User hardware and software requirements

This section outlines requirements and recommendations for a workstation used to access Relativity.

Note: In some cases, browser hardware acceleration can cause font rendering issues with the PDF.js library used to display PDF files. In these cases, disabling hardware acceleration in the browser settings (e.g. Chrome->settings->system->use hardware acceleration when available) will resolve the issue.

Supported operating systems

The following operating systems support Relativity:

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8 Desktop Mode (PC)
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Mac OS*

    *Does not support use of the Relativity Desktop Client.

Note: Windows 8 User Interface mode is not supported whether you're using a PC or a tablet computer.

Relativity Desktop Client

The Relativity Desktop Client (RDC) is a utility used for importing and exporting documents, images, natives, and productions. This utility requires the following software:

  • Upgrade to Microsoft .NET 4.6.2 to install the latest version of RDC. You must also install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable.

Note: Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable x86 is supported on 32-bit and 64-bit OS, but x64 is supported on 64-bit OS only.

For detailed installation instructions, see the Using the RDC installer.

Supported browsers

The following browsers support Relativity:

Software Server 2021 Server 2022 Server 2023
Chrome (Windows, Mac OSX) latest version latest version latest version
Edge (Windows, Mac OSX)   latest version latest version
Firefox (Windows, Mac OSX) latest version latest version latest version
Safari (OSX 10.9)

v. 11+

v. 11+

latest version
Safari (OSX 10.10) v. 11+ v. 11+ latest version

Note:  Relativity does not currently support the Linux operating system for any browser.

Windows 8

There are two versions of Windows 8:

  • Windows RT - this version of Windows is optimized for ARM processor-based tablets and PCs. Relativity does not support this version.
  • Windows 8 Pro - this version runs the full Windows 8 software, so it can integrate with your existing infrastructure.

Resolution Support

Relativity is supported in the following resolutions:

  • Standard resolution: 1920x1080
  • Smallest resolution: 1366x768
  • Largest resolution: 2560x1440


A user’s workstation and network connection have a significant influence on his/her Relativity experience.

Minimum workstation configuration

  • 512MB SDR memory
  • Intel Pentium 3 or equivalent

Recommended workstation configuration

  • Minimum of 5 GB DDR memory
  • Recommended 8GB DDR memory
  • Intel Pentium 4/AMD Athlon XP

Relativity help site requirements

For the best experience viewing the Relativity online documentation website, we recommend using one of the following browsers:

  • Firefox 10 or above
  • Google Chrome 13 or above
  • Safari 5 or above

Note: To print pages from this website, use the button in the upper left corner of the content pane.