Importing data (Advanced Access)

To import data from Microsoft to RelativityOne using Purview Sync, you will need to have the application installed and configured properly. For more information, see Install Purview Sync (Advanced Access).

Table of Contents (Advanced Access)

Use this table of contents to navigation Purview Sync during the Advanced Access phase.


Before importing data, consider the following:

  • You must create review sets in Microsoft before using Purview Sync. For more information, see Microsoft's documentation.
  • You must install the Processing app in the same workspace that you installed Purview Sync. For more information, see Processing.
    • In your processing profile, you must set the Auto-publish set field to Yes in your processing profile. For more information, see Processing profile.
    • Setting the Auto-publish set to Yes automatically starts the publishing process after the completion of discovery.
  • You must create a Field Name field in your workspace for a successful completion of Purview Sync jobs.
    • In the Field Information section, enter the following:
      • Name—File Name
      • Object Type—Document
      • Field Type—Fixed-Length Text
    • In the Field Settings section, set the Maximum Length field to 255
    • In the Advanced Settings section, set the Source to File Name
  • For the metadata overlay purposes, you need to have Fields added to your workspace that would match column headers from the Microsoft load file. For more information, see Automatic overlay and using Microsoft fields.

Setting up review sets in Microsoft

You must have review sets already created in Microsoft Purview. To set up a review set in Microsoft, see Microsoft's documentation.

We recommend using classic eDiscovery experience in Microsoft Purview to create review sets. We do not recommend using eDiscovery (preview), which is now being rolled out by Microsoft.

If you apply filters to your review set, they are not respected in the export process of your data to Relativity. For example, data is transferred as if filters were not applied.


After you initiate import of data from Microsoft Purview to Relativity, the process starts with an export of your review set from Microsoft Purview.

Data is exported in the condensed directory structure format. Emails are exported as MSG files.

Data is exported as archives containing native files, or raw files, and a load file. The load file includes additional metadata in MS format from the Microsoft server. This data is then sent to the processing source location you selected during the import process of files from Microsoft Purview to Relativity.

To import the review sets from Microsoft to the RelativityOne,

  1. Navigate to the Import tab.
  2. Click the Sign In button.
    A pop-up window appears to sign into Microsoft.
  3. Click the correct account you want to import the review sets from.
  4. Click the New Import button.
    The Add Import modal displays.
  5. Enter information in the Import Data from Microsoft Purview modal. For more information, see Import fields.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Add the destination information and processing information to the Import Data from Microsoft Purview modal. For more information see Processing fields.
  8. Review the Import Settings and Destination information.
  9. Click Add Import.

The Add Import screen.

After adding the import, you will be back to the Import list page.

Import fields

The list contains the fields you need to enter information in when importing.

  • Purview Case—select the case from Microsoft eDiscovery Premium that you want to import.
  • Purview Review Set—select the review set from Microsoft eDiscovery Premium that you want to import.
  • Job Name—enter the name of the your job or leave it autopopulated by Purview Sync.
  • Description (Optional)—enter a description of the case and set.

Processing fields

Within Processing, the two jobs are discover and publish. For more information, see Processing.

To set up processing,

  • Processing Source Location—select the file repository for collected data to be stored for future processing of documents or for storing collected data. For more information, see Processing.
  • Processing Profile—select a processing profile available in the drop-down menu. The available profiles are from the selected workspace.
    • You must have the Processing app installed on the workspace you are using
    • You must have the Auto-publish set in your processing profile set to Yes.
    • All data in a completed collection or completed with errors collection will be processed after collection is complete.
  • Processing Set Name—the name defaults to the Export Name in the Import step. You can also edit it for a custom name.

Imports list

The imports list page includes the Purview imports you added to Relativity. The list includes the data you entered such as job name, Purview Case, Review Set, and Processing Source Location. It also includes imported data such as Status, Date, and Size.

Note: You must log in to Microsoft to see the import list.

The Imports list page provides a high-level overview of all created imports. In the import list, you will see the following information:

  • Job name—the name given to the export while creating your job in Purview Sync.
  • Status—the status of the import job. In the Status column, you can see different statuses:
    • Scheduled—your job has been initiated

    • Export—export of your data. Then the data is downloaded as zipped files Relativity and extracted from zips.
    • Conversion—automatic conversion from HTML into RSMF (Relativity Short Message Format) is taking place. For more information, see Data transformation (Advanced Access).
    • Processing—data is being processed in Relativity
    • Overlay—automatically updates existing records in the review workspace by merging or replacing data from the source with corresponding fields in the workspace.
    • Completed—all data is collected and in Relativity.
    • Failed—your job has failed. View the error description and code in the Import Details slide-out page (see below).
  • Start Date—value is what the time stamp is when Relativity starts the import. Stored in UTC. Displayed in local time.
  • Size—the size of the export before processing in it's compressed size.
  • Purview Case—the eDiscovery Premium case created in Microsoft Purview. This is similar to a workspace.
  • Purview Review Set—the data set created in Microsoft Purview.
  • Processing Source Location—the file repository for collected data to be stored for future processing of documents or for storing collected data. Click on processing set name to go to workspace with the processing set.

Import details

Click a job name to see the Import Details slide-out page. On the Import Details page, you can see the following information:

  • Job Name—the name of the job. By default, this is the Review Set name and date created.
  • Error Details—short error description and code of the error.
  • Job Status—the status of the import job.
  • Date Start—lists the date and time Relativity started importing data.
  • Date Completed—lists the date and time Relativity completed the import. When the job is not yet completed, the column shows To be determined.
  • Microsoft Account—lists the user's Microsoft email address.
  • Processing Source Location—lists the file repository that collected data is stored for future processing of documents or for storing collected data. For more information, see Processing.
  • Job ID—unique ID of your job. Might be helpful if you contact Customer Support.

Clicking an Export Name slides out the Import Details page.

Underneath these job details, you can find details of a Processing Set:

  • Processing Set name—after clicking into it, you get directed to the Processing app in Relativity, where you can see all details of the processing of your job.
  • Workspace—name of the workspace where your processing set is.
  • Processing Status—status of the processing part of your job. It might be different from the Job Status visible on the Imports List.