Configuring your environments

After installing the User Group Synchronization applications, you need to configure your environments.

Note: For User Group Synchronization functionality to work properly, your primary instance must be able to communicate with the duplicate instance over port 443.

Step 1 - Provision your environments

To prepare for configuration:

  1. Copy and paste the URL of your primary and duplicate instances into a text file. You will need this information later.
  2. In your duplicate instance, set up and enable a user called Hybrid User with these fields:
    • Name - enter Hybrid User.
    • Email - enter
    • User Group Email Notifications - set to "Do Not Receive".
      Note: Do not use an "" email address for Hybrid User.
    Hybrid User is the Relativity user account that will be used exclusively by the Relativity User and Group Synchronization and Workspace Portal applications.
  3. In your duplicate instance, create a group called Hybrid Group with these instance-level security permissions.
    Object Security Tab VisibilityAdmin Operations
    • Choice - View, Add, Edit
    • Client - View, Add, Edit
    • Field - View, Edit
    • Group - View, Add, Edit
    • InstanceSetting - View
    • Login Method - View, Add, Edit, Delete
    • User - View, Add, Edit
    • N/A
    • View Admin Repository
    Hybrid Group is the Relativity group that will be used exclusively by the Relativity User and Group Synchronization and Workspace Portal applications.
    Note: When you create a Hybrid User or Hybrid group, we recommend choosing your default client for the Client field; however, the client you choose here does not matter and has no impact on the synchronization process.
  4. In your duplicate instance, assign the Hybrid User to the Hybrid Group.

Step 2 - Configure your duplicate instance

To configure your duplicate instance, set up an OAuth2 client to authenticate with the primary instance, copy the Client ID and Client Secret strings, and then paste them into a text file for use in Step 3 - Configure your primary instance.

Note: If you already set up an OAuth2 Client for Workspace Portal and know the Client ID and Client Secret, you can use the existing OAuth2 client and skip to Step 3 - Configure your primary instance.

If you have not installed Workspace Portal, use the following steps to create an OAuth2 client:

  1. Navigate to the OAuth2 Client tab.
  2. Click New OAuth2 Client.
  3. Enter the following fields:
    • Name - enter HybridModelAuth.
    • Flow Grant Type - select Client Credentials.
    • Context User - select Hybrid User. See Step 1 - Provision your environments.
    • Enabled - select Yes.
    • Access Token Lifetime - enter 60. While the recommended value is 60 minutes, you can adjust this value based on your needs.
  4. Click Save. The Client Id and Client Secret fields populate when you click Save.
  5. Copy the generated Client Id and Client Secret, and then paste this information into a text editor for use when configuring your primary instance.

Step 3 - Configure your primary instance

To configure your primary instance:

  1. Create a new group in your primary instance called Synced Users. When users are added to this group, they will be synced to the duplicate instance along with any other groups that user belongs to.
    Notes: The Synced Users group is meant to tag users to be synced to the other instance and does not need any special configuration. It should be assigned zero permissions and can be associated to any client.
  2. Copy the Artifact ID from the URL displayed after you create your new group. This will be entered for the Sync Group Artifact ID field during configuration.
  3. Configure your Primary instance
  1. Navigate to the User and Group Managment > User Sync Information tab in your primary instance.
  2. Click the Settings (Settings )icon in the top right corner of the tab to launch the User & Group Sync Settings pop-up window.
  3. User and Group sync settings
  1. Add the field properties listed in the table below to the User & Group Sync Settings pop-up window.
    Note: You must click the Change OAuth Information (Change OAuth Information) button to edit the Client ID and Client Secret properties (these are the values you copied and pasted in a text file during the OAuth2 client configuration in your duplicate instance).
  2. Field Name Description
    Instance URL Enter the URL used to access the duplicate instance. This URL should be in the following format: <protocol>://<hostname>/RelativitySample:
    Sync Group Artifact ID The value is the Artifact ID of the Synced Users group you created that can be linked to users you want synchronized. See Step 2 for Step 3 - Configure your primary instance. This determines what users get synced. Additional groups linked to those users also will be synced. However, groups tied to users that don't belong to this Synced Users group will not be synced.
    Group Sync Mode Group Sync Mode affects behavior when the application encounters a group with the same name in primary and duplicate. Make one of the following selections to specify group sync behavior:
    • Merge - merge the users into the existing group in the duplicate instance.
      Note: For migrations, use the Merge option.
    • Use Master - remove users from the existing group in the duplicate instance and add the users which are part of this group in the primary instance.
    • New Group - do not modify the existing group and add a new group with “_remote” as suffix in the duplicate instance. Users which are part of this group on the primary instance are added to the new group with the suffix in the duplicate instance.
    • Keep Current - only synchronizes new elements from the primary instance to the duplicate instance if the new element did not previously exist in either the primary or duplicate instance. For example, if a user created in the primary instance already exists in the duplicate, the Relativity User and Group Synchronization application will not synchronize or modify this user in the duplicate instance.
    Client ID Paste in the Client ID generated from the OAuth2 Client you created in your duplicate instance. See Step 1 under Step 2 - Configure your duplicate instance.
    Client Secret Paste the Client Secret generated from the OAuth2 Client you created in your duplicate instance. See Step 1 under Step 2 - Configure your duplicate instance.

Step 4 - Initialize the User Group Sync agent (primary instance)

To create a User Group Sync agent in your primary instance:

  1. In your primary instance, navigate to the Agents tab.
  2. Click Create a New Agent.
  3. Set the agent type to User Group Sync Agent and leave the rest of the settings as default. This agent is responsible for the synchronization from primary to duplicate.
  4. Save the new agent. Your User and Group Synchronization configuration is now complete.
Note: For every 350 users that you will be syncing, we recommend adding an additional User Group Sync agent (e.g., add a second agent when you have 350+ users or a third agent when you have 700+ users).

Step 5 - (Optional) Set up single sign-on

Note: Setting up single sign-on is an optional step. You do not need single sign-on to use User and Group Synchronization.
Single sign-on (SSO) considerations include:
  • OpenID Connect Authentication Provider Name (master instance) - this is the authentication provider you set up for single sign-on. This is only required if you want to sync login methods.
  • OpenID Connect Authentication Provider Name (duplicate instance) - this is the authentication provider you set up for single sign-on. This is only required if you want to sync login methods.
  • SSO setup on both master and duplicate (recommended) - set up single sign-on (SSO) in both your master and duplicate instance to allow you to navigate between these instances without having to use two sets of credentials. SeeSingle sign-on workflow (SSO) overview.
  • Sync login methods - add the OpenIDLoginMethodsMatch instance setting to your primary instance.
    Note:  If you do not have proper permissions to add instance settings (e.g., RelativityOne is your primary), contact Relativity Support.For help with single sign-on error messages, please see the SSO Troubleshooting console.
    To add the instance setting:
    1. Navigate to the Instance Setting tab.
    2. Add and save the following instance setting. Leave Machine Name blank.
      kCura.UGSOpenIDLoginMethodsMatchYou must now match the OpenID Connect Authentication Provider Name on the primary instance with the corresponding OpenID Connect Authentication Provider Name on the duplicate instance for each login method you want to sync: The authentication provider name values should be entered on separate lines for each matched up login method:
      Note: {OpenID Connect authentication provider name on master instance}::{OpenID Connect authentication provider name on duplicate instance}
      Note: {Additional OpenID Connect authentication provider name on master instance}::{Additional OpenID Connect authentication provider name on duplicate instance}
      Sample: OIDLogin1::OIDLoginOktaLogin
      • The instance setting name and values are case sensitive, and the values must match exactly to their corresponding authentication provider.
      • The authentication provider name specified for the duplicate instance must already exist in the duplicate instance for this to sync login method information. If an authentication provider is configured but doesn't exist or its type is not OpenID Connect (primary or duplicate), synchronization won't occur and an error in the Errors tab will appear. For RelativityOne, your changes take effect immediately, and you don't need to reset the IIS.

Note: In 2025, Relativity is deprecating the (Admin) Errors tab in RelativityOne. This change is part of our effort to transform the error-handling experience by making it easier to address job-specific errors as they occur at their source within your workspaces. Starting in April 2025, we'll hide the Errors tab from all production instances as a phased rollout. In July 2025, we'll permanently remove the errors tab from RelativityOne and disable the ability to read errors through the API. In October 2025, we'll prevent errors from being written through the API. For more details, see Errors tab deprecation in the Knowledgebase on the Community.