Tab navigation quick reference guide

Use this guide to understand tab navigation in Relativity's Aero user interface.

Aero navigation features
1 Breadcrumbs Displays the current page you are on and the tab path used to navigate there.
2 Favorite Indicates whether a page is your favorite. Click to add a page to favorites or to remove it if the page was already in favorites.
3 Avatar An image containing the user’s initials which you can click to access the user menu.
4 Tab strip A horizontal series of tabs. Tabs may contain child tabs in a drop-down menu.
5 Sidebar A vertical navigation pane containing parent tabs, object tabs and/or external link tabs. The tabs shown here are determined by the workspace admin and are meant to contain the most frequently used tabs. See the next image to learn more about how to show a tab in the sidebar.
6 More menu Click to view Sidebar tabs that are not displayed due to the current size of your browser
7 All tabs menu Click to view all the tabs that a user has access to and are flagged as visible.

Show a tab in the sidebar

  1. Navigate to Tabs.
  2. Click New Tab to create a new tab or click on the desired tab in the list to add a preexisting one to the sidebar.
  3. Complete or edit the fields in the Tab Information section as desired. For more information on the Tabs fields, refer to Tabs.
  4. Select Show in Sidebar in the Tab Location section.
    A sidebar tab cannot have a Parent selected. If a Parent was selected for a pre-existing tab, once you select Show in Sidebar, the Parent field will be disabled.
    Note: With the Aero UI, admin users can optionally create three levels of tab hierarchy – a parent tab in the sidebar, which contains a parent tab in the tab list, which contains an object tab or an external link tab.
  5. Select the desired icon from the Icon drop-down menu.
  6. Enter the desired Order value.
  7. Click Save.

The tab is added to the Sidebar and will display based on the number of tabs you have already created and the size of your currently opened browser. If the vertical resolution is not high enough, the tab will display in the More menu.