Scrub Disclaimers

The Scrub Disclaimers pipeline step locates disclaimers within your data set that down-stream AI operations should ignore. Disclaimers often include legal language that is sometimes misinterpreted by AI as legal advice. After running Scrub Disclaimers, you must confirm or deny the predictions and then Apply Annotations. This determines what content is a disclaimer that the AI can ignore.


Following are requirements for the Scrub Disclaimers pipeline step:

  • You must perform both the Run action and the Apply Annotations action on the Scrub Disclaimers pipeline step. The Run action will identify all potential disclaimers and populate them on the Disclaimers tab.
    • Before performing the Apply Annotations action, you must annotate disclaimers based on the conditions outlined in Annotate disclaimers by confirming or denying the Prediction on the Annotator Decision field.
      Note: The AI considers disclaimers not annotated on the Annotator Decision field as Not Disclaimer.
  • The Apply Annotations action will send your annotation decisions to the AI to decide final calls as to what content is a disclaimer that requires ignoring.


To run Scrub Disclaimers:

  1. Navigate to the Projects (Priv) page.
  2. Select the project you want to interact with.
  3. Locate the Scrub Disclaimers step in the Pipeline Steps category.
  4. Click the Run button within the Actions column next to the Scrub Disclaimers step.
    This will only be available when you have successfully completed the Prepare Project pipeline step.

The Scrub Disclaimers step status will change to Run In Progress. The system will disable the Run action button until the status updates.

Upon the successful completion of the Scrub Disclaimers Run action, the status on the step will change to Ready to Apply Annotations. The system enables the Apply Annotations action button.

Caution: Before completing this step, you must annotate the disclaimers identified by the Scrub Disclaimer step to confirm or deny the AI predictions and quality check (QC) the decisions made by your team for accuracy. See Annotating Disclaimers for more details.

To apply annotations for Scrub Disclaimers:

  1. Navigate to the Projects (Priv) page.
  2. Select the Privilege Project you want to interact with.
  3. Locate the Scrub Disclaimers step in the Pipeline Steps category.
  4. Click the Apply Annotations button within the Actions column next to the Scrub Disclaimers step.
    The Apply Annotations button will only be available when you have successfully performed the Run action.
  5. A pop-up window displaying annotation details will appear. Review the number of Disclaimers Annotated and Disclaimers Missing Annotator Decision.
    Click Confirm to indicate that you have performed annotations.
Note: Disclaimers missing an Annotator Decision will be treated as Not Disclaimer and will not be removed from documents or be used to detect similar disclaimers. If this default decision is incorrect, it may result in more Entities being considered in Legal Role during Validate Attorneys and more documents being predicted as Privileged (lower precision).

Note: Once annotations are applied, you will not be able to change the Annotator Decisions.

The Scrub Disclaimers step status will change to Apply Annotations In Progress. The system will disable the Apply Annotations action button until the status updates.

Upon the successful completion of the Scrub Disclaimers Apply Annotations action, the status on the step will change to Completed. You can move on to the next pipeline step.


If the status of the Scrub Disclaimers pipeline step becomes Run Failed or Apply Annotations Failed then there was an error in the action. Check the Error Details field within the Pipeline Steps category on the page for more detailed error information including steps to resolve the issue.

Following is a list of the most common Scrub Disclaimers failures:

Error Cause Solution
Run Failed There is a system failure that is causing the operation to timeout. Retry the action, and if the issue persists contact Relativity support.
Apply Annotations Failed There is a system failure that is causing the operation to timeout. Retry the action, and if the issue persists contact Relativity support.

Once you resolve any errors you can rerun the Scrub Disclaimers pipeline step.