RelativityOne release notes

This page contains release notes for RelativityOne and all product updates.

  • The date shown represents the first availability of the feature. Due to differences in deployment and update schedules, the features listed may not yet be available in all environments on the date indicated.
  • For RelativityOne Government customers, we recommend sorting the RelativityOne Government date column. You can also see what has been released to RelativityOne Government on What's new in RelativityOne Government.

For a list of known issues in RelativityOne, see Known Issues.

In the following table, click on any column heading to sort the column in alphanumeric order:

RelativityOne date RelativityOne Gov date Type Features Description
The RelativityOne Management Console usage reports now come with an alternative permission that allows a group to report across all workspaces within an instance, even if they don't have direct access to the workspaces. This allows finance teams and api accounts additional reporting capabilities without requiring System Administrator permissions
2025/03/24 Enhancement Management Console The RelativityOne Management Console usage reports now contain the 'User' report type. This data allows you to generate reports detailing which users had access to which workspaces in a given month.
2025/03/06 2025/03/06 Enhancement Redact This feature enables inversion in the Review Interface for redact workflows to replace the previous Reverting feature. Inversion type markups are identical in functionality to Reversion markups with the added benefit of being QC-able.
2025/03/07 2025/03/07 Enhancement Audit Audit records for document edits now record the name of the selected choice by default. This increases performance for Audit queries and improves the in-app Audit search user experience.
2025/02/05 2025/02/05 Enhancement Permissions You can now manage permissions on Feature level. Full workflows can now be enabled with a single click.
2025/01/10 2025/01/10 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer Main top-level folders in RelativityOne Staging Explorer are now visible in terms of Staging Governance initiative.
2025/03/03 2025/03/03 Enhancement Cost Explorer Added insights into the data usage and associated costs for aiR for Case Strategy analysis in Cost Explorer.
2024/11/19 2024/11/19 Enhancement Translate Added a new option in the translate modal to provide Translate customers the ability to translate a stored pdf within RelativityOne.
N/A 2023/12/20 Enhancement Collect You can now collect from GovSlack instances in RelativityOne Government environments.
N/A 2023/07/17 Enhancement Collect You can now collect Microsoft Teams chat data from Microsoft 365 Government tenants into RelativityOne Government instances.
2025/03/01 2025/03/01 Deprecation User Management The RelativityOne Preview instance has been deprecated.
2025/09/01 2025/09/01 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer "Message of the Day" ensures that users are notified one month before the release of a critical version of ROSE. This advance notification aims to provide users with adequate time to prepare for the upcoming updates and changes.
2025/02/26 N/A Enhancement Import/Export The feature enabling Import and Export using MDB load files in RelativityOne, following Australian standards, is now generally available for APAC region.
2025/02/25 N/A Enhancement Data Breach Response You can now run conflict cluster resolution workflows in the RelativityOne UI after Entity Normalization is run in Data Breach Response.
2025/02/21 2025/02/21 Enhancement Redact You will be able to view and download the original native spreadsheet from the Viewer directly from the backed up copy stored in the RDO.
2025/02/20 2025/02/20 Enhancement Legal Hold Legal Hold Communications page updated to the Relativity Aero UI. This enables faster page load times for this page and a better overall user experience.
2025/02/20 2025/02/20 Resolved defect Legal Hold Fixed a defect which was causing banner notifications on the Legal Hold project page to be hidden.
2025/02/18 2025/02/18 Enhancement Mass Operation We are changing the name of the mass operation from Revert Native Redactions to Delete Native Markups to better represent what the mass operation is doing.
2025/02/14 N/A Enhancement Management Console Management Console staging report Billing Summary Reports now contain Created DateTime UTC and Last Modified DateTime UTC values to help track how long files have been the Staging Area.
2025/02/13 2025/02/14 Enhancement Review Center You can now release skipped documents back into your queue to be re-reviewed.
2025/02/12 N/A Enhancement Data Breach Response Incorporate Feedback is now available outside of Privacy Workflow as Data Analysis, and documents can now be reviewed as soon as they are finished processing through the PI Detection stages.
2025/02/07 N/A Deprecation Data Breach Response The legacy Merge Reason Table has been deprecate in Data Breach Response. This data is now available in the Entity Analysis tab in RelativityOne.
2025/01/31 N/A Deprecation Data Breach Response The legacy Entity Report is deprecated in Data Breach Response. Entity handling is now done in the Entity Analysis tab in RelativityOne.
2025/01/30 N/A Enhancement AI Help Chatbot We are excited to announce the launch of AI Help, a generative AI-powered chatbot within RelativityOne that leverages our public documentation and knowledge base content to provide immediate answer to questions on the functional use of Relativity. Once enabled an "Ask AI" button will appear in the top right of the global navigation bar. We will roll this out throughout the first quarter of 2025, starting with the January monthly release for select US instances. Then expanding to all regions with AI services.
2025/01/24 2025/01/24 Enhancement Structured Analytics Set When running a Structured Analytics Set: (1) documents over 30 MB will be automatically removed from the set and will generate document level errors. (2) You should expect more large files to be excluded at the document level, resulting in more inclusive emails for the inclusive reason unanalyzed attachment. (3) We suggest removing conditions on your Saved Searches used as data source for Structured Analytics Sets that exclude files larger than 30 MB in extracted text. Such conditions are no longer needed with this new logic.
2025/01/24 2025/01/24 Enhancement Structured Analytics Set When running a Structured Analytics Set, if a document has more than 500 total entities and aliases associated with it, the document is excluded from name normalization analysis and the system generates a document-level error. This limit counts all participants in the To, From, CC, and BCC headers. Aliases and entities identified in the excluded document are not imported. If the same aliases and entities appear in documents that are not excluded, they will be imported and linked to those documents as usual. These aliases and entities will not be associated with the excluded document.
2025/01/24 TBA Enhancement aiR for Review You can now collapse and expand the prompt criteria for aiR for Review projects.
2025/01/21 2025/01/22 Enhancement Billing Agent Adjusted Natives/Images/Productions File Size reporting for PDF files (Billing Agent & Billing Statistics Scripts)
2025/01/14 TBA Enhancement aiR for Review The aiR for Review jobs page has been updated to make managing jobs and document linking easier with a single icon being used to link and hide results.
2024/12/20 2024/12/20 Resolved defect ARM When archiving a workspace using ARM with “Include Linked Files” enabled, linked natives for documents that have a value populated in the ProcessingFileID field may be excluded from the archive. For additional information see Knowledge Base article REL-1014846.
2024/12/20 TBA Enhancement aiR for Review In aiR for Review, the Save as List mass operation is now available on the project page.
2024/12/20 2024/12/20 Enhancement Import/Export Import/Export now allows renaming workspace field names at export.
2024/12/20 2024/12/20 Enhancement Pagebase Skip to Main Content is a link that provides a shortcut that will allow a user to quickly navigate to the main content of a page. This bypasses repetitive navigation steps like tabbing through all of the various tabs that are on the page at a given time.
2024/12/19 2024/12/20 Enhancement Security Center The new Security Configurations view shows recommendations for bringing your security configuration back into alignment, and provides information on the risks involved with leaving misaligned settings in place.
2024/12/18 2024/12/18 Enhancement Legal Hold When sending a test email, you can now specify a single or multiple email address to send to.
2024/12/18 2024/12/18 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now requeue mailbox items in "Failed" or "Pending" state using a new mass action on the Mailbox tab.
2024/12/18 2024/12/18 Enhancement Legal Hold A new setting is available on the Legal Hold Settings page to automatically refresh the access token when using Graph API for sending emails. This is turned on by default for all customers currently using Graph API.
2024/12/17 TBA Enhancement Workspace Management You can now work on other tasks in RelativityOne while your workspace is created in the background. Once the workspace is ready, you'll receive a notification, and the "Workspace State" field will update, eliminating the need to wait for the workspace creation process to complete. Note: this change is being rolled out gradually to RelativityOne production instances over a period of several weeks.
2024/12/17 2024/12/17 Enhancement Translate When using RelativityOne Translate, users can now optionally select a source language for the document set being translated. Although the source language is automatically detected by Translate, specifying the source language can help improve results for multilingual document sets.
2024/12/17 Enhancement Management Console Usage Reports are now available via the Management Console. Through Usage Reports administrators can create custom reports on their workspace, product and processing Usage to help quickly pull together information for general oversight or billing end clients
2024/12/12 2024/12/12 Enhancement Review Center Review Center now fully supports the ARM workflow.
2024/12/12 2024/12/12 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact, we've introduced the 'Find and Redact' feature to the stored PDF Viewer that extends the existing Viewer search capabilities by allowing you to draw markup over selected search hits with your preferred markup type, style, and scope when marking up stored PDFs. If there's any searchable pattern at all to the content you want to markup, this feature will make your manual workflows much more efficient.
2024/12/10 2024/12/10 Enhancement Review Center You can now select more than one long text field on your prioritized review queue and select the order in which they are considered by the classifier.
2024/12/09 2024/12/09 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact, we've extended the 'Revert Native Redactions' mass operation to also support removing markup on rendered PDFs. When using this feature the user will now be presented with the following options so that it is clear which markups are being removed from which file type: Natives & Rendered PDFs, Natives, Rendered PDFs.
2024/12/04 2024/12/04 Enhancement Cost Explorer Providing data from “Project Type” field in Cost Explorer will enable Practice Administrators to monitoring, management and exploration data in Workspaces Table in Cost Explorer.
2024/11/24 2024/11/24 Enhancement Import/Export Import/Export now allows automatically mapping similarly named fields with AI when importing data into RelativityOne.
2024/11/21 TBA Enhancement Collect Customers based in the United States with RelativityOne tenants in a US data center can now remotely collect mobile devices via an integration with Cellebrite Endpoint Inspector (SaaS) or Endpoint Mobile Now. This integration does require a subscription to either Endpoint Inspector or Mobile Now.
2024/11/20 2024/11/20 Deprecation Active Learning The Active Learning application is now in read-only mode. View legacy project information via Review Center.
2024/11/20 2024/11/20 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact, the Markup and Document Reports have been updated to be more resilient because they are now processed by a dedicated agent. After successfully initiating either report, a notification will inform the user that they will receive an email with an attached CSV of the report type from the workspace they requested.
2024/11/20 TBA Enhancement aiR for Review aiR for Review now has a counter that displays the number of characters in the prompt criteria.
2024/11/09 2024/11/09 Deprecation Offline Billing App Relativity Server Offline Billing application was deprecated. Customers with Server Offline instance will need to follow a process of sending billable usage metrics using Billing Statistics Scripts.
2024/11/09 2024/11/09 Enhancement Active Learning You now have the ability to uninstall the Active Learning application from workspaces. It is recommended to uninstall the application from template workspaces; however, you must keep the application installed in workspaces where you want to preserve legacy project information.
2024/11/08 N/A Enhancement Data Breach Response You can now view and export the entity list in Data Breach Response in the Entity Analysis tab in RelativityOne.
2024/11/06 2024/12/10 Enhancement Review Center Prioritized review queues now support documents with long text up to 30KB.
2024/10/31 Enhancement aiR for Review You can now see the model version used on an aiR for Review job. For additional information on model versions, please review the documentation site.
2024/10/31 2024/10/31 Enhancement Legal Hold Legal Hold customers will now see an error message field in the Mailbox object if an email fails to send, providing users with visibility into issues such as expired Graph API tokens or security blocks. By seeing these error messages, you can troubleshoot and resolve email failures independently, without needing to contact support. This capability significantly enhances user autonomy and reduces downtime in communication workflows.
2024/10/28 TBD Enhancement aiR for Review You can now change the name of the prompt criteria when creating an aiR for Review project
2024/10/28 TBD Resolved defect aiR for Review Filters now persist when navigating from an aiR for Review project to the Document Viewer and back to the aiR for Review project.
2024/10/24 Resolved defect Legal Hold Resolved an issue on the Legal Hold Settings page where the Portal URL field was incorrectly populated during the initial installation of the application.
2024/10/24 TBA Enhancement Contracts In the Contracts Models tab, you'll now have access to a new Essential Fields model that uses generative AI to auto-populate over a dozen fields including, but not limited to, key data points such as the contract title, contract type, parties, effective date, and governing law. There is also a new analysis profile called Essential Fields containing this model.
2024/10/24 2024/10/24 Resolved defect Legal Hold Addresses the problem of communications getting stuck in a Pending state when Graph had not been authenticated. These communications will now show in an errored state.
2024/10/23 Deprecation User Management The User Group Sync for Preview and Sandbox application has been deprecated and will not sync new users to the RelativityOne Preview instance.
2024/10/22 2024/10/24 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact, the application will now prevent users from drawing markup on documents that have been flagged for external redactions so as to introduce a new guardrail to avoid branding errors during production. The external redaction workflow is intended to be used only for documents that are incompatible with Redact, therefore the application will no longer allow users to draw markup on documents that have been explicitly flagged for external redactions because those markups would throw errors during branding anyway.
2024/10/16 2024/10/16 Enhancement Processing The ARM Archive setup page has added a Processing Options section which includes an option to include or exclude Processing data.
2024/10/14 Enhancement aiR for Review The aiR for Review Jobs page now contains a column for the ServiceJobID that can be used to associate documents to aiR for Review job runs.
2024/10/10 2024/10/10 Resolved defect Import API When a document’s native or image files are transferred between workspaces in OverlayOnly or Append/Overlay mode with Links Only option, this action can lead to data loss under certain conditions. For additional information see knowledge base article REL-920093
2024/10/07 2024/10/09 Enhancement List Page The new document list page has now been deployed to all regions and customers.
2024/09/27 TBD Enhancement aiR for Review The aiR for Review Project list page now includes additional columns for analysis type, when the last analysis was run, and which prompt criteria version the project is on.
2024/09/20 2024/09/20 Resolved defect Legal Hold Fixed a defect on the Legal Hold Settings page where the wrong fields were showing for Gmail API Outgoing Email Processor Type.
2024/09/20 TBD Enhancement aiR for Review You can now filter, sort, and page results in the aiR for Review project page list.
2024/09/19 Enhancement aiR for Review You can now select a use case when creating an aiR for Review project. This will be used for reporting, organizing, and allowing for product innovations.
2024/09/19 2024/09/19 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact, we've moved the 'Clear markup set' button from the bottom toolbar to the top toolbar and replaced the button text with a trashcan icon in order to have more consistency across file types when deleting markup.
2024/09/16 Enhancement aiR for Review aiR for Review is now generally available to RelativityOne customers. Those interested should get in touch with their RelativityOne account team for additional information.
2024/09/11 2024/09/11 Resolved defect Related Items Viewer The mass operation helper has never functioned correctly when updating All items while a filter is applied. Previous behavior would query for and select the top X results from all related documents where X was the number of filtered documents. This would result in the wrong documents being coded. For further information see knowledge base article REL-991712.
2024/09/10 2024/09/10 Resolved defect Legal Hold Updates made to improve the load time to various pages in the application (Legal Hold Wizard, Object Pickers, Reports page, Custodian Portal)
2024/09/10 2024/09/10 Enhancement Cost Explorer Enhance the Cost Explorer dashboard with additional information level banners to clarify the data presented. This will help reduce customer confusion regarding Relativity billing and decrease the number of billing-related incidents.
2024/09/10 2024/09/10 Enhancement RDO If field creation exceeds 10 seconds a progress modal is displayed that allows the operation to be canceled.
2024/09/09 2024/09/10 Enhancement dtSearch Improved index composition logic resulting in more balanced indexes and potentially faster build times
2024/09/06 2024/09/06 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now use Google Modern Authentication for Sending Email Communications. This can be set up on the Legal Hold Settings page.
2024/09/05 2024/09/09 Resolved defect Errors Access to view and Errors will be restricted for Client Domain Users. This measure will revoke the ability to read Errors and access the Errors tabs for all groups in Client Domains.
2024/08/29 2024/08/29 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer Now you able to see only allowed folders on staging root in RelativityOne Staging Explorer: StructuredData, ProcessingSource, ARM and TenantVM.
2024/08/28 2024/08/28 Enhancement Review Center You can now scale prioritized review queues up to 10M documents at an average extracted text size of 30KB, or ~8.3M documents at an average extracted size of 36KB. We generally recommend no more than a total of 300GB extracted text in a single queue.
2024/08/27 2024/08/27 Deprecation Review Center You can no longer create new Active Learning projects or classification indexes. You can continue using ongoing Active Learning projects and active classification indexes. You should create all new active learning projects in Review Center as prioritized review queues.
2024/08/22 2024/08/22 Enhancement Import/Export Import/Export now uploads the selected raw data to ProcessingSource and then triggers the Processing application.
2024/08/22 2024/08/22 Enhancement Import/Export When the Staging Area export location is selected, Import/Export now exports data to the StructuredData folder in the Staging area.
2024/08/22 2024/08/22 Enhancement Import/Export When the Local Disk export location is selected, Import/Export creates a copy of the exported data in a temporary non-Staging location and triggers download. If you leverage Express Transfer to download data, the temporary copy will be automatically cleaned up once the download is completed. For web browser downloads, the temporary files will be deleted after 5 days.
2024/08/21 2024/08/21 Enhancement Review Center If Queue Refresh is On in the queue settings, the queue will now automatically refresh when 20% of documents in the queue have had positive or negative coding changes since the last queue refresh, or, if there is coding activity and it has been 8 hours since the last refresh, regardless of whether 20% of documents have been coded.
2024/08/21 2024/08/28 Enhancement List Page Frozen columns will now persist after you navigate away from the document list, e.g. open a document in the viewer and exit the viewer
2024/08/20 2024/08/30 Enhancement Integration Points Prepare RIP import and export flows to work with new staging folders, as a part of the Staging Governance initiative.
2024/08/20 Enhancement Processing The new Processing Layout will now become the default experience when viewing progress of your Processing jobs. The new layout, previously available in preview mode, enhances statistics and feedback provided to customers while jobs are progressing to give greater insights into how it is performing. It will also provide a clear understanding of how documents have been filtered and where any outstanding exceptions may reside. This enhancement will be gradually rolled out to RelativityOne tenants over a period of 4 weeks.
2024/08/20 2024/08/22 Enhancement Processing You can now replace multiple errored files from the Processing Files tab in a single action.
2024/08/15 2024/08/15 Enhancement Review Center The methods Review Center uses to tokenize text, or break it up into individual words, now supports Chinese and Japanese, in addition to English.
2024/08/13 2024/08/20 Enhancement List Page Date field filters now default to a timeframe of 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM when using the 'Is' operator. This matches the behavior from the legacy list page.
2024/08/12 2024/08/12 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact, we're renaming the action that prepares excels so that markup can be drawn on them from 'Unhide Excel Content' to 'Prepare Excel for Redact' so that the action name more accurately reflects its purpose within Redact. This action is visible to users in 3 locations: as a button in the Viewer if an excel is not yet prepared, as a mass operation on the item-list page, and as a permission in the mass operations section of Workspace Details. This release note concerns only the button in the Viewer, but the mass operation and permission will be updated in the near future.
2024/08/01 2024/08/01 Resolved defect List Page When creating an advanced filter from the item list on a multiple object field, no documents would be returned, and the user would see a ‘No Data’ message in the item list. For further information see knowledge base article REL-970404.
2024/07/31 2024/07/31 Enhancement RDO When creating a field on the Document object a banner is displayed in large workspaces to inform the user that review may be impacted by this action along with the number of active reviewers in the workspace.
2024/07/31 2024/07/31 Enhancement RDO When creating a yes/no type field we now display a modal suggesting use of single choice for better performance.
2024/07/18 Enhancement Workspace Management Introduced Project Type field in new workspace create form. Field will be available soon in Cost Explorer to enhance reporting capabilities.
2024/07/18 N/A Resolved defect List Page Fixed an issue where the first index search performed from the search toolbar or condition panel wouldn’t properly update the item list. For further information see knowledge base article for REL-978454.
2024/07/18 2024/07/18 Enhancement Review Center Coverage Mode is now available on your prioritized review queues. Coverage Mode serves documents more optimal for training the model.
2024/07/17 2024/07/22 Enhancement Processing Processing Errors have been renamed to Processing Exceptions! You will now see the name change reflected across the Processing Set, Files, and Report tabs. In addition, the Exception Level field was created on the Files tab to enable quick visibility to the most important issues that occurred in a Processing Set through values of Errors and Warnings.
2024/07/09 2024/07/09 Enhancement Review Center You can now see how many documents have been coded on the Review Field outside of the queue.
2024/07/01 2024/07/01 Deprecation RDC As of July 1, 2024 the Relativity Desktop Client (RDC) is no longer operational for any RelativityOne customers. Import/Export see should be used for all RelativityOne importing and exporting workflows. See the Community article RDC Deprecation FAQ at for additional information.
2024/07/01 N/A Enhancement PI Detect and Data Breach Response Effective July 1st, 2024 the PI Detect and Data Breach Response tool now utilize new lightweight PI data detectors. This enhancement improves performance, recall, and precision when processing unstructured documents such as PDFs, Docs or Emails.
2024/07/01 Resolved defect Direct SQL As of July 1, 2024 the Insert / Update / Delete permissions for the File Table from Direct SQL account will be removed. Read permissions will remain.
2024/06/20 2024/06/20 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer MSI installer available from Staging Explorer page allows clients to deploy ROSE across multiple user machines automatically.
2024/06/20 2024/06/20 Enhancement Collect You can now collect a user's conversation prompts and responses for ChatGPT Enterprise subscriptions. Conversations are automatically converted to RSMF.
2024/06/18 2024/06/19 Enhancement Review Center You can now select a layout that you want reviewers to see by default when they enter a queue.
2024/06/18 2024/06/19 Enhancement Review Center You can now specify a cutoff on your prioritized review queue and in your validation. If a cutoff is set during validation, precision, as well as recall, is reported.
2024/06/18 2024/06/18 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer You can now instruct ROSE to retry transfers automatically upon failure. Once activated in the settings menu, transfers will seamlessly restart should any error occur.
2024/06/13 2024/06/19 Enhancement List Page Multi-list pickers now contain a 'Swap Columns' button to move values from one side of the picker to the other.
2024/06/05 N/A Resolved defect Redact We resolved a defect with markups being resized when there was potential to overlap surrounding lines. A fix to resolve this issue was deployed on June 5, 2024.
2024/06/05 N/A Enhancement PI Detect and Data Breach Response The PI Detect and Data Breach Response workspace template has the PI Detect and Data Breach Response application pre-installed and includes groups and processing fields specific to the application to provide a seamless setup experience.
2024/05/30 2024/06/10 Enhancement Automated Workflows The new Workflow Notification Settings offers greater control over when you receive email notifications about a workflow's run. For example, you can choose to only receive notifications when a workflow run ends in failure so that you can promptly troubleshoot it.
2024/05/29 2024/05/29 Resolved defect Legal Hold Fixed a defect that was causing Preview Emails to fail for customers using the SMTP email processor type.
2024/05/28 2024/05/28 Deprecation Processing The Processing Options section of the Archive (for example the "Include Processing" option in ARM) setup page has been removed to reduce user error. By default, Processing and Processed Files will be included in all subsequent Archives and missing Processing Files will be logged and skipped.
2024/05/23 2024/05/23 Enhancement Production Sets You can now configure additional steps to happen automatically as part of production in a Post Production step. This workflow automates and improves some of the tasks that were previously handled with scripts.
2024/05/23 2024/05/23 Enhancement Import/Export When importing data with Express Transfer, it uploads only files linked in the load file that was selected in Import/Export UI, instead of uploading all the folder contents.
2024/05/23 2024/05/23 Enhancement Import/Export When importing data with Express Transfer, case sensitivity is ignored in load file paths and in file names.
2024/05/22 2024/05/22 Enhancement Preservation You can now Preserve OneDrive URLs by specifying the URL value on a field on the Entity object.
2024/05/16 2024/05/16 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer An information icon provides explanations when the upload and download buttons are disabled.
2024/05/16 2024/05/16 Enhancement Review You can now hover over the emojis in the Viewer to see enlarged emojis along with comment for each emoji in a flyout, without having to zoom in to see this information.
2024/05/14 2024/05/20 Enhancement List Page You can now double click selections in a multi-list pickers to move items from one side to the other.
2024/05/14 2024/05/14 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact, we have introduced a 4GB size limit for native files in order to improve overall performance. Native file sizes over 4GB will no longer be prepared, marked up, or have markup burned in by Redact via projects, mass operations, or the Viewer. For native file sizes that are too large, please use the Redact External Markups workflow.
2024/05/08 2024/05/08 Enhancement Express Transfer You can now use Express Transfer to upload opened files (e.g. Excel or Word), even if those files are used by another process.
2024/05/08 2024/05/08 Enhancement Express Transfer Support for proxies is available in Express Transfer, by setting credentials under Preferences.
2024/04/29 2024/05/03 Enhancement List Page The document list will now display partial data in situations where there is an issue retrieving data for one or more documents. When this occurs, you will see a red exclamation mark in a cell on the list page with the message 'Data retrieval failed'.
2024/04/29 2024/04/29 Enhancement Collect This feature adds an option to allow users to include/exclude linked files related to Gmail emails in the mailbox export.
2024/04/23 2024/04/23 Enhancement Review Center Using the new Review Center Coding field, you can now easily track coding decisions made on documents in queues, including what queue the document was in, when it was coded, and by which reviewer.
2024/04/22 TBA Enhancement Collect You can now filter the list of SharePoint sites presented in the non-custodial wizard step to only those you have selected for collection. This allows for easy verification that you've selected all of the sites you intended.
2024/04/19 N/A Enhancement Contracts Contracts OCR now supports 10 languages, in addition to English. There is a new required Languages field when creating a Contracts OCR Set where you can select the language you want Contracts OCR to recognize while running the job.
2024/04/18 2024/04/18 Enhancement Processing GovSlack workspace exports support has been added to RSMF Conversion in Processing.
2024/04/17 2024/04/18 Enhancement RDO Long Text Fields storage behavior is now null by default. You will now have to select whether or not you want Long Text Fields to be stored in Data Grid or SQL. A new tooltip was introduced to help you make an informed decision.
2024/04/16 2024/04/16 Enhancement Processing You can now extract Microsoft Teams messages as RSMF during the processing of PST files. Use the dedicated option in Short Message Conversion Settings category in Processing Profile to enable this new capability.
2024/04/15 2024/04/15 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer Two new settings have been added to RelativityOne Staging Explorer. 'Override Files' lets you optionally overwrite files that have the same name in the destination folder. 'Transfer Empty Folder' lets you optionally recreate corresponding empty folders in the destination folder that may exist in the source folder. Both settings are set to "On" by default.
2024/04/15 2024/04/15 Enhancement Preservation The Preservation in-place application now supports Microsoft Gov Preservation in GCC High environments for Microsoft Mailbox, OneDrive, and SharePoint.
2024/04/12 2024/04/12 Enhancement Legal Hold We have updated fields and tabs for our Legacy Preservation integration with a "Legacy" label, to clarify these fields and labels for clients using the new Preservation application.
2024/04/12 2024/04/12 Resolved defect Legal Hold Fixed the Global Reminders query which was excluding custodians where Custodian Interaction field was not set during import.
2024/04/12 2024/04/12 Enhancement Legal Hold Improvements have been made to the Global Summary and Employment Status Change Reports to handle larger amounts of custodians in a workspace.
2024/04/10 TBA Enhancement Processing Improvements have been made to OneNote processing: Improved processing performance; Additional OneNote formats are supported; All child objects are extracted as separate documents; Text Extraction is performed during discovery (not OCR); Password Bank supports OneNote files
2024/04/10 N/A Deprecation PI Detect and Data Breach Response The project dashboard, reviewer progress, flags, custom codings, coding panel, annotation tab, and features in the Privacy Workflow tab will be deprecated
2024/04/08 2024/04/08 Enhancement Review Center Using the Random Documents setting on a prioritized review queue, you can choose how many random documents you'd like the queue to serve to provide a health mixture to achieve better quality training.
2024/04/04 2024/04/04 Enhancement Review Center You can now export a png image of all Review Center charts, in addition to exporting a csv file of the tables.
2024/04/02 2024/04/02 Resolved defect Redact Resolved a defect where text outside the viewable boundaries of a PDF document is not redactable. To remediate this, we have added a warning to the viewer when there is content outside of the displayable boundary, so that you can download it and use the Redact external markup workflow. See the KB article for REL-919080 for more details.
2024/04/01 2024/04/01 Deprecation Send to CaseMap The Send To CaseMap Mass Operation has been deprecated since 2021, but as of this release the underlying code was removed from RelativityOne completely.
2024/04/01 2024/04/01 Enhancement Relativity User Import Application The queue tab has been removed from the Relativity User Import Application. The user import template CSV can now be found on the documentation site, see
2024/03/29 N/A Enhancement PI Detect and Data Breach Response You can now redact documents using a mass action on the document list page.
2024/03/28 2024/03/28 Enhancement Review Center You can now start a prioritized review queue without any coding (previously you needed to have at least one document coded on the positive choice and one document coded on the negative choice). If you start a queue without any coding, we will serve random documents until 50 documents are coded, and then build the model.
2024/03/22 2024/03/22 Enhancement Security Center You can now see the current Lockbox State setting in the Security Center.
2024/03/22 N/A Enhancement Contracts You can now add custom text to the custom text field or to a field label when building a layout. The custom text will be displayed on your layout in the Contracts Viewer.
2024/03/22 2024/03/22 Enhancement Review The RSMF message will display (UTC + offset).
2024/03/21 2024/03/21 Enhancement Processing We've enhanced the new Processing Set layout by adding Tool Tips that describe Processing statistics.
2024/03/20 2024/03/20 Enhancement Express Transfer Express Transfer now provides better notification of poor internet connections.
2024/03/20 2024/03/20 Enhancement RDO Each application calling Object Manager is now limited to a maximum of 1000 req/min per Web Server that Object Manager is hosted on. Requests beyond this limit by an individual app will not get processed and instead return with a 429 response code – Too Many Requests.
2024/03/20 2024/03/21 Enhancement Permissions RelativityOne Lockbox has been improved by splitting control over your workspace access through separate EnableRelativityLockbox and EnableCustomerLockbox instance settings, that control Relativity’s and other System Administrator security permissions, respectively.
2024/03/20 2024/03/21 Enhancement Import/Export Load File Precheck functionality is being extended to Image and Production load file. That allows for detection of file path errors before running the actual import job.
2024/03/20 2024/03/21 Enhancement Import/Export Unified files upload approach across all Web-based user interface import workflows, where load file and .zip archive are uploaded separately.
2024/03/18 N/A Resolved defect Searching Running an ad-hoc "Search" with a multiple-object field will have different, incorrect results from running the same conditions with "Save and search". This only occurs when using the "none of these" operator. Further details can be found in Community Article REL-919028.
2024/03/14 2024/03/14 Resolved defect Processing Processing now properly reports Discover and Publish statistics when sets result in less files discovered after a retry. This is common in scenarios where corrupt files have been processed.
2024/03/14 2024/03/14 Enhancement Processing Processing Sets now displays improved file statistics after Retry Jobs result in fewer discovered files. Previously, this scenario resulted in negative values for the Unpublished statistic.
2024/03/12 2024/03/12 Enhancement Import/Export Some Relativity tools (such as Import/Export), permitted importing of Date/Time fields containing seconds (HH:MM:SS). However, the seconds were not displayed in workspace fields, nor were they included in Date/Time fields exported with Import/Export. This behavior has been updated to allow seconds to be exported with Import/Export, based on the user's selection.
2024/03/07 2024/03/08 Enhancement Review The Short Message Viewer will display RSMF time stamps in UTC to prevent any confusion if different events in the RSMF happen to be in different time zones
2024/03/07 2024/03/07 Enhancement Review Center After reviewing all documents in the validation sample, you will be prompted to accept or reject the validation results. Previously, the sample would automatically be accepted.
2024/03/04 2024/03/04 Enhancement Review Center You can now run jobs in Review Center prioritized review queues of up to 2.5 million documents. This will allow you to scale to meet the needs of some of your largest cases without needing to use workarounds and separate queues.
2024/02/22 TBA Enhancement Collect You can now collect from Microsoft 365 SharePoint. You can collect from parent-level sites and all sub-sites to the parent site will be included in the collection.
2024/02/22 N/A Enhancement Translate Improvements to the Translate jobs page including new Filtering, pagination improvements, and optimizations
2024/02/22 2024/02/22 Enhancement Security Alerts If Client Domains are enabled, you will now receive new alert types related to Client Domain violations. We recommend that System Administrators prioritize and resolve any Client Domain alerts that are raised.
2024/02/20 2024/02/20 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer To ensure seamless data operations, the system now checks if the machine can connect to the underlying storage URLs. If a connection cannot be established, a pop-up notification will inform the user.
2024/02/20 2024/02/20 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer The ability to skip transferring empty directories using RelativityOne Staging Explorer configuration.
2024/02/20 2024/02/20 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer The ability to limit bandwidth, providing users with more control over their data transfer operations.
2024/02/20 2024/02/20 Resolved defect Processing You can now filter on Processing Sets in the Reports tab.
2024/02/20 2024/02/22 Enhancement Review Center Leaderboard metrics are updated to better reflect skipped documents, and documents that have been removed from the data source.
2024/02/20 2024/02/29 Enhancement Processing Processing no longer promotes new primary documents from the same processing data source when deleted through the Documents tab. Additionally, you can now choose whether or not to promote any new primary documents from other processing data sources when deleting documents that have been imported through Processing.
2024/02/20 2024/02/22 Enhancement Processing The new Processing Set layout is available to preview. You can find the preview button in the upper right-hand corner of the current Processing Set layout. The new layout brings greater visibility to processing statistics associated with each job and more granular progress reported associated with each action. This page will continue to receive updates, eventually replacing the legacy Processing Set layout.
2024/02/16 2024/02/16 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact, we have introduced a maximum file size in order to improve project resiliency. The MaximumNativeSizeForViewerInBytes instance setting value will now determine the maximum file size for the native viewer as well as for Redact projects.
2024/02/14 2024/02/14 Enhancement Processing Processing now displays a warning during Discover job submission when the number of passwords in Password Bank exceeds the recommended limit of 100.
2024/02/13 2024/02/14 Enhancement Review Center The Reviewer Details table is now its own component called Reviewed Documents, making it a more prominent tool on the dashboard.
2024/02/07 N/A Enhancement PI Detect and Data Breach Response Ingestion will no longer fail if a duplicate document is ingested twice. The duplicate document will be skipped.
2024/02/01 N/A Deprecation API Enablement We updated Log Extractor for a backend change within RelativityOne. The error logs will be extracted from a different data store and will be formatted following the guidelines found on the Log Extractor page.
2024/01/30 2024/01/31 Enhancement Express Transfer You can now limit your internet speed for more stable transfers by using Limit bandwidth option in Express Transfer.
2024/01/30 2024/01/31 Enhancement Express Transfer You can now exclude Office temporary files from jobs using Express Transfer.
2024/01/26 2024/01/25 Enhancement Review Center Visualizations are now housed under a drop-down instead of tabs.
2024/01/25 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can now automatically assign custodians based on the folder naming pattern and create new ones with one click.
2024/01/24 N/A Enhancement Preservation New preservation application includes Microsoft and Google preservation in-place. This directly integrates with Legal Hold and is only available in RelativityOne.
2024/01/24 N/A Enhancement Legal Hold Legal Hold now integrates with the new Preservation in-place application for Microsoft Mailbox, OneDrive, SharePoint.
2024/01/24 N/A Enhancement Legal Hold Legal Hold now integrates with the new Preservation in-place application for Google Gmail, Chat, Drive.
2024/01/22 N/A Resolved defect PI Detect and Data Breach Response We resolved a defect with detectors not displaying in alphabetical order when adding personal information.
2024/01/22 N/A Resolved defect PI Detect and Data Breach Response We fixed a defect where entities were not being removed from the Linked Entities card when deleted.
2024/01/19 2024/01/19 Enhancement Sentiment analysis You can now exclude Spreadsheets from your Sentiment Analysis directly from the mass operation UI. We recommend choosing Yes to improve performance.
2024/01/11 2024/01/11 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer Ability to load unlimited amount of items in Staging view.
2024/01/11 N/A Resolved defect List Page We have fixed a defect in RelativityOne that was causing incorrect search results to populate for users using the new list page. If you edited a search while another search was highlighted the results may have been for the highlighted search. Further details are available in the Knowledge Base article for REL-900667
2024/01/10 2024/01/10 Enhancement Legal Hold The Legacy Preservation in Place integration in Legal Hold for O365 now supports preservation for Microsoft GCC High environments.
2024/01/10 2024/01/10 Enhancement Legal Hold Updated the Assign Custodians picker so that "Paste from Email Address" feature does not break when an email contains apostrophes.
2023/12/22 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can save the field mapping configuration to a .csv file when setting up a new import job.
2023/12/19 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export With Import Export, you can import extracted text to any long-text workspace field.
2023/12/19 2023/12/21 Enhancement ARM When creating a Restore job, you must choose only client and matter. All server will be chosen automatically based on the client.
2023/12/19 2023/12/19 Resolved defect ARM Restore job will no longer fail during Workspace Upgrade on IX_Name index on SQL tables.
2023/12/14 2023/12/15 Enhancement Fields When creating a long-text field, the “Store in Data Grid” toggle will be enabled, and the filter type will be set to “none” by default. By disabling “Store in Data Grid” toggle, you will see a warning about potential performance impacts.
2023/12/06 TBA Resolved defect PI Detect and Data Breach Response Restarting a failed job using the restart button will no longer fail immediately.
2023/11/27 2023/11/27 Enhancement Legal Hold Update Preservation Hold Settings Validation Job to check for CSOM SharePoint Discovery Settings.
2023/11/22 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export Export Services SDK is a new Relativity product that offers capability to create, run, and check status of an export job in Import/Export tool.
2023/11/16 TBA Enhancement Viewer Microsoft OneNote SOAP/HTTP File is now supported in the native viewer.
2023/11/16 2023/11/16 Enhancement Collect The Data Source step now precedes the Custodian step in the job wizard. We made this update to anticipate the future support for non-custodial type collections.
2023/11/16 2023/11/16 Enhancement Case Dynamics You can now add Case Dynamics fields directly onto document layouts and easily highlight key sections of document and create facts from excerpts. The document excerpt will be highlighted based on the Fact Color assigned by the attorney.
2023/11/16 2023/11/16 Enhancement Review Center Statistical validation of prioritized review queues is now available in Review Center. Now you can seamlessly validate the results of AI-backed workflows.
2023/11/15 TBA Enhancement Processing You can now process exports coming from Slack workspaces, zip folders with JSON files, and get them converted automatically to RSMF. Use new category in Processing Profile to control desired RSMF output.
2023/11/15 TBA Enhancement PI Detect and Data Breach Response PI Detect and Data Breach Response now supports PI detection for 10 languages.
2023/11/13 2024/01/31 Enhancement Express Transfer Now you can skip failed files and continue with the import job using Express Transfer.
2023/11/10 2023/11/14 Enhancement Imaging Users have an option in the Basic Imaging profile to include the RSMF cover sheet when converting short-message data to TIF format.
2023/11/09 N/A Resolved defect Reviewer Interface We have resolved an issue related to marking up PDFs. If you enabled the highlight or redaction mode in the classic PDF viewer and then refreshed the page between October 2022 and November 2023, markups placed post-refresh would not have persisted to the database or been editable. Audits from the past 3 months show PDF markups are 0.9% of manual markups. Further details in this Knowledge Base article.
2023/11/03 2023/11/03 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can now select to run the Set Long Text Field Size mass operation as an action in Automated Workflows.
2023/11/02 2023/11/02 Enhancement Sentiment analysis Sentiment Analysis results for positivity will now only include segments that have three words or more. This change does not impact results from the other signals: negativity, anger, or desire.
2023/10/20 2023/10/20 Resolved defect Processing The Custodian - Processing classification will now be set for all custodians, new or existing, when used in Processing with Quick Create Sets.
2023/10/19 2023/10/20 Enhancement Permissions When setting up permissions in the Object Security tab, you will see that item level security is set on certain items and you will be able to navigate to them easily.
2023/10/17 TBA Enhancement PI Detect and Data Breach Response You can now ingest documents into the PI Detect and Data Breach Response application without giving lead permissions to the Relativity Service Account.
2023/10/17 TBA Enhancement Processing You can now download multiple errored files from the Processing Files tab in a single mass action.
2023/10/11 2023/10/11 Enhancement Review Center The Reviewer Detail table provides information about the documents in your queue, including which reviewer coded each document, how long the reviewer took, and how it was coded.
2023/10/08 2024/01/31 Enhancement Express Transfer Express Transfer Report with failed or skipped files is available for analyze job results.
2023/10/06 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can now use a search option to find the workspace field you are looking for when mapping fields in the structured data import flow.
2023/10/06 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can now track ongoing Import/Export jobs at the instance level thanks to integration with Relativity Queue Manager. Monitor all workspaces in a single view.
2023/10/06 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can now correct load file errors within the same import job. No need to configure new job or copy documents again. Just correct failed rows and upload new load file on the job progress pop-up.
2023/10/05 Resolved defect PI Detect and Data Breach Response When adding multiple links to an entity, the links now render in the Linked Entities card without having to refresh the page.
2023/10/05 Resolved defect PI Detect and Data Breach Response Spreadsheet annotations no longer fail to load in the review extension.
2023/10/05 Enhancement PI Detect and Data Breach Response When using the viewer, a warning modal will appear at the top of the page to remind you to lock annotations before moving on to the next document.
2023/10/02 2023/10/02 Enhancement Legal Hold Updated the Custodian Status Dashboard to include the Release Date field
2023/10/02 2023/10/02 Enhancement Legal Hold Preservation Custodian Status tab now visible so that users can see all Preservation Hold Statuses for each custodian across the workspace from one view.
2023/10/02 2023/10/02 Resolved defect Legal Hold Fixed a defect that would cause the close project job to crash and requeue indefinitely in certain situations.
2023/10/02 2023/10/02 Enhancement Legal Hold Updated the ActiveCustodianSummary API endpoint to handle bad data more gracefully.
2023/10/01 TBA Enhancement Processing OCR during Processing now supports Arabic, Hebrew, Thai, and Vietnamese
2023/09/23 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export Advanced load file checks help to reduce the time and effort to import structured data into a Relativity workspace. We will extend the existing pre-checks rules by adding the following validations: Preview number of folders and choice fields to be created during the import operation. File paths validation; you will be notified if a missing or wrong file path in a load file is detected.
2023/09/22 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can now activate email notifications to get informed once your job is completed, failed, or canceled.
2023/09/22 2023/09/22 Enhancement Integration Points Integration Points allows to transfer Relativity Short Message Format (RSMF) metadata between workspaces, to cover E2E use case of RSMF.
2023/09/18 2023/09/18 Resolved defect Legal Hold A defect was fixed which was causing the Employment Status Change Report to fail to be generated in certain workflows.
2023/09/14 2023/09/28 Enhancement Automated Workflows Your automated workflows will now be linked when a workflow is created by either the Copy to Workspace feature or new workspace creation from a workspace template that includes automation.
2023/09/14 2023/09/28 Enhancement Automated Workflows Once you apply a change to your template workflow, you can now cascade those changes to identical workflows in your instance. Click on the Workflow Sync button, select the Sync to Workspaces tab, select your workspaces, and click Sync.
2023/09/14 2023/09/28 Enhancement Automated Workflows Once your automated workflow is designated as a template workflow, you can use the Sync to Workspaces functionality to push changes to identical workflows in your instance. You can only have one template workflow in a group of identical workflows across workspaces.
2023/09/14 2023/09/28 Enhancement Automated Workflows When on a linked automated workflow to a template workflow, you can now see that the workflow is linked and navigate to the template workflow. You must have permissions to template workflow in order to navigate to it.
2023/09/14 2023/09/14 Enhancement Collect Inactive Microsoft 365 Outlook mailboxes are now collected when using the standard M365 Outlook Mailbox connector. This does require the full_access_as_app permission in your Azure Application Registration. If you already added that permission to support M365 Online Archived mailbox collections, then no action is required.
2023/09/14 2023/09/14 Enhancement Review Center You can now move a queue into a completed state, which removes access for reviewers and also pushes the queue to the end of the tab strip at the top of the Review Center dashboard. You can also re-enable a queue if you want to make it active again.
2023/09/14 2023/09/14 Enhancement Review Center You can now filter the queue tabs on the Review Center dashboard by using the Queue Label field, which you can set on queue settings. The filter only applies to the queue tabs at the top of the dashboard, it has no impact on the leaderboard or charts.
2023/09/14 2023/09/14 Enhancement Review Center We redesigned the Queue Summary strip on the Review Center dashboard to make it easier to use, understand, and find key information about your queue.
2023/09/12 TBA Enhancement Authentication Provider The Authentication Providers page now contains actionable error messages for troubleshooting the set up of single sign-on.
2023/09/12 2023/09/15 Enhancement Permissions This improvement simplifies the experience of managing Permissions by the User by providing the ability to update multiple permissions within a single group at once, instead doing it for each of them one by one.
2023/09/12 2023/09/12 Enhancement Review Center You can leave most fields empty when creating or editing a queue template, forcing decisions to be made at the time of creating a brand new queue from the template.
2023/09/05 2023/09/05 Enhancement Review Center The classification job was updated to use a Logarithmic instead of a linear term frequency that results in a more intuitive rank distribution of the document set in Prioritized Review Queues.
2023/09/01 2023/09/01 Enhancement Product documentation You can now hover over section headings in product documentation to get, and copy, a hyperlink directly to that heading.
2023/08/31 2023/08/31 Enhancement Integration Points Integration Points will now allow to map Full Name field for entities import from LDAP, FTP, and Azure AD. Integration Points will generate Full Name field automatically, based on First Name and Last Name fields, only if it is not being mapped.
2023/08/29 2023/08/29 Enhancement Review Center Allow Coded in Review will check for outside-coded documents during queue refreshes and every time a reviewer checks out a document.
2023/08/28 TBA Enhancement Processing Any Publish Job Error that is retried will always have a status of Retried when complete. Any new job errors that occur during the Publishing phase is marked as Ready to Retry and ensures that the most recent Publish Job Error is the actionable error with no references to errors in an Unresolvable status.
2023/08/28 2023/08/28 Enhancement Product documentation The RelativityOne Developer documentation site has been significantly updated to better support Relativity developers. See Developer News in the RelativityOne Developer documentation for more information.
2023/08/25 2023/08/25 Enhancement Integration Points Improved behavior divides scope of a document transfer job into batches, which are sent to IAPI for further processing. This batching is transparent and you can run large workspace-to-workspace jobs without splitting data into smaller chunks.
2023/08/22 2023/08/22 Resolved defect Legal Hold Fixed defect where the Employment Status Change report was not reporting on changes to the Employment Status field.
2023/08/21 TBA Enhancement Automated Workflows You can now include Contracts OCR and Contracts Analysis jobs as actions of an Automated Workflow. Sequence these actions with others in your workflows to automate tasks for your Contracts use cases.
2023/08/16 2023/08/21 Enhancement ARM When setting up archive job, you can choose if corrupted indexes should be skipped or it should stop the job. An archive skip behavior is set by default. At the end of the job, summary page will show all archived and restored indexes.
2023/08/16 2023/08/21 Enhancement ARM After Archive and Restore job, the Job Summary table includes the extracted text statistics.
2023/08/10 2024/01/31 Enhancement Express Transfer When using Express Transfer with Import/Export, if a job fails to finish or completes with errors, you can now generate a report from Express Transfer Job Details.
2023/08/09 2023/08/09 Resolved defect Legal Hold Fixed issue where Entities with aliased email addresses in M365 were unable to have their OneDrive URLs found.
2023/08/03 2023/08/03 Enhancement Collect For Microsoft 365 Outlook mailboxes, including calendars and contacts, and OneDrive collections, you can run the inventory phase of a collection without performing the physical collection. You will then be able to see the number of items discovered and estimated collection size for each custodian target.
2023/07/29 2023/08/15 Enhancement Security Alerts You can now resolve an alert with a single click in Security Center. Eliminating the need to leave the Security Alerts page to take manual action. We also added an alert state so you know what alerts need to be addressed and have been addressed. Enabling you to decide what alerts you get emails about to focus on the signals most important to your security posture.
2023/07/27 TBA Resolved defect List Page In Relativity’s dedication to the customer experience, several improvements were made to the new list page. This work reduced the number of customer incidents and the improved performance of the new list page.
2023/07/27 2023/07/27 Enhancement Review Center A queue with a relational field set will now serve each group's members in the order specified by the field's Relational View. Previously, relational group members were served in order of artifact ID.
2023/07/21 2023/07/21 Enhancement Review Center You can now assign more than one reviewer group to a queue. All users in the groups will have access to the queue.
2023/07/20 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can now import PDFs directly into production set.
2023/07/20 2023/07/20 Enhancement ARM Restore job will now complete, even if some application upgrade fails. You can now access workspace and repair applications after the job.
2023/07/20 2023/07/20 Deprecation ARM Advance Restore Options will no longer be available when creating Restore Job.
2023/07/19 2023/07/19 Resolved defect Legal Hold Fixed defect where Entity assigned dates were not showing up on the Entity layout.
2023/07/19 2023/07/19 Enhancement Legal Hold Added new choice 'Never' to Incoming Email Frequency and set as default setting.
2023/07/17 TBA Resolved defect Search In Relativity’s dedication to the customer experience, we have improved the stability and performance of index builds. This was done through multiple significant improvements and the migration of search data to AFS.
2023/07/17 2023/07/18 Enhancement Integration Points The goal is to optimize jobs, to push from Repository to Review workspace only recently changed or added documents, comparing scope of previous execution of the started job.
2023/07/14 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can now save your job settings to a file in all import and export flows and apply them when creating a new job.
2023/07/01 2023/07/15 Resolved defect Extensibility Points In Relativity’s dedication to the customer experience, several improvements were made to Relativity Service Host. This work reduced the number of customer incidents, improved self-healing, and enhances the overall customer experience with Service Host and Kepler Services.
2023/06/30 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can now export your job settings to a file in the RDO data import flow. Then, you can apply the saved job configuration when creating a new import job.
2023/06/30 2023/06/30 Enhancement OCR The OCR engine now provides faster throughput and better text recognition results. These improvements impact non-Latin-based alphabet languages as well.
2023/06/23 TBA Resolved defect Imaging In Relativity’s dedication to the customer experience, we improved the stability of the imaging functionality. This work decreased incidents and outages.
2023/06/23 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can now export your job settings to a file in the document load file import flow. Then, you can apply the saved job configuration when creating a new import job.
2023/06/23 2023/06/23 Resolved defect Legal Hold Fixed defect for Scheduling Reminder where the first run of the project reminder would be skipped.
2023/06/23 2023/06/23 Enhancement Legal Hold Update OneDrive URL Discovery in Preservation in Place to use Graph API.
2023/06/16 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can now activate Express Transfer once per session, and it will reactivate automatically each time you need to set up a new job. You can deactivate Express Transfer manually anytime.
2023/06/07 TBA Resolved defect Analytics In Relativity's dedication to the customer experience, we fixed the issue where tagging documents during "Find Similar Documents" resulted in an out-of-memory exception and the documents returned would crash the page. The new pagination implementation will result in a more smooth experience for users of this feature.
2023/06/06 2023/06/06 Enhancement Review Center Administrators can now specify a relational field on Prioritized Review queues. If the relational field is set, the entire relational group of the next available document will be reserved for the reviewer.
2023/06/06 2023/06/06 Enhancement Review Center Prioritized Queues with fewer than 50 documents coded will now report "Insufficient Data" on the Review Progress, under "Uncoded Predicted <Positive/Negative>". This reflects the fact that AI accuracy is low when the model is in its earliest stages.
2023/06/06 2023/06/06 Enhancement Legal Hold Refactored Custodian Change report to add number of Legal Hold Projects to report UI.
2023/06/02 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can now export Folder with subfolders directly from the Import/Export tool.
2023/06/02 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can now set regional date/time settings when exporting workspace fields to a load file.
2023/06/02 TBA Resolved defect Processing In Relativity's dedication to the customer experience, we have focused on addressing most impactful discovery related issues. Recent updates have addressed stuck jobs for multiple handlers—PDF, OCR, Excel, Word—updated multiple third party libraries to latest available releases, improved error messages, implemented a more versatile handling of Google sidecar files, and updated RSMF to handle large files.
2023/06/01 TBA Enhancement Processing Improvements were made to our EnCase handler to improve stability, performance, error clarity, and identification of BitLocker partitions.
2023/06/01 2023/06/01 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can now add a secondary condition to the New Documents Added and Other trigger option that will enforce a time range for when the workflow can run after the first condition is met.
2023/05/25 TBA Deprecation Processing We have unmapped the Discover Error on Child Document field across every Relativity workspace based on evidence of the field not being of value and not having much usage. If the field is needed, clients can remap field and republish to populate the field.
2023/05/25 2023/05/25 Enhancement Legal Hold Added new columns to the Employment Status Change report. Removed 'grouping' logic for projects and put a row for each time a custodian is included in a project.
2023/05/25 2023/05/25 Enhancement Legal Hold Enable Open to Associations for Project::Type and CustodianRole::Release Date fields.
2023/05/24 2023/05/24 Enhancement Review Center Review Center Queues now have a "Queue Label" field that allows administrators to organize queues into categories. For example, review stage or queue usage. The field is available in the Review Library tab's views for sorting and filtering purposes.
2023/05/24 2023/05/24 Enhancement Review Center Edits to queue configuration during a queue refresh now trigger a cancel action on the refresh. Once the refresh is cancelled, a manual or automatic refresh is recommended to cause the changes to take effect
2023/05/24 2023/05/24 Enhancement Review Center When a queue is Active or Paused, and the queue is refreshed, its tab will now show the primary state. For example, "Paused" or "Active". If you click that tab, you will see in the Queue Status that the queue is "Paused, Preparing" or "Active, Preparing."
2023/05/19 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can now export Relativity Dynamic Object (RDO) data from RelativityOne with Import/Export.
2023/05/17 2023/05/17 Enhancement Processing For easy locating of processing entities, we updated the link views for custodian filtering in the Documents tab and the Select Item – Custodian modal to include only the full name and classification when creating Processing Data Sources.
2023/05/15 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export When exporting data, you can now rename native and text files with a custom file naming option.
2023/05/15 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can now apply an export job configuration from an existing .kwx file to set up a new export job.
2023/05/15 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export When exporting data, you can now rename volumes and subdirectories and set the maximum size allowed for each volume and the maximum number of files to store in each subdirectory.
2023/05/15 2023/05/15 Enhancement User The User Disable On Date functionality has been migrated from the Workspace Housekeeping agent to the User Disable Scheduler agent.
2023/05/15 2023/05/15 Resolved defect Legal Hold Improved performance of Employment Status Report, especially reports including large amounts of custodians.
2023/05/12 TBA Enhancement Processing We've added a new field to the files tab in Processing where you can see files that were deduplicated out of your processing set. You can access the file metadata and export this information, allowing for more visibility into deduplicated files.
2023/05/11 2023/05/11 Resolved defect Legal Hold Fixed issue where Select from Unsent on Communication was not working on bad data.
2023/05/10 2023/05/10 Enhancement Review Center Queues that have automatic refresh enabled will now refresh based on coding activity on any queue in the workspace, not just in that particular queue.
2023/05/04 TBA Enhancement Processing When processing RSMF files you can now extract files up to 2 GB, map all RSMF 2.0 header metadata, and introduce your own custom X-RSMF headers.
2023/04/30 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export When setting up a new import job, you can now create a new workspace folder directly in the Destination folder pane.
2023/04/24 2023/04/24 Enhancement Legal Hold Updated Auto-Discover Targets field on Preservation Case to default to False due to low usage of the feature.
2023/04/20 2023/04/20 Enhancement Review Center Negative document ranks, which are assigned when the classifier cannot predict a document, are now displayed in the Document Ranks chart and associated table.
2023/04/20 2023/04/20 Enhancement Review Center The Pending state has been renamed to Not Started on the Review Center tabs to clarify that it is awaiting action by the administrator, not the system.
2023/04/19 2023/04/19 Resolved defect Legal Hold Fixed a defect where custodian portal auth provider troubleshoot claims button wouldn't work in ARM-ed workspaces.
2023/04/15 TBA Enhancement Legal Hold For Legal Hold, you are now able to use Modern Authentication (certificate based) for setting up Preservation Hold Settings.
2023/04/14 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export In Express Transfer, now you can quickly export large production sets with no size limitations to your local drive. To use the new feature, you need to update Express Transfer to version 2.0.0.
2023/04/13 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can now export saved search from a RelativityOne workspace.
2023/04/13 TBA Enhancement Collect Linked attachments are now automatically collected as part of standard, non-archive, Microsoft 365 Outlook mailbox collections. The linked files contained in the email will be attached as if they were normal non-linked attachments to the parent email.
2023/04/12 2023/04/13 Enhancement Review Center The Relevance Rate chart now shows partially-filled circles to represent partial, less than 100 documents, data points. In addition, the x-coordinate of each point now corresponds to the most recently coded document, to make the chart more understandable.
2023/04/11 2023/04/11 Enhancement Management Console We've simplified the experience within the Cost Explorer, moving some fields from the Data Usage table to more appropriate places. Adding a Billable Workspace Type field to determine if a workspace is billed at Review, Repository or Cold Storage Rates and making the Data Usage table customizable to see the data that matters to you.
2023/04/11 2023/04/11 Enhancement RelativityOne Review Template Updated the review template to include the latest features like RSMF slicing, Review Center, Import/Export, and sentiment analysis highlights to enhance review workflows and improve the user experience.
2023/03/31 2023/03/31 Deprecation ARM Move job is not longer available in ARM.
2023/03/29 2023/03/29 Resolved defect Review Center You can now tie a document view to a queue, via queue settings, which controls the fields displayed in the documents card in the Viewer.
2023/03/29 2023/03/29 Enhancement Security You can now resolve Security Alerts without needing to leave Security Center as well as see the real-time status of alerts. You can also customize the alerts you would like notifications to reduce noise and focus on the signals most important to you security posture.
2023/03/27 2023/03/27 Enhancement Management Console Translate usage and cost metrics can now be found in the Management Console - Cost Explorer.
2023/03/23 TBA Enhancement Authentication You can hide the user name login field on the login page by adding the LoginPageShowUsernameField instance setting.
2023/03/20 2023/03/27 Enhancement OCR The OCR engine now handles images larger than 8400 pixels. This eliminates the need for clients to manually re-size the images before processing them.
2023/03/20 2023/03/20 Enhancement Collect Short message type data sources are now included in the Collect summary report.
2023/03/15 2024/01/31 Enhancement Express Transfer Express Transfer Connectivity Check is used to ensure connection settings are set appropriately to successfully transfer data.
2023/03/15 2023/03/15 Enhancement Review Center When a queue is deleted, we will delete the choice and sub-choices associated with the queue under the Review Center document field.
2023/03/15 2023/03/15 Enhancement Review Center The Queue History table shows the state of the queue at every previous refresh. The columns displayed vary depending on the queue type and whether it has the Review Field and positive/negative choices set.
2023/03/10 2023/03/10 Enhancement Integration Points Integration Point user may now decide whether to use documents tagging during data promotion workflow (workspace to workspace).
2023/03/08 2023/03/08 Enhancement Legal Hold Added OAuth2 Code flow for Custodian Portal Authentication Provider along with ability to specify additional scopes to return.
2023/03/02 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can now choose destination folder structure when exporting data from Relativity. Files can be grouped in folders reflecting a workspace and you can still use the old method of grouping files by type.
2023/02/28 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can now import PDF file as image to RelativityOne Workspace.
2023/02/28 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export Job details is available in Express Transfer for each transfer job via a View details link to provide more information about job uploads, including total number of files in the job and total number transferred, transfer speed, job ID.
2023/02/28 2023/02/28 Enhancement Processing The Processing Set layout has been modified to focus on job status and data source information. The Basic Settings layout card has been moved behind the Processing Set Status card.
2023/02/28 2023/02/28 Enhancement Permissions The Aero UI was released to all permissions pages unifying the experience with the rest of the product. No changes in workflow were made.
2023/02/22 2023/02/22 Enhancement Processing The Storage ID field, representing a physically unique file in Processing, has been added to the Files tab in the Current Errored Files and All Errored Files views.
2023/02/21 TBA Enhancement Login Page We removed the Chicago background image from the RelativityOne login page.
2023/02/21 2023/02/21 Resolved defect Legal Hold Fixed false positive validation when testing email settings.
2023/02/17 TBA Resolved defect Processing Text from email inline images is now properly rolled into parent documents with the roll up image text Processing Profile option is enabled.
2023/02/17 2023/02/17 Enhancement Legal Hold Update the Projects and Questionnaire popups with more info when setting up Scheduled Reports.
2023/02/15 2023/02/16 Enhancement Case Dynamics You can display a date suggestion coming from the document's sort date metadata for the Primary Fact Date field on a Fact layout. After setting up fields and field mappings, you can see the update if you go into the viewer, switch to the Case Dynamics Document Layout and click the Add button next to the fact field.
2023/02/10 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can import Relativity Dynamic Object data into existing RDO for use in Relativity applications.
2023/02/09 2024/01/31 Resolved defect Import/Export Import/Export now doesn't require the Allow Import permission to run an export job.
2023/02/08 2023/02/08 Enhancement Search Search using emojis symbols in data so you can gather insights these increasingly common communication methods. After you update your index to include emojis, you can include the relevant symbol into your search criteria to find and view the documents where they appear. This new ability will work for any data where emojis are stored in Unicode characters, such as emails, word documents, texts, WhatsApp and Google Chat.
2023/02/07 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export Import/Export now supports regional settings other than English (United States) in the structured data import flows.
2023/02/06 N/A Enhancement Review Interface Proper support for PDFs in the new PDF Viewer, which primarily benefits users by having a streamlined and integrated PDF experience in the new Viewer.
2023/02/02 2023/02/02 Enhancement Pivot Colors are now consistent across pivot charts and cluster visualization. Additionally, the palette of available colors has been expanded to 14.
2023/01/31 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export With the new Express Transfer desktop application, now you can quickly import large unstructured and structured data files with no size limitations to your local drive. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/31 2023/01/31 Enhancement Viewer Sentiment Analysis Highlights Card in the Viewer (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/31 2023/01/31 Enhancement Viewer Save as Search functionality is available for documents in Concept Search and View Similar documents cards in Viewer. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/30 TBA Enhancement Collect You can now collect from iManage Cloud Classic instances. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/30 2023/01/31 Enhancement Viewer The document list in the Viewer will auto scroll when you go through documents using the navigation controls. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/30 2023/01/30 Resolved defect Legal Hold Updated file name of scheduled Custodian Change Report to be the name entered in Relativity when the report is set up rather than a generic file name. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/26 2023/01/26 Enhancement Viewer When viewing a supported audio/video file, you can toggle on/off the waveform visualization to track the intensity of the sound and skip through silence. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/26 2023/01/26 Enhancement Viewer Ability to render PowerPoint comments when they are Modern Comments. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/25 2023/01/25 Resolved defect Review Interface Fixed a memory leak in the Relativity Forms application which caused gradual performance degradation as users navigated across documents in the coding panel or Form pages. After a few hundred navigations, users would begin to see a laggy or unresponsive UI until they closed and reopened Relativity in a new browser tab. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/24 TBA Enhancement Processing Roll up extracted text from embedded images into parent documents during Processing, removing the need to promote them to your workspace while keeping all the important information. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/24 2023/02/10 Enhancement Review Center The Review Center is a unified destination for review management in RelativityOne. Build custom queues off saved searches, utilize AI to prioritize relevant documents, and leverage the reporting dashboard from one central location. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/20 2023/01/20 Enhancement Processing Administration The Processing and Imaging Queue tab has been moved from the Processing Administration tab to the Queue Management tab. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/19 2023/01/19 Enhancement Repository Workspace The Translated Documents tab is now available in the Repository workspace. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/18 TBA Enhancement Collect X1 Endpoints that are offline during a collection will continue to be monitored and collected in the background. Once an endpoint comes back online and the collection completes, the collection will be pulled into Relativity upon retry of the Collect job. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/18 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export You can create a new custodian directly from the Import/Export UI when setting up a new raw (unprocessed) import job. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/18 2023/01/24 Enhancement Sentiment analysis Use Sentiment Analysis to read between the lines and look for documents containing positive, negative, angry, and desirous sentiment. Running through a simple mass action, this application allows users to not only see content but context and intention. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/18 2023/01/18 Resolved defect Processing Processing source locations with or without trailing slashes will now be seen as the same location. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/13 TBA Enhancement Processing We have improved performance when retrieving errors at the end of Processing jobs. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/10 2023/01/10 Resolved defect Processing Mass Edits of the Processing Profile now copy all settings. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/10 2023/01/10 Enhancement Cold Storage API Documentation and SDK for Cold Storage API is now publicly available. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/06 TBA Enhancement Authentication Just-in-time user provisioning allows administrators to automatically manage new user provisioning and group membership through an external identity provider, such as Okta or Azure AD. This feature is supported for OpenID Connect identity providers. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/04 N/A Enhancement Agents Agents executing in the RelativityOne Compute framework received an operating system upgrade for improved network stability. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/03 TBA Enhancement Automated Workflows The New Documents Added trigger now supports starting workflows from Import/Export. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/03 2024/01/31 Resolved defect Import/Export The custodian list in the unprocessed data import flow is now sorted alphabetically and starts from 'custodians - processing' category, and then 'custodians - analytics' is shown. The list includes the first 10k custodians. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2023/01/03 2023/01/03 Enhancement Legal Hold Updated UI for message popup when you respond to an incoming communication in the mailbox page. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2022/12/23 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export Import/Export now integrates with Automated Workflows and sends the information about completed structured data jobs to enable work automation. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2022/12/23 2024/01/31 Resolved defect Import/Export You can now return to the canceled job from the Import/Export Job page. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2022/12/23 2024/01/31 Resolved defect Import/Export Import/Export now allows selecting relational fields in the field mapping step of import job configuration. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2022/12/23 2024/01/31 Resolved defect Import/Export Import/Export now validates delimiters chosen by the user to ensure no duplicated delimiters have been selected. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2022/12/20 2022/12/20 Enhancement Review Interface Users can filter and sort the item list in the Find Similar Documents, Conceptual Search & Keyword Expansion cards in the Viewer (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2022/12/19 2022/12/19 Enhancement Workspace Management Resource Pool field is no longer available in UI during Workspace Create operation. Resource Pools are now determined automatically. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2022/12/19 2022/12/19 Resolved defect Legal Hold Fixed a defect in which users were able to save whitespace for the Custodian Portal "PortalURL" field. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2022/12/12 TBA Enhancement Imaging The Basic imaging profile can now include tracked changes within a Word document. You can now easily image and produce all of the edits made to the original document in the image version of the file. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2022/12/05 2022/12/05 Enhancement Legal Hold Global Summary Report updated to only report on active custodians. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2022/12/05 2022/12/05 Enhancement Legal Hold We've added the custodian role to the custodian status dashboard default view for easier custodian reporting. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2022/12/01 N/A Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS includes maintenance updates. (3.0.13)
2022/11/29 N/A Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS includes maintenance updates. (3.0.12)
2022/11/29 2022/12/05 Enhancement Mass Operations This new job status page enables customer to monitor and cancel Mass Operations jobs across workspaces and eliminates the need to keep a tab open for a Mass Operation job after its initiated. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2022/11/28 2024/01/31 Enhancement Import/Export Import/Export is a new data transfer solution in RelativityOne. Its simple user interface allows you to drag-and-drop data to upload into RelativityOne without needing to navigate between many tools, then seamlessly export when you need to work outside the platform. Plus, unprocessed data will automatically kick off a processing job and notify you when it is done. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2022/11/28 2022/11/30 Enhancement Review Interface The Export to CSV option is now available for Find Similar Documents, Concept Search and Keyword Expansion AI cards in the Viewer. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2022/11/28 2022/11/28 Enhancement Billing API The new Billing API supports programmatically retrieving billing data to check billing metrics for instance, workspace, matter, and client; checking peak values and current usage for the whole instance or specific workspaces; and retrieving billing user details. Check the Developer Platform documentation for more information. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2022/11/28 2022/11/28 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact, we have introduced a new character scope option for spreadsheet and image project rules. Common examples of the value of being able to draw markup at the character-level are when there is a need to redact the email handle but not the email domain, the first 5 digits of SSNs but not the last 4, the first 12 digits of CCNs but not the last 4. (RelativityOne Zarzaparilla 0)
2022/11/18 2022/11/18 Enhancement Automated Workflows Users will now able to add a 'Completed Action Trigger' to their Automated Workflows that will enable them to kick off a workflow once a Translate job is finished. (RelativityOne Yarrow 2)
2022/11/16 2022/11/16 Enhancement Security Center We're making Security Center easier to navigate by moving the various views into categories with dedicated sub-tabs at the top of the page. You'll also have the ability to view and download Calder 7's Threat Intel Reports in Security Center. (RelativityOne Yarrow 2)
2022/11/15 2022/11/15 Enhancement Integration Points Columns in Mapping Fields are now wider and are having a vertical scroll, which makes it easier to find a particular field for the mapping. (RelativityOne Yarrow 2)
2022/11/15 2022/11/15 Enhancement Integration Points Each column in Field Mapping is now having total fields number displayed at the column's name. Which allows to quickly compare if number of mapped fields is matching. (RelativityOne Yarrow 2)
2022/11/15 2022/11/15 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact, the Revert Native Redactions mass operation now allows the user to specify which markup set to revert. (RelativityOne Yarrow 2)
2022/11/11 2022/11/11 Enhancement Case Dynamics You can now control how you export case information in your offline report to allow for a more customizable experience. You can build custom views to dictate the columns and sort the order of your data. (RelativityOne Yarrow 2)
2022/11/11 2022/11/11 Enhancement Review Interface The "Edit" field will be available in Related items card if the "Edit" field is added to the Relational card view (RelativityOne Yarrow 2)
2022/11/09 2022/11/10 Enhancement Review Interface Reviewers now have the ability to rotate native documents. (RelativityOne Yarrow 2)
2022/11/03 2022/11/03 Enhancement RSMF Slicing You now have the ability to use RSMF Slicing in Repository Workspaces. (RelativityOne Yarrow 2)
2022/11/03 2021/11/12 Enhancement Review Interface You now have the ability enable Draft Mode, which will standardize how text is shown in the Viewer to make the text easier to read, eliminating readability issues for heavily formatted documents. (RelativityOne Yarrow 2)
2022/10/25 TBA Enhancement Collect You now have the ability to collect files from iManage into RelativityOne. (RelativityOne Yarrow 2)
2022/10/25 2023/07/17 Enhancement Collect You can now collect iManage Cloud and Cloud Classic data into RelativityOne Government instances.
2022/10/22 2022/11/12 Enhancement Review Interface You will receive a notification in the Viewer for the presence of Modern Comments within a Microsoft 2021/O365 PowerPoint file. You must download the file to view the comments. (RelativityOne Yarrow 2)
2022/10/20 2022/11/04 Enhancement Viewer Native Viewer now leverages new PDF rendering capabilities, which will support rendering more formatting elements of PDFs, include XFA PDFs (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/10/17 2022/10/17 Enhancement Review Interface You can now pop out the related items card into a separate window and pop it back. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/10/14 TBA Resolved defect Processing Relativity will show an error when large files over 60 GB contained in an L01 fail to discover during Processing. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/10/14 2022/10/14 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now schedule legal hold reports to be sent as .pdf files or .csv files. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/10/14 2022/10/14 Enhancement Legal Hold You are now able to filter on multiple groups simultaneously during Azure AD custodian import jobs. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/10/11 Enhancement Workspace Management Default Cache Location field is now hidden when you create new workspace. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/10/10 Enhancement Viewer The Native Viewer now leverages new PDF rendering capabilities, which will support rendering more formatting elements of PDFs, include XFA PDFs. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/10/09 2022/12/01 Enhancement Legal Hold Questions, tasks, preservation cases, and attachments layouts have been Aero-enabled. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/10/06 2023/02/10 Enhancement Collect This feature adds a new message type filter to Slack Collections. Now you have the ability to collect from both Direct and Group Messages when performing a Slack collection. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/10/06 2022/10/06 Enhancement Viewer You can persistently filter out event types and more in RSMFs in the viewer. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/10/05 2022/10/05 Deprecation Integration Points O365 Integration application is no longer used for importing data into Integration Points. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/10/04 2022/10/18 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact, we've introduced a 'Find and Redact' feature that extends the existing Viewer search capabilities by allowing you to draw markup over selected search hits with your preferred markup type, style, and scope when marking up spreadsheets. If there's any searchable pattern at all to the content you want to markup, this feature will make your manual workflows much more efficient. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/10/04 2022/10/04 Enhancement Reviewer Interface The Text Viewer now supports contextual search drawer for review. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/10/04 2022/10/04 Enhancement Reviewer Interface The Refresh icon is moved under the Menu option for document cards. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/10/04 2022/10/04 Enhancement Reviewer Interface The refresh icon is added to Document and Production history cards. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/09/30 2022/12/21 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now use the Graph API within Microsoft 365 to send and receive notification emails. You can also use modern authentication methods opposed to basic authentication which is getting deprecated. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/09/30 Enhancement Reviewer Interface Reviewers can now run mass operations Replace, Image, Save as List, and Tally/Sum/Avg in the Related Items pane on a group of family documents. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/09/27 Deprecation RelativityOne Activity Dashboard The RelativityOne Activity Dashboard has been removed from the interface. We have integrated our data utilization functionality into the Management Console, and will continue to surface more valuable insights in the future. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/09/27 Enhancement ARM Workspaces in Cold Storage can be archived. Workspace will be visible in drop-down list in ARM job page. Workspaces do not have to be moved to active state before archiving. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/09/24 Enhancement Viewer The review interface now supports rendering WebP image files in the native viewer. WebP is an image file format developed by Google intended as a replacement for JPEG, PNG, and GIF file formats. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/09/15 Enhancement Redact Introduced a new viewer card for managing spreadsheet tabs so users have a dedicated place for marking tab content. Similar to how other spreadsheet-specific content have dedicated viewer cards (charts, comments, headers + footers, objects), we introduced a new Redact viewer card for tabs and removed the Redact current sheet name toolbar button due to it no longer being necessary. (RelativityOne Yarrow 0)
2022/09/12 Enhancement Structured Analytics Structured Analytics now appears in Aero styling. (RelativityOne Yarrow 0)
2022/09/07 Enhancement Reviewer Interface Reviewers can now pop out the document history card in a separate window and dock it back. (RelativityOne Yarrow 0)
2022/09/01 2024/03/01 Enhancement Translate Translate documents in Relativity with a mass operation or a singled document in the viewer. Returned translated documents will be formatted in the original style of the native, where supported, and translated extracted text will be available for the document for search and analytics purposes. (RelativityOne Yarrow 0)
2022/08/31 Enhancement Pivot You can now select the type of widget you are creating and map the fields to the right to the axis. (RelativityOne Yarrow 0)
2022/08/31 Enhancement Processing Added processing support for dynamic XFA PDF forms. (RelativityOne Yarrow 0)
2022/08/05 Enhancement Transcripts When printing a transcript from the viewer, you can now include a legend for your designations. (RelativityOne White Sedge 2)
2022/08/05 Enhancement Collect You can now collect Outlook mailboxes, calendars, contacts, OneDrive files and Teams chats from Microsoft M365 tenants in RelativityOne Government instances. You can now collect Outlook mailboxes, calendars, contacts, OneDrive files Microsoft G365 tenants in RelativityOne Government instances. (RelativityOne White Sedge 2)
2022/07/31 Enhancement Collect You can now select the entity Document Numbering Prefix (DPN) or the processing profile DPN when submitting a collection to processing. (RelativityOne Yarrow 1)
2022/07/29 Enhancement Mass Operations The Mass Operations Manager agent has been converted to run on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. This is a phased rollout, so not all instances will see this change in their environment immediately. (RelativityOne White Sedge 2)
2022/07/29 Enhancement Redact Extended the native redaction capabilities of Redact by adding support for the ability to redact native .csv files in the viewer and as part of Spreadsheet projects. (RelativityOne White Sedge 2)
2022/07/20 2023/11/20 Enhancement Collect You can now collect from M365/G365 Archived Mailboxes in RelativityOne Government.
2022/07/18 Enhancement Processing NIST Version 2.72 is now available for download. This version is now deployed to RelativityOne. (RelativityOne White Sedge 2)
2022/07/15 Enhancement ARM The ARM agents have been converted to run on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. You no longer need or be able to add or modify ARM agents within your RelativityOne environments once rollout is complete. This is a phased rollout, so not all instances will see this change in their environment immediately. (RelativityOne White Sedge 1)
2022/07/15 Enhancement Structured Analytics Signature blocks are no longer considered part of segment bodies when it comes to email threading analysis. This improves how email signature blocks impact the inclusiveness designation of an email are reduces over-inclusiveness based on signature blocks. (RelativityOne White Sedge 1)
2022/07/15 Enhancement ARM Potentially malware files are excluded from ARM job and jobs continue without archiving/restoring them. ​User can see how many of the files are tagged as malware in Job Statistic table. ​ Details of the files can be found in Error tab. (RelativityOne White Sedge 1)
2022/07/12 Enhancement Automated Workflows The New Documents Added trigger in Automated Workflows now supports imports coming from Simple File Upload. Any workflows with either Simple File Upload selected or the All Jobs option enabled in the New Documents Added trigger, will start once your import completes. (RelativityOne White Sedge 1)
2022/06/28 2022/12/01 Enhancement Legal Hold We've added additional fields for custodians to the legal hold global summary report to help facilitate adjacent workflows leveraging the report including Department, Employee Status, Manager, Employment Start Date, UniqueID, Username, Country, Location, and Current Title. (RelativityOne White Sedge 1)
2022/06/28 2022/06/28 Enhancement Active Learning You can now reuse an Active Learning model in another workspace in your instance. (RelativityOne White Sedge 1)
2022/06/27 Enhancement Automated Workflows After selecting the workspaces you wish to copy your workflow to, the initial dependency check will alert you of how many workspaces found an issue of a missing dependency. You can download a csv file that details the workspace and reason why the workflow could not be created. (RelativityOne White Sedge 1)
2022/06/27 Enhancement Automated Workflows When selecting the workspaces to create a copy of your Automated Workflows with Copy to Workspace, a dependency check will initiate to ensure that your workflow can successfully be created in the selected workspaces. The dependency check ensures that the correct applications are installed, the objects that you have included in your actions exist, and if you have permission to create a workflow in the workspaces you select. (RelativityOne White Sedge 1)
2022/06/27 Enhancement Automated Workflows After completing your Copy to Workspace, you will receive an email from Relativity that will provide you details with the overall success of the job, the workspaces you included, and the status of each creation in the selected workspaces. (RelativityOne White Sedge 1)
2022/06/27 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can now create identical copies of your automated workflows to any workspace in your instance with Copy to Workspace. When on your workflow, click the Copy to Workspace button, select the workspaces you would like to create the workflow in, and click Copy. (RelativityOne White Sedge 1)
2022/06/27 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can now cancel an in progress Copy to Workspace job. Canceling will stop any pending workspaces from receiving the Automated Workflow you have selected to copy. (RelativityOne White Sedge 1)
2022/06/24 Enhancement Security If a document is affected by malware, you'll now see enriched errors with details on the document on its location. You'll also see additional context on the review page when attempting to view a document affected by malware. (RelativityOne White Sedge 1)
2022/06/21 Enhancement Security Alerts We added a new security alert type providing alerting any time that a Relativity employee downloads a document while working with you on a support case. You can subscribe by joining the Security Notifications group. (RelativityOne White Sedge 1)
2022/06/17 Resolved defect Processing Fixed an issue with AD1 files where documents synced to OneDrive via Reparse Points were not processed correctly. (RelativityOne White Sedge 0)
2022/06/15 Enhancement Processing Improved performance of processing field mapping for environments with a high number of discovered fields. (RelativityOne White Sedge 0)
2022/06/09 Enhancement Migrate Migrate now uses ARM APIs instead of Archive Tool for Relativity Server 12.1+ versions. In order to use Migrate on Relativity Server 12.1+, see Migrate documentation for proper configuration. (RelativityOne White Sedge 0)
2022/06/04 Enhancement RSMF Slicing The new Relativity Slice Origin ID relational field is now populated on a slice with the Artifact ID of the original RSMF. (RelativityOne White Sedge 0)
2022/06/01 Enhancement Security Center You can now adjust the time period on the login map to look back at all logins into your RelativityOne instances and filter using the available metadata fields. (RelativityOne White Sedge 0)
2022/06/01 Enhancement Security Alerts We added a new alert types for brute force login attempts which is identified by 50 or more failed login attempts were detected with one hour. (RelativityOne White Sedge 0)
2022/06/01 Resolved defect Security Alerts We fixed a bug throwing alerts for Relativity Service Accounts to help you focus on actionable alerts that need your attention (RelativityOne White Sedge 0)
2022/05/24 2022/12/01 Enhancement Legal Hold We've capped the number of projects you can include in a legal hold scheduled report to 180 in order to improve performance and reliability. (RelativityOne White Sedge 0)
2022/05/24 2022/12/01 Enhancement Legal Hold Added the "test email settings" emails to the workspace Mailbox tab to track test emails. (RelativityOne White Sedge 0)
2022/05/24 Enhancement Agents Relativity Agents running on RelativityOne Compute will automatically re-enable themselves if set to a disabled state. These agents will have text in the Note section of the Agent record noting this behavior (RelativityOne White Sedge 0)
2022/05/21 2023/02/01 Enhancement Collect You can now collect files from Box.
2022/05/21 2022/12/01 Resolved defect Legal Hold The "Send As" field has been renamed "Send As Alias" to reflect true functionality. (RelativityOne White Sedge 0)
2022/05/21 Resolved defect Event Handlers Event Handlers attached to objects in the Admin workspace will now execute as expected. (RelativityOne White Sedge 0)
2022/05/21 Enhancement Collect You can now configure jobs to automatically begin processing upon completion. All targets that complete with a status of "Completed" or "Completed with Errors" will be included in the processing set. (RelativityOne White Sedge 0)
2022/05/21 Enhancement Collect You can now collect files from Box for selected custodians. (RelativityOne White Sedge 0)
2022/05/17 Enhancement Integration Points Non-admin users are now enabled to perform a document link copy to another workspace. This provides non-admin users more autonomy over the copies they make without posing a security risk. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 2)
2022/05/16 Deprecation Collect Zip containerization for Google Workspace Gmail and Drive is no longer supported. Google provides that data pre-zipped and this change supports metadata ingestion during processing. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 2)
2022/05/09 Enhancement Structured Analytics The Structured Analytics Manager agent and the Structured Analytics Worker agent have been converted to run on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 2)
2022/05/02 Enhancement Search Term Reports Up to six Search Terms Reports can now be run in parallel within a workspace. Note that the per-instance limit of six concurrent STRs has not changed. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 2)
2022/04/29 Resolved defect RSMF Slicing The Meta fields have been dropped on the ComplianceObject. They were preventing deduping because they have unique fields across what are otherwise duplicate ComplianceObjects. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 2)
2022/04/29 Enhancement Agents All Audit product agents (Deleter, Manager, Migrator, Reporter) were migrated and are working on K8s clusters. Their features and functionality were not changed, only the way they are hosted. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 2)
2022/04/28 Resolved defect Processing Fixed an issue with AD1 files where documents sync’d to OneDrive via Reparse Points were not processed correctly (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 2)
2022/04/28 Enhancement Processing Added the new AD1/ReparsePointItem metadata field to help identify reparse points during processing. This field in combination with "File Type" = unknown can be used to filter out unwanted files. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 2)
2022/04/28 Enhancement Management Console A new capability that provides greater visibility into the usage and billing data for key RelativityOne workflows. With easy-to-read summaries and up-to-date reporting, insights on your usage and billing data will always be as accurate as possible. Plus, data will easily convert to the billable data you need for cost recovery and predictability models. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 2)
2022/04/25 Resolved defect Case Metrics The scheduled, run by agents, Reviewer Statistics report on workspaces using SQL for Audits will now have the correct reporting data. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 2)
2022/04/25 Deprecation Transform Sets Transform Sets is being deprecated and will be replaced by Name Normalization. Within Name Normalization, you can select Enable additional domain filtering to yes under Advanced Settings and standard multi-object fields will be created: Alias Email From Domain, Alias Email To Domain, Alias Email Cc Domain, Alias Email Bcc Domain, and Alias Email Recipients Domain. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 2)
2022/04/20 2022/12/01 Enhancement Legal Hold We've added email and employee number sorting options to summary BCC picker in a LH communication. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 1)
2022/04/20 Enhancement Integration Points We now support syncing Azure AD data from G365. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 1)
2022/04/20 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS includes maintenance updates. (3.0.11)
2022/04/15 Enhancement Active Learning Active Learning can now use any single-choice field as its designation, not just fields with exactly two choices. During project setup, one choice is selected as positive, another choice as negative, and the rest of the choices are treated as "neutral" and will not train the model. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 1)
2022/04/13 Enhancement RelativityOne Redact In RelativityOne Redact, the Redact Project Status page now allows project admins the ability to prioritize one or more projects over other projects. Multiple projects can be prioritized at the same time and those projects will be completed before projects that are not prioritized. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 1)
2022/04/10 Enhancement Agents Custom Agents are beginning migrations to RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 1)
2022/04/06 Enhancement Case Dynamics All Case Dynamics object have been updated to run with Relativity Forms on. All layouts in the application now have the Aero styling. Additionally, for our Outlines feature, we've switched to using layouts rather than modals, so you can use custom layouts to create objects. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 1)
2022/04/04 Enhancement Agents Agents running on RelativityOne Compute now may be enabled or disabled from the Agents tab. Agents which are disabled will cancel any running jobs and prevent future executions of that Agent (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 1)
2022/04/02 Resolved defect RelativityOne Mobile Fixed a crash that occurred upon saving a coding decision on a doc opened via deep link (3.0.10)
2022/04/01 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can now select an option on the existing Build dtSearch Index action to always run a full index build each time the action runs in your Automated Workflow. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 1)
2022/03/31 Enhancement Integration Points RIP now allows transfers of non-document object data to other workspaces using the same workflow as with document objects. This allows you to easily transfer document and non-document object metadata without manual intervention. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 1)
2022/03/31 Enhancement Pivot The Pivot profile now matches Aero styling. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 1)
2022/03/31 Enhancement Collect A new data source will allow customers to collect Refinitiv Eikon chat. Chat data is automatically converted to RSMF. Data will be collected from a designated SFTP location. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 1)
2022/03/26 Enhancement Search Term Reports The new STR running on the Kubernetes platform has significantly better stability and scalability. The new STR also eliminates network latencies and timeouts. Overall performance of the new STR is ~5 times better than the previous version. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 1)
2022/03/25 Enhancement Structured Analytics Set You can now copy the results of the domains identified by Name Normalization into new multi-object fields. These new fields remove empty entries, remove duplicated domains, and support expanded filter options. You can also create a tab in your workspace that includes all the domains identified by the Name Normalization to export your results. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 0)
2022/03/23 Enhancement Search Term Reports The Search Term Report reports page has been migrated away from the old Custom Pages framework, allowing it to run in Kubernetes. It is functionally equivalent to the old page with some improvements to the top toolbar. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 0)
2022/03/21 Resolved defect Relativity Forms Date entry with format yyyy-mm-dd no longer prepends an extra 0 to the day. Time entry in 24hr time format no longer prepends an extra 0 to the minutes. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 0)
2022/03/19 Enhancement Active Learning Active Learning will no longer display a "pending document count", which was a report of how many documents had been coded since the model was last built (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 0)
2022/03/19 Enhancement Active Learning Active Learning projects with no running queues can schedule a retraining interval or turn off model retraining entirely (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 0)
2022/03/18 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact, the Markup Review card in the Image Viewer now displays Accept/Reject actions for manually drawn redactions, just as Redact already does for Spreadsheets and PDFs. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 0)
2022/03/10 Enhancement Collect You can now select the workspace you want to create a processing job in using the "Create Processing Job" button on the collection details console page. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 0)
2022/03/09 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact, fields created by Redact now support "Allow Pivot" and "Allow Group By." (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 0)
2022/03/09 Enhancement List Page The new Static Object Aurelia List Pages are now launched for specific Advanced access customers with full production deployment scheduled for the week of 3/28. The new List Pages provide security, freezing columns, and collapsible panels (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 0)
2022/03/09 Enhancement Structured Analytics Set You can now define the field containing the extracted text that Structured Analytics Set will use for its analysis. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 0)
2022/03/09 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact, the Viewer now displays an additional right-click context menu option to repeat the user's last markup style selected to draw markup on spreadsheets. (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 0)
2022/02/26 Enhancement Security Alerts Security Alerts gives you visibility into security alerts that help you identify and resolve threats quickly along with resolution paths for identified potential threats (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 0)
2022/02/26 Enhancement Transparency Reports Transparency Reports provide real-time insight into all Relativity Support activity in a Relativity instance to help customers work more confidently and securely with Support teams. Users can now filter a list of easy-to-read audits of Relativity Support and export into a CSV for external review (RelativityOne Tiger Lily 0)
2022/02/23 Enhancement Case Dynamics The Add Fact logic from the Viewer was updated and selected text is no longer copied to the Description field. (RelativityOne Sundrop 2)
2022/02/22 Enhancement Review The "Mass Edit" mass operation is available for Similar Documents & Concept Search cards in the Viewer. (RelativityOne Sundrop 2)
2022/02/18 Enhancement Migrate You can now migrate multiple workspaces at the same time. Specifically, there may be one archiving, one transferring, and one restoring workspace in parallel during the migration, so Migrate has no idle time between operations anymore. (RelativityOne Sundrop 2)
2022/02/16 Enhancement Authentication The Secret Rotation agent now runs on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. Users will no longer need or be able to add or modify Secret Rotation agents within their RelativityOne environment. (RelativityOne Sundrop 2)
2022/02/16 Enhancement Migrate When on Preview step, all the workspaces will be ordered based on the file count - ascending from the top (the workspace with the least file count will be at the top). Since file count has significant impact on performance, Migrate will start the migration based on the order on the Preview step to make entre migration job more efficient and to start the migration of another workspace as soon as possible. (RelativityOne Sundrop 2)
2022/02/15 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile Updates to the document viewer to increase doc to doc speed. (3.0.9)
2022/02/15 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer Error message is no longer displayed for successfully finished transfers. (RelativityOne Sundrop 2)
2022/02/14 Enhancement Mass Operations The Mass Operations Manager agents have been converted to run on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. You no longer need or be able to add or modify Mass Operation Manager agents within your RelativityOne environments once rollout is complete. This is a phased rollout, so not all instances will see this change in their environment immediately. (RelativityOne Sundrop 2)
2022/02/14 Enhancement Relativity Scripts The Script Run Manager agents have been converted to run on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. You no longer need or be able to add or modify Script Run Manager agents within your RelativityOne environments once rollout is complete. This is a phased rollout, so not all instances will see this change in their environment immediately. (RelativityOne Sundrop 2)
2022/02/14 Enhancement Case Dynamics The Offline Report has been updated such that when you have multiple facts or other objects linked to the same document, only one copy of the file will be exported. (RelativityOne Sundrop 2)
2022/02/08 Enhancement Case Dynamics The Offline Report has been updated to sort facts chronologically by the Primary Fact Date field in ascending order. Additionally, the Offline Reports for issues, key people and interview questions have been updated to sort alphabetically on the name field of each object. (RelativityOne Sundrop 2)
2022/02/08 Enhancement Active Learning Active Learning allows index health documents to be turned off in Prioritized Review Queue, allowing stable projects to substantially reduce review overhead (RelativityOne Sundrop 2)
2022/02/03 Enhancement User Sync for Preview and Sandbox The User Sync Preview agent now runs on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. Users will no longer need or be able to add or modify User Sync Preview agents within their RelativityOne environment. (RelativityOne Sundrop 2)
2022/02/03 Enhancement User Group Sync The User Group Sync agent now runs on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. Users will no longer need or be able to add or modify User Group Sync agents within their RelativityOne environment. (RelativityOne Sundrop 2)
2022/02/01 Enhancement Redact You can now filter content in the Original Text column when checking automatically drawn markup for spreadsheets in the Markup Review card. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2022/02/01 Enhancement Redact There is now additional content in the Markup Review card to provide more context when checking automatically drawn markup on spreadsheets. The new columns are Origin (Automated or Manual), Project, Reason, Rule, Sheet, Timestamp, Markup Scope, Markup Type, Markup Subtype, and Markup Text. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2022/01/24 Enhancement Migrate When migration is in "In Progress" status, the user can cancel a workspace migration while it's transferring. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2022/01/21 Enhancement Active Learning Document-to-document speed in Active Learning queues has been made approximately 30% faster (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2022/01/20 Enhancement Processing Relativity now auto-updates the NIST list when the National Software Reference Library (NSRL) releases them quarterly. Users no longer have to reach out to Support to get the latest version. The latest version that has been deployed will be noted in Release notes. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2022/01/20 Enhancement Processing NIST Version 2.72 is now available for download. This version is now deployed to RelativityOne. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2022/01/06 Enhancement Migrate When on Select & Assign step, the new column "Migration Status" is available informing whether the workspace has been already migrated to RelativityOne instance a user is currently logged into. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2022/01/05 Enhancement User The Distributed Job Manager/Worker agents have been renamed to Group Membership Manager/Worker. The Group Membership agents now runs on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. Users will no longer need or be able to add or modify Group Membership agents within their RelativityOne environment. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/23 Enhancement Migrate View All Migrations page is a new landing page for Migrate. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/23 Enhancement Migrate To notify a user about required free space available on the file location defined for workspace archives. The file location is defined in the ArchiveFileSharePath Server Instance Setting, in the Relativity Migrate section. This removes potential migration failures due to insufficient space on Server side, needed for storing archives. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/20 Enhancement Migrate You can now assign workspaces to predefined profiles defining what data should and should not be migrated, ensuring you only move the data you need. For more details see: (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/17 Enhancement Security Center New view for filtering on and searching login metadata displayed on the Login Map along with a color-blind friendly color palette minor layout adjustments to improve map navigation. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/17 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer Improved resiliency of transfers (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/15 Enhancement Cold Storage The Cold Storage agents now run on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. Users will no longer need or be able to add or modify Cold Storage agents within their RelativityOne environment. This is a phased rollout, so not all instances will see this change in their environment immediately. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/15 Enhancement Migrate User is able to assign workspace to "All Data" Profile, migrating all data available in the workspace. No change to the current behavior except for button name change from "Assign to Migration" to "Assign to Profile". (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/14 Enhancement Track Document Field Edits Track Document Field Edits agents were moved to K8s on 12/14, and for versions of 2021.12.7 and above (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/13 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS includes user experience updates. (3.0.7)
2021/12/10 Enhancement Search dtSearch agents were moved to K8s on 12/10. The following agents were migrated: dtSearch Index Job Manager, dtSearch Index Worker, Search Terms Report Agent, Data Grid Migration Manager, Data Grid Migration Worker, Data Grid Manager Agent (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/08 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can now select to automatically run an Analytics index as an action in your Automated Workflow. By selecting this action, you can automatically run, build, and update your Conceptual and Classification analytics indexes. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/08 Enhancement Analytics Within your Analytics index setting, you can now automatically link repeated content filters to a conceptual index by using the <Repeated content filters to link> field in the Advance section of the Analytics Index Information page. These repeated content filters have to previously be identified by your Structured Analytics sets. For more information check the "Creating an Analytics index" section under the "Analytics indexes" documentation page. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/08 Enhancement Analytics Within your Analytics index setting, you can now automatically create a cluster for all indexed documents after the index has been built by using the <Cluster Documents> field in the Analytics Index Information page. This option is set to Yes by default in new indexes. For more information check the "Creating an Analytics index" section under the "Analytics indexes" documentation page. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/08 Enhancement Analytics You can now run Analytics indexes that contain up to 9 million documents in the data source. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/08 Enhancement Migrate You can now cancel the migration of a workspace that is in the Archiving status. See Migrate documentation for more details. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/03 Enhancement Lockbox Lockbox notifications appearance and information it contains were improved. On top of readability in key scenarios we provide who was making a change and what was affected. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/03 Enhancement Analytics The Conceptual Analytics agents are being converted to run on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. Users will no longer need or be able to add or modify Conceptual Analytics agents within their RelativityOne environments once rollout is complete. This is a phased rollout, so not all instances will see this change in their environment immediately. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/03 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer If user is unable to access any file share due to RelativityOne configuration, ROSE will clearly inform what has happened, and will provide a link to the documentation that describes ways to resolve problem. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/03 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer Rose cyclically checks for updates during runtime (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/02 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact project pages, we've updated the user-experience around uploading CSV files for project rules so that the user only needs to select the CSV file they want to upload in order to upload the file, rather than having to select the CSV file and then upload. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/02 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact, we've introduced a number of enhancements to the Spreadsheet project page. Here are the improvements... - updated "Redact all Headers and Footers" to affect all documents in the saved search - updated "Redact all Excel objects" to affect all documents in the saved search - added "Redact all comments" feature to spreadsheet projects - updated projects to be able to run even when there are no word/phrase/regular expression/CSV rules (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/02 Enhancement Redact In Relativity Review, we've introduced a subset of commonly used Excel keyboard shortcuts in the native viewer. Initially, the main benefit of this feature is to better support manual redaction workflows when marking up native spreadsheets using RelativityOne Redact. The full list of Excel keyboard shortcuts supported in the Viewer are listed in our documentation under Relativity Redact > Manual markups with Excel files > Excel document keyboard shortcuts. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/02 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact, we've improved the markup navigator Viewer card user-experience by... - standardizing on filter, sort, and search capabilities across all Redact Viewer cards - pagination controls: First, Next, Last, Previous, Index - ability to search on Marked Text column in Redact Navigator Cards - introducing the ability to perform mass accept/reject actions across automatically drawn markups (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/02 Enhancement Redact In RelativityOne Redact, we have pre-populated a set of commonly used regular expressions to Redact projects that accept rules. The regular expressions that are now in the Redact project rules dropdown menus are discoverable via their friendly names. For example, the friendly name "Social Security Number (SSN) - US", represents the regular expression to search document text for the numeric pattern that matches social security numbers in the United States. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/02 Enhancement Redact RelativityOne Redact will now honor "Prevent Native Download" property in Native Type object. This is in addition to already existing "Local access" permission on the Document object. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/02 Enhancement Processing When processing Google Workspace email data with a sidecar data file, the Google Labels field will no longer be appended to Path/Location fields. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/12/01 Enhancement Relativity User Import Application The Relativity User Import Application agents now runs on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. Users will no longer need or be able to add or modify Relativity User Import Application agents within their RelativityOne environment. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/11/30 Enhancement Analytics "Choice Field Stratified Sampling" script allows you to select documents spanning a choice field (such as conceptual clusters) to get a diverse seed set for active learning (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/11/30 Enhancement Conversion Cache Manager The Relativity Document Conversion agents now run on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. Users will no longer need or be able to add or modify Relativity Document Conversion agents within their RelativityOne environment. This is a phased rollout, so not all instances will see this change in their environment immediately. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/11/30 Enhancement Repository Workspace The Repository Workspace Billing agent now run on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. Users will no longer need or be able to add or modify the Repository Workspace Billing agent within their RelativityOne environment. This is a phased rollout, so not all instances will see this change in their environment immediately. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/11/20 Resolved defect Fields Several fixes to the Aero UI field create/edit page and underlying FieldManager API. These bring the validation rules on this page to parity with Classic UI. Notably, this addresses an issue where field save is unresponsive when mapping source fields in some environments. This will allow customer environments still using Classic fields UI to utilize the new Aero UI. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/11/20 Enhancement Client Domains We are increasing the client domain cap from 25 domains to 100 domains per tenant in order to help you easily scale your business as you move to the cloud. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/11/20 Enhancement Cold Storage Workspaces moved into Cold Storage can now be deleted directly from Cold Storage. This feature will only be enabled after this workspace has been in Cold Storage for 30 days. (RelativityOne Sundrop 1)
2021/11/19 2022/12/01 Enhancement Legal Hold You now have increased flexibility to configure escalations, including the number of recurrences, the email subject line, and the email recipient. This offers a customizable experience when including escalations in your legal hold communications. (RelativityOne Sundrop 0)
2021/11/19 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can now select from any supported action as a trigger to start your Automated Workflow. By making your selection in the Other dropdown of the Select Trigger menu, the Automated Workflow will start once the action and object you've selected completes. (RelativityOne Sundrop 0)
2021/11/15 Resolved defect Processing Text extracted from Microsoft Project files may include additional information for tabular data, including replicated content. (RelativityOne Sundrop 3)
2021/11/15 Enhancement Agents The Document Utilities agent now runs on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. Users will no longer need or be able to add or modify Document Utilities agents within their RelativityOne environment. (RelativityOne Sundrop 0)
2021/11/15 Enhancement Agents The Collect Folder Path agent now runs on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. Users will no longer need or be able to add or modify Collect Folder Path agents within their RelativityOne environment. (RelativityOne Sundrop 0)
2021/11/15 Enhancement Agents The Prop Coding agent now runs on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. Users will no longer need or be able to add or modify Prop Coding agents within their RelativityOne environment. (RelativityOne Sundrop 0)
2021/11/15 Enhancement Agents The Scheduler agent now runs on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. Users will no longer need or be able to add or modify Scheduler agents within their RelativityOne environment. (RelativityOne Sundrop 0)
2021/11/09 Enhancement Migrate Migrate is available for all RelativityOne Government customers. (RelativityOne Sundrop 0)
2021/11/02 Enhancement Collect You can now collect chats and emails from Bloomberg. Data is converted to RSMF by default for you. (RelativityOne Sundrop 0)
2021/10/27 Enhancement Analytics The Active Learning agents are being converted to run on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. Users will no longer need or be able to add or modify Active Learning agents within their RelativityOne environments once rollout is complete. This is a phased rollout, so not all instances will see this change in their environment immediately. (RelativityOne Sundrop 0)
2021/10/23 Deprecation RSAPI RSAPI endpoints are no longer available for consumption. All applications must use Kepler endpoints instead. (RelativityOne Sundrop 0)
2021/10/23 Deprecation Viewer The Classic Viewer has been removed from RelativityOne. Users will no longer have the option to revert to the Classic Viewer. All review functionality is now standardized on the new Viewer introduced with Aero UI. We’re making this change to enable your teams with a faster, more consistent review experience across native, image, and text documents. (RelativityOne Sundrop 0)
2021/10/23 Enhancement RelativityOne ECA Template Updated ECA template now includes a step-by-step approach for culling, data insights, and document promotion using numbered saved searches and standardized usage of widgets to visualize data and ECA progress. (RelativityOne Sundrop 0)
2021/10/23 Enhancement RelativityOne Review Template Updated Review template and associated workflow document make it easier to move from review through to production with a step-by-step process for reviewing, batching, QC-ing, redacting, and producing documents. (RelativityOne Sundrop 0)
2021/10/23 Enhancement RSMF Slicing RSMF Slicing will allow customers to create a new RSMF from the original that contains only the relevant messages. This will allow customers to code and produce certain message(s) / portion of the conversation that is relevant. All RSMF slices will be traceable back to the original. (RelativityOne Sundrop 0)
2021/10/23 Enhancement Case Metrics The Case Metrics agent now runs on RelativityOne compute, which enables improved agent performance and stability. Users will no longer need or be able to add or modify Case Metrics agents within their RelativityOne environment. (RelativityOne Sundrop 0)
2021/10/22 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer User is informed that data transfer may be slow due to transfer to and from network drive. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 2)
2021/10/18 Enhancement Processing When using Google Vault to gather data from Google Workspace to be used as a data source, Processing will associate the sidecar metadata file with the appropriate documents, making the additional metadata available for field mapping. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 2)
2021/10/14 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer We now notify you when you're trying to download files from a RelativityOne to folder you do not have access to. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 2)
2021/10/06 Enhancement Core What's New announcements are now available in the RelativityOne header (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 2)
2021/10/01 Enhancement Collect You can now collect private and public chats from Microsoft Teams. Data is converted to RSMF by default for you. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 2)
2021/09/28 2023/01/13 Enhancement Collect You can now collect from Google Vault including Gmail, Drive, Chat, and Group Mailboxes for user accounts assigned a license that includes Google Vault. Google Chat data is converted to RSMF by default for you. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 2)
2021/09/28 Enhancement Collect Hidden folders and email contained in Microsoft 365 Outlook mailboxes are now included in mailbox collections. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 2)
2021/09/28 Enhancement Migrate You can now see more migration status information when on View All Migrations page. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 2)
2021/09/28 Enhancement Migrate You can now cancel the migration of a workspace that is in the In Queue status. See Migrate documentation for more details. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 2)
2021/09/28 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can now select to run an OCR set as an action in your Automated Workflows. Currently, the OCR set action only runs on Saved Searches and not Production Sets. Sequencing the OCR action after an Imaging Set action will allow you to automatically QC documents for missing text prior to indexing your data. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 2)
2021/09/25 Deprecation Analytics Sample-based Learning has been deprecated. We recommend using Active Learning for TAR workflows, and Categorization for other TAR work not covered by Active Learning (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 2)
2021/09/22 Resolved defect Case Metrics Resolved issue of Service Accounts being shown in results when explicitly set to not show when running the Reviewer Statistics report. This would occur only on workspaces that have Audit installed on them. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/09/22 Enhancement Review Interface When a coding decision is made, updates to coding layout values visible in the Related Items card will automatically refresh to display those new values. Additionally, any information in the Related Items card can be refreshed whenever the user manually clicks on the Refresh icon in the Related Items card. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/09/21 Enhancement Automated Workflows When selecting the Scheduled Run trigger and using either the Daily or Weekly option, the Start Time input will require you to enter it in either 24-hour or am/pm time formatting based on your settings. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/09/21 Resolved defect Automated Workflows The date and time information in both the action bar when the workflow is in progress and the last run section now respect your browser's time and date preferences. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/09/21 Enhancement Legal Hold We've added employee number and employee email address to our Custodian Change Report & Employment Status Change Report. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/09/21 Enhancement Legal Hold For clients using RelativityOne's native email sending capabilities, these settings now automatically populate by default within Legal Hold Settings. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/09/21 Enhancement Legal Hold We've added time zone labeling throughout a variety of lists within the legal hold application including within the Mailbox tab. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/09/21 Enhancement Legal Hold We've added time zone labeling in the legal hold confirmation emails. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/09/21 Enhancement Legal Hold Using an apostrophe in a preservation case name is no longer prohibited. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/09/20 Deprecation ARM Non-required application that were not included during archive and/or restore job and deprecated application will be uninstall during restoring. Uninstalling them will resolve the issue with orphaned event handlers which in many cases prevent reviewing documents after restore. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/09/16 Enhancement Processing When using Collect to gather data from Google Workspace, Processing will associate the sidecar metadata file with the appropriate documents, making the additional metadata available for field mapping. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/09/16 Enhancement Resource Servers Resource Server pages will now appear in Aero styling. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/09/13 Enhancement Processing The "Copy" mass action is now available on the Processing Profiles tab. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/09/08 Enhancement Review Interface When an RSMF fails to load in the Viewer, users will be presented with a new card that explains potential issues with the RSMF file. Intent is to help our customers discern issues with the RSMF file, versus being issues with the Viewer. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/09/07 Enhancement Conversion Cache Manager The new Relativity Document Conversion application and associated public RESTful API endpoints will replace the Cache Manager agent as the solution for clearing conversion cache files. Relativity Document Conversion will only support time-based cache deletion, and the clear cache button will no longer be available on the Cache Location Server page. Although the Cache Manager Agent will still appear on the Agents tab, it is not operational as long as the Relativity Document Conversion application is active. The Cache Manager Agent will be removed altogether in a future release. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/09/03 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer Transfer related logs are stored in a separate file on the local machine: "%tmp%\StagingExplorerLogs\[JOB_ID]". (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/09/03 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer Users are informed about connection issues before starting a transfer. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/08/28 Enhancement Review Interface Several years after the release of the PPTX format, Microsoft added the ability to draw on a touch-enabled device. You can draw with your finger, a digital pen, or a mouse. These drawings, referred to as “ink”, were not previously supported in our viewing technology. Support has been added. Ink drawings will now show up in our Native and Image viewers, as well as in files saved to PDF with the technology. We support this by using the drawing in the alternate content (alternate drawing) of the document. This allows for support of not only ink, but for anything else leveraging the alternate content feature in PowerPoint XML files. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 1)
2021/08/25 Enhancement Review Interface The Replace Native and Image feature will be implemented in the new viewer as a dropdown selection from the document name. When clicking on the document name in the viewer, the option to either Replace document native or Replace images for this document are available. Following this selection, you can select a file to upload. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 0)
2021/08/23 Resolved defect List Page Fixed a responsive UI issue with the Only link in the list filter so that it is now fully visible. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 0)
2021/08/19 Deprecation Sample-based Learning New round creation has been disabled in Sample-based learning as part of a phased deprecation. The final state of deprecation, coming soon, will allow only reporting on projects. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 0)
2021/08/11 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer Icon indicating internet connection added to the UI. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 0)
2021/08/06 Enhancement Migrate Ability to auto-update Migrate Server part, so customers would not need to do this manually anymore. It will be optional setting with default value set to "auto-update". See more details in Migrate documentation in this section: (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 0)
2021/07/31 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can now select a Scheduled Run trigger that allows you to setup an Automated Workflow to run on a Hourly, Daily, or Weekly recurrence. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 0)
2021/07/31 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can now select to run an Automated Workflow on a scheduled recurrence on a specific day or days of the week at a specific time with the Weekly option on the Scheduled Run trigger. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 0)
2021/07/31 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can now select to run an Automated Workflow on a scheduled recurrence ranging from every 30 minutes to every 12 hours by selecting the Hourly option on the Scheduled Run trigger. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 0)
2021/07/31 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can now select to run an Automated Workflow on a scheduled recurrence each day at a specific time of day with the Daily option on the Scheduled Run trigger. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 0)
2021/07/31 Enhancement Legal Hold You are no longer required to include a portal link for Hold Notice communications that do not require acknowledgement and do not have an associated questionnaire. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 0)
2021/07/31 Resolved defect Legal Hold You can now close projects that have custodians on active O365 preservation holds. The holds will automatically be closed as part of closing the project. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 0)
2021/07/31 Resolved defect Processing Profile Saving a new Processing Profile without an OCR Language selected will display a pre-save error, similar to other required fields. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 0)
2021/07/30 Enhancement Redact In the Viewer, we have updated the location of the Redact cards for native spreadsheets and images to be in the same place as the Redact card for PDFs (bottom Viewer drawer). Additionally, we have combined the content in the Redact Navigator card and Redact QC cards for native spreadsheets into one consolidated card to be consistent with how the Redact PDF card consolidates this content. (RelativityOne Osier Update 2)
2021/07/19 Enhancement Collect New data source is available - Office365 Archived Email, which allows collecting archived emails from M365 tenants. (RelativityOne Osier Update 2)
2021/07/16 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer Users with admin rights on their local machine and have auto update option enabled will automatically receive new versions of ROSE on application startup. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 0)
2021/07/16 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer New option for auto update is announced at application startup. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 0)
2021/07/16 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer Mandatory updates (e.g. security updates) force users to either update ROSE or close the application. (RelativityOne Prairie Smoke 0)
2021/07/15 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS includes user experience updates. (3.0.6)
2021/06/23 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now mass assign custodians to a Project using a list of employee numbers. (RelativityOne Osier Update 2)
2021/06/19 Enhancement Collect A validation check is now performed when saving a Microsoft Office 365 data source. The validation verifies that a connection to the M365 tenant can be made. If unsuccessful, you will be prompted to check your data source values. (RelativityOne Osier Update 2)
2021/06/19 Resolved defect Legal Hold The "Use Portal As" feature now works for ARM-ed users that have re-mapped Artifact IDs. (RelativityOne Osier Update 2)
2021/06/19 Deprecation Sample-based Learning New Sample-based Learning projects can no longer be created, as part of the overall deprecation of Sample-based Learning. Also, Sample-Based Learning cannot be installed into workspaces where it is not already installed (RelativityOne Osier Update 2)
2021/06/19 Enhancement Active Learning Elusion Test has been renamed Project Validation. It now has an option to sample across the whole Active Learning project and calculate Recall, Richness, and Precision in addition to Elusion rate. (RelativityOne Osier Update 2)
2021/05/22 Enhancement Collect Custodian targets are now automatically generated for Slack Enterprise collections, based on the primary email address contained in the Entity (custodian) record. (RelativityOne Osier Update 1)
2021/05/22 Enhancement Collect A new filter criteria option for Slack collections has been introduced which allows you to collect only direct messages or only group messages. (RelativityOne Osier Update 1)
2021/05/22 Enhancement Migrate Migrate now enables you to migrate workspace data from Relativity Server to RelativityOne in a simple, efficient way. Thanks to an straightforward workflow, migration will be seamless and intuitive, allowing workspaces to be migrated in just 6 clicks within a single product as opposed to what amounted to 90+ clicks (in multiple tools), previously. With Migrate you will now be able to set up a default migration configuration, choose and assign workspaces for migration, preview the migration before executing the data transfer, and if needed, even retry failed workspace migrations easily from the same user interface. Migrations are easy to track and you can configure email notifications to alert the proper resources in your organization of migration status. (RelativityOne Osier Update 1)
2021/05/22 Enhancement Track Document Field Edits by Reviewer Tracker Validation for denoting when Reviewed On and/or Reviewed By fields are already in use. Multiple bugs fixed for multiple choice field population. Exception cases added data values found in Audit. (RelativityOne Osier Update 1)
2021/05/22 Enhancement Review Interface Relativity Review now supports the ability to view on-the-fly search hits with the additional context of the preceding/following 100 characters of each hit within the Viewer. The contextual search drawer is on the right-side of the main document view and can be opened and closed by clicking on the 'magnifying glass' icon. Initially, the contextual search drawer is only supported in the native viewer but will also be supported in the text viewer in our next available Relativity Review update. (RelativityOne Osier Update 1)
2021/05/22 Enhancement Review Interface Relativity Review now supports the ability to open a document in a separate browser window when the user clicks on file-icons if they are present on a list view within the Review Interface in the Related Items card and the Document List card. This viewer configuration is known as the 'un-synced' standalone viewer because the document view has no relationship to the document you are viewing in the main document view. Viewer extensions may not be available in the un-synced standalone viewer upon first release, but they'll be added as soon as those extensions are able to enable those viewer extensions in the un-synced standalone viewer configuration. An example of a viewer extension that is not yet available in the un-synced standalone viewer is Email Thread Visualization (ETV). Finally, the document actions dropdown menu in the 'un-synced' standalone viewer configuration does not yet have the same options as the other viewer configurations. Upon initial release, only the 'download native' option is available, but the remaining document actions will be added shortly thereafter. (RelativityOne Osier Update 1)
2021/05/22 Resolved defect Case Metrics Customers will now need to install Case Metrics to any workspace that they want to report on. Only installing Case Metrics at the instance level will no longer allow users to report on any workspace within that instance, unless the app is install to that workspace. (RelativityOne Osier Update 1)
2021/05/22 Enhancement Redact We have introduced 3 new project type permissions to the Redact application for drawing markup on... 1) Native PDF Redactions 2) Native Excel Redactions 3) Image Redactions If the user lacks these permissions, they will not be able to draw markup on native PDFs, native Excels, and/or images automatically at the project-level or manually within the Viewer. Because these permissions are new, they will be enabled by default only if the user has permission to Place/Edit Manual Redaction so as to not impact existing Redact users who already have permission to draw markup using Redact. (RelativityOne Osier Update 1)
2021/05/22 Resolved defect Processing Administration Processing Source Locations will function as expected regardless of if the UNC path provided has a trailing slash or not. (RelativityOne Osier Update 1)
2021/05/22 Enhancement Discovery Relativity Processing will no longer error on improperly created PSTs that contain a mix of ANSI an Unicode messages. (RelativityOne Osier Update 1)
2021/05/22 Resolved defect Discovery Emails and Calendar items sent using the "On Behalf Of" feature will now correctly display that text in extracted text. (RelativityOne Osier Update 1)
2021/05/22 Resolved defect Imaging PDF file will no longer render incorrectly when using the native imaging profile. (RelativityOne Osier Update 1)
2021/05/04 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS improved performance with the resolution of minor bugs. (3.0.5)
2021/04/24 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can now have up to ten active workflows created and running in all workspaces in your instance of RelativityOne. (RelativityOne Osier)
2021/04/24 Enhancement Automated Workflows The previous threshold of 160 total active workflows in your instance has been removed. (RelativityOne Osier)
2021/04/24 Resolved defect Analytics The Analytics Engine's new postgres version will fail to upgrade when the file is a UNC path. To complete the upgrade, temporarily change the SDD to a mapped drive (e.g. Once the upgrade completes, you can revert the SDD to the original UNC path. (RelativityOne Osier)
2021/04/24 Enhancement PDF The PDF profile now supports the following new options - comments and speaker notes for MS PowerPoint documents. These options are available when the user wants to download the resulting PDFs or stored them in Relativity for Review. (RelativityOne Osier)
2021/04/24 Enhancement Native Time Zone Offset A new version of the Native Time Zone Offset application (NTZO) is available in the community portal for RelativityOne customers. The 7.0.1 version of the Native Time zone Offset application is only compatible with RelativityOne. (RelativityOne Osier)
2021/04/24 Resolved defect PDF PDF downloads in a zip file will now produce individual PDFs in a zip file (RelativityOne Osier)
2021/04/24 Resolved defect Mass Operations Mass Edit will now include family documents with dtSearch (RelativityOne Osier)
2021/04/24 Enhancement Developer Tools and Applications A new Publish to Relativity tool is released, which is only compatible with Relativity 12.0 and above. The deprecated Relativity Services APIs (RSAPI) within the tool have been updated to use the RESTful Kepler Services. (RelativityOne Osier)
2021/04/24 Enhancement ADS For instance level applications with no workspace components, Developers can use the Global Application property within their applications, which will prevent installs of the application into workspaces. Applications tagged "Global" will be viewable and manageable on the UI. (RelativityOne Osier)
2021/04/24 Enhancement Extensibility Points RESTful Kepler API are available for Resource File workflows like Create, Read, Update, Delete and Push Resource Files. Developers can begin the process of deprecating older RSAPI or Relativity Services code from their applications and migrate to the new RESTful way of communicating with the Relativity Platform. (RelativityOne Osier)
2021/04/24 Resolved defect List Page Pivot contents no longer fail to load and display a SignalR error. (RelativityOne Osier)
2021/04/24 Resolved defect List Page Pie charts no longer extend beyond their container. (RelativityOne Osier)
2021/04/24 Resolved defect List Page The "Page Cannot Load" no longer appears after viewing a document from a saved search that has the "Email Threading Display" field select, but doesn't include other required fields, to the saved search list page, where the error would appear. (RelativityOne Osier)
2021/04/24 Resolved defect Legal Hold Additional logic has been added to handle Microsoft 365 throttling that can occur during target discovery of large SharePoint repositories as part of a preservation case. (RelativityOne Osier)
2021/04/19 Resolved defect RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS improved performance with the resolution of minor bugs. (3.0.3)
2021/03/27 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities Track Document Field Edits by Reviewer is now available on RelativityOne as of Ninebark 0. Please see the latest documentation page to read upgrade instructions and a link to download the latest RAP. This RAP supports 10.1 through 12.0. (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 2)
2021/03/27 Enhancement Short Message Viewer Conversations Display field - If not available, populate with ‘Untitled’ (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 2)
2021/03/27 Enhancement Short Message Viewer Participant Display field - Fall back value includes ‘email’ value, then 'account_id'. If neither are available, populate with ‘Unnamed [id]’, where id is the field (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 2)
2021/03/27 Resolved defect Discovered Files OR expressions now function as expected on the Deleted Documents view on the Files tab. (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 2)
2021/03/27 Resolved defect Discovery Fixed a defect that could result in incomplete extracted from Lotus Notes emails. (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 2)
2021/03/27 Enhancement Analytics Indexes Analytics Index are now converted to Aero styles with a simplification of the settings layout and console areas. (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 2)
2021/03/27 Resolved defect Analytics Indexes Saving Analytics Index changes can take ten seconds to complete with no progress feedback. (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 2)
2021/03/27 Enhancement Analytics Indexes Analytics Indexes no longer include the options to continue index builds to completion and remove documents in error. Analytics Index builds will now default to completing past population and will automatically remove documents in error. (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 2)
2021/03/27 Resolved defect Name Normalization Name normalization now generates a document error when an email segment contains more than 50,000 characters in one of the recipient fields. (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 2)
2021/03/24 Enhancement Connect Connect allows you to use a single identity to access all of your RelativityOne workspaces and instances without added cost, taking you from enterprise collaboration amongst your internal teams into the bigger, brighter world of true ecosystem collaboration. Enabling this teamwork across organizations will empower you to work more efficiently with your trusted law firm or service provider, while practicing smarter security and reducing user fees across instances. (Osier Early Access Update)
2021/03/24 Resolved defect Imaging Certain PDF files will no longer have missing check marks after the file are imaged using a native profile. (Osier Early Access Update)
2021/03/24 Resolved defect Legal Hold The Discover Targets button on the Project Console page is now enabled when you have not enabled auto-discovered targets as part of your Preservation Case setup for Microsoft 365 SharePoint. (Osier Early Access Update)
2021/02/24 Enhancement PDF The PDF profile now supports the following new options: comments and speaker notes for Microsoft PowerPoint documents. These options are available when the user wants to download the resulting PDFs or stored them in Relativity for Review. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Transcripts The following parts of the Transcripts application received a style update: importing modal, transcripts report pop-up window, right-click modals, and printing pop-up window. Now the application's UI more closely matches the new Aero design patterns. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Relativity Desktop Client Different field can be selected as Overlay Identifier for an "Append/Overlay" data transfer mode. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Enhancement ARM System admins can restore workspaces directly to Client Domain space. Previously Client domain resource pool, Client and Matter were not visible in drop-down list. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Enhancement ARM A readiness check to ensure that a processing migration agent exists, and is enabled, has been added to support ARM with processing. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Enhancement ARM ARM with processing readiness checks have been made more resilient with the addition of retry code. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Resolved defect Discovery Fixed an issue with Relativity Text Extraction method where some documents had the "WasDecrypted" metadata incorrectly set to True. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Discovery Extraneous non-critical Lotus Notes services have been automatically disabled to improve NSF stability and general worker performance. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Resolved defect Discovery Error messages arising from defective zip files are now less generic, providing more specific information about the problem with the zip file. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Discovery Delete temp files jobs are now also automatically created after retrying discovery jobs. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Resolved defect Discovery A defect that would cause publishing a document to fail, if there had been an error during file identification for that document, has been fixed. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Resolved defect Processing Administration When updating the priority of a job from the Worker Manager Queue, the root job and any newly created sub-jobs will use the new priority designated by the user. There may be some sub-jobs still created with the old priority if the job is already in progress. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Resolved defect Password Bank The Password Bank tab for Processing will now be named "Password Bank | Processing" for easier identification. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Resolved defect Password Bank Fixed an issue where when entering multiple passwords into one Password Bank entry, the passwords may not be recognized until each had their own, individual Password Bank entry. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Discovered Files The Discovered Files tab has been renamed to the Files tab to account for additional workflow utilization beyond Discovery. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Discovered Files The processing error workflow has been moved to the Files tab. You can now view, retry, ignore, and download or replace files from the Files tab. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Discovered Files The Retry Delete mass action has been combined with the Retry Errors mass action to create a single action button for retrying issues that occur during Discovery, Publish, and Deletion. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Discovered Files The Errored Files view in the Discovered Files tab has been split into Current Errored Files and All Errored Files. These views allow for quick visibility of active and historical processing errors. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Discovered Files The Error Status field on the Files tab will now let you know whether a files associated errors are resolved, not resolved, or in the process of being resolved. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Discovered Files The re-written Error Category field on the Files tab will allow you to group similar processing errors together. These new categories have been written in a way that will better explain why errors occurred and what resulted from them. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Discovered Files The Error Phase field is now a Single Choice field, which will allow for enhanced filtering capabilities when working with processing errors. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Resolved defect Errors Additional processing error messages have been re-written in a clear, user-centered format. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Resolved defect Processing Sets The order of Processing Source Locations when creating Processing Data Sources is now displayed based on the order values chosen in the Admin Choices tab. (Osier Early Access)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Authentication Connect allows you to use a single identity to access all of your RelativityOne workspaces and instances without added cost, taking you from enterprise collaboration amongst your internal teams into the bigger, brighter world of true ecosystem collaboration. Enabling this teamwork across organizations will empower you to work more efficiently with your trusted law firm or service provider, while practicing smarter security and reducing user fees across instances. (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 1)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Redact Redact, formerly known as Blackout, is the industry's most powerful smart redaction application for e-discovery, compliance, and adjacent use cases. In RelativityOne, the functionality will be rebranded as Redact and will be available to all customers embedded in the user experience with Aero UI at no additional cost. With Redact, users can automate the application of location-based, term-based, or complex (RegEx, rules, etc.) image and native redactions over millions of pages. (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 1)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Automated Workflows The Automated Workflows page now includes a new section that provides the status of the very last run of the workflow, the start time of the last run, and the end time of the last run. The last run status will display as Completed, Completed with Errors, or Failed. (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 1)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Automated Workflows The Automated Workflows page now displays a status of Ready to Run rather than Pending. The workflow status will also reset each time the workflow completes so it's more apparent the workflow is ready to be run again via your selected trigger or manually. The workflow status is now located at the top of your workflow page rather than the console in the left-hand side. (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 1)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Automated Workflows The Automated Workflows page now display the last run status and last run end time for each action you include in your workflow. (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 1)
2021/02/24 Resolved defect Mass Operations The manage button for the Mass edit popup will now appear for multi-choice field. (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 1)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Short Message Viewer Google Chat Icon Now supported. If an RSMF contains data from Google Chat, and the 'platform' field's value is such, the Viewer will display the Google Chat icon for that conversation. Imaging will also use the Google Chat icon when imaging. (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 1)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Short Message Viewer Empty Scenarios Display for Attachments - When imaging an RSMF document that is missing attachment name, we have changed the title of the attachment from "Untitled" to "Missing." (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 1)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Short Message Viewer Empty Participant Display Scenario - If the display name is missing, we will now show "Undisclosed Participant" now in the image (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 1)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Short Message Viewer When conversations or timestamps were missing, we now display RSMFs instead of failing the Viewer. Missing conversations are reconstructed from other info in the file. Missing timestamps called out on each event where it's missing, and shown at the top of the associated conversation. (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 1)
2021/02/24 Enhancement Short Message Viewer Viewer no longer fails and now displays when any of the following data is missing: Reaction Value, Conversation ID, Event Type, Attachment ID. (Ninebark RelativityOne Update 1)
2021/01/30 2023/02/01 Enhancement Collect You can now collect commercial Slack Enterprise chat data.
2021/01/30 Enhancement Core You can now have up to ten active workflows created and running in all workspaces in your instance of RelativityOne. The previous threshold of 160 total active workflows in your instance has been removed. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement Lockbox Notifications All members of the new "Security Notifications" group will receive an email notification when Relativity staff are granted access to a workspace. Members will also receive notifications when they are added or removed from the group. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Resolved defect RelativityOne Staging Explorer If enabled, by setting the StagingPaneOnlyPerClientDomain instance setting to true, ROSE shows file shares that belong to the client domain they associated with, and not based on additional groups they are in. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement Automated Workflows Automated Workflows now supports adding an action to automate running Structured Analytics sets. You can now automate email threading, language identification, near duplicate detection, repeated content identification, and name normalization. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement Structured Analytics Email threading now considers whitespace in attachment text during duplicate spare analysis. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement PDF A user on the HTML Viewer that does not have permissions to any of the "Markup Sets" will now get error if trying to select "Include Redactions" or "Include Highlights" when creating a PDF from the HTML viewer. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement PDF The PDF application was enhanced to provide a more meaningful message when an error occurs while a user is downloading the resulting file. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement PDF The PDF mass operation was updated to better support the download of large files. This includes supporting browser to display download progress and better management of interruptions during the download process. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement PDF When converting images to searchable PDFs, the OCR timeout is no longer limited to 3600 seconds. This applies for both Mass PDF and on the fly PDF operations. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement PDF When hovering the mouse over the PDF icon in the Review interface, clients will now see a tool tip with the text: "Create PDF" (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement PDF The PDF application was optimized to provide a better experience when users cancel PDF jobs. This includes UI and error messages enhancements. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement PDF Customers/developers will now receive a message about what properties are incorrectly set to null instead of receiving Null reference exception message when working with the PDF Profile APIs. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement PDF The PDF application was optimized to better handle concurrent jobs. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement PDF The PDF mass operation now supports conversion of native files into PDFs that can be reviewed in Relativity in a new PDF viewer. The new PDF viewer does not support applying redactions directly to the PDFs. Users can also use the PDF mass operation to delete those stored PDFs. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement PDF The PDF profile now supports the following new options: new page level branding options, defining the resulting paper size when converting natives to PDFs, and the ability to include comments and track changes for MS Word documents. These options are available when the user wants to download the resulting PDFs or stored them in Relativity for Review. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement Imaging The Image mass operation now supports conversion of PDFs that are stored in Relativity into images for redactions. You can also convert those images back to stored PDFs if needed using the PDF mass operation. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement PDF RDC supports searchable PDF file export (native documents converted to Searchable PDFs in RelativityOne, can now be exported to local drive). Feature was initially released to AUS market as part of Mayapple. Now it will hit global audience. This seems to be related to PDI-1933. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement Collect The Verify Connection button has been removed from the Collection Details console page. We will introduce a feature for connection verification during data source setup in a future update. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement Collect You can now collect from Windows-based computer endpoints (laptops, desktops) supported by X1 Distributed Discovery. This does require X1 DD licenses. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Resolved defect Legal Hold The Custodian Change report can now only be run as a scheduled report. This change ensures long running reports containing a large amount of data will complete as expected. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement Publish You can now republish your published files as needed. If case requirements change, or you simply need to map additional fields, you can use a mass operation to republish the files in no time. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Resolved defect Post-Publish Delete When you delete a folder from Review, you will see the Processing deletion warning in the Delete confirmation modal. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Resolved defect Post-Publish Delete You can now delete a folder from Review when the folder contains documents originating from Processing. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Resolved defect Post-Publish Delete You can now filter as expected on the Processing Deletion? field on the Files tab, including within the Deleted Documents view. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Resolved defect Production Sets Producing a production under the Existing Production Numbering setting will no longer get stuck in the Apply Bates stage. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2021/01/30 Enhancement Lockbox Notifications All members of the new "Security Notifications" group will receive an email notification when Relativity staff are granted access to a workspace. Members will also receive notifications when they are added or removed from the group. (Ninebark RelativityOne)
2020/11/07 Enhancement Processing A new processing profile option for Word and Excel files called "Relativity Processing" is now available for use. Processing is an alternate method for extracting text that does not require the Office application to be used. Instead, we are leveraging our own proprietary handlers to extract the text from these document types. Processing for PowerPoint is also available but requires a toggle to activate it. (Mayapple RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/11/07 Resolved defect Infrastructure Basic Imaging dates are now formatted according to the regional settings of the worker. (Mayapple RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/11/02 Enhancement Field Catalog Added four new fields to the Field Catalog to support the new processing error handling workflow. These new fields are, "Error Category", "Error Phase", "Error Message", and "Error Status". (Ninebark Early Access)
2020/11/02 Enhancement Errors Document processing error information is now saved to the document object under one of these fields, "Error Category", "Error Phase", "Error Message", and "Error Status". (Ninebark Early Access)
2020/11/02 Resolved defect Discovery Processing errors arising from low disk space on workers has been improved to better reflect the actual nature of the problem. (Ninebark Early Access)
2020/11/02 Resolved defect Lotus Notes Resolved an issue where password protected Lotus Notes could become locked in processing if the correct password was not among the first few listed in the password bank. (Ninebark Early Access)
2020/11/02 Enhancement Lotus Notes Improved processing of larger Lotus Notes NSF files resulting in fewer timeouts and increased processing speed. (Ninebark Early Access)
2020/11/02 Resolved defect Publishing Documents that have no extracted text will no longer occasionally result in a publishing error. (Ninebark Early Access)
2020/11/02 Resolved defect OCR OCR will no longer fail on images that has a space in the file path (Ninebark Early Access)
2020/11/02 Resolved defect Imaging The creation of the 'ContextContainer' was updated to no longer request an OnBehalfOfTOken each time. It is now created on demand, only when needing to audit. (Ninebark Early Access)
2020/11/02 Resolved defect Discovered Files When changing views in the Discovered Files tab, the proper view conditions are now applied to any pivots within the currently displayed dashboard. (Ninebark Early Access)
2020/11/02 Enhancement Discovered Files The Errored Files view in the Discovered Files tab will be available to display all Discover and Publish file level errors that occur during Processing. This view will simplify how errors are interacted with in Relativity with the addition of singular Error Message and Error Phase fields that will display the most important error at that moment. (Ninebark Early Access)
2020/11/02 Enhancement Discovered Files The individual Discover Error and Text Extraction Error message fields have been removed from the Discovered Files tab. In their place will be displayed a combined Error Phase field which will indicate the phase of which a file has encountered an error in. (Ninebark Early Access)
2020/11/02 Enhancement Discovered Files The Details modal in the Discovered Files tab has received Aero style updates. (Ninebark Early Access)
2020/11/02 Enhancement Export Application API A new RESTful API to export applications from workspaces as RAP files is now available making application development faster. (Ninebark Early Access)
2020/11/02 Enhancement Collect Slack is now a data source option for Relativity Collect. (Ninebark Early Access)
2020/10/24 Enhancement Mass Operations Fixed defect in Mass Edit form that allowed removing the value of a required field. The Mass Edit form behavior is now consistent with the single object edit form, and will not allow clearing out a required field. If you need to work around this behavior, you can temporarily mark the field as not required, null/clear the field out, then mark the field as required again. (Mayapple RelativityOne)
2020/10/24 Enhancement Collect Custodian Targets for Microsoft 365 data sources are now automatically generated on Step 4 of the Collect wizard. When you click the "Generate Targets" button on Step 4, Collect will check to see if targets exist for the custodians you've selected for collection. If the targets do not exist, Collect will automatically create them based on the email address contained in the Entity record for each custodian. (Mayapple RelativityOne)
2020/10/24 Enhancement Collect You can now turn on email notifications on Step 1 of the Collect wizard. When enabled, Collect will send notification emails to the selected email address when automated target generation completes and when a Collect job completes. (Mayapple RelativityOne)
2020/10/24 Enhancement Field Mapping Mapping a field to a Processing Source uses a paginated list of Processing Source Fields. This allows environments with a large number of discovered metadata fields to quickly display available Processing Source options. (Mayapple RelativityOne)
2020/10/24 Enhancement Processing Administration Implemented deallocation-based scaling to reduce the time to scale workers in your processing workflow. (Mayapple RelativityOne)
2020/10/24 Enhancement Markups & Highlights Timestamp information in the Markup History modal display in the Date/Time format, respecting the browsers local time zone. (Mayapple RelativityOne)
2020/10/24 Enhancement Review Interface The Production History, Document History, and Batches cards in the Related Items area of the Review Interface are no longer present if the user does not have permission to view the applicable data. Previously, these cards would be present and included no data for the user. (Mayapple RelativityOne)
2020/10/24 Enhancement Review Interface The position of the "Save & Next" and "Save" buttons on the coding layout in the Review Interface have been swapped. The button styling has also been adjusted to better call-out the primary "Save & Next" action. (Mayapple RelativityOne)
2020/10/24 Enhancement Review Interface Timestamp information in the Markup History modal display in the Date/Time format, respecting the browsers local time zone. (Mayapple RelativityOne)
2020/10/24 Enhancement Transcripts The Transcripts Application is fully functional with Relativity Review (Aero Viewer). (Mayapple RelativityOne)
2020/10/24 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer The Staging Explorer now uses download batching to improve download transfers. (Ninebark Early Access)
2020/10/24 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer You can now calculate folder size on both Local and Staging, which means you no longer need to use a third-party application to do so. (Ninebark Early Access)
2020/10/24 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer There is a new version of the Staging Explorer application (2.7.2), and you're required to upgrade to it. (Ninebark Early Access)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Automated Workflows Automated Workflows has a limit on how many active workflows you can create at both the instance and workspace level. In the workspace, you can have no more than five active Automated Workflows created at any time. In the instance, you can have no more than 160 active Automated Workflows created at any time. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can now select the Send Email action when creating your Automated Workflow. Once you've selected the Send Email action, you are required to enter at least one email address you wish to receive the completion email. The Send Email action can be used multiple times in a single Automated Workflow, if you have different stakeholders to inform after another action completes in the workflow. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Automated Workflows When editing an active Automated Workflow, you will be prompted to Deactivate the workflow prior to making edits. Selecting Deactivate allows you to make changes to the workflow. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Automated Workflows When creating an Automated Workflow, you can set the Active toggle to on or off. Setting the Active toggle to on will ensure your automation is active upon saving the workflow. Setting the Active toggle to off will create your workflow and settings; however, the automation will not be available to run. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can cancel an Automated Workflow while it is In Progress. Canceling the workflow will stop any further actions from running, but the action that was In Progress will continue to run. The Canceled status will be reflected on the action when you clicked the Cancel Workflow button. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Automated Workflows Automated Workflows in a workspace can be ARM - Archived and Restored in RelativityOne. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can set up an Automated Workflow in a workspace template. All automation including your actions, trigger, and settings will be applied to the new workspace when created. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can manually start an Automated Workflow, regardless of the selected trigger, by selecting the Manually Run Workflow button in the Workflow Status section. The workflow must be set to Active in order to manually start. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Automated Workflows On the Automated Workflows list page, you can mass delete your workflows or export to file the fields that you have included in your view. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can delete an Automated Workflow from either the list page or the workflow's page. Clicking the Delete button will delete the workflow and the automation that you have in place. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Automated Workflows You can access Automated Workflows if you have System Administrator or Workspace Administrator access. The Automated Workflows object permissions can make non-System and Workspace Administrators have access via the object level permissions in the Workspace Details. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Automated Workflows When your Automated Workflow is running, the actions included will inform you whether your action is In Progress, Canceled, Completed, Completed with Errors, Failed, or Pending. Each action in the workflow will provide its own status. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Automated Workflows When your Automated Workflow receives a failure or cancellation on an action or the workflow, the entire workflow will be stopped. If the workflow is canceled, the action that is In Progress will continue to run, but the remaining actions will not. If your Automated Workflow receives a Completed with Error status on an action, the workflow will continue progressing to the next action. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Automated Workflows In the event your Automated Workflow misses a completion status on an individual action, the Automated Workflow will automatically check-in on the status of the action every 30 minutes to ensure the Automated Workflow continues to progress. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Automated Workflows Automated Workflows can be included into a repository workspace to perform automation. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Processing Profile Fields in the Processing Profile layout now span a single column. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Resolved defect Processing Sets When saving a Processing Data Source, clicking Save multiple times will create only a single Data Source. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Resolved defect RPC The export settings file (.exf) on the Relativity Processing Console can now be saved as expected. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Audit ARM Archives that have the Include Data Grid option selected now contain retry logic when a 401 authentication error is encountered to keep the job progressing. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/09/26 Enhancement Persistent Highlight Sets You can remove terms you previously searched for in the Review Interface. Hover over your recent searches or an individual term to display an 'X' icon that can be used to clear the term or all terms. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/08/27 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS includes user experience updates. (3.0.2)
2020/08/27 Resolved defect RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS improved performance with the resolution of minor bugs. (3.0.2)
2020/08/26 Resolved defect Save as PDF Creating searchable PDFs from 400 or more files no longer crashes the OCR process. (Lanceleaf Early Access Update)
2020/08/26 Resolved defect Save as PDF Improved performance on PDF jobs and PDF files compression. This results on PDF jobs completing faster with smaller files size when converting documents that include markups. (Lanceleaf Early Access Update)
2020/08/26 Enhancement Collect Each target collection's item-level report is now uniquely named, allowing users to easily identify different reports for different targets. (Lanceleaf Early Access Update)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Reviewer Interface We have made a number of enhancements to Your recent searches: Searches now persist across viewer jump-ins for a user's Relativity session from ad hoc list page search jump-ins, saved search jump-ins, and searches from the Viewer document search box Searches in the Viewer document search box now require searches to be in the dtSearch syntax. Translating keyword syntax to dtSearch syntax is as simple as adding an asterisk to the end of your search term (ex, keyword syntax 'sea' --> dtSearch syntax 'sea*' (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Reviewer Interface As a result of the series of optimizations we've made to conversion and review infrastructure to better support viewing very large documents in the review interface (specifically, the introduction of conversion streaming for natives and images and the enhanced performance profile of Relativity Review), we raised the default values for the instance settings that govern the maximum native file size for the native viewer and the maximum page count for the image viewer: MaximumNativeSizeForViewerInBytes - default value will be the equivalent of 100mb in bytes (formerly 10mb) MaximumImageCountForViewer - default value will be 10,000 pages (formerly 1,000 pages) (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Conceptual Analytics Conceptual Analytics Features (Find Similar Documents, Concept Search, Keyword Expansion, Account Categorization) are all fully functional with Relativity Review (Aero Viewer). (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Find Similar Documents Added a "View Similar Documents" button to console in the Relativity Review (Aero Viewer)to run Find Similar on the opened document in the viewer with one click. The enabling of the "View Similar Documents" button is dependent upon the opened document being part of an active Conceptual Index within the workspace. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement ARM When Include Linked Files is set to TRUE and Include Processing is set to FALSE the following warning will appear on the New Archive Job page: "Files published with Relativity Processing will be archived as Linked files for Workspace 9999991." These files will be available only as Repository files on Restore. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement ARM The Missing File list comma-separated values (CSV) file contains the following updates: Repository files display "DocumentRepositoryFile"; NonRepository display as ""DocumentLinkedFile"; the rest of the Relativity files (internal) display "NonDocumentRepositoryFile". (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement ARM Data Grid migrations won't restart after retry if they are already running. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement ARM On the Job Details page there are "Retry" buttons next to each migrator that let the user retry each migrator separately in case of failures before the Job ends. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement ARM [Document].ProcessingFileId != [File].FileID check in ARM to include those files as non-processing file is not correct and has been removed. ProcessingFieldId is File ID in Invariant Store and isn't related to the FileID in the File table in Relativity. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement ARM Upon retry of an Archive/Restore job, if the job failed during or had to restart the Processing Migration portion, it would fail on retry with a false positive Readiness Check. This issue has been resolved so that retries that are submitted for Processing Migration execute their Readiness check correctly and proceed as expected. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement ARM Because there are duplicated documents, there are 3 rows in File table (this is perfectly fine) pointing on the same file due to the fact that ARM during Move job uses ""Move"" method, the 2nd and the 3rd time ARM cannot find the file because it is already moved. Still update path method, does the path update (and file name update) in case of linked files always to file guide name. (that's why if original linked file was not guide named, it will be moved and renamed). (renaming linked files in case of changing them to repository files which mean copy them into repository is desired behavior because e.g. there can be already a file in repository with exactly same name, and the it would be overwritten or skipped, or cause error) There is also a mismatch in call to methods, so ARM creates batches not including processing files. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement ARM After the workspace has been restored with ARM the Workspace Admin Group needs to be created manually and assigned to the Workspace. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Integration Points When creating an ECA Integration Point for exporting Saved Search data between workspaces the customer can automatically map the Saved Search fields. There is a new 'Map Saved Search" button available on the "Map Fields" step while creating an Integration Point or Integration Point Profile. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Integration Points This is an improvement for fields mapping while creating an ECA Integration Point for exporting data between workspaces. When clicking on "Map All Fields," the fields will be validated and the ones that might fail a job are excluded from auto-mapping. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Integration Points The Fixed-Length Text type fields will have the number of characters reflected in the brackets when mapping the fields in Integration Point for better visibility if the maximum length matches between source and destination workspaces. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Integration Points Integration Points Scheduled jobs for promoting data between workspaces (natives push) will be handled via new enhanced path that improves stability and availability of ECA flow. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Integration Points New baselines and recommendations for promoting data between workspaces are available on RelativityOne help page: (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Active Learning Active Learning is fully functional with Relativity Review (Aero Viewer). (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Clustering Clustering now shows up to ten titles per cluster for all newly built or rebuilt clusters. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Clustering Cluster labels are displayed in a radial orientation in the dial cluster visualization. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Structured Analytics Email thread visualization is now fully functional within Relativity Review (Aero Viewer). This includes updated styling and easier switching between analytics sets. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Structured Analytics Clicking on an email in the Email Threading Display field from the document list page now opens that document in the Document Preview panel, rather than a new pop-up window. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Developer Platform The Custom Page object is no longer available for linking to Relativity Applications in Workspaces. The Custom Page tab will no longer be available at the workspace level. Users can continue to link new Custom Pages to an application from the Custom Pages tab, which is now available at an instance level. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Developer Platform The Agent object is no longer available for linking to Relativity applications in Workspaces. Users can continue to link new agents to an application from the Resource Files tab. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Developer Platform Resource Files, that are added to an application with Custom Pages, since the last time the application was "Pushed to Library" will be deleted on the upgrade to Lanceleaf. To prevent the Resource Files from being deleted and to persist with this resource file when the application is exported, the application needs to be pushed to library from a workspace it is installed in. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Resolved defect Legal Hold Employee employment end dates imported via Relativity Integration Points now display properly on the Employee Change Report. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Resolved defect Collect When selecting more than 10 custodians for a Collect job the list will no longer be truncated to the first 10 custodians on Step 4 (Summary Step) of the Collect wizard. The maximum number of custodians that can be assigned to a Collect job is now 500. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/08/15 Enhancement Tab Sync Allow users to copy the tab structure of a Source workspace to multiple destination workspaces in one step. (Lanceleaf RelativityOne)
2020/07/30 Enhancement Post-Publish Delete When you delete a document that has been published into Review, Processing will re-calculate deduplication to identify and publish the duplicate if there is one, and will not include the deleted document in subsequent deduplication logic. (Mayapple Early Access Update)
2020/07/30 Resolved defect Processing Set When a Processing Set has completed Inventory, but has not yet started Discovery, you are unable to create new Data Sources. To work around, you must delete the Processing Set and create a new one. (Mayapple Early Access Update)
2020/07/29 Enhancement Errors The error messages that can occur on documents within the Discovery and Publish phases of Processing have been rewritten in an understandable, user-centric format. (Mayapple Early Access)
2020/07/29 Resolved defect Errors We improved performance on Processing error creation by approximately 50% and reduced the likelihood of jobs getting stuck on completion. (Mayapple Early Access)
2020/07/29 Enhancement Integration Points Integration Points Retried jobs for promoting data between workspaces (natives push) will be handled via new enhanced path which will reflect in improved stability and availability of ECA flow. (Mayapple Early Access)
2020/07/29 Resolved defect Integration Points Effective Mayapple the "preview option" will not be available for document, image and production load file import via Integration Points. (Mayapple Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Processing Auto-scaling now kicks off when a Processing Set is created in a workspace. This allows Processing Sets to have scaled out workers by the time it is submitted, rather when while its already running. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Review Interface The new Relativity Review Interface is available. This can be enabled at an environment-level using the UseRelativityReviewInterface instance setting and enabled at the user-level using the Document Viewer user setting. Selecting "Relativity Review" or "Default" will enable the new Review Interface for users. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, several Document oriented actions have moved to the Document actions drop-down menu. This is located in the top-center of the header as part of the displayed Document Identifier. Available actions includes sharing the Document link, imaging the Document, and deleting images from the document. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, several Review Interface oriented actions have moved to the Review Interface Actions drop-down menu. This is located in the top right and is represented by a gear icon. Available actions include toggling the tab navigation strip, toggling keyboard shortcuts, and displaying the keyboard shortcuts legend. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, controls for creating redactions on images have been adjusted. Redactions now allow users to select a type (black, cross, white text) and a mode (basic, full-page, inverse, mass) to determine how the redaction will be drawn. Note that inverse redactions only draw as black, even if a different type is selected. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, highlight terms display the hit count using the same font color and background color configured for the individual term. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, highlight hits can be navigated through highlight set or by individual term. This is performed by clicking on the name of the set or term, then using the previous and next navigation buttons that appear. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, highlight terms with zero hits can be viewed using the Show Terms With Zero Hits toggle located at the bottom of the Highlights card. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, tab width can be customized in the Long Text Viewer using the Tab Width drop-down menu. This allows the size of tab characters to be adjusted in order to better align text, such as when viewing extracted text for a spreadsheet. Changes to this setting do not modify the stored text and only adjust how it is displayed. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, word-wrap can be toggled in the Long Text Viewer. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, the last-viewed Long Text or Production is persisted per user. This allows users to enter and exit the Review Interface and immediately view the last viewed Production/Text if applicable to the current document. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, the Document Review Queue can be displayed using the Documents card located on the left side. The columns displayed will match the view used prior to entering the Review Interface. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, the Coding and Related Items cards can be fully collapsed using the expand/collapse toggle located in the top-right of each card. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, all viewer modes are displayed even if the document does not contain content for that particular mode (example: a document without an image will display a tab for the Image Viewer labeled as "No Image"). This can be controlled using the ViewerVisibilityWithoutContentForRelativityReview instance setting. If a user views the Image Viewer tab with no content, an option is available to generate images if the user has the appropriate permissions. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Review Interface In the new Relativity Review Interface, thumbnails are available in the Native Viewer for file types that support pagination. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Resolved defect Publish When an invalid email address causes a publish error, the error now contains additional details to help in troubleshooting (name of the field to unmap, name of unexpected field). (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Discovered Files Now you can track publish status on Discovered Files with the Is Published field. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Resolved defect Discovery Fixed an issue when Bloomberg files come in where the attachment TAR file is using an unexpected name, or when the XML files are inside a compressed ZIP folder. The Bloomberg handler repeatedly makes database calls trying to find the TAR file, causing a slowdown in throughput. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Discovery Invariant now uses proprietary code instead of MAPI to extract messages from PST and OST files. This will improve processing speeds, reduce errors, and allow for physical hash values for messages to generate consistently from workspace to workspace. Dedupe Hash and overall deduplication will be unaffected. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Resolved defect Discovered Files The Discovered Files View now correctly displays child email files as having no date metadata, rather than setting them to the creation date of the temp file. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Resolved defect Discovery Fixed an issue where processing workers could cause jobs to be stuck when processing files with very long, unbroken lines of text. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Discovered Files The Sender Domain and the Sort Date fields are now visible on the Discovered Files tab. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Resolved defect Processing Sets Relativity now properly sends workspace information in email notifications upon completion of a Processing Set. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Resolved defect Processing Administration The Processing History page now displays the correct number of checked records when selecting the check box for each row in the "All" view. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Processing Profile The Processing Profile now includes the Inclusion/Exclusion discovery filter option. You can now choose which files get discovered during Processing by adding a list of File Extensions to the Processing Profile. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Reports The Discovery File Exclusion report has now been added to provide the ability to provide a summary on what was filtered out of discovery by a Inclusion or Exclusion filter at the File Extension level. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Resolved defect Processing Sets Processing Data Sources now correctly saves with any available OCR language selection added to it. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Processing Sets When creating a Processing Data Source, you are directed to the Processing Data Source tab instead of receiving a pop-up modal. Upon completion of creating one or many data sources, you are directed back to the Processing Set page upon saving. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Resolved defect Processing Administration When filtering in the Processing Administration tab for Data Sources run in the "Last 7 Days" view, you now see the correct number of checked Processing Sets displayed in the Mass Operation section. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement OCR When you copy an OCR set, every current setting besides the Status and OCR Results field in that set copies over. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement OCR The OCR Set Console page now presents more granular status updates. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement OCR A new Document Completion field to OCR Set now presents the count of documents completed in the OCR set, the number of documents with errors, and the number of documents left to have text assembled. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement OCR If an OCR set is in a status of 'Completed with errors' and the data source is modified (i.e. the OCR set is updated from a Saved Search to a Production Set), the OCR set will reset to a status of "Ready to run" and cannot be retried. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement OCR The completed OCR text in the Destination Field of the Document is now updated as the OCR Set is progressing, and not at the end of the job. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement OCR Now it's possible to see Image OCR Errors and Document OCR Text Import Errors in the same tabbed display as Document (OCR Results). Only the first 1000 image errors and first 1000 document errors are shown. These errors cannot be filtered. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Developer Platform With the schema version feature, applications can declare two versions in the application.xml file. The first is the existing <Version/> element which is the version of the entire application. Changes to the application version triggers updates to the hosted components. The second is the new <SchemaVersion/> element. It applies only to the schema components. The schema version allows application developers to control when schema components are updated. They can keep the same value to push through updates to hosted components without affecting workspaces resulting in better performance. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Developer Platform When a Custom Page is upgraded, the ADS system will launch a new process to handle the HTTP traffic. The Readiness Check URL will be called by the hosting system before any client traffic is routed to the new process. This gives the application an opportunity to "warm up" by exercising code paths. This technique significantly reduces the delay seen by end users when live traffic is finally routed to the new application process. The Readiness Check URL is defined in a field on the Custom Page RDO in Relativity. The URL should be a relative URL hosted by the custom page, e.g. ~/Relativity/CustomPages/{app_guid}/{route}. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Developer Platform Parent tabs and sidebar tabs are enabled and are configurable in ADS. All changes to tabs in ADS will be backwards compatible with previous versions of the application schema. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Resolved defect Legal Hold The Send Portal Link feature now works again for non-System Admin users. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Integration Points ECA & Investigation Application will no longer be available for RelativityOne users. The ECA Dashboard will not be available in RelativityOne ECA Workspace. The Promotion Dashboard will be preconfigured for new RelativityOne customers on ECA Template instead. The existing customers should contact Support to get the Promotion Dashboard set. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Integration Points ECA & Investigation Application will no longer be available for RelativityOne users that is why "Include in ECA Promote List" is no longer available on the first step while creating an Integration Point. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Integration Points While creating an ECA Integration Point or Integration Points Profile for exporting data between workspaces during fields mapping the fields will be validated and the ones that might fail a job will be excluded from auto-mapping. You can automatically map the Saved Search fields as there is a new "Map Saved Search" button available on the Fields Mapping step. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Home Page Users now have the ability to pin their favorite workspaces on the newly styled workspace list page. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/06/10 Enhancement Home Page System Administrators now have the ability to connect instances in order to provide their users with a single page to launch cases that they have access to. (Lanceleaf Early Access)
2020/05/27 Resolved defect Save as PDF PDF jobs were failing when the file type was Original Images or Produced Images and a single document had more than 2100 image pages. Now clients can create PDFs from any document that has up to 1 million images/pages. When running a Mass Operation, this is still valid as long as there are less than 10,000 total documents in the job. (Juniper RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/05/27 Resolved defect Save as PDF The extra text that was presented when multi-reflected fields were used to name the result PDFs or as stamp identifier has been removed. (Juniper RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/05/27 Resolved defect Save as PDF The "Create PDF" button is now disabled after the first click, preventing users to submit the same jobs multiple times. (Juniper RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/05/27 Resolved defect Save as PDF When no PDF is created, the system now presents a message indicating that no PDFs were created and allows the user to download Errors as CSV for more details. (Juniper RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/05/27 Resolved defect Save as PDF When using a field as part of the PDF file name, now you can append non-documents, and reflective fields to individual PDF file names when saving them as ZIP or PDF portfolio. This includes fields related to the production object. (Juniper RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/05/27 Resolved defect Save as PDF When creating PDFs from the Mass Operation, the order on which the documents are packaged is consistent with the sort on the Document list view (Juniper RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/05/27 Resolved defect Discovery Increased speed in throughput by fixing an issue when Bloomberg files come in with the attachment Tar file (tar.gz) is using an unexpected name, or when the Extensible Markup Language file (.xml) are inside a compressed ZIP folder. The Bloomberg handler repeatedly made database calls trying to find the Tar file, causing a slowdown in throughput. (Juniper RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/05/27 Resolved defect Discovery Invariant now correctly extracts all attachments from email files (EML) that do not adhere to format specifications by having a mixture of non-matching carriage returns and line feeds separating the attachments. (Juniper RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/05/27 Resolved defect Legal Hold Legal Hold communications and questionnaires no longer display run-on text when viewed on Mac OS or iOS devices. NOTE: In order to fix communications created prior to this update you will need to copy and paste the existing text out, update the communication with some other value in that field and save. Then, edit the communication and paste the text back and save. (Juniper RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/05/27 Enhancement Restore There is a new "New Database Restore Job" button that lets the user speed up the restoring process by deciding what to restore - the database only or the whole archive. (Juniper RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/05/27 Enhancement Collect ZIP containerization settings are now shown on the Collect job details page after a job has been initiated and is in a read-only state. You can toggle the password display as needed when the job is in a read-only state. (Juniper RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/05/27 Enhancement Collect You can now clone any Collect job not currently in a "New" state. All information will be carried over to the new cloned job except for collection counts and sizes which are set to zero. The cloned job name will have the word "Cloned" appended to the original name as well as a date and time stamp indicating when the job was created. (Juniper RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/05/27 Enhancement Collect The Summary Report now shows the Relativity user that started the collection and what date and time it was started. The Summary Report also now shows the total number of items inventoried for each target along with the number of items actually collected. (Juniper RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/05/27 Enhancement Collect You will now see the total number of items that were inventoried and met collection criteria for each target on the collection details console page. (Juniper RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/05/27 Enhancement Collect The monitoring page now displays all queued jobs under the "Queued" column. Jobs that have been created, but not started or queued no longer display on the monitoring page. (Juniper RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/05/19 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile Admins using the RelativityOne app for iOS can add groups from the Groups tab. (3.0.1)
2020/05/19 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile Admins using the RelativityOne app for iOS can copy permissions into a group in the Workspaces tab. (3.0.1)
2020/05/03 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS now gives you the power to complete admin tasks from anywhere. If you’re an admin, update to version 3.0 of the app for the ability to perform your most critical review-related tasks from the palm of your hand, including: adding and editing users; adding and editing login methods; resetting passwords; viewing and adding users to groups; adding and removing groups from workspaces. (3.0.0)
2020/04/29 Enhancement Discovery When discovering emails with OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) object attachments, we now extract the child document successfully. (Juniper RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/04/29 Enhancement Legal Hold The Legal Hold tab is now set as the default tab during installation of Legal Hold into a workspace. (Juniper RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/04/29 Enhancement Collect Collect jobs are now automatically placed into a queue upon starting while there is an active job running. Jobs enter the queue in the order they are started. When a job completes the next job in the queue will be picked up and started. (Juniper RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/04/25 Enhancement Mass Save as PDF On April 25th, 2020 we released to RelativityOne's customers a new mass operation to generate PDF’s. This new application will replace the existing Save as PDF mass operation. New functionality includes: PDF profiles, new PDF naming option, and a new progress and error reports. (Juniper RelativityOne)
2020/03/28 Enhancement RelativityOne Activity Dashboard Store utilization metrics are now available in the Data Utilization widgets of the RelativityOne Activity Dashboard. (Juniper RelativityOne)
2020/03/28 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now schedule the Questionnaire Responses Export report. (Juniper RelativityOne)
2020/03/28 Enhancement Legal Hold The Project object is now set by default with the Use Relativity Forms field set to Yes. (Juniper RelativityOne)
2020/03/17 Resolved defect RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS improved performance with the resolution of minor bugs. (2.0.3)
2020/03/09 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS includes Aero UI updates and stylings. (2.0.2)
2020/03/09 Resolved defect RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS improved performance with the resolution of minor bugs. (2.0.2)
2020/02/26 Enhancement Core Choices can now be created for any single and multiple choice field directly from the field page. Simply create the field, save it, and then locate the choice editor that appears on the page. There is now only a single choice tab on the navigation bar, which navigates to the choice list page, on which you can create new choices (Juniper Early Access Update)
2020/02/25 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS includes user experience updates. (2.0.1)
2020/02/25 Resolved defect RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS improved performance with the resolution of minor bugs. (2.0.1)
2020/02/17 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile Version 2.0 brings the ability to download documents for offline viewing. Tap the new Offline tab to start downloading and viewing documents offline. (2.0.0)
2020/02/01 Resolved defect Discovery Child documents extracted from AD1 files now have their file times set correctly before expansion. This affects the Date Modified, Date Created, and Date Accessed fields. (Indigo RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/02/01 Resolved defect Searching When modifying the Order of Active field on a Keyword Search index, the desired setting change applied now applies correctly to the selected index. (Indigo RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/02/01 Enhancement RDO Framework Saved searches, views, and filters using the "Is Set" or “Is Not Set” operators may exhibit a minor behavior changes if used on text fields stored in SQL. Text fields containing only white space will be considered set, and be returned when searching for “Is Set” text which can affect the results of existing saved searches, views, or filters. This behavior change improves performance when using the "Is Set" or "Is Not Set" operators, but can be reverted if the new behavior is unfavorable. Please reach out to your Customer Support representative for additional details. (Indigo RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/02/01 Enhancement Legal Hold The new Relativity Legal Hold Preservation Agent handles all Office 365 Preservation-related work. If you have active O365 Preservations or if you intend to, you need to create at least one agent of this new type in order for Preservation-related jobs to be performed. (Indigo RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/02/01 Resolved defect Legal Hold When viewing a Communication, clicking the Custodian Open Items report now displays the open items. (Indigo RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/02/01 Enhancement Analytics Cluster Visualization interactions have improved to keep consistent with other visualization methods within the UI. To select and apply a filter, the user interaction is single click (left click) and to zoom into a cluster, the user interaction is to double click (left click). (Indigo RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/02/01 Enhancement ARM ARM Restores that Include Data Grid and audits stored in Elasticsearch now automatically retry restore steps when transient errors (502, 503, 504, etc.) occur. (Indigo RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/02/01 Resolved defect Searching When a dtSearch worker agent failure occurs during the index build Finalizing step, the new behavior to prevent the agent from disabling now includes the proper directories when the agent is restarted automatically. (Indigo RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/02/01 Resolved defect Relativity Scripts & Utilities In the Data Grid Text Migration application, queries involved in the batching operations for both migration and verification steps are now updated to be more efficient - improving read operation performance and overall job performance. (Indigo RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/02/01 Enhancement Collect The Summary Report now shows the filter criteria used for each data source in a collection job. The report also now shows the associated data source name for each target that data was collected from. (Indigo RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/02/01 Enhancement Collect You can now collect from single folders within an Office 365 Outlook mailbox using the "Parent Folder Name" filter criteria option. Any subfolders under a parent folder that is collected will also be collected. (Indigo RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/02/01 Enhancement Collect You can now optionally containerize collected data into ZIP64 formatted files. You can also optionally specify a password for the containers for added security of collected data. Maximum container size is 10GB. Collections larger than 10GB will be split across one or more container files. ZIP containerization is recommended if you will be pulling collections down from RelativityOne. (Indigo RelativityOne Update 2)
2020/02/01 Enhancement Discovery Relativity Processing now supports Solidworks eDrawings 2020. (Indigo RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/02/01 Enhancement Audit ARM Archives that Include Data Grid now contain retry logic when a 401 authentication error is encountered to keep the job progressing. (Indigo RelativityOne Update 1)
2020/01/29 Enhancement Short Messages Users can now filter RSMF documents by conversation, participant, event, and date in the Short Message Viewer. (Juniper Early Access)
2020/01/29 Enhancement Errors Stack Trace information in the Tracking Log table moved from the Details column to its own StackTrace column. Stack Trace information is no longer present in the Relativity front-end in the advanced tab for Processing Errors. (Juniper Early Access)
2020/01/29 Enhancement Processing Agents When no processing set manager exists, an error indicating as such is present on the top of the processing set layout page. (Juniper Early Access)
2020/01/29 Enhancement Collect You can now leverage RelativityOne Store in Collect as a digital evidence locker. Store now appears as a potential collection storage destination along with your Processing Source locations and enables you to securely store large volumes of collected data with proximity to RelativityOne for any future litigation needs. (Juniper Early Access)
2020/01/29 Enhancement Discovery Improvements made to the stability of Discovering Cabinet files. (Juniper Early Access)
2020/01/29 Resolved defect Discovery Resolved a condition during Text Extraction that causes stuck jobs, requiring manual intervention to resolve. (Juniper Early Access)
2020/01/29 Resolved defect Discovery Improvements made to the stability of Discovering TAR container files. (Juniper Early Access)
2020/01/29 Enhancement Application Library UI Library Application UI page now uses the new Kepler APIs. The user experienced improved by reducing the number of clicks and steps needed to install an application including buttons to install a library application into all the workspaces in one click, buttons to cancel and retry upgrades, and a progress bar that displays real time updates of the status of application upload into the library. (Juniper Early Access)
2020/01/29 Enhancement List Page When selecting fields to display in a saved search or view, you can now pick a field category that will display a categorized list of fields to select from. (Juniper Early Access)
2020/01/29 Enhancement List Page When applying field conditions to a saved search or a view, you can now pick a field category that will display a categorized list of fields to select from. (Juniper Early Access)
2020/01/04 Enhancement RDO Framework The Object Manager API and Relativity.Services now includes Intellisense, which provides developers with inline support to indicate the methods, parameters, and properties for the APIs they are consuming. (Indigo RelativityOne)
2020/01/04 Enhancement Transcripts The DisableLegacyTranscripts and HideProcessTranscriptsMassOperation instance settings used for the legacy Transcripts application have been removed. (Indigo RelativityOne)
2020/01/04 Enhancement Short Message Viewer The size and collapsed state of the timeline in the Short Message Viewer now persists between document navigation. (Indigo RelativityOne)
2020/01/04 Enhancement Document Preview Panel The Document Preview Panel displays all available viewer tabs even if the document has no content for those viewer modes. If no content exists, the tab styling is updated to indicate that and a placeholder is displayed with a message stating the content does not exist. (Indigo RelativityOne)
2020/01/04 Resolved defect Relativity Desktop Client Value of "executionTimeout" in Web.config file for Relativity.Distributed site was changed to 20 minutes. Any existing value of that attribute will be overwritten during upgrade. (Indigo RelativityOne)
2020/01/04 Resolved defect Discovery Child documents extracted from AD1 files now have their file times set correctly before expansion. This affects the Date Modified, Date Created, and Date Accessed fields. (Indigo RelativityOne)
2020/01/04 Resolved defect Discovery We have improved the stability of Discovering zip files. (Indigo RelativityOne)
2020/01/04 Enhancement Discovery We have improved the performance of Discovering smaller zip files. (Indigo RelativityOne)
2020/01/04 Resolved defect Searching Restoring the workspace now correctly includes the dtSearch indexes as active when the "Include dtSearch" setting is set to "Yes" during an ARM Archive. (Indigo RelativityOne)
2020/01/04 Resolved defect Searching When copying a dtSearch index with the Create Accent Sensitive setting set to "Yes," the setting now correctly copies over along with the other settings. (Indigo RelativityOne)
2020/01/04 Enhancement Case Dynamics With the new auto-save feature, your changes are saved automatically when you create, link, and unlink items on the Coding Pane to reduce clicks. Additionally, the Coding Pane was modified to clearly distinguish linked or unlinked items. The auto-save feature only applies to the Case Dynamics Coding Pane; on other layouts the Save buttons are required to save changes. (Indigo RelativityOne)
2020/01/04 Enhancement Analytics Starting with Lanceleaf 0, Analytics does not require an Analytics Server value in the Advanced Settings of the Analytics Index Layout page. Since this is not a requirement, the Analytics Server option will be removed from Advanced Settings tab of the Analytics Index Layout page for Structured Analytics Sets, Classification and Conceptual Indexes. For a Classification Index, since the only option in the Advanced Settings of the Analytics Index Layout page was the Analytics Server field, Advance Settings will be removed. (Indigo RelativityOne)
2020/01/04 Enhancement Active Learning Prioritized Review gives you the option to review family documents (optimized for email and attachments) together. When Include Family is enabled, Active Learning serves documents with their family documents to reviewers. All family documents included in the index are served to the reviewer, including documents that were previously coded. (Indigo RelativityOne)
2019/12/05 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile Users can now copy coding decisions from the previous save using Copy from Previous. (1.3.2)
2019/12/05 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS includes user experience updates. (1.3.2)
2019/12/05 Resolved defect RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS improved performance with the resolution of minor bugs. (1.3.2)
2019/11/23 Resolved defect Discovery Invariant now correctly extracts all attachments from email files (EML) that do not adhere to format specifications by having a mixture of non-matching carriage returns and line feeds separating the attachments. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Resolved defect Authentication Google will be releasing an update to Chrome on February 3rd has the potential to degrade authentication into RelativityOne via Okta. Normally, users have 5 minutes to complete their authentication in the system (meaning provide usernames and passwords and then complete second-factor verification via Okta). With the new change, this window will be reduced to 2 minutes for an unspecified grace period by Google and then, ultimately eliminated completely. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Enhancement Authentication System Administrators and Developers will have the ability to create an OpenID Connect Authentication Provider and specify which scopes they would like their Identity Provider to give them, so that it is much easier for the administrators to manage a user's Login Method. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Resolved defect Searching When modifying the Order of Active field on a Keyword Search index, the desired setting change applied now correctly applies to the selected index. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Resolved defect Audit When running Reviewer Statistics on a specific date range more than once, the correct usage metrics' values correctly displays in the report. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Enhancement Legal Hold There is now a Relativity Legal Hold Preservation Agent that handles all Microsoft 365 Preservation-related work. If you have active M365 Preservations or if you intend to, you need to create at least one agent of this new type in order for Preservation-related jobs to be performed. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Enhancement Infrastructure Processing now supports Solidworks eDrawings 2020. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Resolved defect Discovery Child documents extracted from AD1 files now have their file times set correctly before expansion. This affects the Date Modified, Date Created, and Date Accessed fields. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Enhancement Discovery We have improved the performance of Discovering smaller zip files. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Resolved defect Discovery We have improved the stability of Discovering zip files. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Enhancement RelativityOne Repository Workspace Imaging and OCR functionality now available. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Enhancement ARM Zip compression will be removed with Goatsbeard 2. As a consequence, both *CompressionLevel* and *MaxArchiveFileSize* Instance settings no longer exist. Note: Legacy compressed archives performed by ARM are still supported (read and decompression) and ARM will detect that the archive has been compressed previously. This impacts both Relativity Server (10.3.2) and RelativityOne. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Enhancement ARM The *AgentThreadCount* instance setting no longer exists from kCura ARM section. The default number of agents will be 12 with one thread per each agent as this gives the best performance for parallel ARM jobs. We do not recommend to increase the number of agents above 12 as the most effective setting is anything between 6 and 12. This change impacts both Relativity Server (10.3.2) and RelativityOne. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Resolved defect Relativity Desktop Client Customers can now import files with RDC when the (delimiter || quote) is white space. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Resolved defect Relativity Desktop Client Removed discrepancy between processed count and exported count when export is successful. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Resolved defect Relativity Desktop Client In Web mode, missing files in a workspace causes an error message to display. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Enhancement Relativity Desktop Client The file transfer mode status is disabled when copying images and natives are both disabled. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Resolved defect Discovery Corrected an issue where extracted text was getting corrupted when an emoji was present in an email file. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now select .CSV for the output format for the Questionnaire Responses Export report. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Resolved defect Legal Hold You can now ARM Restore Workspaces containing Legal Hold Scheduled Communications. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Resolved defect Legal Hold New Preservation Holds will no longer remain in a "Pending" state if the initial Preservation Case creation attempt fails. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Resolved defect Searching When the 'Include dtSearch' setting is set to 'Yes' during an ARM Archive, Restoring the workspace will now correctly include the dtSearch indexes as active. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/23 Resolved defect Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Case Metrics application now enters the correct time zone for both the last 7 days and Last Week selection when the Audit application is installed on the selected workspace. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/11/20 Enhancement RelativityOne ECA Template The RelativityOne ECA Template workspace now includes template Field Categories. (Indigo Early Access Update)
2019/11/20 Enhancement RelativityOne Investigations Template The RelativityOne Investigations Template workspace now includes template Field Categories. (Indigo Early Access Update)
2019/11/20 Enhancement RelativityOne Review Template New RelativityOne instances starting with RelativityOne Indigo have access to the RelativityOne Review Template workspace which simplifies the end-to-end process of document review by making visible only the recommended set of tabs, fields, views, and layouts. For existing instances, please contact to have the workspace include ARM in your instance. (Indigo Early Access Update)
2019/11/20 Enhancement Viewer When users are hovering over entity of interest, there is a link back to the Entity page from the Short Message Viewer, if a workspace is leveraging name normalization. (Indigo Early Access Update)
2019/10/29 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS includes user experience updates. (1.3.1)
2019/10/29 Resolved defect RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS improved performance with the resolution of minor bugs. (1.3.1)
2019/10/26 Enhancement Searching dtSearch Index Worker agents now include logic to handle sub-index failures without causing the agent to become disabled. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/10/24 Enhancement Integration Points When a new workspace is created using a template workspace with existing Integration Point Profiles, the profiles are copied over to the newly created workspace. Only Export type Integration Point Profiles with Source:Relativity and Destination: Relativity are enabled for copying at workspace creation. The Integration Point Profiles with Type: Import or Export with Destination:Loadfile aren’t be carried over. (Indigo Early Access)
2019/10/24 Enhancement Integration Points The Proof of Concept option for transferring documents between Relativity instances no longer exists. Integration Points should continue to be used for transferring documents between workspaces within the same instance. (Indigo Early Access)
2019/10/24 Enhancement Search Term Reports Search Terms Reports now support the Copy mass action. When a Search Terms Report is copied, all terms are copied, but not the results and document tags. (Indigo Early Access)
2019/10/24 Enhancement Searching When an overlay is applied to a document or a change occurs on a metadata field, you can now perform a dtSearch index Incremental Build rather than Full Build to update your dtSearch index. (Indigo Early Access)
2019/10/24 Enhancement Assisted Review The three new columns; Index Health, Highest Ranked, Highest Ranked Coded <Positive Choice>; display in the Review Summary/Prioritized Review report. Highest ranked is the denominator in the relevance rank calculation, highest ranked coded positive choice is the numerator and index health are the documents not considered in the calculation. (Indigo Early Access)
2019/10/24 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Breakage Report feature for the Data Grid Text Migration application is now available as a Relativity script. The Breakage Report feature assists with preparing for a workspace migration from Relativity Server instances to RelativityOne. (Indigo Early Access)
2019/09/30 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS now includes a toggle for highlights in the document viewer. (1.3)
2019/09/30 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS supports iOS 13 including Dark Mode. (1.3)
2019/09/30 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS includes user experience updates. (1.3)
2019/09/30 Resolved defect RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne app for iOS environments has been maintained to improve performance to resolve minor bugs. (1.3)
2019/09/28 Enhancement RDO Framework The new Field Manger API includes multiple operations for programmatically working with field types supported by Relativity, including multiple choice, fixed length text, date, and other fields. It exposes methods for create, read, update, and delete operations on fields. It also provides helper methods for retrieving available object types, views, keyboard shortcuts, and other information about properties that you can set on fields. These methods are available on the IFieldManager Interface in the Relativity.Services.Interfaces.Field namespace. The classes and enumerations supporting this functionality are available in the Relativity.Services.Interfaces.Field.Models namespace. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne)
2019/09/28 Enhancement ADS The new Library Applications Manager API includes multiple operations for working with applications supported by Relativity. It exposes methods for create, read, update, and delete operations on Applications. Apart from providing asynchronous helper methods for retrieving application install status and retry application installs, additional helper methods are newly available for retrieving workspace installation details, installation results, and errors and to cancel application installs. These methods work across the ILibraryApplicationsManager and IApplicationInstallManager interfaces. The classes and enumerations supporting this functionality are available in the Relativity.Services.Interfaces.LibraryApplication namespace (Goatsbeard RelativityOne)
2019/09/28 Enhancement Admin Operations New web and cloudy-friendly RESTful APIs for Matter are now available, and it's responsible for performing C.R.U.D operations; it includes all business logic and rules captured when a Relativity administrator manages matters in the Relativity interface. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne)
2019/09/28 Enhancement Audit Data Grid Audit Migrator agent now includes additional error handling to reduce the possibility of the agent disabling due to failed migrations. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne)
2019/09/28 Resolved defect Searching A notification displays if you are incorrectly entering Keyword Search syntax. The error reads, "Invalid syntax in Keyword Search query." (Goatsbeard RelativityOne)
2019/09/28 Enhancement Collect Relativity Collect is a new application now available to all North American RelativityOne customers. You can now collect Office 365 OneDrive files, Outlook emails, contact, and calendars directly to a processing source location of your choice. Relativity Collect is part of your RelativityOne subscription at no additional cost. Contact your Customer Success Manager for information on getting Relativity Collect installed into your RelativityOne instance. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne)
2019/09/28 Resolved defect Structured Analytics Increased the quality of parsing email headers during Name Normalizations to improve the identification and grouping of unique entities and aliases. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne)
2019/09/28 Enhancement Transfer Mode UI The Transfer Mode UI displays multiple transfer modes based on configurations and displays "Pending" when it's determining the mode. (Goatsbeard RelativityOne)
2019/09/03 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile User experience improvements include adding an infinite scroll spinner and skeleton loading images. (1.2.3)
2019/09/03 Resolved defect RelativityOne Mobile RelativityOne Mobile app 1.2.3 now displays the custodian object in the second field correctly, displays Touch ID message correctly, and dismisses the saving toast correctly. (1.2.3)
2019/08/31 Enhancement Infrastructure You're no longer required to install the Hancom Office Hanword 2014 Viewer in order to use Relativity Processing. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/08/31 Resolved defect Legal Hold The Employment Status Change report now shows any Custodians whose End date falls within the specified report date range, even if the posting date of the related audit entry itself falls outside the reporting date range. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/08/31 Resolved defect Legal Hold Saved communications now display graphics embedded in tables. Also, you can now resize graphics embedded in tables without getting stuck in a never-ending resizing session. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/08/31 Resolved defect Discovery We now properly extract Line Art from HWP files. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/08/31 Resolved defect Discovery We improved performance of worker process initialization during Processing. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/08/31 Enhancement Processing A reduced memory footprint now allows a large number of document errors to be retried at once without getting stuck. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/08/31 Resolved defect Processing Agents Large tracking logs no longer cause slow or failed processing jobs. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/08/31 Resolved defect OCR We now send email notifications for completed OCR jobs. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/08/31 Resolved defect Production Sets Productions no longer write to the Date Produced field if the field is already populated. Upon copying a production, the date produced field is no longer be copied. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/08/31 Resolved defect Production Sets If the number of document fields or the number of produced productions is bigger than the choiceoflimitonUI setting, the refreshed layout message doesn't show up after upgrade in the production layout. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/08/31 Enhancement Analytics The Java Developer Kit (JDK) that is utilized in the Relativity Analytics Engine has been updated from Oracle JDK to AdoptOpenJDK version 8. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/08/28 Enhancement ARM With Goatsbeard 0 release the following warning message will be displayed on ARM jobs tab for the customers using recurring jobs: "Please be notified that starting Indigo release (1/4 - 1/18/2020), Execution Type: Recurring functionality will be removed from ARM. Please cancel all existing recurring jobs in advance as they will not be executed after Indigo release." Starting Goatsbeard 0 release there will be no possibility of adding new recurring job neither editing the existing one. See ARM documentation for details. (Goatsbeard Early Access Update)
2019/08/28 Resolved defect Telemetry The Telemetry Application had the Global Application flag added to it. This should prevent it from being installed into workspaces. It was possible for clients to have already installed it in workspaces and they will need to uninstall it from the workspaces when upgrading to 10.3 or higher. (Clients should uninstall it from workspaces even if they are not upgrading. It does not need to be in workspaces.) How to: 1. Log into the instance front end as a System Admin user. 2. Change the Instance setting "DeveloperMode" in section "Relativity.Core" to True 3. Go to the Application Library tab and click on "Relativity.Telemetry", this will show you a list of workspaces the app is installed in. 4. For every workspace the app is in: * Go to the workspace's "Relativity Application" tab * Click the Relativity.Telemetry application * Unlock the application via the button. * Uninstall the application via the button. * Verify the uninstall via the button. * Uninstall the application via the button 5. After the app has been uninstalled from every workspace, go back and change the Instance setting "DeveloperMode" in section "Relativity.Core" to False (Goatsbeard Early Access Update)
2019/08/28 Resolved defect Workspace Portal The Workspace Portal now properly respects the permission, “Workspace Portal Services Permission.” (Goatsbeard Early Access Update)
2019/08/28 Resolved defect Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Data Grid Text Migration application now batches the Field setup query to correctly handle large case migrations. (Goatsbeard Early Access Update)
2019/08/28 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Breakage Report is now exportable to either CSV or XLSX via the export link at the top of the list. (Goatsbeard Early Access Update)
2019/08/28 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Breakage Report now includes two columns containing the operators and the searchable text used to create the Saved Search. (Goatsbeard Early Access Update)
2019/08/28 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Data Grid Text Migration application now automatically creates a copy index of any active dtSearch index that uses the deprecated <All Documents in Workspace> Searchable Set. The system created index creates a Saved Search that includes the same fields as the <All Documents in Workspace> Searchable Set. You can use the Index Swap button in the dtSearch index console to update any existing Saved Searches using the original dtSearch index that are no longer valid. (Goatsbeard Early Access Update)
2019/08/28 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Data Grid Text Migration application will now automatically start any jobs that are in a Pending state that can be found in the Text Migration Jobs tab. For workspaces ARM Restored into RelativityOne, this feature will automatically create a job and execute on the Extracted Text field to migrate to Data Grid. (Goatsbeard Early Access Update)
2019/08/28 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities When selecting the Start Job button or Retry Errors button in your Data Grid Text Migration job, your job will be added to the queue to begin as soon as any running or pending jobs complete. (Goatsbeard Early Access Update)
2019/08/28 Enhancement Short Message Viewer We’ve made UI changes to the Short Message Viewer to improve layout specifications, participant list badge colors, skin style, conversation header, and date and conversation breaks. (Goatsbeard Early Access Update)
2019/07/27 Resolved defect Searching You can now perform a dtSearch index build on documents greater than 2 GBs. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/07/27 Resolved defect Searching You can run a full or incremental build on existing dtSearch indexes still using the deprecated <All Documents in Workspace> Searchable Set. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/07/27 Resolved defect Audit You can now sort on the Object Artifact ID in the Audit tab. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/07/27 Resolved defect Legal Hold Email addresses that contain a hyphen before the @ are no longer treated as invalid. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/07/27 Resolved defect Legal Hold Legal Hold no longer becomes unresponsive when you change a custodian's assigned role to a role that has the Place On Preservation Hold system tag enabled. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/07/27 Resolved defect Legal Hold The Questionnaire Responses Export report now populates correctly in workspaces that were previously ARM-ed. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/07/27 Resolved defect Production Sets You're now able to edit a produced production that gets upgraded from any previous versions of Relativity to Foxglove 1 or Goatsbeard EA. (Foxglove RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/07/25 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne mobile app now support the text size option within the iOS settings. (1.2.2)
2019/07/25 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne mobile app now includes a list of third party libraries used in the app within the iOS settings to meet OSS compliance. (1.2.2)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Assisted Review The Coded Documents count is no longer reported on the Active Learning Viewer. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect Assisted Review We now provide a notification on an Active Learning project that a Classification Index is inactive after you manually cancel population. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Assisted Review The Active Learning viewer now supports undocking the viewer, swapping panes, a standalone viewer, and backward document navigation. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Assisted Review The Review Statistics tab now contains a section called Model Updates, which contains a history of Active Learning model builds. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Assisted Review In the documents tab, you can now run a search against a classification index to quickly return documents of a certain rank or within a range of ranks from an Active Learning Project. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Assisted Review By default, the Document List view that is generated when an Active Learning Project is created is now sorted on the Reviewed On field in ascending order. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect Conceptual Analytics You now need the View permission on Analytics Indexes to perform a search with the conceptual and classification search providers. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Structured Analytics When you run name normalization, we now automatically merge entities with the same first name and last name values rather than creating duplicate entities of the same name with a number suffixed to the end. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Structured Analytics When you run name normalization, we now automatically merge entities that are identified with existing entities created by Processing, Legal Hold or Case Dynamics when their first name and last name values match. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect Searching We fixed an issue in which editing a modified but unsaved saved search from the search browser context menu loaded unsaved modified conditions instead of previously saved conditions. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect List Page We fixed an issue in which the Item List didn't load as a result of an erroneous query to generate a visualization dashboard. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect Mass Operations We fixed an issue in which customers would see unexpected results when performing mass operations with custom search providers (dtSearch, Keyword) against saved searches with relational fields included. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Searching The Save As action on an existing saved search now prompts the user with a modal to update the name of the search. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Searching You are now able to copy existing conditions cards in the search panel with one click via a copy icon. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Searching The saved search form in the saved search browser now launches in a modal with updated styling. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Review Secondary buttons on Relativity Forms Modals have been updated with a secondary button style. Delete buttons have been updated with a destructive button style. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Review The timeline in the Short Message Viewer now persists any sizing changes applied while you review SMS documents. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Review The Short Message Viewer now takes your current Viewer type into account when opening attachments. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Review You can now fully collapse and hide the timeline in the Short Message Viewer. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Review The Review Interface now displays the Relativity logo while it is loading the Outside In Viewer. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Review The Short Message Viewer now supports zoom functionality. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Legal Hold There is a new Task object that allows you to create work tasks and associate them to any project. You can assign tasks to Project Members (not Custodians), who are people assigned a Role that has the Project Member system tag enabled. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now add Project Members to any project by assigning a role that has the Project Member system tag enabled. Project members can be assigned tasks, but they can't be placed on holds within a given project. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now customize custodian pickers by setting which columns to display, including custom fields, as well as the column order, the default width, and the column header text. You can also access picker configurations under the Item Selectors menu option in the Legal Hold Settings. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect Processing Administration In instances where Lockbox is enabled, on the worker monitoring tab, when a user views a worker thread for a workspace they do not have access to, status fields will display "Item Secured" instead of the previous message "Failure retrieving processing data." (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect Infrastructure When a Processing DeleteBatch job with a large amount of data is executing, Worker Status information will be correctly reflected in the Relativity Servers and Worker Monitoring tabs. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect File Handlers Relativity Processing now supports Encrypted ALZ (AlZip) files. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect Errors Password Protected ALZ files will now throw the proper error message when Relativity Processing is unable to decrypt them. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect Errors When attempting to extract text or open email/MSG files when Processing, we attempt to open the file from disk if opening it from memory fails, which should lead to less out of memory issues when Processing email files. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect Discovery Certain HWP files with embedded scripts could cause processing jobs to become stuck. This has been fixed. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect Discovery Some Microsoft Office and Open Office files were incorrectly identified as container (zip) files, if the XML files that defined their contents were UTF-16 encoded instead of UTF-8. This has been fixed. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect Discovery Some HTML formatted emails are handled more similarly to how Outlook handles them; emails with content before the HTML tag have the important content shifted to the body tag of the email, leading to emails with proper extracted text content. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect Discovery Fixed an issue where the 'Comments' metadata for DOCX files was being captured as 'Office/Description' instead of 'Office/Comments'. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Discovered Files You can now create widgets and dashboards to visualize discovered data prior to publish. In addition, you can export the list view. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect Publish Time Zones on the Processing Data Source and the Worker server now function properly, eliminating job level publish errors caused by mismatched values. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect Discovery BCC/CC/To fields are now parsed properly even when the length is greater than 8192 bytes. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect Publish When a stuck job is resolved and the agent is back up, Publish jobs now properly resume. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Resolved defect Processing Agents The Processing Set Manager agent's activity messages will now correctly refer to the Processing Data Sources rather than Processing Sets. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Relativity Desktop Client On the Workspace Details, the console now has a link for downloading the Relativity Desktop Client. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Installation enhancements The RDC installer is now available as an .exe file. It is now called Relativity.Desktop.Client.Setup.exe. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Installation enhancements The RDC installer now checks for the software prerequisites. If you're missing any of the prerequisites, your computer must have Internet access so that the RDC installer can fetch the required software. If your computer doesn't have Internet access, the RDC installer can't retrieve the necessary software, so the installation fails. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Installation enhancements The RDC installer supports both 32-bit or 64-bit machines, so you don't need to select an installer based on the operating system type. It now detects the processor type for your computer and automatically installs the appropriate software. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Installation enhancements The RDC installer includes an updated, streamlined look and feel. It also has a checkbox labeled "This application will be used with RelativityOne." This checkbox replaces the previous one labeled "Enable firewall rules on this computer." (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Installation enhancements Relativity.Desktop.Client.exe is now the name of the executable for the RDC. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Upgrading When you upgrade to Goatsbeard and higher releases, the RDC installer preserves any existing app.config settings that you were using for the RDC. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Relativity Desktop Client To minimize the need to reinstall new versions of the RDC, the RDC has been redesigned to work across multiple releases. The RDC available in this release supports Relativity versions from Bluestem through Goatsbeard. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Relativity Desktop Client The RDC installer includes updated messaging for software compatibility checks and provides a compatibility URL. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/07/24 Enhancement Transfer Mode UI The Transfer Mode UI displays multiple transfer modes based on configurations and displays "Pending" when it's determining the mode. (Goatsbeard Early Access)
2019/06/29 Resolved defect Searching dtSearch index builds now correctly index Searchable Sets containing a combination of multi-object fields and Data Grid enabled long text document fields. (Foxglove RelativityOne)
2019/06/29 Resolved defect Processing Publish longer fails in instances where AD1 Images that contain more files than the designated batch size are processed. The default batch size is 10,000. (Foxglove RelativityOne)
2019/06/29 Enhancement Legal Hold The communication Response Due Date is now displayed in the Custodian Status dashboard. (Foxglove RelativityOne)
2019/06/29 Enhancement Legal Hold There is a new merge field for communications named Active Projects, which returns only active projects that the custodian is assigned to. (Foxglove RelativityOne)
2019/06/29 Enhancement Review Interface Annotations, including highlights and redactions, are now visible in the thumbnail viewer when using the Image Viewer. (Foxglove RelativityOne)
2019/06/29 Enhancement Review Interface The native file download link in the Relativity Viewer will display the download icon only if the document has an associated native file, the user has permission to download it, and the native type is not restricted for download. (Foxglove RelativityOne)
2019/06/29 Enhancement Review Interface The Markup Navigator now allows users to click anywhere in a row to navigate to a markup. The last clicked row is highlighted in yellow. (Foxglove RelativityOne)
2019/06/29 Enhancement Review Interface The Markup Navigator now automatically refreshes when a markup is created or deleted by the user. (Foxglove RelativityOne)
2019/06/29 Enhancement Review Interface When an on-the-fly imaging job is in progress in the Relativity Viewer, a status pill is displayed to indicate job progress. (Foxglove RelativityOne)
2019/06/29 Enhancement Review Interface The visual style of modals in the image mode and productions mode have been updated. This includes the Mass Redact, Mass Delete Annotation, Edit Text Redaction, Delete Annotation, and Single Save as PDF modals. The functionality of these modals remain unchanged. (Foxglove RelativityOne)
2019/06/29 Enhancement Review Interface The image mode and productions mode in the Relativity Viewer have been updated to utilize Outside In for rendering and displaying document data. This replaces PDFTron which was previously used in these viewer modes. (Foxglove RelativityOne)
2019/06/29 Enhancement Review Interface The image mode and productions mode in the Relativity Viewer now display a document skeleton while document data is being prepared or loading. This replaces the previously used spinning loader. (Foxglove RelativityOne)
2019/06/29 Enhancement Review Interface A status pill now indicates the job progress when conversion streaming is in progress. (Foxglove RelativityOne)
2019/06/29 Enhancement Review Interface Conversion streaming is now enabled in the native, image, and production modes allowing content to display in the viewer while conversion is in progress, without requiring the user wait for the entire conversion job to complete before viewing document content. (Foxglove RelativityOne)
2019/06/29 Resolved defect Review Interface The DefaultTextRedactionTextSize instance setting no longer determines the default text size for text redactions in the Image Viewer. The text size defaults to "Auto." (Foxglove RelativityOne)
2019/06/01 Resolved defect Audit The Object Artifact ID can be used to filter on in the List View and the Artifact ID is no longer available. Artifact ID was a duplicate field that was not filterable. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/06/01 Enhancement Audit When querying specifically on a field in the List View, the query now only applies to the field that is requested. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/06/01 Enhancement Searching Lucene Search is deprecated as a Search Provider for Index Search in Relativity. This includes all related Worker and Manager agents for indexing long text document fields with Elasticsearch. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/06/01 Enhancement ARM When selecting Include Data Grid with ARM Archive and Restores, any Lucene Search index active in the workspace will not be included. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/06/01 Resolved defect Authentication The Trusted IPs now filter out ports, and only evaluate against the IP address. There is no longer a need for “:*” in your just trusted IP addresses, and will now be seen as a failure due to the port not being considered for evaluation. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/06/01 Resolved defect Discovery Publish will no longer fail in instances where AD1 Images that contain more files than the designated batch size are processed. The default batch size is 10,000. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/06/01 Resolved defect Discovery We addressed issue where larger Encase files may get errors due to insufficient resources being available. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/06/01 Resolved defect Legal Hold When creating a Preservation Case you can now enter just a Start Date or just an End Date for your date filter criteria. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/06/01 Resolved defect Case Dynamics The Link right-click menu option in the Viewer now appends text to long text fields on Case Dynamics objects. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/06/01 Resolved defect Item List You no longer see unexpected results when performing mass operations with custom search providers (dtSearch, Keyword) against saved searches with relational fields included. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/06/01 Enhancement Item List The field picker list now includes lazy loading when you use the item list filters. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/06/01 Enhancement Saved Search The field picker list now includes lazy loading when you create views or saved searches. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/06/01 Enhancement Discovery Invariant workers now support IBM Lotus Notes 10.0.1. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/06/01 Enhancement Discovery You're no longer required to install Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to use Relativity Processing. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 2)
2019/05/29 Enhancement Searching When selecting a button in the Build and Manage Index console, the action will be captured in Relativity audits. You can now select the View Audit button to see what button was selected, when it occurred, and who initiated the action. This includes selecting Build Index: Full, Build Index: Incremental, Compress Index, Deactivate Index, and Swap Index. (Foxglove Early Access Update)
2019/05/29 Enhancement Searching dtSearch index builds now have an option in the Advance Settings to enable Accent Sensitive indexing. You can now index and search on characters containing accents. (Foxglove Early Access Update)
2019/05/29 Enhancement Searching Updating any existing settings on the dtSearch index build page will now be captured through Relativity audits. You can now select the View Audit button to identify what settings were changed, who changed them, and when the change was made. (Foxglove Early Access Update)
2019/05/29 Enhancement Searching The dtSearch index build page now provides a Searchable Set pop-up with improved filtering capabilities that includes additional fields: Name, Created By, and Last Modified On date. (Foxglove Early Access Update)
2019/05/29 Enhancement Searching When building a dtSearch index, you will now be notified if the selected Searchable Set does not contain a long text document field. (Foxglove Early Access Update)
2019/05/29 Resolved defect Discovery All SmartArt text is now extracted correctly from Microsoft Office documents, including certain unusual SmartArt structures. (Foxglove Early Access Update)
2019/05/29 Enhancement Legal Hold The Questionnaire Responses Report now adds a copy of the exported report to the Attachments list displayed under the Libraries tab. Switch to the "System Generated Attachments" list view to see all Questionnaire Responses exports. (Foxglove Early Access Update)
2019/05/29 Enhancement Legal Hold The Questionnaire Responses Report export file is now named with a .DAT extension to reflect the fact it uses Concordance DAT file delimiters. (Foxglove Early Access Update)
2019/05/29 Resolved defect Legal Hold The undo button no longer deletes the contents contained in the HTML editor following a paste operation or the addition of a merge field. (Foxglove Early Access Update)
2019/05/29 Enhancement Field Mapping You can now map a Relativity field to a new Field Catalog option called Deduped Count, which allows you to know how many duplicates a published file has encountered when deduplication is enabled. (Foxglove Early Access Update)
2019/05/29 Enhancement Errors On the Document Error layout, you can now see the new field Original File Path, which contains both the Source Path and the File Name. This allows greater ease in tracing back to the Processing Source Location when investigating the error. (Foxglove Early Access Update)
2019/05/29 Enhancement Processing Sets You can now see the total size and number of files in a data source by two new fields: Pre-Expansion File Size and Pre-Expansion File Count, respectively. (Foxglove Early Access Update)
2019/05/29 Enhancement Assisted Review In Active Learning, if an Elusion test is in progress when an index is repopulated, the Elusion test is canceled. Now, the Elusion Test review card displays a message providing you the reason why the Elusion Test was automatically canceled. (Foxglove Early Access Update)
2019/05/29 Resolved defect Reviewer Interface The DefaultTextRedactionTextSize instance setting is no longer used to determine the default text size for text redactions in the Image Viewer. The text size will default to 'Auto'. (Foxglove Early Access Update)
2019/05/21 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile You can now code more efficiently using Auto Layout Navigation. When you enter Auto Layout Navigation, the layout automatically navigates field-by-field through the entire layout. If you continue with Save & Next, the app will continue in this mode streamlining the coding process. (1.2)
2019/05/21 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile You can now quickly filter a document list by swiping down to reveal a quick filter bar. Use the quick filter to filter by document identifier. (1.2)
2019/05/21 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The document viewer header on iPad now includes the document icon. (1.2)
2019/04/29 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne mobile app 1.1 release includes additional filter options, integrated keyboard commands, user experience update, and bug fixes. (1.1)
2019/04/27 Enhancement Imaging When upgrading to BlazingStar (10.1) customers using the Native Time Zone Offset application will need to upgrade to the latest version (currently Failure to do this will result in the agent shutting down and failing to run. Customers that are on 9.7 or later can upgrade the application to version at any point prior to upgrading. Customers using older version of Relativity should upgrade the application immediately after the Relativity upgrade. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/04/27 Resolved defect Structured Analytics To prevent the creation of large entity groups, we now correctly handle aliases that include 'on behalf of' and generic aliases such as 'Mom' or 'John.' (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/04/27 Resolved defect Exporting When you export to file from a saved search, we now maintain the sort order applied to the list. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/04/27 Resolved defect Relativity Scripts & Utilities When you run a Data Grid Text Migration job on a workspace, and the workspace is deleted while the job is in progress, the Data Grid Migration Worker agent now detects the workspace's deletion and correctly updates the status of the job. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/04/27 Resolved defect Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Data Grid Text Migration application can now successfully migrate documents from SQL to Data Grid that are greater than 1 GB in size. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/04/27 Enhancement RDO Framework The Auto Increment Field on Object application now creates audits for field updates. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/04/27 Resolved defect Processing The space delimiter for Quick-Create Set(s) now works properly. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/04/27 Enhancement Processing You can now associate a Classification choice when creating or editing a custodian entity record. This allows you to understand the origin of the entity, specifically whether it was created via Processing, Name Normalization, or Case Dynamics. You can also now view and filter on Classification when selecting a Custodian from the picker view on a Processing Data Source, as well as on the Entities - Processing View under the Entities tab. Note that Custodian records originating from Quick-Create Set(s) will have the new Classification choice of Custodian - Processing automatically assigned. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/04/27 Enhancement Processing The SkipDocumentAuditDuringPublish instance setting is now enabled (set to True) by default. This means that Relativity by default will skip recording the Created and Native Created events in the Document History in order to boost performance during publish. You can change the default value for this instance setting, if desired. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/04/27 Resolved defect Imaging The Print/Save as PDF mass operation now fails when used inside a workspace containing a thousand or more productions. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/04/27 Resolved defect Mass Operations The Send to Case Map mass operation no longer works if the case map view contains a single/multi-choice field and if the value is not set for a document. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/04/27 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile This updates an existing default value for the token lifespan used for RelativityOne Mobile. (Blazingstar RelativityOne Update 1)
2019/04/24 Enhancement RDO Framework The Relativity Forms API now supports the ability to override the data source for fields with picker display types. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Resolved defect RDO Framework The Relativity Forms API now supports the ability to override the data source the file field type. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Resolved defect RDO Framework Relativity Forms now supports the ability to specify that yes/no fields are strictly Boolean (the Field will not have an "unset" possibility, and instead will defaults to false). This can be accomplished by setting the Field's `RemoveNoValueChoice` property to `true` in the Layout JSON for the yes/no Field. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement RDO Framework Relativity forms now supports the ability to specify whether options in a non-yes/no fields with a dropdown display type are sorted. This can be set on the field's SortOptions property. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Mass Operations The default scope of a mass operation is now all items in an item list. Clicking a specific item in the list will reduce mass operation scope to checked items. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Views You can now preview the order of views when editing or creating a new view by clicking the View Order button next to the Order field. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Saved Search When creating saved searches, you can now copy existing condition cards with a single click through the new copy icon on each condition card in the search panel. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Saved Search You can now clear your folder selection when determining the scope of your saved search in the saved search modal. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Fluid Relativity modals now render with a secondary button style treatment for Close and Cancel actions. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Resolved defect Batching The batch data source drop-down in the Batch Set layout can now display more than 10,000 saved searches. This is because the drop-down converts to a picker when the threshold is met for the item count specified for the ChoiceLimitForUI instance setting. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Batching The Batch Set Data Source drop-down now respects the ChoiceLimitForUI instance setting and converts to a pop-up picker list for saved searches. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Resolved defect Export to file When you export to file from a saved search, we now maintain the sort order applied to the list. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Resolved defect Folder browser When you click on any folder in the Document folder browser, you no longer receive a Document List error if the Folder Name field is secured in a given Workspace. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Resolved defect Mass Operations When an ARM-mapped user refreshes the page on a filtered document list in an ARM-migrated workspace, the default scope of a mass operation is no longer all documents in the workspace. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Resolved defect Web browser Pie Chart labels are no longer hidden in pivot widgets when you apply browser zoom while using Chrome. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Resolved defect Web browser The fixed-length text field list filter now returns results for items with leading white space characters. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities During a Data Grid Text Migration job, we now check if there is a dependent field on the field that's being migrated and then move that workspace to a state of Completed with Errors until the dependent field is addressed. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Resolved defect Infrastructure The Data Grid File Mapping table now has a constraint on the File Size column to prevent any applications or processes from writing a File Size value of 0. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer The Staging Explorer can now use UNC paths on Local. Once you paste the UNC path to the Local file directory path, you can see and open a drive available under particular UNC path. (Ninebark Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement RelativityOne Staging Explorer You can now send email notifications for finished and failed transfers. (Ninebark Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement ARM The Archive Job and Archive Summary Pages now include a new Processing Options section, which includes the new Discovered Files and Missing Files Behavior settings. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Legal Hold You now have the option of reusing the email body content of a communication for the Portal Detail content. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Legal Hold We now display the date that a custodian was assigned to a Legal Hold Project in the Assigned Date field. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now require Single Sign-On (SSO) access to the Custodian Portal. Relativity Legal Hold supports OpenID Connect using Microsoft Azure AD. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now export questionnaire responses to a DAT file using the Questionnaire Responses Export report. Questions and sub-questions are now arranged in chronological order from left to right in the exported DAT file. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement ADS The MaxConcurrentWorkspaceUpgradesPerApplicationInstallerAgent instance setting has been removed. It was originally added to allow concurrent application installs within a single Application Installation Manager agent. We were hoping for less contention in the database by retrieving more workspaces per query and a speed improvement by running the installs concurrently. Since then we were able to reduce blocking in the query significantly, and we have found that multiple threads in an agent are no better than simply adding more agents. There was no longer a need for this capability. Without this setting, the recommended way for a Relativity administrator to speed up application installs is to add more Application Installation Manager agents. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Authentication The new DomainNameWhiteListUrls instance setting allows a system administrator to enter a semicolon-delimited list of domain names that can navigate users away from Relativity. If the URL is not on the white-list, the user will not be allowed to navigate to the external URL. The instance setting defaults to a wildcard ( * ), which allows all external URLs to be accessible and the system admin should configure the instance setting as needed. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Processing The new Discovered Files page in Relativity Processing allows you to view and analyze your discovered data before it is published. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Resolved defect Processing In the Worker Monitoring and Processing History tabs in Relativity, numeric fields (both fields with integers and fields with decimals) are now formatted based on the local client machine, including a thousands separator. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Resolved defect Processing Object Security Permissions now accurately reference Quick-Create Set(s). (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Processing You can now configure Relativity's behavior when an error occurs during the file copy stage of a Processing archive job. As part of your ARM settings, you can choose whether to skip the errored file or stop the job entirely. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Processing When encountering a document error where metadata exceeds the fixed length of a field, you will now see as part of that error message the details regarding maximum length allowed as well as the current length of errored data. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Resolved defect Processing The Email Modified Flag field now returns accurate values. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Resolved defect Processing The Email Sent Flag field now returns accurate values. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Resolved defect Processing dtSearch now behaves as expected when it fails to extract text for DRM-protected Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files. Relativity switches over to native text extraction and then throws an error if applicable. This applies only to files saved in pre-2007 format (e.g., .doc, .xls, etc.). (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Reviewer Interface The native file download link in the Viewer now only displays the download icon if the document has an associated native file. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Reviewer Interface The Markup Navigator now allows you to click anywhere in a row to navigate to a markup. The last clicked row is highlighted in yellow. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Reviewer Interface The Markup Navigator now automatically refreshes when you create or delete a markup. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Reviewer Interface The Cursor Token is now replaced when used in the Action field of a custom Viewer Context Menu Item. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Transcripts The list of designations in the right-click designation menu are now alphabetized. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Transcripts The default sort order in the tabs on the Transcripts Layout has been updated to show the newest item created at the top of the list. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Transcripts When working with video transcript files, you are now able to create, save, merge and export video clips. In the initial release the export format options will be Clip Creation Script (.CCS) and Comma-Separated Values (.CSV). (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Case Dynamics When you use type ahead to link Key People, the person's name will be displayed in the First Name Last Name format once selected (e.g. "John Doe"). Previously, values were displayed with Last Name, First Name format (e.g. "Doe, John"). (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Case Dynamics The information that used to be stored in the Person and Organization objects of Case Dynamics is now stored in the Entity object. You will be able to classify Entities of Type Organization or Person as "Key" to include them in Case Dynamics workflows. You will be able to create Key Entities throughout the application, similar to how you created people and organizations prior to the Foxglove release. As people and organizations are identified in Legal Hold, Processing and Analytics and become central to the case, you can simply mark them as Key to include them in Case Dynamics. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Production Sets An error will no longer occur when attempting to delete a Production. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/04/24 Enhancement Case Dynamics When you create parent-child relationships from the Case Dynamics Coding Pane, the items in the parent fields are now alphabetized, and the character limit has been increased to improve readability. (Foxglove Early Access)
2019/03/30 Enhancement Relativity Desktop Client When exporting productions, saved searches, or folders with the Relativity Desktop Client (RDC), you now have more options to name the native and text files. Specifically, you can choose the control number and append the filename with custom text or leverage existing designation fields in the workspace. (Blazingstar RelativityOne)
2019/03/30 Resolved defect Authentication Relativity has changed how it handles trusted IPs, removing the common need for wildcards (":*"). The new setting, XForwardedForTrustedProxies, lists trusted proxies which are allowed to set the trusted IP for incoming requests. Relativity then only checks the first IP against the configured IPs for a given authentication request, in addition to handling certain nonstandard X-Forwarded-For headers. (Blazingstar RelativityOne)
2019/03/30 Enhancement All Products Beginning April 1st, Relativity will no longer support the Performance Dashboard (PDB) application, and it will be removed from all RelativityOne instances. At this point, a new open source version of PDB will become available. For more information on this new version, contact the Relativity Developer Experience team at In addition, with the BlazingStar release, the RelativityOne Activity Dashboard is now available, and it allows you to monitor your instance usage. For more information about the RelativityOne Activity Dashboard, contact your CSM. (Blazingstar RelativityOne)
2019/03/30 Enhancement RDO Framework The Save and Previous button is now available on Relativity Forms-enabled pages when you create a Relativity Dynamic Object. (Blazingstar RelativityOne)
2019/03/30 Enhancement Kepler APIs for Static Objects A new RESTful Kepler Static Object/API for Object Types is available that is web and cloud friendly. This API is responsible for performing C.R.U.D operations and includes all business logic and rules that are captured when a Relativity administrator manages Object Types within the Relativity Agents web page. (Blazingstar RelativityOne)
2019/03/30 Enhancement Auto increment field on object Application The initial value property for the Auto Incremented Field on Object application is no longer editable once it is set. (Blazingstar RelativityOne)
2019/03/30 Resolved defect Workspace You can now correctly assign a Workspace Admin group to a workspace during workspace creation. (Blazingstar RelativityOne)
2019/03/30 Resolved defect List Page The Choice List tab now correctly populates entries for the Field and Object Type dropdowns. (Blazingstar RelativityOne)
2019/03/30 Enhancement Infrastructure Relativity Processing now supports Microsoft Office 2016. (Blazingstar RelativityOne)
2019/03/30 Enhancement Processing You can now kick off worker scaling manually from the Processing Administration page. (Blazingstar RelativityOne)
2019/03/30 Enhancement Errors There are now additional Document error categories available to help make error resolution easier. (Blazingstar RelativityOne)
2019/03/30 Resolved defect Processing Sets Relativity Processing now correctly handles PDFs containing indirect page properties during copy operations. (Blazingstar RelativityOne)
2019/03/30 Enhancement Transcripts The Transcripts application now supports transcript files up to 10GBs. (Blazingstar RelativityOne)
2019/03/30 Enhancement Transcripts The Transcripts application now displays progress bars when importing transcripts files. (Blazingstar RelativityOne)
2019/03/30 Enhancement All Products Relativity now supports SQL 2017. (Blazingstar RelativityOne)
2019/03/30 Resolved defect RelativityOne Mobile Updates to incompatible browser page to add RelativityOne Mobile. (Blazingstar RelativityOne)
2019/03/19 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile The RelativityOne mobile app for iOS resolved bug fixes and added performance updates. (1.0.1)
2019/03/12 Enhancement RelativityOne Mobile All new RelativityOne app for iOS. (1.0.0)
2019/03/05 Enhancement Workspace RelativityOne Tenants can move workspaces into and out of Cold Storage by clicking the 'Migrate to Cold Storage' console button on the workspace details page, which is available when the Cold Storage Application is installed in the instance. The cold storage application is available to clients who have signed up for it. (Blazingstar Early Access Update)
2019/03/05 Enhancement Message of the Day System administrators now have the ability to give the users have the ability to opt-out of seeing the message of the day the first time they see it. If the user chooses to opt out, they won't see the same message of the day unless the administrator updates it. (Blazingstar Early Access Update)
2019/03/05 Resolved defect Searching The word "his" is now included in the default Noise Words list when building a dtSearch index. (Blazingstar Early Access Update)
2019/03/05 Enhancement Searching The Ingestion Management tab is no longer in Relativity with the deprecation of the Lucene Search index search provider. (Blazingstar Early Access Update)
2019/03/05 Resolved defect Audit The IS operator in the Audit tab now performs the correct search syntax on the Object Name field when applied. (Blazingstar Early Access Update)
2019/03/05 Enhancement Searching Lucene Search is no longer an available Index Search in Relativity. (Blazingstar Early Access Update)
2019/03/05 Enhancement Audit When performing a Revert or Mass Revert on audits in the Audit tab, an audit is now generated with a new Update - Revert or Update - Mass Revert action so that users can identify when the action is performed in the Audit tab. (Blazingstar Early Access Update)
2019/03/05 Enhancement Processing Profile You can now expect to see a boost in performance of up to 75% when using the Processing Duplication Workflow in high volume workspaces. (Blazingstar Early Access Update)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Structured Analytics You can now use Email Threading and Name Normalization to analyze emails containing Dutch language headers. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Structured Analytics After running the Name Normalization Structured Analytics operation, you can visualize communication patterns between entities using the Communication Analysis widget on the document list. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities When you run a Data Grid Text Migration job in a workspace containing a Lucene Search provider, Relativity now removes that Lucene Search provider from the Search Indexes tab. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Resolved defect Relativity Scripts & Utilities A Data Grid Text Migration job only breaks saved Keyword Searches if the field being migrated is included in the Full Text Index. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Resolved defect Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Breakage Report in the Data Grid Text Migration application now correctly displays the saved Keyword Searches that would be affected by running a Text Migration job on the workspaces selected. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Resolved defect Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Data Grid Migration Worker agent now correctly recognizes and works on workspaces associated with the agent servers on multiple Resource Pools. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Resolved defect Audit When you query on the Old Value or New Value fields in Audit, Relativity now only queries the field specified in your search. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Resolved defect ARM ARM Archives now consume less agent memory when extracting audits from Elasticsearch. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Resolved defect Searching When you add a Batch Set as a condition to a saved search, Relativity now returns the correct results when you run the saved search. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Resolved defect Audit When you export rows from the History tab, Relativity now correctly exports the information you select in Excel. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Data Grid Text Migration application automatically drops the field you migrate from the SQL Document table and removes it from the Full Text Index (Keyword Search). An instance setting is now available to disable this automated step; however, this requires manual clean-up if your Text Migration job does not automatically drop the field and remove it from the Full Text Index. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Resolved defect Infrastructure Calls to initialize an export using the Export API now return full metadata on all fields requested for export. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Resolved defect Search Term Reports You're no longer allowed to create and run Search Terms Reports on inactive dtSearch indexes. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement ARM You can now successfully perform an ARM - Restore on a workspace that was archived with Long Text document fields stored in Data Grid and with Lucene Search disabled. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Data Grid Text Migration application now contains more granular job progress reporting. This includes more incremental updating to the progress bar, as well as the following workspace-specific details: Workspace, Workspace Status, Documents Migrated, Total Documents, and Errors. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities You can now retry Data Grid Text Migration jobs that contain workspace(s) that failed to migrate only by running the retry on the workspace(s) that failed during the initial migration. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities You must now have System Administrator privileges to perform a Data Grid Text Migration job that migrates Long Text document fields. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities You can now run a Data Grid Text Migration job on a workspace without requiring a down-time window. Workflows like RDC Import, Processing Publish, and dtSearch index builds can still run on a workspace while a Data Grid Text Migration job is in progress. This also includes normal Review workflows such as reviewing and searching on documents. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities The Data Grid Text Migration now includes two new reporting features: Errors Report and Breakage Report. The Errors Report provides information to assist troubleshooting errors encountered during a migration job. The Breakage Report provides information on Relativity objects that may receive errors in the event that you run the Data Grid Text Migration application on a field in a specific workspace. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Relativity Scripts & Utilities You can now create Data Grid Text Migration jobs at the instance level. This enables you to create a job that can run across all workspaces in your Relativity instance, which can include up to three Long Text document fields to migrate. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now see the overall response rates for hold notices and questionnaires for each project represented by a color (Green, Yellow, Red) on the Project list view page. You can configure at what response level each color is displayed. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now see all outstanding hold notice acknowledgements and questionnaires for one or more projects by running the new Non-Responsive Custodians report. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Legal Hold You can now import employee/custodian data from Azure AD using a new provider for Relativity Integration Points. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Legal Hold If you utilize the Employment End Date field to track employee departures, you can now run the new Employment Status Change report to see all audit entries for changes made to that field, giving you a list of departed employees. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Resolved defect Platform When you send a message to users within a workspace, Relativity now correctly sends the message to only the logged-in users in the workspace. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Platform The new ApplicationInstallationManagerCacheTimeout instance setting controls the amount of time, in minutes, that the Application Installation Manager agent caches an application's schema, custom pages, assemblies, and resource files in memory. Entering a value of 0 disables the cache. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Platform You can set the new ServiceHostExclusionList instance setting to a semi-colon delimited list of GUIDs for services that you want to prevent from starting in the Service Host Manager. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Reviewer Interface The Native File Download icon is now more prominently displayed in the Viewer and its purpose is more clearly indicated. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Reviewer Interface To increase document navigation speeds, Relativity now pre-converts applicable document natives, images, and production images regardless of what Viewer mode you're on. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Reviewer Interface We've removed the Native (Download) Viewer-mode from the Review Interface and deprecated the instance setting to control the visibility of the Native (Download) Viewer-mode from the Review Interface. Users with the appropriate permissions may continue to download native files from the Review Interface by clicking on the file-icon adjacent to the Document Identifier above the Viewer-mode bar. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Resolved defect Reviewer Interface When we fail to save a redaction, the error message we display now indicates the document ArtifactID and the page number of the failed redaction. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Reviewer Interface You can now view short message format files in the Viewer, including SMS, Slack, Skype, iMessage, and Bloomberg files. The Relativity Short Message Format (RSMF) Viewer also contains a histograph that allows you to easily view conversations that occurred within a span of time. In addition, you can also search for emojis or words using the highlights in the Viewer. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Transcripts When adding a designation, you can now select from a pallet of 21 colors. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Transcripts The System Created By field now appears on the Transcripts layout, tabs, and Annotation Digest for Notes, Designations, and URLs. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Transcripts When importing a transcript file, you can now use multi-select when selecting exhibits. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Transcripts You can now pop the video player in and out of the viewer when working with a video transcript file. This will give you more room to annotate the transcript in the viewer. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Processing Sets The new SkipDocumentAuditDuringPublish instance setting allows you to choose whether the document Created and Native Created events are recorded in the Document History. Setting this value to True will prevent these events from being recorded and will boost your publish performance. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Processing Sets The default value for the ProcessingExportBatchSize instance setting is now 4000 as a result of improved publish performance. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Resolved defect Errors Document Error reflective fields now work properly on the Document list view, as well as in RDC Export and RIP. In addition, filtering now works for these fields on the Document list view. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Resolved defect Processing Sets You'll now see fewer issues on EnCase file types during inventory and discovery as a result of our upgraded handlers. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Processing Sets You can now control whether extracted text is included as a path or as plain text via a new instance setting called UseExtractedTextPathOnlyforPublish. Including the text as a path will boost your publish performance. (Blazingstar Early Access)
2019/02/05 Enhancement Processing Sets The new LongRunningTimeoutForPublish instance setting allows you to determine the amount of time you want to allow before a worker terminates an unresponsive publish job. The LongRunningTimeoutForRetryPublish instance setting determines the amount of time you want to allow before a worker terminates an unresponsive publish retry job. (Blazingstar Early Access)