Symbols quick reference guide

Use the following table to quickly reference how to search for special characters. Note that you can search for the ampersand symbol without using RegEx.

Symbols Directions Example search term Example search string
$ & @ \ / + , . ; - ' ` ! < > { } ^ _ [ ] | Update the alphabet file and search.
  • $75
  • @75
  • $75
  • @75
? * ( ) # = Update the alphabet file and use RegEx with an escape character (\).
  • #75
  • 75?
  • "##\#75"
  • "##75\?"
" % : ~

Update the alphabet file and use RegEx with the hexadecimal Unicode value.

  • 75~
  • "##75\u007e"
Characters outside the ASCII code range such as § and £ Create an AdditionalLetters section at the bottom of the alphabet file and insert the character's Unicode value.
  • £75
  • £75

Common characters

Here is a list of Unicode hex values necessary to make some commonly requested characters searchable:

Hex value Symbol Description
00A3 £ British Pound
00A5 ¥ Yen half-width
FFE5 Yen full-width
00A7 § Section
00A9 © Copyright
00AE ® Registered Trademark
00B6 Paragraph
20AC Euro

For additional Unicode values, use the following Unicode converter: