Supported email header formats
Email threading and name normalization results may be incorrect if the extracted text isn't formatted properly. The email threading and name normalization operations rely on well-formed email messages. Poorly-formed email messages can be caused by processing and email software that doesn't adhere to email standards.
Analytics uses a best-effort approach to parse email messages, but it will not handle all possible cases of badly formed email messages.
See these related pages:
- Email threading
- Email threading results
- Inclusive emails
- Name normalization
- Name normalization results
- Structured analytics
- Running structured analytics
- Email thread visualization
Supported email header formats
The primary email is the most recent email segment, which is found at the very top of the document. The primary email header is only used by Analytics if the Email Header Fields are not set on the Analytics profile or if a given email does not have any data in the linked Email Header fields. If the Email Header fields are linked on the Analytics profile and the fields are present for a given document, then the fielded data is used rather than the primary email header. A lack of primary email headers in the extracted text is also supported as long as the Email Header fields are linked on the Analytics profile, and they are set on the documents.
Note: No text should be inserted into the extracted text before the primary email header. If there is text before the primary email header, this will be analyzed as if it is a reply to the email header below it. Embedded emails are those found below the primary email. Embedded headers are always used for email threading and name normalization and need to be in a supported format in order for the email segment to be properly identified.
Expand the following to view a list of currently supported header formats.

Template | Examples | Email Type (Primary and/or Embedded email) |
Primary |
From: |
From: |
Primary |
On <sent date> <sender> wrote: | On Oct 26, 2011, at 4:41 PM, "Sally Sender" <> wrote: | Embedded |
Date: <sent date>
From: <sender To: <receiver Subject: <email subject> |
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:29:25 -040 From: To: "Sender, Sally" <> Subject: Fw: The subject |
Primary |
<prefix>Date: <sent date> <prefix>From: <sender> <prefix>To: <receiver> <prefix>Subject: <email subject> |
>>Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:29:25 -0400
>>From: >>To: "Sender, Sally" <> >>Subject: Re: The subject |
Embedded |
From: <sender> To: <receiver> <linebreak> <linebreak> Date: <sent date> Subject: <email subject> |
From: Sally Sender
To: Rick Receiver Date: 01/01/2012 10:30 AM Subject: RE: hello |
Primary/Embedded |
Created: <sent date>
Created: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:29:25 -0400
From: To: "Sender, Sally" <> Subject: Re: The subject |
Primary/Embedded |
Date: <sent date>
From: <sender> To: <Receiver> Subject: <email subject> Flag: <flag header> |
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:29:25 -0400
From: To: "Sender, Sally" <> Subject: Re: The subject Flag: Haven't responded to this yet |
Primary/Embedded |
<sender> <sent date>
To: <receiver> cc: <copy> Subject: <email subject> |
Sally Sender 03/27/2001 09:04 AM To: Rick Receiver/Brown Dog/Corp/ABCDCorp@
ABCD-Corp |
Primary\Embedded |
Date: <sent date>
From: <sender> Subject: <email subject> Cc: <copy> Bcc: <hidden copy> |
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 07:53:48 -0800 (PST)
From: email1 Subject: RE: Engineering Weekly Status Cc: ccmail Bcc: bccmail |
Primary\Embedded |
From: <sender>
Sent: <sent date> To: <receiver-1>, <space><receiver-2>, <space><receiver-3>, <space><receiver-4> Subject:<email subject> |
From: Sender, Sally
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 9:01 AM To: Receiver, Rick R.; Cc: Doe, Jane; Victorio, Tom Subject: March Madness Brackets |
Primary\Embedded |
<email subject>
<sender> To: <receiver> <sent date> From: <sender> To: <receiver-1> <receiver-2> History: <history> <email body> |
See you tomorrow
Primary |
From : <whitespaces><sender>
Date : <whitespaces> <sent date> To :<whitespaces><receiver> Subject : <whitespaces><email subject> |
From : "Sender, Sally" <>
Date : Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:29:25 -0400 To : Subject : The subject |
Primary |
<sent date> To:<receiver> cc: <copy> Subject: <email subject> |
"Sender, Sally" <>
07/05/2006 01:34 PM To: <>, "Doe, Jane" <> cc: "Smith, John" <> Subject: RE: House of Cards |
Embedded |
<sender> on <date>
To: <receiver> cc: <copy> Subject: <email subject> |
Sally Sender on
01/21/2000 03:35:19 AM
To: Rick Receiver/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: client meetings |
Embedded |
<sender> on <date>
To: <receiver-part-1> <space><receiver-part-2> cc: <empty> Subject: <email subject> |
Sally Sender on
01/21/2000 03:35:19 AM
To: Rick Receiver/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: |
Embedded |
<sender> To <receiver> cc
<date> Subject: <email subject> |
Sally Sender<>
Engineering/ABCD Corp/USA
Engineering/ABC Corp/USA To Rick Receiver
Cc 19-03-2013 10:49 Subject: CAAT1070 email |
Embedded |
To: <receiver> <sent date> Cc: <copy> Subject: <subject> |
To: 11/6/2012 2:10 PM Cc: Subject: super subject line |
Embedded |
Sally Sender
CC: Look at this email subject This is the original body. |
Embedded |
<sent date> <tab>To: <receiver> <line break> <tab>CC: <empty> <tab> |
Sally Sender
CC: Look at this. This is the original body. |
Embedded |
--Forwarded By
<sender> on <sent date>-- |
--Forwarded By
Sally Sender on Tue 11/6/2012 7:35 PM-- |
Embedded |
<sender> on <sent date>: | on 03/13/2008 02:43:09 PM: | Embedded |
<sent date> To <receiver> Cc <copy> Subject <email subject> <email body> |
Sally Sender
Tue 11/6/2012 2:10 PM To Rick Receiver Cc Subject Not the subject Text for original. |
Embedded |
<sender> To<tab>: <receiver>
<sent date> CC<tab>:<copy> Subject<tab>:<email subject> <email body> | To
11/5/2012 2:10 PM Cc Subject : CAAT1037Pass1 Pass1.1 |
Embedded |
From: <sender> <sent date>
To: <receiver> cc: <copy> Subject: <email subject> |
From: Sally Sender 04/11/2001 10:17 AM
To: Rick Receiver/HOU/ECT@EC cc: James Smith/HOU/ECT Subject: Re: Costs |
Primary/Embedded |

Template | Examples | Email Type (Primary and/or Embedded email) |
Van: <sender>
Aan: <receiver> Datum: <sent date> Onderw: <subject> CC: <carbon copy> BCC: <blind copy> |
Aan: Datum: 15 marzo 2001 02:56:00 Onderw: Patch update CC: Brandon Copy BCC: Martin Copy |
Primary/Embedded |
Van: <sender>
Aan: <receiver> Verzonden: <sent date> Onderwerp: <subject> |
Aan: Verzonden: 15 marzo 2001 02:56:00 Onderwerp: Patch update |
Primary/Embedded |
Van: <sender>
Aan: <receiver> Gemaakt: <sent date> Betreft: <subject> |
Aan: Gemaakt: 15 marzo 2001 02:56:00 Betreft: Patch update |
Primary/Embedded |
Op <sent date> heeft <sender> geschreven: | Op 24-02-07 heeft <> het volgende geschreven: | Embedded |
<sender> schreef op <sent date>: | Hannie schreef op vr 17-06-2011 om 17:47 [+0200]: | Embedded |
Op <sent date>, shreef <sender>: | Op maandag 03-05-2010 om 20:19 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Jochem: | Embedded |
Op <sent date> schreef <sender> | Op wo 29 aug. 2018 om 11:09 schreef Bas Neve < | Embedded |
Op <sent date> heeft <sender> het volgende geschreven: | Op 7 november 2008 19:43 heeft Han Bronsveld <> het volgende geschreven: | Embedded |
Op <sent date>, <sender> schreef: | Op 02-03-13 11:19, Redmar schreef: | Embedded |

Template | Examples | Email Type (Primary and/or Embedded email) |
De : <sender>
Envoyé : <sent date> À : <receiver> Cc : <copy> Cci: <hidden copy> Objet : <subject> |
De : Sally Sender
Envoyé : Lun 12 septembre 2005 15:42 À : Ricky Receiver Cc : Jane Smith Cci: Tom Jones Objet : New subject |
Primary/Embedded |
From : <sender>
Envoyé : <sent date> À : <receiver> Cc : <copy> Bcc: <hidden copy> Sujet : <subject> |
From : Sally Sender
Envoyé : Lun 12 septembre 2005 15:42 À : Ricky Receiver Cc : Jane Smith Bcc: Tom Jones Sujet : New subject |
Primary/Embedded |
De : <sender> Envoyé : <sent date> À : <receiver> Cc : <copy> Cci: <hidden copy> Objet : <subject> |
De : Sally Sender
Envoyé : Lun 12 septembre 2005 15:42 À : Ricky Receiver Cc : Jane Smith Cci: Tom Jones Objet : New subject |
Primary/Embedded |
<sent date>
CN=JaFirst CaLast/OU=AM/O=LLY@Domane CC: CN=SaFirst AhLast/OU=AM/O=LLY@Domane Date de création: 06/02/2004 10:58:29 De: CN=GoFirst SeLast/OU=AM/O=LLY Sujet: Weight vs. Efficacy pièces jointes: Maximum Weight Gain Correlation 02-06-2004.doc |
Primary |
De: <sender>
Date/heure: <sent date> Pour: <receiver> Suject: <email subject> <email body> |
De: []
Date/heure: jeudi 08 septembre 2005 а 10:47 +0200 Pour: Sujet: Re: Original email subject This is the text of the message. |
Primary/Embedded |
Envoyé: <sent date> De: <sender> Pour: <receiver> Sujet: <email subject> <email body> |
Envoyé: 27 avr. 2007 14:04
De: Pour: "Sender, Sally" <> Sujet: Tr: The subject This is the text of the message. |
Embedded |
De: <sender>
Pour: <receiver> <linebreak> <linebreak> Date: <sent date> Sujet: <email subject> <email body> |
De: John Doe
Pour: Jane Smith Date: 01/01/2012 10:30 AM Sujet: RE: hello This is the text of the message. |
Primary/Embedded |
<sent date> Pour:<receiver> CC: <copy> Suject: <email subject> <email body> |
Sally Sender
03/27/2001 09:04 AM Pour: Rick Receiver/Brown Dog/Corp/ABCDCorp@ ABCD-Corp CC: Jane Smith/Brown Dog/Corp/ABCDCorp@ ABCD-Corp Sujet: Certified payrolls This is the text of the message. |
Embedded |
<sender><sent date>
Pour:<receiver> CC: <copy> Suject: <email subject> <email body> |
Sally Sender 03/27/2001 09:04 AM
Pour: Rick Receiver/Brown Dog/Corp/ABCDCorp@ ABCD-Corp CC: Jane Smith/Brown Dog/Corp/ABCDCorp@ ABCD-Corp Sujet: Certified payrolls This is the text of the message. |
Embedded |
De: <sender><tab><sent date>
Pour: <receiver> CC: <copy> Sujet: <email subject> <email body> |
De: Sally Sender 03/27/2001 09:04 AM
Pour: Rick Receiver/Brown Dog/Corp/ABCDCorp@ ABCD-Corp CC: Jane Smith/Brown Dog/Corp/ABCDCorp@ ABCD-Corp Sujet: Certified payrolls This is the text of the message. |
Primary/Embedded |
Date/heure: <sent date>
De: <sender> Sujet: <email subject> Cc: <copy> Bcc: <hidden copy> <email body> |
Date/heure: lun. 13 mars 2017 à 12:51
De: Sally Sender Sujet: Subject Here Cc: Jane Smith Cci: James Jones This is the text of the message. |
Primary/Embedded |
De: <sender>
Sent: <sent date> Pour: <receiver-1>, <space><receiver-2>, <space><receiver-3>, <space><receiver-4> Object:<email subject> <email body> |
De: Sender, Sally
Sent: jeudi 08 septembre 2005 а 10:47 +0200 Pour: Receiver, Rick R.; Cc: Doe, Jane; Victorio, Tom Objet: March Madness Brackets This is the text of the message. |
Primary/Embedded |
Pour: <receiver> <sent date> Cc: <copy> Sujet: <subject> <email body> |
À: Mercredi, 25 Juillet 2007, 16h21mn 09s Cc: Sujet: super subject line This is the text of the message. |
Embedded |
Expéditeur : <whitespaces><sender> Envoyé par: <whitespaces> <sent date> Pour: <whitespaces><receiver> Sujet : <whitespaces><email subject> <email body> |
Expéditeur: "Sender, Sally" <>
Envoyé par: 25.10.2006 23:55 Pour : Sujet : The subject This is the text of the message. |
Primary |
<prefix>Date:<sent date>
<prefix>From: <sender> <prefix>To:<receiver-1> <prefix><receiver-2> <prefix><receiver-3> <prefix>Subject:<email subject> <email body> |
>>Envoyé: Lun 12 septembre 2005 15:42
>>De: "Sender, Sally" >>Pour: >> >> >> >> >>Sujet: The subject >>This is the text of the message. |
Embedded |
Le <date>, <sender> a écrit : | Le Lundi 13 mars 2017 2h29, "Sender, Sally" <> a écrit : | Embedded |
De: <sender>
Répondre à : <sender> Date : <date> À : <receiver> CC: <copy> Objet : <subject> |
De : Sally Sender
Répondre à : Ricky Receiver Date : lun. 13 mars 2017 à 12:51 À : Ricky Receiver <> Objet : New subject |
Primary |
> *De :* <sender>
> *À :* <recipient> > *Envoyé :* <date> > *Cc :* <copy> > *Sujet :* <subject> |
> *De :* Sally Sender
> *À :* Ricky Receiver > *Envoyé :* 10 mars 2017 19:31 > *Cc :* Jane Smith > *Sujet :* New Subject |
Embedded |

Template | Examples | Email Type (Primary and/or Embedded email) |
<receiver> CC: <copy> Datum: <sent date> Von: <sender> Betreff: <email subject> Anhänge: <list of email attachments> <email body> |
CN=JaFirst CaLast/OU=AM/O=LLY@Domane CC: CN=SaFirst AhLast/OU=AM/O=LLY@Domane Datum: 02/06/2004 10:58:29 AM Von: CN=GoFirst SeLast/OU=AM/O=LLY Betreff: Weight vs. Efficacy Anhänge: Maximum Weight Gain Correlation 02-06-2004.doc This is the text of the message. |
Primary |
Von: <sender>
Sent: <sent date> An: <receiver> Betreff: <email subject> <email body> |
Von: []
Datum: Freitag, Oktober 23, 2009 3:44 PM An: Betreff: Aw: Original email subject This is the text of the message. |
Primary/Embedded |
Datum: <sent date>
Von: <sender> An: <receiver> Betreff: <email subject> <email body> |
Datum: Fr, 14 März 2008 10:29:25 -0400
Von: An: "Sender, Sally" <> Betreff: Wg: The subject This is the text of the message. |
Primary |
<prefix>Datum: <sent date>
<prefix>Von: <sender> <prefix>An: <receiver> <prefix>Betreff: <email subject> <email body> |
>>Datum: Fr, 14 Mai 2008 10:29:25 -0400
>>Von: >>An: "Sender, Sally" <> >>Betreff: Aw: The subject This is the text of the message. |
Embedded |
Von: <sender>
An: <receiver> <linebreak> <linebreak> Datum: <sent date> Betreff: <email subject> <email body> |
Von: John Doe
An: Jane Smith Datum: 01/01/2012 10:30 Betreff: Aw: hello This is the text of the message. |
Primary/Embedded |
<sent date>
<line break> An:<receiver> Kopie (cc): <copy> Betreff: <email subject> <email body> |
"Sender, Sally"
07/05/2006 01:34
An: Ricky Receiver Kopie (cc): James Smith Betreff: AW: Hello This is the text of the message. |
Embedded |
<sender> <sent date>
<line break> An: <receiver> Kopie (cc): <copy> Betreff: <email subject> <email body> |
Sally Sender 03/27/2001 09:04 AM
An: Rick Receiver/Brown Dog/Corp/ABCDCorp@ ABCD-Corp Kopie (cc): Jane Smith/Brown Dog/Corp/ABCDCorp@ ABCD-Corp Betreff: Certified payrolls This is the text of the message. |
Embedded |
Von: <sender><tab><sent date> <line break> An: <receiver> cc: <copy> Betreff: <email subject> |
Von: Sally Sender 03/27/2001 09:04 AM
An: Rick Receiver/Brown Dog/Corp/ABCDCorp@ ABCD-Corp cc: Jane Smith/Brown Dog/Corp/ABCDCorp@ ABCD-Corp Betreff: Aw: Certified payrolls |
Primary/Embedded |
Datum: <sent date>
Von: <sender> Betreff: <email subject> Kopie (cc): <copy> Blindkopie (bcc): <hidden copy> |
Datum: Fr, 14 März 2008 10:29:25 -0400
Von: Sally Sender Betreff: Subject Here Kopie (cc) : Jane Smith Blindkopie (bcc): James Jones |
Primary/Embedded |
Von: <sender>
Datum: <sent date> An: <receiver-1>, <space><receiver-2>, Cc: <receiver-3>, <space><receiver-4> Betreff:<email subject> |
Von: Sender, Sally
Datum: Fr, 14 März 2008 10:29:25 -0400 An: Ricky Receiver, James Smith Cc: Doe, Jane; Victorio, Tom Betreff: March Madness Brackets |
Primary/Embedded |
An: <receiver> Datum: <sent date> Cc: <copy> Betreff: <subject> |
An: Datum: Fr, 14 März 2008 10:29:25 -0400 Cc: Betreff: super subject line |
Embedded |
From : <whitespaces><sender>
Date : <whitespaces> <sent date> To : <whitespaces><receiver> Subject : <whitespaces><email subject> <email body> |
Von : "Sender, Sally" <>
Datum : Fr, 14 März 2008 10:29:25 An : Betreff : The subject |
Primary |
<prefix>Datum:<sent date>
<prefix>Von: <sender> <prefix>An:<receiver-1> <prefix><receiver-2> <prefix><receiver-3> <prefix>Betreff:<email subject> <email body> |
>>Datum: Fr, 14 März 2008 11:29
>>Von: "Sender, Sally" >>An: >> >> >> >> >>Betreff: The subject >>This is the text of the message. |
Embedded |
Am <date> schrieb <sender> | Am Fr, 14 März 2008 10:29 schrieb | Embedded |
<sender> schrieb am <date> | schrieb am Fr, 14 März 2008 10:29 | Embedded |
Am <date> schrieb <sender> um <time>: | Am Do, den 04.11.2004 schrieb um 16:18: | Embedded |

Template | Examples | Email Type (Primary and/or Embedded email) |
发件人: <sender>
收件人: <receiver> 时间: <sent date> 主旨: <subject> reply-to: <reply receiver> 送: <copy> 附件: <attachments> |
发件人: Sally Sender
收件人: Robert Receiver 时间: 2017年10月2日 7:24:17 主旨: Re:新闻 reply-to: Alex 送: Tom Jones 附件: test.pdf |
Primary |
发件人: <sender>
回复至发送时间: <sent date> 收件人: <receiver> 主旨: <subject> 回复至: <reply receiver> 抄送人: <copy> 密送人: <blind copy> 個附件: <attachment> |
发件人: Sally Sender
回复至发送时间: 星期三 21 六月 2006 10:50 收件人: Robert Receiver 主旨: New Subject 回复至: Ricky Receiver 抄送人: Sue Copy 密送人: Linda May 個附件: test.txt |
Primary |
发件人: <sender>
发送时间: <sent date> 收件人: <receiver> 主题: <subject> 抄送: <copy> 个附件: <attachment> <email body> |
发件人: Sally Sender
发送时间: 2009-01-11日的 14:57 +0000 收件人: Ricky Receiver 主题: New Subject 抄送: Tom Jones 个附件: test.jpeg Email Body Here |
Primary |
日期: <sent date>
從: <sender> 到: <receiver> 副本(cc): <copy> 密件抄送: <blind copy> 主题: Re: <subject> <email body> |
日期: 2008-12-17三 10:08 +0000
從: 到: 副本(cc): Jane Smith/Brown Dog/Corp/ABCDCorp@ ABCD-Corp 密件抄送: Colleen Copy 主题: Re: New Subject Email Body |
Primary |
发件人: <sender>
收件人: <receiver> 发送时间: <sent date> 暗送: <copy> 密送: <blind copy> 主旨: 回复: <subject> <email body> |
收件人: 发送时间: 2017年08月14日 20:32 (星期一) 暗送: Colleen Copy 密送: Brad Copy 主旨: 回复: Simple Example Email Body |
Primary |
寄件者: <sender>
建立日期: <sent date> 收件者: <receiver> 主旨: 答复: <subject> 抄送人: <copy> 密送人: <blind copy> <email body> |
寄件者: Sally Sender
建立日期: 2016年1月6日 10:26 收件者: Ricky Receiver 主旨: 答复: Lunch? 抄送人: Colleen Copy 密送人: Brad Copy Example of body |
Primary |
发件人: <sender>
收件人: <receiver> 寄件日期: <sent date> 抄送: <copy> 密件副本: <blind copy> 主旨: <subject> <email body> |
发件人: Sally Sender
收件人: Ricky Receiver 寄件日期: 星期日 02 七月 2006 22:07 抄送: Colleen Copy 密件副本: Brad Copy 主旨: 回复: March Madness Brackets Simple Example 4 |
Primary |
寄件者: <sender>
收件者: <receiver> 副本: <copy> 主旨: 回复: <Re: subject> <email body> |
寄件者: Sally Sender
收件者: Ricky Receiver 副本: Colleen Koy 主旨: 回复: Subject Example of body |
Primary |
在<optional_space><date>,<author><optional_space>写道: | 在 2017年5月24日,上午10:04,Alex 写道: | Embedded |
于<optional_space><date>,<author><optional_space>写道: | 于 2017年5月24日,上午10:04,Alex 写道: | Embedded |

Template | Examples | Email Type (Primary and/or Embedded email) |
Assunto: <email subject>
De: <sender> Enviada: <sent date> Para: <receiver> <email body> |
Assunto: Re: Hello
De: "Sally Sender" <> Enviada: 23/11/2007 03:24 Para: Ricky Receiver |
Primary/Embedded |
Enviado el: <sent date>
De: <sender> Assunto: <email subject> Para: <receiver> <email body> |
Enviado el: 22/11/2007 17:17
De: "Sally Sender" <> Assunto: Re: Lunch? Para: "Ricky Receiver" <ricky@receiver. com> |
Primary/Embedded |
De: <sender>
Enviada em: <sent date> Para: <receiver> Assunto: <email subject> <email body> |
De: Sally Sender
Enviada em: Qui, junho 14, 2006 08:00 Para: Ricky Receiver Assunto: Re. Hello |
Primary/Embedded |
Assunto: <email subject>
De: <sender> Enviadas: <sent date> Para: <receiver> <email body> |
Assunto: Re: Subject
De: "Sally Sender" <> Enviadas: 23/11/2007 03:24 Para: Ricky Receiver |
Primary/Embedded |
Assunto: <email subject>
De: <sender> Data: <sent date> Para: <receiver> CC: <copy> CCO: <blind copy> <email body> |
Assunto: Re: Subject
De: Sally Sender Data: 26/09/2008 19:18 Para: Ricky Receiver CC: Colleen Copy CCO: "Bruno Miguel" |
Primary/Embedded |
Assunto: <email subject>
De: <sender> Criado em: <sent date> Para: <receiver> BCC: <blind copy> Cópia: <copy> <email body> |
Assunto: RES: Lunch?
De: Sally Sender Criado em: 19/11/2007 13:28 Para:, BCC: "Bruno Miguel" Cópia: Colleen Copy |
Primary/Embedded |
Em<space><sent date>,<space><sender>escreveu: | Em 25/06/07, Sally Sender escreveu: | Embedded |
Em<space><sent date>,<space><sender>
escreveu: |
> > Em 28/04/07, Sally Sender
> > escreveu: |
Embedded |
<date> , <author> escreveu: | Em 25/06/077, Sally Sender escreveu: | Embedded |
<date> , <author>
escreveu: |
Ter, 2007-07-03 às 13:07 +0100,
escreveu: |
Embedded |

Template | Examples | Email Type (Primary and/or Embedded email) |
件名: <email subject>
差出人: <sender> 送信日時: <sent date> 受取人: <receiver> <email body> |
件名: FireFox
差出人: 森山 <> 送信日時: 2003年3月15日12時7分 受取人: Ricky Receiver メール本文 |
Primary/Embedded |
件名: <email subject>
送信者: <sender> 日付: <sent date> 宛先: <receiver> 返信先: <reply-to> <email body> |
件名: 再送: Subject
送信者: "Sally Sender 日付: 2011年5月31日, 火曜日 午前 2:54:14 GMT+09:00 宛先: 返信先: email body |
Primary/Embedded |
差出人: <sender>
cc: <copy> 件名: <Re: email subject> 送信: <sent date> 宛先: <receiver> 応答先: <reply-to> <email body> |
cc: 件名: 返: Lunch? 送信: 2007年2月14日 16:13:00 宛先: 応答先: Body of the email |
Primary/Embedded |
件名: <Fw: email subject>
差出人: <sender> cc: <copy> bcc: <blind copy> 送信済み: <sent date> 宛先: <receiver> <email body> |
件名: 転送: エイリアスIPの付け方について
差出人: Sally Sender <> cc: Colleen Copy <> bcc: Brandon Copi 送信済み: 2004年11月5日 11:41:00 宛先: Ricky Receiver Body of the email |
Primary/Embedded |
<date> に <sender>
さんは書きました: <sent date> に <sender> さんは書きました : |
2008-06-26 (木) の 00:15 +0900 に Sally Sender <>
さんは書きました: Body 1 is here 08/11/13 に Sally <> さんは書きました: Body 2 here |
Embedded |
<sent date> 、<sender> さんは書きました: | 2004 6月 17 木曜日 04:19、 さんは書きました: | Embedded |
<sent date> 投稿者:<sender> | 木曜日 07 4月 2005 20:33 投稿者:Sally Sender
Example 1 2011/1/13 17:19 投稿者:Sally Sender Example 2 |
Embedded |
<sender> さんは書きました (<sent date>): | Sally Sender さんは書きました (2009/04/16 23:15)
Example 1 Sally Sender さんは書きました (2011/12/23 7:40): Example 2 Sally Sender さんは書きました (2010/01/15 10:10): Example 3 |
Embedded |

Template | Examples | Email Type (Primary and/or Embedded email) |
De: <sender>
Enviado el: <sent date> Para: <receiver> Copia:<carbon copy> Asunto: <subject> |
Enviado: 15 marzo 2001 02:56:00 Para: Copia: Brandon Copy Asunto: Updated Contract |
Primary/Embedded |
Remitente: <sender>
Enviado el: <sent date> Para: <receiver> Copia:<carbon copy> Asunto: <subject> |
Enviado: 15 marzo 2001 02:56:00 Para: Copia: Brandon Copy Asunto: Deadline Tomorrow |
Primary/Embedded |
Remitente: <sender>
Data: <sent date> A: <receiver> cc:<carbon copy> Asunto: <subject> |
Data: 15 marzo 2001 02:56:00 A: cc: Brandon Copy Asunto: Patch update |
Primary/Embedded |
De: <sender>
Enviado el: <sent date> Recipiente: <receiver> cc:<carbon copy> Tema: <subject> |
Data: 15 marzo 2001 02:56:00 Recipiente: cc: Brandon Copy Tema: Hello! |
Primary/Embedded |
De: <sender>
Fecha: <sent date> Recipiente: <receiver> cc:<carbon copy> Tema: <subject> |
Fecha: 15 marzo 2001 02:56:00 Recipiente: cc: Brandon Copy Tema: Lunch Meeting? |
Primary/Embedded |
De: <sender> Fecha y hora: <sent date> Recipiente: <receiver> cc:<carbon copy> Tema: <subject> |
Fecha y hora: 15 marzo 2001 02:56:00 Recipiente: cc: Brandon Copy Tema: New Subject |
Primary/Embedded |
De: <sender>
Fecha: <sent date> Para: <receiver> Copia:<copy> bcc: <blind copy> Asunto: <subject> |
De: Sally Sender
Fecha: 3 octubre 2001 06:35:51 Para: Ricky Receiver Copia: Colleen Copy bcc: Robin Jacobson, Jason Debby Asunto: Reenviar: Urban Legends |
Primary/Embedded |
Sobre <sent date>, <sender> escribió: | Sobre 2017-12-05 18:16, John Smith <> escribió: | Embedded |
El <sent date>, <sender> escribió: | El 20 de febrero de 2015, 13:13, John S. <> escribió: | Embedded |
El <sent date>, <sender> escribió: | El 20 de febrero de 2015, 12:59, Bob S. <> escribió: | Embedded |
El <sent date>, <sender> dijo: | El vie, 22 de sep de 2006, a las 09:23:13 -0500, Dino Johnson dijo: | Embedded |
El día <sent date>, <sender> escribió: | El día 6 de febrero de 2009 12:07, Javier <> escribió: | Embedded |

Template | Examples | Email Type (Primary and/or Embedded email) |
보낸 사람: <sender>
날 짜(Date): <sent date> 수신: <receiver> 참조: <carbon copy> 숨은참조: <blind copy> 제목: <subject> |
보낸 사람: John <>
날 짜(Date): 15/10/2015 수신: Ricky Receiver <> 참조: Colleen Copy <> 숨은참조: Brandon Smith <> 제목: Hello |
Primary/Embedded |
보낸사람: <sender>
날짜: <sent date> 받는 사람: <receiver> 제 목(Subject): <subject> |
보낸사람: John <>
날짜: 2015년 12월 21일 (월) 오후 8:23 받는 사람: Ricky Receiver <> 제 목(Subject): Hello |
Primary/Embedded |
보낸이: <sender>
제 목: <sent date> 받는사람: <receiver> 메일 제목: <subject> |
보낸이: John <>
제 목: 2017년 10월 9일 오후 1시 40분 36초 GMT+9 받는사람: Ricky Receiver <> 메일 제목: Hello |
Primary/Embedded |
출발: <sender>
보낸날짜: <sent date> 받는이: <receiver> 제 목: <subject> |
출발: John <>
보낸날짜: 15/10/2015 받는이: Ricky Receiver <> 제 목: Hello |
Primary/Embedded |
발신: <sender>
날 짜: <sent date> 받는이: <receiver> 메일 제목: <subject> |
발신: John <>
날 짜: 2016.11.21 오후 11:38:24 받는이: Ricky Receiver <> 메일 제목: Hello |
Primary/Embedded |
보낸이(From): <sender>
보낸 날짜: <sent date> 받는이(To): <receiver> 참 조: <carbon copy> 주제: <subject> |
보낸이(From): John <>
보낸 날짜: 15/10/2015 받는이(To): Ricky Receiver <> 참 조: Colleen Copy <> 주제: Hello |
Primary/Embedded |
보내는 사람: <sender>
보낸날짜: <sent date> 받는 사람: <receiver> 숨은참조: <blind copy> 제목: <subject> |
보내는 사람: John <>
보낸날짜: 2015/12/29 오후 5:27 (GMT+09:00) 받는 사람: Ricky Receiver <> 숨은참조: Brandon Smith <> 제목: Hello |
Primary/Embedded |
<sent date> <Author>이(가) 작성: | 06. 1. 6일에 <>이(가) 작성:
06. 1. 11일에 양정석 <>이(가) 작성: |
Embedded |
<sent date> <Author> 쓰시길: | 2006-01-14 (토), 06:20 -0600, John Smith 쓰시길:
2006-01-15 (일), 21:35 +0900, John Smith 쓰시길: |
Embedded |
<sent date> <Author>님이 작성한 메시지: | 2008년 5월 30일 (금) 오후 1:59, Colleen Copy <>님이 작성한 메시지:
2008년 6월 8일 (일) 오후 8:40, John Smith <>님이 작성한 메시지: |
Embedded |
<sent date> <Author>님이 작성: | 07. 8. 3, Ricky Sender <>님이 작성:
2017년 9월 19일 오후 1:46, John Smith <>님이 작성: 2018년 1월 2일 오후 8:10, John Smith (황병희, 黃炳熙) <>님이 작성: |
Embedded |
<sent date> <Author>님의 말: | 2015년 10월 2일 금요일 오후 10시 51분 26초 UTC+9, John Smith 님의 말:
2012년 11월 26일 오후 5:38, mixed <j.smith@examplecom>님의 말: |
Embedded |
<sent date> <Author> 이(가) 쓴 글: | 2017년 01월 21일 01:54에 John Smith 이(가) 쓴 글:
2018년 1월 2일 18시 57분에 John Smith 이(가) 쓴 글: |
Embedded |
<sent date> <Author> 작성: | 2018. 1. 3. 오후 3:54 John <> 작성: | Embedded |
<sent date> <Author>님이 쓰신 메시지: | 09/3/4 (수)에 John Smith <>님이 쓰신 메시지: | Embedded |
Supported email header fields
The following is a list of email header fields currently supported by email threading and name normalization for primary email headers. A line in the header beginning with one of these field names followed by a colon indicates an email header field. If the field spans more than one line, it is expected that the continuation immediately follows but is indented with white space. The field names are not case-sensitive, but the diacritics, if present, are required. The order of the fields in the primary email header is irrelevant.
Expand the following to view a list of currently supported header fields.

- apparently-to
- approved-by
- authentication-results
- attachments
- bcc
- cc
- comments
- content-...
- date
- delivered-to
- disposition-notification-to
- dkim-signature
- domainkey-signature
- errors-to
- followup-to
- from
- importance
- in-reply-to
- keywords
- list-help
- list-post
- list-subscribe
- list-unsubscribe
- mailing-list
- message-ed
- message-id
- mime-version
- newsgroups
- organization
- precedence
- priority
- received
- received-spf
- references
- reply-to
- resent-bcc
- resent-cc
- resent-date
- resent-from
- resent-message-id
- resent-reply-to
- resent-sender
- resent-to
- return-path
- sender
- sent
- status
- subject
- thread-index
- thread-topic
- to
- user-agent
- x-...

- Aan
- CC
- Van
- Onderw
- Onderwerp
- Betreft
- Datum
- Verzonden
- Gemaakt
Subject prefixes:
- Re
- Antw.
- Betr
- Fw
- Fwd

- À
- Répondre
- Copie à
- Destinataire
- Destinataires
- Pour
- To
- Cc
- Cci
- Bcc
- From
- Sender
- Expéditeur
- De
- Répondre à
- Subject
- Objet
- Sujet
- Envoyé
- Envoyé le
- Envoyé par
- Date de création
- Date/Heure
- Pièces jointes
- Date
- Sent
- Joindre
- Attachments

- Von
- An
- Bis
- Kopie (CC)
- Cc
- Blindkopie (bcc)
- Всс
- Datum
- Gesendet
- Betreff
- Antwort an
- Anhänge
- Gesendet von

- 到
- 收件人
- 收件者
- 送
- 副本(cc)
- 抄送人
- 抄送
- 抄送
- 副本
- 暗送
- 密件抄送
- 密送
- 密送人
- 密件副本
- 從
- 发件人
- 寄件者
- 主题
- 主旨
- 日期
- 发送时间
- 时间
- 建立日期
- 日期
- 寄件日期
- 回复至发送时间
- 附件
- reply-to
- 回复至
- 個附件
- 个附件
Subject prefixes:
- 返
- 転送
- 再送
- RE
- FW

- De
- Para
- Assunto
- Data
- Enviada
- Enviada em
- Enviadas
- Enviado el
- Criado em
- CC
- Cópia
Subject prefixes:
- RE
- FW
- Enc

- 差出人
- 送信者
- 受取人
- 宛先
- cc
- bcc
- 日付
- 送信日時
- 送信
- 送信済み
- 件名
- 返信先
- 応答先
Subject prefixes:
- 返
- 転送
- 再送
- RE
- FW

- A
- Para
- Recipiente
- CC
- Copia
- Bcc
- De
- Remitente
- Tema
- Asunto
- Enviado el
- Fecha
- Fecha y hora
- Data
Subject prefixes:
- Re
- Rv
- Reenviar
- Fwd
- Reenv

- 받는 사람
- 받는사람
- 받는이
- 수신
- 받는이(To)
- 보낸 사람
- 보낸사람
- 보낸이
- 출발
- 발신
- 보낸이(From)
- 보내는 사람
- 참조
- 참 조
- 숨은참조
- 제목
- 메일 제목
- 제 목
- 주제
- 제 목(Subject)
- 보낸 날짜
- 날짜
- 보낸날짜
- 날 짜
- 날 짜(Date)
- 답장받는 사람
- 회신 대상
- 첨부
Subject prefixes
- Re
- 답장
- 회신
- Fw
Supported date formats
The following is a list of date formats currently supported by email threading and name normalization. Note that not all date formats are supported in all languages.
Expand the following to view a list of currently supported date formats.

Supported Date Formats | English | Dutch | French | German | Chinese | Portuguese | Japanese | Spanish | Korean |
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | |
yyyy-MM-dd H:m zzz | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
yyyy/M/d | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | |
yy/MM/d | √ | ||||||||
yy/MM/dd HH:mm | √ | ||||||||
yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm | √ | ||||||||
yyyy/MM/dd H:mm | √ | ||||||||
yy-mm-dd | √ | ||||||||
yyyy, MMMM, dd hh:mm a | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
MMMM-d-yy hh:mm a | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||||
MMMM-d-yy h:mm a | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | |||
MMMM-dd-yy hh:mm a | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||||
MMMM-dd-yy h:mm a | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss a z | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss a | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
MMMM d, yyyy h:mm a | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
MMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss a z | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
MMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss a | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
MMM d, yyyy h:mm a | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
M/d/yy h:mm:ss a z | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
M/d/yy h:mm:ss a | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
M/d/yy h:mm a | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss a z | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss a | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | |
EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm a | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | |
EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy h:m a | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
EEEE, dd MMMM yyyy, H'h'mm'mn' ss's' | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||||
EEEE, dd MMMM yyyy, HH'h'mm'mn' ss's' | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||||
EEEE, d MMMM yyyy, H'h'mm'mn' ss's' | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||||
EEEE, d MMMM yyyy, HH'h'mm'mn' ss's' | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||||
EEEE dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
EEEE d MMMM yyyy HH:mm | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
EEE',' dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z (z) | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
EEE, dd MMM yyyy | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | |
EEE dd/MM/yyyy H:mm | √ | ||||||||
EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | |
EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm Z | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | |
EEE dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
EEE d MMMM yyyy HH:mm | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
EEE M/d/yyyy H:mm | √ | ||||||||
dd-MM-yy 'om' hh:mm | √ | ||||||||
mm/dd/yy 'te' hh:mm | √ | ||||||||
mm-dd-yyyy 'om' hh:mm 'uur' | √ | ||||||||
dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | |
dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm[:ss] | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | |
dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm[:ss] | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
dd MMMM yyyy H:mm[:ss] | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
dd MMM yyyy HH:mm[:ss] | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
d MMMM yyyy HH:mm[:ss] | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz Z | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | |
d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
d MMMM yyyy H:mm[:ss] | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
d MMM yyyy HH:mm[:ss] | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||
d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | |
d MMM yyyy HH:mm Z | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ |
Reformatting extracted text
Extracted text may require reformatting to comply with the email header format requirements. For the most reliable parsing, reconstruct emails using the following guidelines:
- Request that the processing vendor send a version of the extracted text without headers, or request that the extracted text is altered to meet the requirements listed under Supported email header formats.
- Place header fields, one per line, at the top of the file. Do not place any blank lines between fields. Limit header fields to those listed under Supported email header fields.
- At the end of the header, include a single blank line.
- Place the body of the email below the blank line. Do not include any additional text, markers, spacing, or indentation that could hide the structure of the email.
Note: Use consistent end-of-line delimiters. Typical choices are \n for Unix systems and \r\n for Windows systems.