Multiple object searching

This page describes the logic behind multiple object searching.

When searching using These Conditions or NOT These Conditions, keep in mind the following: 

  • These Conditions - returns a document if any of the RDOs that document is associated with matches the search criteria.
  • NOT These Conditions - returns all documents that are not associated with at least one RDO that meets the criteria.
  • If a document is not associated with the object you're searching, it won't be returned in a search for These Conditions. Therefore, Document 3 will never get returned in a search for These Conditions because it is not associated with any objects.

The image below shows documents associated with Relativity Dynamic Objects (RDOs).

  • Document 1 is associated with RDO1.
  • Document 2 is associated with RDO2 and RDO3.
  • Document 3 is not associated with any RDOs.
  • Document 4 is associated with RDO4.

This page contains the following sections:

These Conditions

The following example returns Document 1 because:

  • Document 1 is associated with RDO1.
  • RDO1 matches the search criteria (FirstName Jane, LastName Smith).


These Conditions and These Conditions

The following example returns Document 1 and Document 2 because:

  • Document 1 is associated with RDO1.
  • RDO1 matches the search criteria (FirstName Jane) and (LastName Smith).
  • Document 2 is associated with RDO2 and RDO3.
  • RDO2 matches the search criteria (FirstName Jane).
  • RDO3 matches the search criteria (LastName Smith).

NOT These Conditions

The following example returns Document 3 and Document 4 because:

  • Document 4 is associated with RDO4. RDO4 doesn't match the search criteria.
  • Document 3 is not associated with any RDOs. Therefore, it doesn't match the search criteria.

These NOT

The following example returns Document 2 and Document 4 because:

  • Document 2 is associated with RDO2 and RDO3.
  • Although RDO2 contains (FirstName Jane), RDO3 doesn't (FirstName John). Remember, if one RDO does not meet the criteria, the document is returned.
  • Document 3 isn't returned because it isn't associated with any RDOs. Remember, you must associate a document with an object in order for it to return in a These Conditions search.