Relativity Server release cadence and patches

We release our Relativity Server product annually. We deploy release patches to the current Server version regularly.

To learn more about how to apply a patch to your environment, see Applying a Server hotfix or patch.

Server patch overview

A server patch includes all current hotfixes and some additional defect fixes deemed necessary to address in the current Relativity Server release. Server patches are cumulative, meaning content released in the first patch will be included in subsequent patches. Server patches are delivered using DropIt.

For more information on DropIt, see Standalone DropIt deployment instructions (legacy workflow).

Note: You can download patches from the appropriate file library on the Relativity Community. You need valid Community credentials to sign in.

Release cadence for Server patches

The following table describes the planned Relativity Server Patch release schedule.

Note: In an effort to deliver increasingly reliable and low-risk quality improvements to Server, we recently adjusted our patch cadence. Moving forward, we will aim to deliver a patch for each supported version of Server in early May and early December. There is no change to our hot fix policy and delivery approach. Relativity has ongoing initiatives aimed at improving our patching architecture and user experience, and we will revisit our patching cadence as our patching platform evolves.

  Server 2022 Server 2023 Server 2024
Sep     General Availability Release
Nov End of support on 11/30    
Dec   Patch 3 Patch 1
May   Patch 4 Patch 2