-related jobs to be performed.
Server 2021 Enhancement Legal Hold The Project object is now set by default with the Use Relativity Forms field set to Yes.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Legal Hold When viewing a Communication, clicking the Custodian Open Items report now displays the open items.
Server 2021 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now schedule the Questionnaire Responses Export report.
Server 2021 Enhancement List Page When applying field conditions to a saved search or a view, you can now pick a field category that will display a categorized list of fields to select from.
Server 2021 Enhancement List Page When selecting fields to display in a saved search or view, you can now pick a field category that will display a categorized list of fields to select from.
Server 2021 Enhancement PDF The new PDF application is an agent-based based application that resolves many of the stability, performance, and scalability limitations of the legacy Save as PDF functionality.
Server 2021 Enhancement Processing Agents When no processing set manager exists, an error indicating as such is present on the top of the processing set layout page.
Server 2021 Enhancement RDO Framework Saved searches, views, and filters using the "Is Set" or “Is Not Set” operators may exhibit a minor behavior changes if used on text fields stored in SQL. Text fields containing only white space will be considered set, and be returned when searching for “Is Set” text which can affect the results of existing saved searches, views, or filters. This behavior change improves performance when using the "Is Set" or "Is Not Set" operators, but can be reverted if the new behavior is unfavorable. Please reach out to your Customer Support representative for additional details.
Server 2021 Enhancement RDO Framework The Object Manager API and Relativity.Services now includes Intellisense, which provides developers with inline support to indicate the methods, parameters, and properties for the APIs they are consuming.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Relativity Desktop Client Aspera doesn't work on UVM due to datagram size.
Server 2021 Enhancement Relativity Desktop Client Improved document export performance, especially for large text files.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Relativity Desktop Client Value of "executionTimeout" in Web.config file for Relativity.Distributed site was changed to 20 minutes. Any existing value of that attribute will be overwritten during upgrade.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Relativity Scripts & Utilities In the Data Grid Text Migration application, queries involved in the batching operations for both migration and verification steps are now updated to be more efficient - improving read operation performance and overall job performance.
Server 2021 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Breakage Report feature for the Data Grid Text Migration application is now available as a Relativity script. The Breakage Report feature assists with preparing for a workspace migration from Relativity Server instances to RelativityOne.
Server 2021 Enhancement Resource Servers Relativity Server 2021 is only compatible with SQL 2017 and SQL 2019. An attempt to install Server 2021 on any other verison of SQL will fail. The compatibility level for all existing, new, and migrated databases will be automatically set to 140.
Server 2021 Enhancement Restore There is a new "New Database Restore Job" button that lets the user speed up the restoring process by deciding what to restore - the database only or the whole archive.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Save as PDF PDF jobs were failing when the file type was Original Images or Produced Images and a single document had more than 2100 image pages. Now clients can create PDFs from any document that has up to 1 million images/pages. When running a Mass Operation, this is still valid as long as there are less than 10,000 total documents in the job.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Save as PDF The "Create PDF" button is now disabled after the first click, preventing users to submit the same jobs multiple times.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Save as PDF The extra text that was presented when multi-reflected fields were used to name the result PDFs or as stamp identifier has been removed.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Save as PDF When creating PDFs from the Mass Operation, the order on which the documents are packaged is consistent with the sort on the Document list view
Server 2021 Resolved defects Save as PDF When no PDF is created, the system now presents a message indicating that no PDFs were created and allows the user to download Errors as CSV for more details.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Save as PDF When using a field as part of the PDF file name, now you can append non-documents, and reflective fields to individual PDF file names when saving them as ZIP or PDF portfolio. This includes fields related to the production object.
Server 2021 Enhancement Search Term Reports Search Terms Reports now support the Copy mass action. When a Search Terms Report is copied, all terms are copied, but not the results and document tags.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Searching When an overlay is applied to a document or a change occurs on a metadata field, you can now perform a dtSearch index Incremental Build rather than Full Build to update your dtSearch index
Server 2021 Resolved defects Searching Restoring the workspace now correctly includes the dtSearch indexes as active when the "Include dtSearch" setting is set to "Yes" during an ARM Archive.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Searching When a dtSearch worker agent failure occurs during the index build Finalizing step, the new behavior to prevent the agent from disabling now includes the proper directories when the agent is restarted automatically.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Searching When copying a dtSearch index with the Create Accent Sensitive setting set to "Yes," the setting now correctly copies over along with the other settings.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Searching When modifying the Order of Active field on a Keyword Search index, the desired setting change applied now applies correctly to the selected index.
Server 2021 Enhancement Short Message Viewer The size and collapsed state of the timeline in the Short Message Viewer now persists between document navigation.
Server 2021 Enhancement Short Messages Users can now filter RSMF documents by conversation, participant, event, and date in the Short Message Viewer.
Server 2021 Enhancement Structured Analytics Queuing Relativity Server admin can now improve instance performance by queuing structured analytics jobs. There is now an instance setting that will allow folks to throttle structured analytics jobs to limit system strain. For example, admin can limit the amount of concurrent structured analytics sets being in the analysis phase - which can improve success rates.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Structured Analytics Queuing Structured analytics has implemented several enhancements to improve SQL performance and resiliency during the running of a set.
Server 2021 Enhancement Transcripts The DisableLegacyTranscripts and HideProcessTranscriptsMassOperation instance settings used for the legacy Transcripts application have been removed.
Server 2021 Resolved defects Discovery Invariant now correctly extracts all attachments from email files (EML) that do not adhere to format specifications by having a mixture of non-matching carriage returns and line feeds separating the attachments.
Server 2021 Enhancement Viewer When users are hovering over entity of interest, there is a link back to the Entity page from the Short Message Viewer, if a workspace is leveraging name normalization.
10.30 Enhancement Admin Operations New web and cloudy-friendly RESTful APIs for Matter are now available, and it's responsible for performing C.R.U.D operations; it includes all business logic and rules captured when a Relativity administrator manages matters in the Relativity interface.
10.30 Enhancement ADS The new Library Applications Manager API includes multiple operations for working with applications supported by Relativity. It exposes methods for create, read, update, and delete operations on Applications. Apart from providing asynchronous helper methods for retrieving application install status and retry application installs, additional helper methods are newly available for retrieving workspace installation details, installation results, and errors and to cancel application installs. These methods work across the ILibraryApplicationsManager and IApplicationInstallManager interfaces. The classes and enumerations supporting this functionality are available in the Relativity.Services.Interfaces.LibraryApplication namespace
10.30 Enhancement ARM The *AgentThreadCount* instance setting no longer exists from kCura ARM section. The default number of agents will be 12 with one thread per each agent as this gives the best performance for parallel ARM jobs. We do not recommend to increase the number of agents above 12 as the most effective setting is anything between 6 and 12. This change impacts both Relativity Server (10.3.2) and RelativityOne.
10.30 Enhancement ARM With Goatsbeard 0 release the following warning message will be displayed on ARM jobs tab for the customers using recurring jobs, "Please be notified that starting Indigo release (1/4 - 1/18/2020), Execution Type: Recurring functionality will be removed from ARM. Please cancel all existing recurring jobs in advance as they will not be executed after Indigo release." Starting Goatsbeard 0 release there will be no possibility of adding new recurring job neither editing the existing one.
10.30 Enhancement ARM Zip compression will be removed with Goatsbeard 2. As a consequence, both *CompressionLevel* and *MaxArchiveFileSize* Instance settings no longer exist. Note: Legacy compressed archives performed by ARM are still supported (read and decompression) and ARM will detect that the archive has been compressed previously. This impacts both Relativity Server (10.3.2) and RelativityOne.
10.30 Enhancement Assisted Review By default, the Document List view that is generated when an Active Learning Project is created is now sorted on the Reviewed On field in ascending order.
10.30 Enhancement Assisted Review In the documents tab, you can now run a search against a classification index to quickly return documents of a certain rank or within a range of ranks from an Active Learning Project.
10.30 Enhancement Assisted Review The Active Learning viewer now supports undocking the viewer, swapping panes, a standalone viewer, and backward document navigation.
10.30 Enhancement Assisted Review The Coded Documents count is no longer reported on the Active Learning Viewer.
10.30 Enhancement Assisted Review The Review Statistics tab now contains a section called Model Updates, which contains a history of Active Learning model builds.
10.30 Resolved defects Assisted Review We now provide a notification on an Active Learning project that a Classification Index is inactive after you manually cancel population.
10.30 Enhancement Audit Data Grid Audit Migrator agent now includes additional error handling to reduce the possibility of the agent disabling due to failed migrations.
10.30 Resolved defects Audit When running Reviewer Statistics on a specific date range more than once, the correct usage metrics' values correctly displays in the report.
10.30 Resolved defects Authentication Google will be releasing an update to Chrome on February 3rd has the potential to degrade authentication into RelativityOne via Okta. Normally, users have 5 minutes to complete their authentication in the system (meaning provide usernames and passwords and then complete second-factor verification via Okta). With the new change, this window will be reduced to 2 minutes for an unspecified grace period by Google and then, ultimately eliminated completely.
10.30 Enhancement Authentication System Administrators and Developers will have the ability to create an OpenID Connect Authentication Provider and specify which scopes they would like their Identity Provider to give them, so that it is much easier for the administrators to manage a users Login Method.
10.30 Resolved defects Conceptual Analytics You now need the View permission on Analytics Indexes to perform a search with the conceptual and classification search providers.
10.30 Enhancement Discovered Files You can now create widgets and dashboards to visualize discovered data prior to publish. In addition, you can export the list view.
10.30 Resolved defects Discovery BCC/CC/To fields are now parsed properly even when the length is greater than 8192 bytes.
10.30 Resolved defects Discovery Certain HWP files with embedded scripts could cause processing jobs to become stuck. This has been fixed.
10.30 Resolved defects Discovery Child documents extracted from AD1 files now have their file times set correctly before expansion. This affects the Date Modified, Date Created, and Date Accessed fields.
10.30 Resolved defects Discovery Corrected an issue where extracted text was getting corrupted when an emoji was present in an email file.
10.30 Resolved defects Discovery Fixed an issue where the 'Comments' metadata for DOCX files was being captured as 'Office/Description' instead of 'Office/Comments'.
10.30 Resolved defects Discovery Invariant now correctly extracts all attachments from email files (EML) that do not adhere to format specifications by having a mixture of non-matching carriage returns and line feeds separating the attachments.
10.30 Resolved defects Discovery Some HTML formatted emails are handled more similarly to how Outlook handles them; emails with content before the HTML tag have the important content shifted to the body tag of the email, leading to emails with proper extracted text content.
10.30 Resolved defects Discovery Some Microsoft Office and Open Office files were incorrectly identified as container (zip) files, if the XML files that defined their contents were UTF-16 encoded instead of UTF-8. This has been fixed.
10.30 Enhancement Discovery We have improved the performance of Discovering smaller zip files.
10.30 Resolved defects Discovery We have improved the stability of Discovering zip files.
10.30 Resolved defects Errors Password Protected ALZ files will now throw the proper error message when Processing is unable to decrypt them.
10.30 Resolved defects Errors When attempting to extract text or open email/MSG files when Processing, we attempt to open the file from disk if opening it from memory fails, which should lead to less out of memory issues when Processing email files.
10.30 Resolved defects File Handlers Processing now supports Encrypted ALZ (AlZip) files.
10.30 Enhancement Infrastructure Processing now supports Solidworks eDrawings 2020.
10.30 Resolved defects Infrastructure When a Processing DeleteBatch job with a large amount of data is executing, Worker Status information will be correctly reflected in the Relativity Servers and Worker Monitoring tabs.
10.30 Enhancement Installation enhancements Relativity.Desktop.Client.exe is now the name of the executable for the RDC.
10.30 Enhancement Installation enhancements The RDC installer includes an updated, streamlined look and feel. It also has a checkbox labeled "This application will be used with RelativityOne." This checkbox replaces the previous one labeled "Enable firewall rules on this computer."
10.30 Enhancement Installation enhancements The RDC installer is now available as an .exe file. It is now called Relativity.Desktop.Client.Setup.exe.
10.30 Enhancement Installation enhancements The RDC installer now checks for the software prerequisites. If you're missing any of the prerequisites, your computer must have Internet access so that the RDC installer can fetch the required software. If your computer doesn't have Internet access, the RDC installer can't retrieve the necessary software, so the installation fails.
10.30 Enhancement Installation enhancements The RDC installer supports both 32-bit or 64-bit machines, so you don't need to select an installer based on the operating system type. It now detects the processor type for your computer and automatically installs the appropriate software.
10.30 Resolved defects Legal Hold New Preservation Holds will no longer remain in a "Pending" state if the initial Preservation Case creation attempt fails.
10.30 Enhancement Legal Hold There is a new Task object that allows you to create work tasks and associate them to any project. You can assign tasks to Project Members (not Custodians), who are people assigned a Role that has the Project Member system tag enabled.
10.30 Enhancement Legal Hold There is now a Relativity Legal Hold Preservation Agent that handles all Office 365 Preservation-related work. If you have active O365 Preservations or if you intend to, you need to create at least one agent of this new type in order for Preservation-related jobs to be performed.
10.30 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now add Project Members to any project by assigning a role that has the Project Member system tag enabled. Project members can be assigned tasks, but they can't be placed on holds within a given project.
10.30 Resolved defects Legal Hold You can now ARM Restore Workspaces containing Legal Hold Scheduled Communications.
10.30 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now customize custodian pickers by setting which columns to display, including custom fields, as well as the column order, the default width, and the column header text. You can also access picker configurations under the Item Selectors menu option in the Legal Hold Settings.
10.30 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now select .CSV for the output format for the Questionnaire Responses Export report.
10.30 Resolved defects List Page We fixed an issue in which the Item List didn't load as a result of an erroneous query to generate a visualization dashboard.
10.30 Resolved defects Mass Operations We fixed an issue in which customers would see unexpected results when performing mass operations with custom search providers (dtSearch, Keyword) against saved searches with relational fields included.
10.30 Resolved defects Processing Administration In instances where Lockbox is enabled, on the worker monitoring tab, when a user views a worker thread for a workspace they do not have access to, status fields will display "Item Secured" instead of the previous message "Failure retrieving processing data."
10.30 Resolved defects Processing Agents The Processing Set Manager agent's activity messages will now correctly refer to the Processing Data Sources rather than Processing Sets.
10.30 Resolved defects Publish Time Zones on the Processing Data Source and the Worker server now function properly, eliminating job level publish errors caused by mismatched values.
10.30 Resolved defects Publish When a stuck job is resolved and the agent is back up, Publish jobs now properly resume.
10.30 Enhancement RDO Framework The new Field Manger API includes multiple operations for programmatically working with field types supported by Relativity, including multiple choice, fixed length text, date, and other fields. It exposes methods for create, read, update, and delete operations on fields. It also provides helper methods for retrieving available object types, views, keyboard shortcuts, and other information about properties that you can set on fields. These methods are available on the IFieldManager Interface in the Relativity.Services.Interfaces.Field namespace. The classes and enumerations supporting this functionality are available in the Relativity.Services.Interfaces.Field.Models namespace.
10.30 Resolved defects Relativity Desktop Client Customers can now import files with RDC when the (delimiter || quote) is white space.
10.30 Resolved defects Relativity Desktop Client Customers that have more than 10 file shares can now export in Aspera mode from file share 10 or greater when there are artifacts that are contained in \\files.
10.30 Resolved defects Relativity Desktop Client Customers with client domains enabled can use Aspera on the Utility Virtual Machine (UVM).
10.30 Resolved defects Relativity Desktop Client In Web mode, missing files in a workspace causes an error message to display.
10.30 Enhancement Relativity Desktop Client On the Workspace Details, the console now has a link for downloading the Relativity Desktop Client.
10.30 Resolved defects Relativity Desktop Client Removed discrepancy between processed count and exported count when export is successful.
10.30 Enhancement Relativity Desktop Client The file transfer mode status is disabled when copying images and natives are both disabled.
10.30 Enhancement Relativity Desktop Client The RDC installer includes updated messaging for software compatibility checks and provides a compatibility URL.
10.30 Enhancement Relativity Desktop Client To minimize the need to reinstall new versions of the RDC, the RDC has been redesigned to work across multiple releases. The RDC available in this release supports Relativity versions from Bluestem through Goatsbeard.
10.30 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Breakage Report is now exportable to either CSV or XLSX via the export link at the top of the list.
10.30 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Breakage Report now includes two columns containing the operators and the searchable text used to create the Saved Search.
10.30 Resolved defects Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Case Metrics application now enters the correct timezone for both the last 7 days and Last Week selection when the Audit application is installed on the selected workspace.
10.30 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Data Grid Text Migration application now automatically creates a copy index of any active dtSearch index that uses the deprecated <All Documents in Workspace> Searchable Set. The system created index creates a Saved Search that includes the same fields as the <All Documents in Workspace> Searchable Set. You can use the Index Swap button in the dtSearch index console to update any existing Saved Searches using the original dtSearch index that are no longer valid.
10.30 Resolved defects Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Data Grid Text Migration application now batches the Field setup query to correctly handle large case migrations.
10.30 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Data Grid Text Migration application will now automatically start any jobs that are in a Pending state that can be found in the Text Migration Jobs tab. For workspaces ARM Restored into RelativityOne, this feature will automatically created a job and execute on the Extracted Text field to migrate to Data Grid.
10.30 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities When selecting the Start Job button or Retry Errors button in your Data Grid Text Migration job, your job will be added to the queue to begin as soon as any running or pending jobs complete.
10.30 Enhancement RelativityOne Repository Workspace Imaging and OCR functionality now available.
10.30 Enhancement Review Secondary buttons on Relativity Forms Modals have been updated with a secondary button style. Delete buttons have been updated with a destructive button style.
10.30 Enhancement Review The Review Interface now displays the Relativity logo while it is loading the Outside In Viewer.
10.30 Enhancement Review The Short Message Viewer now supports zoom functionality.
10.30 Enhancement Review The Short Message Viewer now takes your current Viewer type into account when opening attachments.
10.30 Enhancement Review The timeline in the Short Message Viewer now persists any sizing changes applied while you review SMS documents.
10.30 Enhancement Review You can now fully collapse and hide the timeline in the Short Message Viewer.
10.30 Resolved defects Searching A notification displays if you are incorrectly entering Keyword Search syntax. The error reads, "Invalid syntax in Keyword Search query."
10.30 Enhancement Searching dtSearch Index Worker agents now include logic to handle sub-index failures without causing the agent to become disabled.
10.30 Enhancement Searching The Save As action on an existing saved search now prompts the user with a modal to update the name of the search.
10.30 Enhancement Searching The saved search form in the saved search browser now launches in a modal with updated styling.
10.30 Resolved defects Searching We fixed an issue in which editing a modified but unsaved saved search from the search browser context menu loaded unsaved modified conditions instead of previously saved conditions.
10.30 Resolved defects Searching When modifying the Order of Active field on a Keyword Search index, the desired setting change applied now correctly applies to the selected index.
10.30 Resolved defects Searching When the 'Include dtSearch' setting is set to 'Yes' during an ARM Archive, Restoring the workspace will now correctly include the dtSearch indexes as active.
10.30 Enhancement Searching You are now able to copy existing conditions cards in the search panel with one click via a copy icon.
10.30 Enhancement Short Message Viewer We’ve made UI changes to the Short Message Viewer to improve layout specifications, participant list badge colors, skin style, conversation header, and date and conversation breaks.
10.30 Resolved defects Structured Analytics Increased the quality of parsing email headers during Name Normalizations to improve the identification and grouping of unique entities and aliases.
10.30 Enhancement Structured Analytics When you run name normalization, we now automatically merge entities that are identified with existing entities created by Processing, Legal Hold or Case Dynamics when their first name and last name values match.
10.30 Enhancement Structured Analytics When you run name normalization, we now automatically merge entities with the same first name and last name values rather than creating duplicate entities of the same name with a number suffixed to the end.
10.30 Resolved defects Telemetry The Telemetry Application had the Global Application flag added to it. This should prevent it from being installed into workspaces. It was possible for clients to have already installed it in workspaces and they will need to uninstall it from the workspaces when upgrading to 10.3 or higher.
10.30 Enhancement Transfer Mode UI The Transfer Mode UI displays multiple transfer modes based on configurations and displays "Pending" when it's determining the mode.
10.30 Enhancement Transfer Mode UI The Transfer Mode UI displays multiple transfer modes based on configurations and displays "Pending" when it's determining the mode.
10.30 Enhancement Upgrading When you upgrade to Goatsbeard and higher releases, the RDC installer preserves any existing app.config settings that you were using for the RDC.
10.30 Resolved defects Workspace Portal The Workspace Portal now properly respects the permission, “Workspace Portal Services Permission.