Custodian Projects tab

In the Custodian Projects tab, you can work with custodian information in a more dynamic way when analyzing legal holds. The Custodian Projects tab in Relativity stores important information that ties custodians to projects. The challenge with working in this area of Relativity Legal Hold is that the data presented can be voluminous and it can appear to be duplicated. For example, custodians are listed for every project they are on in the Custodian Projects tab.

The purpose the Custodian Projects tab is to provide a method to manage and review the information. The views provide customized ways to view the granular field data and the dashboards are used to group custodians, projects, and other common fields that cannot be grouped using conditions or filters.

The Custodian Project tab and a list of projects.

Custodians must be added to a project before they can receive a communication. The Custodian Projects tab is where you can find information related to the custodian and the project.

Note: If a custodian has multiple roles on a project, it is an indication that the custodian was imported with duplicate roles. You must choose one to keep and delete the other. For more information, see Custodian Role load file.

The following views and dashboards can answer these questions:

  • What projects does a custodian or a group of custodians belong to and what communications have they received?
  • Are there custodians that have been added to a project, but have not received a communication?
  • Can I find all the projects that are impacting the work of a particular department in the organization?


The following are legal hold-specific views.

  • All Custodian Roles—this view provides high-level details related to all custodians and their roles.
  • All Roles - Project—this view provides high-level details related to custodians and their roles in different projects.
  • Custodian Role for Active Projects—this view provides high-level details related only to the Active Projects in Relativity Legal Hold.
  • Custodian Role for Closed Projects—this view provides high-level details related only to the Closed Projects in Relativity Legal Hold.
  • Custodian Role for Communication—this view provides high-level details related to the Custodian and the projects and communications they are associated with. It is best to use the Custodian Role Overview with this view as it provides a quick way to narrow down the data on this table.
  • Released Custodians—this view provides high-level details about custodians released from a hold. This view includes Active and Closed projects.


The following are legal hold-specific dashboards.

  • Custodian Role List—this dashboard can be used to remove all widgets from your view.
  • Custodian Role Overview—this dashboard provides tables for Custodians, Projects, and Communications. These table widgets aggregate the data in the table so the data can be more easily managed and reviewed.
  • Released Custodians—this dashboard provides table widgets for Custodians and Projects and a chart for release dates.