Dashboard and pivot quick reference guide

Use this guide to navigate, create, and edit your dashboard and pivot tables.

Dashboard areas
1 Add Widget button Adds a pivot or cluster widget to the dashboard.
2 Dashboard drop-down menu Click to change dashboards or create a new one. An icon displays on the left side of the menu if your dashboard has unsaved changes.

Export Dashboard button

Click to export this dashboard's charts to Excel for further customization.
4 Pivot widget Displays a bar graph, stacked bar graph, pie chart, line chart, or table.
5 Cluster widget Displays the selected cluster.
6 List Displays the item list.
Collapse toggle Minimizes the widget.
Menu Provides options for working with the displayed widget.
Dashboard drop-down options
  New Dashboard Creates a new blank dashboard.
  Save Saves the current dashboard
  Save as Saves changes to a new dashboard.
Edit Edits the selected dashboard.
Delete Deletes the selected dashboard.
Widget menu options
Edit / Edit Pivot Edits the Pivot or lets you choose the cluster for a cluster widget.
Save Pivot profile Saves a new pivot profile from the current one.
Maximize Maximizes the widget.
Remove Removes the widget.
Display Type Choose Bar Chart, Stacked Bar Chart, Line Chart, or Table.
Export PNG Exports the widget as a .png image file
Export XLSX Exports the widget as a .xlsx Excel file.
Show (blank) Shows or hides totals in the chart to improve readability.
Show Grand Total Toggles the display of grand total in the chart.
Show Legend Toggles the display of the Pivot chart legend.
Show Sub -Chart Enables the sub -chart for bar or line charts.
Horizontal Orientation Arranges the information horizontally
Vertical Orientation Arranges the information vertically.