Set extracted text size field

Note: This script is no longer available in the Relativity Script Library. If you have this script installed in a workspace, it is removed upon upgrade. You can use the Set long text size mass operation in place of this script. For more information, see Set long text size.

This Relativity script stores a document's extracted text data length (in Kilobytes) in a decimal field.

Note: This script only updates documents in a case where the field’s value is empty.

This is a case functionality script to be run at a case level.

Note: The Set extracted text size field script is not compatible with Data Grid and won't display results for workspaces that use Data Grid.

Special considerations

Consider the following when running this script:

  • This script will not set text sizes for text fields stored in Data Grid.
  • This script cannot be undone.
  • The script may run for some time without reporting any progress.
  • This script updates the Document table.
  • Extracted Text is declared as an uncompressed nvarchar(max). This means it will always hold each character as 2 bytes.


Before running the script, first create a decimal field to store the extracted text data length.

  1. Then, navigate to the Scripts tab. (You must have the appropriate Admin script permissions.)
  2. Select the Set Extracted Text Size Field script. If this script isn't available, you or a Script Admin must add it to the library. See Adding a library script to the script tab.
  3. Click Run.


When run, this script updates the Extracted Text Data Length field with the length of the extracted text for any document in the case where the field’s value was empty.