Identity server certificate

The Identity server certificate must be updated using Procuro on the Primary SQL server. To update your Relativity identity server certificate, please follow the instruction below.

  1. Log in to the primary SQL server using the Relativity Service Account.

  2. Access the Procuro directory (e.g. C:\Program Files\kCura Corporation\Relativity\Procuro).

  3. Launch kCura.EDDS.Procuro.exe as administrator.

  4. Click the Back button.

  5. Click Update Certificate

  6. Click Next.

  7. Close the Procuro window.

  8. Delete the old certificate from the SQL server or servers.

  9. Restart IIS and all Relativity services on all Relativity servers.

Once complete, Relativity will configure a new Identity Certificate for the environment and will invalidate all authentication sessions.