Review Interface quick reference guide

Each viewer serves its own purpose and own file type, but there are common functions within all of them. There are also viewer-specific functionality that is called out in the viewer tables.

Review Interface features
A solid red circle containing the number one. Breadcrumbs Displays your current location while browsing documents in the Related items card. If Documents is an active link, you can click it to return to the document you were viewing before browsing documents in the Related items card.
A solid red circle containing the number two. Document Actions Menu of actions the user may perform on the document as a whole.
A solid red circle containing the number three. Document navigation Browse across documents in the Review queue.
A solid red circle containing the number four. Viewer settings Menu of display configurations and review settings.
A solid red circle containing the number five. Document list List presentation of all the documents in the user’s Review queue.
A solid red circle containing the number six. Viewer type tabs Select which Viewer type you would like to view the current document in.
A solid red circle containing the number seven. Coding layouts Customizable coding forms for viewing and editing a document’s fields.
A solid red circle containing the number eight. Viewer Displays the current document in the selected viewer.
A solid red circle containing the number nine. Related items card Identify and act on documents related to the active document.
Common icons, toggles, and actions: This section covers icons, toggles, and other actions that are seen throughout the different viewer types.
An image showing zoom control icons. Zoom controls Manually zoom out and zoom in.
An image showing the reset zoom control icon. Reset zoom Reset to default zoom.
An image showing preset zoom control icons. Preset zoom controls Fit to Width, Fit to Height, and Fit Actual.
An image showing the layout mode control icon. Layout mode Select an option to determine how documents that are more than one page long display in the Viewer.
Not available in the Extracted Text Viewer.
Viewer Search Bar: You can search the current document for exact matches. Not available in the Image Viewer or Productions Viewer.
An image showing the viewer search bar. Viewer Search Bar Enter a terms search to highlight the results in the Viewer. The Search Bar supports dtSearch and so proximity, fuzziness, and stemming can be used.
An image showing the viewer search navigation control. Viewer search navigation Navigate across viewer search hits.

Document actions and Viewer settings

An image showing a drop-down menu of document actions.

Document actions—menu of actions the user may perform on the document as a whole.
Download Hover your cursor over this option and select one of the options to download a copy of the current document. Alternatively, you can click on the document’s name to download the native file.
Copy document link Select to copy the URL to the current document to your clipboard.
Email document Select to open an email in your default email application with the URL to the current document included in the body of the email.
Replace document native Select to replace the native file of the current document with a new file.
Image on the fly Hover your cursor over this option to show Image Profile options. Select the desired profile to begin imaging the current document.
Upload images for this document Select the desired profile to replace the images for the current document using that imaging profile.
Reconvert Select to clear your internet browser's cache and reload the current document for review.

Viewer settings—menu of display configurations and review settings.
Keyboard Shortcut Legend Displays the keyboard shortcuts legend.
Enable/Disable Keyboard Shortcuts Turns keyboard shortcuts on or off.
Show/Hide Tab Strip Toggle the Sidebar and Tab strip in the Viewer
Pop Out Viewer Select to open the Pop Out Viewer in a new browser window
Swap Layout Select to move the Coding Layout and the Document card to the opposite side of the Viewer.

Native Viewer

Use this section to understand the Native Viewer and its options.

Native Viewer features
A solid red circle containing the number one. Left-drawer viewer options Locate where the user may review highlight sets and terms associated with the current document, access the Thumbnail Viewer, or review the sentiment analysis highlights.
An image showing the persistent highlighting control icon. Persistent highlighting Click to toggle the user’s view of each highlight set.
An image showing the thumbnails control icon. Thumbnails Click to toggle the left drawer and display the Thumbnail Viewer.
A solid red circle containing the number two. Native Viewer toolbar The viewer toolbar buttons for each viewer display here.
An image showing the highlight navigation icons. Highlight navigation Navigate across all highlight search hits for checked terms within active sets or for specific highlight sets or terms when selected.
An image showing the rotate all pages icon. Rotate all pages Rotates all pages in a document clockwise 90 degrees. This option is only available for documents that have been paginated.
An image showing the create pdf icon. Create PDF Click to save the current native document as a PDF file.
A solid red circle containing the number three. Viewer Search Bar Enter terms to highlight the results in the Viewer. It supports dtSearch and so proximity, fuzziness, and stemming can be used. Navigate across Viewer search hits.
A solid red circle containing the number four. Right-drawer Viewer options Toggle all hidden content in the current document or toggle the Contextual Search pane.
An image showing the hidden cells icon. Hidden cells Click to toggle all hidden content detected in the current document.
An image showing the contextual search icon. Contextual Search Click to toggle the Contextual Search pane. This feature allows you to navigate to matching search terms in a document.

Short Message Viewer

Use this section to understand the Short Message Viewer and its options.

Short Message Viewer features
A solid red circle containing the number one. Left-drawer Viewer options Locate where the user may review highlight sets and terms associated to the document, access the Thumbnail Viewer, apply filters to short messages, or review sentiment analysis highlights.
An image showing the persistent highlighting control icon. Persistent Highlighting Click to toggle the user’s view of each highlight set.
An image showing the thumbnails control icon. Thumbnails Click to toggle the left drawer and display the Thumbnail Viewer
An image showing the filter icon. Filter Click to toggle the filters which can be used to narrow down what short messages display in the current document.
A solid red circle containing the number two. Short Message Viewer toolbar The viewer toolbar buttons for each viewer display here.
An image showing the highlight navigation icons. Persistent Highlight navigation Navigate across all highlight search hits for checked terms within active sets or for specific highlight sets or terms when selected.
An image showing the rotate all pages icon. Rotate all pages Rotates all pages in a document clockwise 90 degrees. This option is only available for paginated documents.
An image showing the create pdf icon. Create PDF Click to save the current native document as a PDF file.
A solid red circle containing the number three. Viewer search bar Enter terms to highlight the results in the Viewer. It supports dtSearch and so proximity, fuzziness, and stemming can be used. Navigate across Viewer search hits.
A solid red circle containing the number four. Right-drawer Viewer options Toggle RSMF validation information or toggle the Contextual Search Pane.
An image showing the RSMF validation icon. RSMF validation Click to toggle the RSMF Validation pane to show information to help you troubleshoot any errors in the RSMF file.
An image showing the contextual search icon. Contextual Search Click to toggle the Contextual Search Pane. This feature allows you to navigate to matching search terms in a document.
A solid red circle containing the number five. Timeline Navigator Click to expand or collapse the Timeline Navigator to show time and duration short message information on the document.

Image Viewer

Use this section to understand the Image Viewer and its options.

Image Viewer features
A solid red circle containing the number one. Collapsible cards Documents list, Coding layout, Family, Document History cards can be minimized or expanded, as needed.
A solid red circle containing the number two. Thumbnails drawer The viewer toolbar buttons for each viewer display here.
An image showing the thumbnails control icon. Thumbnail Click to toggle the left drawer and display the Thumbnail Viewer.
A solid red circle containing the number three. Image Viewer toolbar Searches the current document for exact matches.
An image showing the rotate all pages icon. Rotate all pages Rotates all pages in a document clockwise 90 degrees. This option is only available for documents that have been paginated.
An image showing the markup visibility icon. Markup visibility Allows the user to adjust the opacity of the selected markup set – redaction (100%), transparent (50%), and off (0%).
An image showing the selector icon. Selector When this icon is active, the user may select one or many markups to perform an action across all the selected markups (edit, delete, move).
An image showing the highlight markup color icon. Highlight markup color Allows the user to change the highlight markup color.
An image showing the redaction markup mode icon. Redaction markup mode Allows the user to determine which markup redaction mode they want to draw the markup with: basic, full-page, inverse, or mass redact modes.
An image showing the redaction markup type icon. Redaction markup type Allows the user to determine which markup redaction type they want to draw the markup with: black, cross, white, or text redaction types.
An image showing the redaction text font size control. Redaction text font size Allows the user to adjust the font size of selected redaction text markup.
An image showing the delete icon. Delete Highlights This icon opens the Mass delete markup pop-up window where the user may delete a highlight markup, partial markup, or full-page markup.
An image showing the create pdf icon. Create PDF Click to save the current native document as a PDF file.
A solid red circle containing the number four. Markup navigator Displays all the markups for each markup set for the current document.
An image showing the markup sets navigator icon. Markup sets navigator Click to toggle the Markup sets navigator.
An image showing the markup set drop-down menu control. Markup set drop-down menu Click and select the markup set that is displayed on the image of the current document.

Extracted Text Viewer

Use this section to understand the Extracted Text Viewer and its options.

Extracted Text Viewer features
A solid red circle containing the number one. Collapsible cards Document list, Coding layout, Family, and Document History cards can be minimized or expanded.
A solid red circle containing the number two. Left-drawer viewer options Locate where the user may review highlight sets and terms associated with the current document or access Sentiment Analysis highlights.
An image showing the persistent highlighting control icon. Persistent highlighting Click to toggle the user’s view of each highlight set.
A solid red circle containing the number three. Text viewer toolbar The Viewer toolbar buttons for each Viewer are placed here.
An image showing the highlight navigation icons. Highlight navigation Navigate across all highlight search hits for checked terms within active sets or for specific highlight sets or terms when selected.
An image of the text deliminator size control. Text delimiter size You can use this drop-down menu to adjust the size of tab characters in the document text. This can be used to better align text in spreadsheets.
An image of the toggle wordwrap icon. Toggle WordWrap Click to turn word wrapping on or off when viewing document text.
A solid red circle containing the number four. Viewer search bar Searches the current document using dtSearch syntax. Enter a terms search to highlight the results in the Viewer. The Search Bar supports dtSearch and so proximity, fuzziness, and stemming can be used. Navigate across viewer search hits.
A solid red circle containing the number five. Right-drawer viewer options Toggle the Contextual Search Pane.
An image showing the contextual search icon. Contextual search Click to toggle the Contextual Search Pane. This feature allows you to quickly navigate to matching search terms in a document which is useful in longer documents or ones that have many matching search terms.

Productions Viewer

Use this section to understand the Productions Viewer and its options.

Production Viewer features
A solid red circle containing the number one. Collapsible cards Document list, Coding layout, Family, and Document History cards can be minimized or expanded.
A solid red circle containing the number two. Left-drawer viewer options Locate where the user may review highlight sets and terms associated with the current document or access Sentiment Analysis highlights.
An image showing the thumbnails control icon. Thumbnail Click to toggle the left drawer and display the Thumbnail Viewer.
A solid red circle containing the number three. Text viewer toolbar The Viewer toolbar buttons for each Viewer are placed here.
An image showing the rotate all pages icon. Rotate all pages Rotates all pages in a document clockwise 90 degrees. This option is only available for documents that have been paginated.
An image showing the create pdf icon. Create PDF Click to save the current native document as a PDF file.