What's New in Server 2023

Discover new and enhanced features as well as changes in Relativity Server 2023 that will help you tackle every phase of your e-discovery projects.

For a full list of enhancements and changes from each Release, see the Relativity release notes. For more information on Relativity infrastructure requirements, see What's new in the infrastructure.

Improved OCR accuracy

The OCR engine now provides faster throughput and better text recognition results. These improvements also impact non-Latin-based alphabet languages.

OCR documentation

More accurate inclusiveness designation
Email threading

We improved email threading to provide more accurate identification of unique content, specifically emails that had signature block variations across an email chain. This change produces better insights from email thread analysis and improves the threading quality around detecting over-inclusive documents. We have recorded up to a 40% improvement in detecting over-inclusive documents in a representative real-world case. Note that improvement in accuracy depends on the data in each matter.

Email threading documentation

Choice mapping
Active Learning

You can now code on any single-choice fields in Active Learning, even when they have more than two choices. This will make Active Learning easier to implement and train reviewers on, providing a more seamless user experience.

Active Learning documentation

Name normalization enhancements on domains identification for better filtering
Structured Analytics

You can now copy the domains that Name Normalization has identified into new fields that support better filtering capabilities using the setting Enable Additional Domain Filtering under the advanced settings section of the structured analytics set.

Structured Analytics documentation

Non-document object transfers
Relativity Integration Points

Integration Points Sync now allows transfers of non-document object data to other workspaces using the same workflow as with document objects. This allows you to easily transfer document and non-document object metadata without manual intervention.

Note: This feature will be available for the Server 2023 General Availability (GA) release in September 2023, but is not available in the Early Access (EA) release.

Integration Points Sync documentation

New mass operations

We have added the ability to modify columns and mass edit coding decisions in the view similar documents pane and concept search in the Viewer.

Mass operations documentation

Disable index health documents in prioritized queue
Active Learning

You can now disable index health documents in your prioritized review queue once your model is performing well by modifying your project settings. Please note: the setting will be on, index health documents enabled, by default.
Active Learning documentation

RSAPI removal

RSAPI has been removed in the Relativity Server 2023 release. See the RSAPI deprecation process topic in the Developer Guide for more information.

Classic Viewer removal

Classic Viewer has been removed in the Relativity Server 2023 release. Viewer extensions that only work with the Classic Viewer will no longer be functional. If you have not already done so, you will need to migrate your classic viewer extension code to the Review APIs. See Viewer Extension Migration Guide for more details.

SDKs and NuGet Packages for Relativity Server 2023 and beyond

Effective with the Relativity Server 2023 General Availability (GA) release, the NuGet packages required to extend core functionality and implement custom applications for Relativity Server will be published and maintained separately from the SDKs hosted on the Relativity NuGet Gallery. The latest SDKs for Relativity Server will be hosted in a separate repository, while the Relativity NuGet Gallery is now considered the repository for RelativityOne packages. Separating the RelativityOne and Relativity Server packages provides for a more stable and reliable developer experience as each platform evolves.

You are not required to recompile your custom application against the relocated packages for your application to work on Server 2023. Custom applications compiled against the packages hosted on the Relativity NuGet Gallery will continue to work on future Relativity Server releases, as long as no breaking changes are introduced by the RelativityOne platform. However, we do recommend recompiling your code to consume the new repository packages when possible, to ensure that your application is running against the latest Relativity Server SDKs. The new package repository and documentation for consuming the Server-specific packages will be made available within a few weeks of the official Server 2023 release. We will make an announcement and provide additional documentation when the repository is made available. For more information, see the Relativity Server 2023 Developer News topic on the platform site.