Relativity service bus entities
Note: Relativity plans to deprecate Windows Service Bus in Server 2023. We recommend that you begin conversion to RabbitMQ beginning in Server 2022.
The Relativity service bus relies on specialized entities to support message delivery between various application features. Each application feature uses its own set of entities to communicate over the service bus. This page provides information about each Relativity feature that uses the service bus, and its related entities. These entity types can be divided into the following categories:
- Queue - the messages on a queue are persisted until they are delivered to a client. They are delivered in the order that they are added to the queue. Each message is delivered once to a single client.
- Topic - a topic supports message distribution to multiple subscriptions. When a message is sent to a topic, the filters or rules for each associated subscription are evaluated. If the subscription doesn’t filter out the message, then a copy of it is delivered to the subscription. Messages aren’t directly persisted on or received from a topic.
- Subscription - the messages on a subscription are persisted until delivered to a client. The messages aren’t sent directly to a subscription. Instead, they are sent to the associated topic. By default, copies of all messages sent to the associated topic are persisted to the subscription. However, you can set up filters or rules so that the subscription only receives messages with certain property values. Messages are delivered in the order that they are added to the queue. After a message is placed on a subscription, the copy is delivered once to single a client.
You can use Service Bus Explorer to view the current status of entities on the Relativity service bus. For more information, see Using Service Bus Explorer.
See these related pages:
Conversion uses the following entities on the Relativity service bus.
conversionresponses topic
Click here for subscription information
Entity name |
conversionresponses |
Entity type |
Topic |
Entity description |
Each Conversion priority level has a corresponding subscription on the conversionresponses topic with any completed conversions at that priority. |
Message description |
The Service Bus message for conversion contains a dynamic number of variables which may include the following: the file path of the completed conversion; metrics; conversion type; ids; and other necessary components to conversion. |
Processes - write to entity |
The Conversion Agents write messages to the ConversionCompleteAgent_Priority<#> subscriptions on this topic. |
Processes - read from entity |
The Conversion Complete Agents read messages from the ConversionCompleteAgent_Priority<#> subscriptions on this topic. |
Troubleshooting tips |
If there aren't any messages, either they were successfully picked up by a Conversion Complete Agent, or the Conversion Agents aren't submitting messages. Try restarting the Conversion Agents. If no messages are picked up by the Conversion Complete Agents, you may need to restart the Conversion Complete Agents. |
Entity name |
Add ConversionCompleteAgent_Priority<#> |
Entity type |
Subscription |
Entity description |
Each Conversion Priority in a Relativity environment has a corresponding subscription on the conversionresponses topic for use by the Document Viewer Service. |
Message description |
The Service Bus message for conversion contains a dynamic number of variables which may include the following: file paths of the native or image; conversion type; ids; and other necessary components to conversion. |
Processes - write to entity |
The Service Bus writes messages to this subscription. |
Processes - read from entity |
The SignalR backplane reads messages from this subscription. |
Troubleshooting tips |
If there aren't any messages, either they were successfully picked up by the conversion complete agents, or the SignalR backplane isn't completing requests. If no messages are picked up by the conversion complete agents, you may need to restart the conversion complete agents. |
conversions_rp<Resource Pool Artifact ID> topic
Click here for topic and subscription information
conversions_rp<Resource Pool Artifact ID> topic
Entity name |
conversions_rp<Resource Pool Artifact ID>, example "conversions_rp1015400" |
Entity type |
Topic |
Entity description |
Each Conversion Priority in a Relativity environment has a corresponding subscription on the conversions_rp topic with any completed conversions.
Message description |
The Service Bus message for conversion contains a dynamic number of variables which may include the following: file paths of the native or image; conversion type; ids; and other necessary components to conversion. |
Processes - write to entity |
The Document writes messages to the ConversionAgent_Priority subscriptions. |
Processes - read from entity |
The Conversion Agents read messages from the ConversionAgent_Priority subscriptions. |
Troubleshooting tips |
If there aren't any messages, either they were successfully picked up by the conversion agents, or the Document Viewer Service isn't completing requests. Try recycling the Service Host.
If no messages are picked up by the conversion agents, you may need to restart the conversion agents. |
ConversionAgent_Priority1 subscription
Entity name |
ConversionAgent_Priority1 |
Entity type |
Subscription |
Entity description |
The Priority 1 subscription corresponds to on the fly conversion requests. |
Message description |
The Service Bus message for conversion contains a dynamic number of variables which may include the following: file path of the native or image; conversion type; ids; and other necessary components to conversion. |
Processes - write to entity |
The Document Viewer Service writes messages to this subscription. |
Processes - read from entity |
The conversion agents read messages from this subscription. |
Troubleshooting tips |
If there aren't any messages, either they were successfully picked up by the conversion agents, or the Document Viewer Service isn't completing requests. Try recycling the Service Host.
If no messages are picked up by the conversion agents, you may need to restart the conversion agents. |
ConversionAgent_Priority2 subscription
Entity name |
ConversionAgent_Priority2 |
Entity type |
Subscription |
Entity description |
The Priority 2 subscription corresponds to pre-convert or convert ahead requests for conversions. |
Message description |
The Service Bus message for conversion contains a dynamic number of variables which may include the following: file path of the native or image; conversion type; ids; and other necessary components to conversion.
Processes - write to entity |
The conversion cgents read messages from this subscription. |
Processes - read from entity |
The Document Viewer Service writes messages to this subscription. |
Troubleshooting tips |
If there aren't any messages, either they were successfully picked up by the conversion agents, or the Document Viewer Service isn't completing requests. Try recycling the Service Host.
If no messages picked up by the conversion agents, you may need to restart the conversion agents.
ConversionAgent_Priority3 subscription
Entity name |
ConversionAgent_Priority3 |
Entity type |
Subscription |
Entity description |
The Priority 3 subscription corresponds to requests for the following jobs:- User-submitted mass convert jobs
- Item list pre-conversion jobs
- Batch checkout pre-conversion jobs
- Active Learning document review queue (DRQ) pre-conversion
Message description |
The Service Bus message for conversion contains a dynamic number of variables which may include the following: file path of the native or image; conversion type; ids; and other necessary components to conversion. |
Processes - write to entity |
The Document Viewer Service writes messages to this subscription. |
Processes - read from entity |
The Conversion Agents read messages from this subscription. |
Troubleshooting tips |
If there aren't any messages, either they were successfully picked up by the conversion agents, or the Document Viewer isn't completing requests Try recycling the Service Host.
If no messages are picked up by the conversion agents, you may need to restart the conversion agents.
resourcepoolstatus topic
Click here for topic and subscription information
resourcepoolstatus topic
Entity name |
resourcepoolstatus |
Entity type |
Topic |
Entity description |
Whenever agent servers are added or removed from a resource pool group, a message is sent to each subscription. Each conversion agent has a subscription on this topic in order to find out what agent server to be a part of.
Message description |
The Service Bus message contains a list of agent servers for each conversion agent. |
Processes - write to entity |
Relativity Web writes messages to this entity. |
Processes - read from entity |
Conversion agents read messages from this entity. |
Troubleshooting tips |
N/A |
resourcePoolStatusMonitor_<Conversion Agent Artifact ID> subscription
Entity name |
resourcePoolStatusMonitor_<Conversion Agent Artifact ID>, example "resourcePoolStatusMonitor_1035454" |
Entity type |
Subscription |
Entity description |
Whenever agent servers are added or removed from a resource pool group, a message is sent to this subscription. Each conversion agent reads this subscription to find out which agent server to be a part of. The name is comprised of resourcePoolStatusMonitor appended with the conversion agent artifact id.
Message description |
The Service Bus message contains a list of Agent Servers for each Conversion Agent. |
Processes - write to entity |
Relativity Web
writes to this entity. |
Processes - read from entity |
Conversion Agents reads from this entity. |
Troubleshooting tips |
N/A |
SignalR Scaleout
This section includes information about the conversions_rp<Resource Pool Artifact ID> topic and its subscriptions.
Click here for topic and subscription information
Entity name |
Signalr_topic_dvs_<#> |
Entity type |
Topic |
Entity description |
This topic corresponds to the SignalR backplane for the Document Viewer Service. Every hub that is connected to this Service Bus using the SignalR backplane with the same topic prefix will make a subscription to these topics. |
Message description |
N/A |
Processes - write to entity |
SignalR hubs and Conversion Complete Agents |
Processes - read from entity |
SignalR hubs |
Troubleshooting tips |
N/A |
Data Grid
datagridingestion topic
This section includes information about the <Your Entity Name> topic and its subscription.
Click here for topic and subscription information
Entity name |
datagridingestion |
Entity type |
Topic |
Entity description |
The job queue for Lucene index building. |
Message description |
Index Document Job |
Processes - write to entity |
Import writes to this entity. |
Processes - read from entity |
The Data Grid Worker Agent reads from this entity. |
Troubleshooting tips |
Verify that Data Grid Worker Agents exist. |
datagridverification topic
Click here for topic and subscription information
Entity name |
datagridverification |
Entity type |
Topic |
Entity description |
The job queue for Lucene index building. |
Message description |
Verify Document Job |
Processes - write to entity |
The Data Grid Worker Agent writes to this entity. |
Processes - read from entity |
The Data Grid Worker Agent reads from this entity. |
Troubleshooting tips |
Verify that Data Grid Worker Agents exist. |
Click here for topic and subscription information
Entity name |
Migration_queue_#### |
Entity type |
Queue |
Entity description |
The job queue for Text Migration per workspace. |
Message description |
Text Migration Document Job |
Processes - write to entity |
The Data Grid Migration Manager writes to this entity. |
Processes - read from entity |
The Data Grid Migration Worker reads from this entity. |
Troubleshooting tips |
Verify that Data Grid Migration Workers exist. |
Click here for queue information
Entity name |
Seeding_queue |
Entity type |
Queue |
Entity description |
The job queue for Text Migration per workspace. |
Message description |
Text Migration Workspace Job |
Processes - write to entity |
The Data Grid Migration application writes to this entity. |
Processes - read from entity |
The Data Grid Migration Manager reads from this entity. |
Troubleshooting tips |
Verify that Data Grid Migration Manager exists. |
Distributed jobs
The distributed jobs feature uses the following entities on the Relativity service bus.
JobRequests topic
Click here for topic and subscription information
Entity name |
JobRequests |
Entity type |
Topic |
Entity description |
This entity submits distributed jobs requests. It is used only for adding and removing users from groups. |
Message description |
The message is a custom object that contains the name of the user who initiated the job, where the job was started, a unique identifier, the job type, and the request body of the job as XML. |
Processes - write to entity |
The Relativity web and the Relativity Services API write messages to this entity. |
Processes - read from entity |
Group Membership Manager agents read from this entity. |
Troubleshooting tips |
If you don’t see any messages for this entity, verify that the Group Membership Manager and Group Membership Worker agents have been added. You might also want to check the DistributedJobs table in the EDDS database to determine if your job has already completed. |
Entity name |
JobRequestsSub |
Entity type |
Subscription |
Entity description |
This entity submits distributed jobs requests. It is used only for adding and removing users from groups. |
Message description |
The message is a custom object that contains the name of the user who initiated the job, where the job was started, a unique identifier, the job type, and the request body of the job as XML. |
Processes - write to entity |
The Relativity web and the Relativity Services API write messages to this entity. |
Processes - read from entity |
Group Membership Manager agents read from this entity. |
Troubleshooting tips |
If you don’t see any messages for this entity, verify that the Group Membership Manager and Group Membership Worker agents have been added. You might also want to check the DistributedJobs table in the EDDS database to determine if your job has already completed. |
TaskCompletions topic
Click here for topic and subscription information
Entity name |
TaskCompletions |
Entity type |
Topic |
Entity description |
When a Group Membership Worker agent finishes a task or fails to complete one, it uses this entity to report back to the Group Membership Manager about the status of the task.
Message description |
The message is a custom object that contains the name of the user who initiated the job, where the job was started, a unique identifier, information about whether the job passed, the ID of the task, and the ID of the job. |
Processes - write to entity |
Group Membership Worker agents write to this entity. |
Processes - read from entity |
Group Membership Manager agents read from this entity. |
Troubleshooting tips |
If you don’t see any messages for this entity, verify that the Group Membership Manager and Group Membership Worker agents have been added. You might also want to check the DistributedJobs table in the EDDS database to determine if your job has already completed. |
Entity name |
TaskCompletionsSub |
Entity type |
Subscription |
Entity description |
When a Group Membership Worker agent finishes a task or fails to complete one, it uses this entity to report back to the Group Membership Manager about the status of the task. |
Message description |
The message is a custom object that contains the name of the user who initiated the job, where the job was started, a unique identifier, information about whether the job passed, the ID of the task, and the ID of the job. |
Processes - write to entity |
Group Membership Worker agents write to this entity. |
Processes - read from entity |
Group Membership Manager agents read from this entity. |
Troubleshooting tips |
If you don’t see any messages for this entity, verify that the Group Membership Manager and Group Membership Worker agents have been added. You might also want to check the DistributedJobs table in the EDDS database to determine if your job has already completed. |
TaskRequests topic
Click here for topic and subscription information
Entity name |
TaskRequests |
Entity type |
Topic |
Entity description |
After the Group Membership Manager agent receives a job, and then splits the job into tasks, it uses this entity to send the tasks to the Group Membership Worker agents. When a job is retried, it also uses this entity to send messages to retry the task. |
Message description |
The message is a custom object that contains the name of the user who initiated the job, where the job was started, a unique identifier, information about whether the job passed, the ID of the task, the ID of the job, and the request body of the job as XML. |
Processes - write to entity |
Distributed Job Manger agents and the Relativity web write to this entity. |
Processes - read from entity |
Group Membership Worker agents read from this entity. |
Troubleshooting tips |
If you don’t see any messages for this entity, verify that the Group Membership Manager and Group Membership Worker agents have been added. You might also want to check the DistributedJobs table in the EDDS database to determine if your job has already completed. |
Entity name |
TaskRequestsSub |
Entity type |
Subscription |
Entity description |
After the Group Membership Manager agent receives a job, and then splits the job into tasks, it uses this entity to send the tasks to the Group Membership Worker agents. When a job is retried, it also uses this entity to send messages to retry the task. |
Message description |
The message is a custom object that contains the name of the user who initiated the job, where the job was started, a unique identifier, information about whether the job passed, the ID of the task, the ID of the job, and the request body of the job as XML. |
Processes - write to entity |
Distributed Job Manger agents and the Relativity web write to this entity. |
Processes - read from entity |
Group Membership Worker agents read from this entity. |
Troubleshooting tips |
If you don’t see any messages for this entity, verify that the Group Membership Manager and Group Membership Worker agents have been added. You might also want to check the DistributedJobs table in the EDDS database to determine if your job has already completed. |
Metrics collection uses the following entities on the Relativity service bus.
Processing uses the following entities on the Relativity service bus.
ImagingRequestTopic_rp<Resource Pool Artifact ID> topic
Click here for topic and subscription information
Entity name |
ImagingRequestTopic_rp<Resource Pool Artifact ID>
Entity type |
Entity description |
Each imaging priority level has a corresponding subscription on the ImagingRequestTopic_rp<Resource
Pool Artifact ID> topic for any imaging jobs submitted at that priority. |
Message description |
The service bus message
for imaging requests contains information for starting an imaging job. |
Processes - write to entity |
All actions on imaging jobs write to the ImagingRequestAgent_Priority subscriptions in this topic. |
Processes - read from entity |
Imaging Request agents read messages from the ImagingRequestAgent_Priority subscriptions. |
Troubleshooting tips |
that the Imaging Request agent and Imaging Response agent exist. If no messages are picked up by
the Imaging agents, you may need to restart them. |
ImagingRequestAgent_Priority1 subscription
Entity name |
ImagingRequestAgent_Priority1 |
Entity type |
Entity description |
The highest priority subscription used for image-on-the-fly jobs. |
Message description |
The service bus message for imaging requests contains information for starting an imaging job. |
Processes - write to entity |
Initiating an
image-on-the-fly job writes to this subscription. |
Processes - read from entity |
Imaging Request agents read from this subscription. |
Troubleshooting tips |
that the Imaging Request agent and Imaging Response agent exist. If no messages are picked up by
the Imaging agents, you may need to restart them. |
Entity name |
ImagingRequestAgent_Priority2 |
Entity type |
Subscription |
Entity description |
The second highest priority subscription used for mass imaging jobs. |
Message description |
The service bus message for imaging requests contains information for starting an imaging job. |
Processes - write to entity |
Initiating a mass image job writes to this subscription. |
Processes - read from entity |
Request agents read from this subscription. |
Troubleshooting tips |
that the Imaging Request agent and Imaging Response agent exist. If no messages are picked up by
the Imaging agents, you may need to restart them. |
Entity name |
ImagingRequestAgent_Priority3 |
Entity type |
Subscription |
Entity description |
The third highest priority subscription used for imaging set jobs. |
Message description |
The service bus message for imaging requests contains information for starting an imaging job. |
Processes - write to entity |
Initiating an imaging set job writes to this subscription. |
Processes - read from entity |
Request agents read from this subscription. |
Troubleshooting tips |
that the Imaging Request agent and Imaging Response agent exist. If no messages are picked up by
the Imaging agents, you may need to restart them. |
Entity name |
ImagingRequestAgent_Priority4 |
Entity type |
Subscription |
Entity description |
The lowest
priority subscription used for stopping imaging jobs. |
Message description |
The service bus message for imaging requests contains information for starting an imaging job. |
Processes - write to entity |
Stopping an imaging job writes to this subscription. |
Processes - read from entity |
Request agents read from this subscription. |
Troubleshooting tips |
that the Imaging Request agent and Imaging Response agent exist. If no messages are picked up by
the Imaging agents, you may need to restart them. |
ImagingResponseTopic_rp<Resource Pool Artifact ID> topic
Click here for topic and subscription information
ImagingResponseTopic_rp<Resource Pool Artifact ID> topic
Entity name |
ImagingResponseTopic_rp<Resource Pool Artifact ID> |
Entity type |
Topic |
Entity description |
Each imaging priority level has a corresponding subscription on the ImagingResponseTopic_rp<Resource Pool Artifact
ID> topic for any imaging jobs submitted at that priority. |
Message description |
The result of imaging a single document. |
Processes - write to entity |
Imaging results from Invariant are published to the ImagingResponseAgent_Priority subscriptions in this topic. |
Processes - read from entity |
Imaging Reponse agents read messages from the ImagingResponseAgent_Priority subscriptions. |
Troubleshooting tips |
that the Imaging Request agent and Imaging Response agent exist. If no messages are picked up by
the Imaging agents, you may need to restart them. |
Entity name |
ImagingResponseAgent_Priority1 |
Entity type |
Subscription |
Entity description |
The highest priority for imaging result messages used for image-on-the-fly. |
Message description |
The result of imaging a single document. |
Processes - write to entity |
The imaging results for an image-on-the-fly job from Invariant are published to the ImagingResponseAgent_Priority subscriptions. |
Processes - read from entity |
Imaging Response agents read from this subscription. |
Troubleshooting tips |
that the Imaging Request agent and Imaging Response agent exist. If no messages are picked up by
the Imaging agents, you may need to restart them. |
Entity name |
ImagingResponseAgent_Priority2 |
Entity type |
Subscription |
Entity description |
The second highest priority for imaging result messages used for mass imaging. |
Message description |
The result of imaging a single document. |
Processes - write to entity |
Imaging results for mass imaging from Invariant are published to the ImagingResponseAgent_Priority subscriptions. |
Processes - read from entity |
Imaging Response agents read from this subscription. |
Troubleshooting tips |
that the Imaging Request agent and Imaging Response agent exist. If no messages are picked up by
the Imaging agents, you may need to restart them. |
Entity name |
ImagingResponseAgent_Priority3 |
Entity type |
Subscription |
Entity description |
The third highest priority for imaging result messages used for imaging sets. |
Message description |
The result of imaging a single document. |
Processes - write to entity |
Imaging results for imaging sets from Invariant are published to the ImagingResponseAgent_Priority subscriptions. |
Processes - read from entity |
Imaging Response agents read from this subscription. |
Troubleshooting tips |
that the Imaging Request agent and Imaging Response agent exist. If no messages are picked up by
the Imaging agents, you may need to restart them. |
Entity name |
ImagingResponseAgent_Priority4 |
Entity type |
Subscription |
Entity description |
The lowest priority for imaging result messages used for background processes such as the cleanup of
failures. |
Message description |
A message for a background process such as the cleanup of failures. |
Processes - write to entity |
Imaging Response
agents publish cleanup messages on failures to this subscription. |
Processes - read from entity |
Imaging Response agents read from this subscription. |
Troubleshooting tips |
that the Imaging Request agent and Imaging Response agent exist. If no messages are picked up by
the Imaging agents, you may need to restart them. |
InvariantHealthCheckDiagnostics topic
Click here for topic information
InvariantHealthCheckDiagnostics topic
Entity name |
InvariantHealthCheckDiagnostics |
Entity type |
Topic |
Entity description |
Verifies that Invariant workers can publish messages to the service bus. |
Message description |
A diagnostic message that verifies workers can publish to the service bus. |
Processes - write to entity |
The Invariant Health Check initiates workers trying to publish messages to this topic. |
Processes - read from entity |
The Invariant Queue Manager reads from this topic. |
Troubleshooting tips |
Verify that Invariant workers have service bus certificates installed. Also, make sure that the ProcessingWebAPIPath instance setting is correct. |
Workspace deletion
The deletion process for workspaces uses the following entity on the Relativity service bus.
Click here for topic information
Entity name |
WorkspaceDelete |
Entity type |
Topic |
Entity description |
Notifies subscribers when a workspace is deleted. |
Message description |
The message contains the workspace ID and is formatted with JSON serialization. The message also contains Boolean values for the
ProcessingInstalled and
DataGridInstalled properties. |
Processes - write to entity |
CaseManager agent |
Processes - read from entity |
Invariant Queue Manager |
Troubleshooting tips |
The following list includes troublshooting tasks:
- Verify that the Relativity service bus is running, and that it is running under the correct account.
- Verify that the certificates are properly installed on the Queue Manager server.
- Verify that the Relativity service bus ports are open.
For more information, see Using Service Bus Explorer.
Workspace upgrade progress
Workspace upgrade progress uses the following entity on the Relativity service bus.
ApplicationInstall topic
Click here for topic information
Entity name |
ApplicationInstall |
Entity type |
Topic |
Entity description |
When an application has finished installing, a message is posted to this topic so that the workspace upgrade progress can be tracked. |
Message description |
The message is a custom object that contains the ID of the workspace ID where the application was installed. |
Processes - write to entity |
Application Installation Manager |
Processes - read from entity |
Workspace Upgrade Manager |
Troubleshooting tips |
If you don’t see any messages for this entity, verify that the Application Installation Manager agent has been added and is running. |
ApplicationInstalled.WorkspaceUpgrade.Status subscription
Click here for topic information
Entity name |
ApplicationInstalled.WorkspaceUpgrade.Status |
Entity type |
Subscription |
Entity description |
A subscription used by the Workspace Upgrade Manager agent for notification of successful application installations during workspace upgrade. When it receives a message, the agent increments the Done count column of the [edds].[eddsdbo].[WorkspaceUpgradeStatus] table to reflect to current progress for the associated workspace. |
Message description |
The message body contains the ID of the Application that was installed and ID of the workspace where the application was installed. |
Processes - write to entity |
Application Installation Manager Agent |
Processes - read from entity |
Workspace Upgrade Manager Agent |
Troubleshooting tips |
If messages aren't being received, ensure there is a Workspace Upgrade Manager present in the environment. If there is already an agent present, try restarting it. |