Relativity service bus entities

Note: Relativity plans to deprecate Windows Service Bus in Server 2023. We recommend that you begin conversion to RabbitMQ beginning in Server 2022.

The Relativity service bus relies on specialized entities to support message delivery between various application features. Each application feature uses its own set of entities to communicate over the service bus. This page provides information about each Relativity feature that uses the service bus, and its related entities. These entity types can be divided into the following categories:

  • Queue - the messages on a queue are persisted until they are delivered to a client. They are delivered in the order that they are added to the queue. Each message is delivered once to a single client.
  • Topic - a topic supports message distribution to multiple subscriptions. When a message is sent to a topic, the filters or rules for each associated subscription are evaluated. If the subscription doesn’t filter out the message, then a copy of it is delivered to the subscription. Messages aren’t directly persisted on or received from a topic.
  • Subscription - the messages on a subscription are persisted until delivered to a client. The messages aren’t sent directly to a subscription. Instead, they are sent to the associated topic. By default, copies of all messages sent to the associated topic are persisted to the subscription. However, you can set up filters or rules so that the subscription only receives messages with certain property values. Messages are delivered in the order that they are added to the queue. After a message is placed on a subscription, the copy is delivered once to single a client.

You can use Service Bus Explorer to view the current status of entities on the Relativity service bus. For more information, see Using Service Bus Explorer.

See these related pages:


Conversion uses the following entities on the Relativity service bus.

conversionresponses topic

conversions_rp<Resource Pool Artifact ID> topic

resourcepoolstatus topic

SignalR Scaleout

This section includes information about the conversions_rp<Resource Pool Artifact ID> topic and its subscriptions.

Data Grid

datagridingestion topic

This section includes information about the <Your Entity Name> topic and its subscription.

datagridverification topic



Distributed jobs

The distributed jobs feature uses the following entities on the Relativity service bus.

JobRequests topic

TaskCompletions topic

TaskRequests topic


Metrics collection uses the following entities on the Relativity service bus.


Processing uses the following entities on the Relativity service bus.

ImagingRequestTopic_rp<Resource Pool Artifact ID> topic

ImagingResponseTopic_rp<Resource Pool Artifact ID> topic

InvariantHealthCheckDiagnostics topic

Workspace deletion

The deletion process for workspaces uses the following entity on the Relativity service bus.

Workspace upgrade progress

Workspace upgrade progress uses the following entity on the Relativity service bus.

ApplicationInstall topic

ApplicationInstalled.WorkspaceUpgrade.Status subscription