Symbols quick reference guide
Use the following table to quickly reference how to search for special characters. Note that you can search for the ampersand symbol without using RegEx.
Symbols | Directions | Example search term | Example search string |
$ & @ \ / + , . ; - ' ` ! < > { } ^ _ [ ] | | Update the alphabet file and search. |
? * ( ) # = | Update the alphabet file and use RegEx with an escape character (\). |
" % : ~ |
Update the alphabet file and use RegEx with the hexadecimal Unicode value. |
Characters outside the ASCII code range such as § and £ | Create an AdditionalLetters section at the bottom of the alphabet file and insert the character's Unicode value. |
Common characters
Here is a list of Unicode hex values necessary to make some commonly requested characters searchable:
Hex value | Symbol | Description |
00A3 | £ | British Pound |
00A5 | ¥ | Yen half-width |
FFE5 | ¥ | Yen full-width |
00A7 | § | Section |
00A9 | © | Copyright |
00AE | ® | Registered Trademark |
00B6 | ¶ | Paragraph |
20AC | € | Euro |
For additional Unicode values, use the following Unicode converter: