Relativity compatibility matrix

Relativity system requirements matrix

The following table breaks down the supported operating systems, framework, IIS versions, browsers, and versions of SQL Server for each of the still-supported versions of Relativity Server. For additional Chrome, Firefox, and Safari supported version details, see End user browser and operating system requirements .

Software Server 2021 Server 2022 Server 2023
Operating systems - Relativity Desktop Client
Windows 10
Windows 11  
Operating systems - servers
Windows Server 2012 R2  
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2022    
Microsoft .NET Version 3.5
Microsoft .NET Version 4.6.2    
Microsoft .NET Version 4.7    
Microsoft .NET Version 4.7.2  
Microsoft .NET Version 4.8  
Microsoft .NET Version 4.8.1    
SQL versions
SQL Server 2012      
SQL Server 2014      
SQL Server 2016      
SQL Server 2017
SQL Server 2019
SQL Server 2022    





Note: The RabbitMQ 3.11 series is no longer supported by the vendor. You must use RabbitMQ version 3.12.x, or 3.13.x and a compatible version of Erlang. Note, however, that there are compatibility issues between RabbitMQ 3.12.x and Erlang 26.0 and 26.1. There are no issues with Erlang 26.2 and above and RabbitMQ 3.12.x. RabbitMQ 3.13.x is certified compatible with Server 2023 when TLS 1.3 is enabled. For details on RabbitMQ's version policies, see RabbitMQ versions. For Erlang compatibility details, see Erlang Version Requirements. If you are upgrading your RabbitMQ version, review the RabbitMQ upgrade overview beforehand to avoid issues during the upgrade process. Ensure that you're using the 64-bit version of Erlang, or else the system will be constrained to 2GB of memory.

Note: SQL Server 2019 requires Windows Server 2016 or 2019.

End user browser and operating system requirements

Note: Support for Internet Explorer (IE) ended with Server 2022. Support for Microsoft Edge began in Server 2022

Software Server 2021 Server 2022 Server 2023
Chrome (Windows, Mac OSX) latest version latest version latest version
Edge (Windows, Mac OSX)   latest version latest version
Firefox (Windows, Mac OSX) latest version latest version latest version
Safari (OSX 10.9)

v. 11+

v. 11+

latest version
Safari (OSX 10.10) v. 11+ v. 11+ latest version

Note:  Relativity does not currently support the Linux operating system for any browser.

Relativity release matrix

The following table lists the Invariant, worker manager server, and Outside In versions released with each Relativity release. Along with the Relativity Analytics engine and Secret Store versions compatible with each release of Relativity.

Relativity version Relativity release date Outside In version Invariant version Analytics engine version Secret Store version
12.3.857.3 September 15, 2023 2022.9.1 7.3.841.24 4.7.0 1.2.985.1