
Relativity's Review Interface displays workspace documents. You can use the Viewer type tabs to toggle the loaded formats of documents, such as Native Viewer, Image Viewer, Extracted Text Viewer, or Productions Viewer. Using the Viewer, you can control the form of document that displays in the interface. If a document has not been imaged, you can image documents on-the-fly in the Viewer.

Note: Using your internet browser to zoom to any size other than 100% while using the Viewer is not supported and can cause unexpected behavior.

If you do not see the document in the Viewer, it either has not been loaded to the workspace, its conversion failed, or you do not have permission to see it.

Note: In the Native Viewer, you can expand the email header to display full email addresses. If you collapse or expand an email header, the Viewer maintains the expanded or collapsed state as you navigate through documents in the set.

See these related pages:

Native Viewer

The Native Viewer displays an HTML rendering of the document that is as close to the original version of the document as possible. It also provides options for navigating through a single document and between documents in a document set. You can also conduct text searching, highlighting text to copy and paste, zooming, arranging, and saving pages you review in the Native Viewer. You also have the option to print single documents from the Native Viewer by saving the document as a PDF. For more information, see Create PDF.

Note: The Viewer displays PDF text by mapping the character codes to Unicode in most cases. To check whether PDF text has been properly encoded and will display correctly in the Viewer, copy the text in the original PDF file and paste it into another application like Microsoft Word or Notepad. If the pasted text does not display correctly, the PDF is not properly encoded. If the pasted text displays correctly in another application but not in the Viewer, contact Support for assistance.

The Native Viewer offers several ways of viewing and working with documents. There are options available in the following sections of the Viewer:

  1. Native Viewer toolbar options

  2. Left drawer Viewer options

  3. Document actions menu

  4. Viewer settings menu

  5. Viewer breadcrumbs

  6. Right drawer Viewer options

Each of these options and menus is described in more detail in the sections below.

Native Viewer toolbar options

The following toolbar options are available in the Native Viewer:

  • Zoom Out/In —zooms out and in on the current document in increments of 10% within a range of 10% to 4,000%. If you attempt to zoom out to a percentage lower than 10%, the Viewer automatically sets the display to 10%. If you attempt to zoom in to a percentage higher than 4,000%, the Viewer automatically sets the display to 4,000%. Your zoom setting persists as you navigate through a document set. This means that if you've set one document to 150% and you go to the next document, the next document defaults to 150% zoom.
    To specify a zoom percentage without using the zoom out/in toolbar buttons, type the number in the percentage field and press the Enter key.
  • Reset Zoom —resets the zoom to 100%.
  • Fit Width —increases the size of the document to fit the maximum width of the Viewer. This setting persists when you re-size the window.
  • Fit Page — fits the entire document into the total size of the page. Clicking this zooms out the document and reduces the font size.
  • Fit Actual —fits the document display to the actual size it was in its native application. By default, this resets the zoom percentage to 100%.
  • Layout Mode —select one of the following options to determine how documents that are more than one page long display in the Viewer.
    • Single —one page of a document will display at a time. Use the page navigation options at the bottom of the Viewer to adjust which page you view.
    • Single Continuous —displays the pages in the document stacked vertically so you can scroll up and down to view them.
    • Facing Continuous —displays the pages in the document in a row horizontally so you can scroll left and right to view them.
  • Go To Next/Previous Highlight —moves through previous and next highlighted terms in the document.
  • Redact Markup Visibility —changes the visibility mode of the markups between full visibility, transparent and hidden. By default, this is set to Solid, which means all highlights and redactions appear as solid as you applied them. For more information, see Controlling markup visibility. This icon only displays if you are viewing a PDF file in the Viewer and have Redact installed.
  • Selector —select within a document. This icon only displays if you are viewing a PDF file in the Viewer and have Redact installed.
  • Text Selection Mode —select text in a PDF file. This icon only displays if you are viewing a PDF file in the Viewer and have Redact installed.
  • Highlight Mode —highlights the selected text with the color you specify from the drop-down menu. The default color is blue. This icon only displays if you are viewing a PDF file in the Viewer and have Redact installed. Select from the following: Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Yellow
  •  Redaction Mode —click the drop-down menu to select a redaction tool. The black redaction tool is the default. This icon only displays if you are viewing a PDF file in the Viewer and have Redact installed. You can select from the following:
    • Black—creates a solid black box, like using a black marker. While you draw the box, a gray translucent fill appears.
    • Text —creates a white redaction box with black text. The text will fill the box by default. To change the font size, keep the redaction box selected and click , and then select a new font size from the drop-down menu. You can right-click a text box redaction and select Edit to change the text redaction as desired. Alternatively, you can right-click a text box redaction and select either most recent word or phrase you entered while editing a redaction or if you have never edited or created a text redaction before, you can select Redacted instead. The system admin determines which text options are available.
    • White —creates a solid white box with a gray border. The gray border will not be printed or produced.
  • Create PDF —click to save the current native document as a PDF file. When you click this option, the Create PDF pop-up displays. The document then opens in a new window in your browser as a PDF where you can then choose to save or print the document image.
  • Searchable PDF improvements per configuration

    When you Create PDF from the Native Viewer or using the Mass PDF Operations bar, most types of searchable PDFs will now have significantly smaller file sizes. More specifically, images without highlights, but configured to be searchable and stamped, will benefit from the most dramatic decrease in file size. But overall, the Create PDF feature now generates reduced file saves for a wide range of configurations when creating searchable PDFs. In order to accomplish this for previously unknown file-types and mixed TIFF and JPEG Create PDF jobs, Relativity now treats each page individually, instead of treating the entire document as a whole, allowing for the best file-size-reduction technique possible for each page.

    Image Format Redactions Highlights File Size Reduction
    TIFF Yes No Up to 76%
    TIFF Yes Yes Up to 43%
    JPEG Yes No Up to 43%
    JPEG Yes Yes Up to 43%

    After you click Create PDF, a copy of the document converts to a PDF file you can save from your web browser downloads. Relativity assigns a GUID for Create PDF file names.

  • Search Bar —searches for terms in the current document and navigates through the hits.
    • Entering a term and either clicking the left or right arrow button or pressing Enter in this text box scrolls to and highlights the text of the next instance of the term from the placement of the cursor.
    • Searching in this text box is not case sensitive.
    • The Search Bar supports dtSearch and so proximity, fuzziness, and stemming can be used. To learn more about this search functionality, visit dtSearch.
    • You can remove a term you previously searched for or all of the terms you have recently searched for from the Persistent Highlight Pane. Removing a term or terms will also remove any highlights they generated in the document. To remove a term or terms, hover your cursor over the row of the term you wish to remove or hover your cursor over your recent searches and then click on on the right side of the row.
  • Show/Hide Hidden Cells —displays or hides all hidden cells in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. This functionality is only available for Excel files and does not work on imaged documents because Relativity only images unhidden cells.

Left drawer Viewer options

The following options are available in the left drawer:

  • Persistent Highlighting —displays or hides a panel containing all recent searches from the criteria entered in the search bar and any persistent highlight sets in the workspace. You can also create a dtSearch or keyword search in the Your recent searches section. See Persistent highlight sets for more information. Only terms in the sets and recent searches that are in the current document will display in the pane.
    Additionally, you can control which highlights display in the current document by clicking on either the persistent set to only display highlights from that set or you can click on a specific term to only see that term highlighted in the document. You can also navigate to and from highlights using this pane.

  • Thumbnail —click to expand the left drawer and display the Thumbnail Viewer. Each page of the document you're reviewing has its own numbered thumbnail in the Thumbnail Viewer. To learn more, visit Thumbnail Viewer.

Right drawer Viewer options

The following options are available in the right drawer:

  • Show/Hide Hidden Cells —displays or hides all hidden cells in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. This functionality is only available for Excel files and does not work on imaged documents because Relativity only images unhidden cells.

  • Show/Hide Contextual Search Pane —click to expand the right drawer and display the Contextual search pane. This feature allows you to quickly navigate to matching search terms in a document which is useful in longer documents or ones that have many matching search terms. The Contextual search pane has the same functionality as the search bar. To learn more about the search bar's functionality, see Search Bar. Additionally, each search term match is displayed in a box that includes both words before and after the search term match to make it easy for you to view the context of each one.
    Enter a term or terms in the search box and press Enter on your keyboard to highlight in yellow any matches in the current document. You can click on a desired search term box in the pane to jump to that place in the document. The active search term box will display with a blue border and the matching search term in the document will be highlighted in blue to make it easy to find.

Document actions menu

To learn more about these options, see Document actions menu.

Viewer settings menu

To learn more about these options, see Viewer settings menu.

Viewer breadcrumbs

The Viewer breadcrumbs help you track your current location while browsing documents in the Related items card. The information on your current location updates as you navigate. If Documents is an active link, you can click it to return to the document you were viewing before browsing documents in the Related items card.

Additionally, to exit the Viewer and return to the page you were previously on, you can click the Exit viewer button at any time.

Copying text in the Viewer

While viewing a document in the Native Viewer, you have several right-click options, including the Copy option. Use this option to copy text from the document you are currently viewing and then paste it into another application.

To do this:

  1. Highlight the text you want copied.
  2. Right-click, and then select from the menu.

You cannot copy text if you:

  • Have not highlighted any text.
  • Do not have permission to the Local Access option on the Document object. This is the same permission that permits you to open the file in its native application. For more information, see Object list in the Workspace security topic.

Note: If you do not have permission to the Local Access option on the document object, you cannot use the Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Ins options in either the Native Viewer or the Extracted Text Viewer.

Streaming audio and video files

Audio and video files can be streamed in the Native Viewer. Audio and video file type compatibility varies depending on your internet browser.

Note: If an audio or video file has not been opened in the Native Viewer, it may display with a value of No for the Supported by Viewer field. Once a file has been successfully opened by the Viewer, the Supported By Viewer field displays Yes.

For more information about which file types are compatible with your browser, see Viewer audio and video-supported file types.

Note: To adjust how large of files can be streamed in the Viewer, edit the MaximumNativeSizeForViewerForMediaFilesinMegaBytes instance setting.

The audio and video controls that display in the Viewer depend on your internet browser.

Browser Audio Controls Video Controls

Document Intelligence

Document Intelligence notifies you that there is hidden or annotated content present in the current document in the Native Viewer. This hidden content are the annotations and modifications tracked in certain document formats. For more information on the file types, see Tracking annotations. When hidden content is found in a document, a pop-up modal appears in the lower right corner. Highlighting and bordering is also visible in the Viewer where the changes were made and a annotation bar is available to sort and view each annotation. Once the notifications appear, you can then choose whether or not to view tracked changes, hidden text and comments in the Viewer.

Tracking annotations

The various file types each have distinct annotations that are tracked. Below is each file type that is supported and the related tracked changes:

File type File extensions Annotation type Tracked changes
Excel .xls, .xlsx, .xlsb Tracked Changes, formulas, hidden pages/columns/rows, Comments

Inserted cell, moved cell, modified cell, cleared cell

Inserted column, deleted column

Inserted row, deleted row

Inserted sheet, renamed sheet

Word .doc, .docx Tracked Changes, comments, hidden text Insertions, deletions, moves
PowerPoint .ppt, .pptx Speaker notes, comments, hidden slides  
PDF .pdf Comments, text content outside the printable page  

Using notifications and the annotation bar

When using Document Intelligence, an orange pop-up modal appears in the bottom right corner of the Viewer when hidden content exists. Click on the pop-up modal to see the hidden content on that document. If there is no hidden content found, the modal will say so. If there is hidden content found, it lists each piece of content. Click Show these items to open the annotation bar.

A hidden content icon is available when a supported file type is in the Native Viewer. Click to open or close the annotations bar. If you are viewing an unsupported file type, the icon is not available. For supported file types, see the Tracking annotations.

Annotation bar

The annotation bar is for sorting and viewing the hidden content found with Document Intelligence. Each annotation has a card that lists the tracked change, a description of the change, time and date, and author of the change.

If there are multiple annotation cards in the annotation bar, then you can sort them in a number of ways. Click the Sort By drop down menu for these options:

  • Location
  • Author A-Z
  • Author Z-A
  • Oldest first
  • Newest first
  • Annotation type
Annotation types and highlights

Each type of annotation comes with its distinct highlight in the Native Viewer. Below is a table that lists each annotation type with its highlight in the Viewer:

File type Modification Annotation
Excel Inserted cell Green dotted border around cell.
Excel Deleted cell Red dotted border around cell.
Excel Modified cell Purple dotted border around cell.

Moved cell

Red dotted border around original location; green dotted border around new location.
Excel Inserted row Green shading in the row header.
Excel Deleted row Red shading with "DEL" in the row header. If the row is added then deleted, the shading is purple.
Excel Inserted column Green shading in column header.
Excel Deleted column Red shading with "DEL" in the column header. If the row is added then deleted, the shading is purple.
Excel Inserted sheet Green shading in the sheet tab.
Excel Hidden sheet Grey text in the sheet tab.
Excel Modified sheet Purple shading on the sheet tab.
Word Comments Blue background on text and note bubble in document.
Word Insertions Green shading behind text.
Word Deletions Red shading behind text.
Word Moves Purple shading behind text.
Word Hidden text Red shading behind text.
PowerPoint Speaker notes Page under sheet.
PowerPoint Comments Note bubble in presentation.
PowerPoint Hidden slide Hidden icon in bottom left corner of slide.
PDF Comments Note bubble in document.
Leader lines

Clicking on an annotation in the Viewer connects the selected annotation to the related annotation tile in the annotation bar. Click on another annotation to view the leader line to that annotation card. One grey connector line is available at a time, unless you moved a cell. In this case, there is a leader line where the cell was originally located and a leader line in the cell's new location. Click the same annotation to remove the leader line.

Note: The Has Hidden Data field is populated during processing. The hidden content that the Viewer finds may not be perfectly in-sync with the hidden data that the processing engine finds.

Document Conversion

Beginning in, the Image Viewer and Productions Viewer support conversation streaming. This allows users to begin reviewing large documents without having to wait for the entire document to load.

The instance setting, MinimumSupportedVersionOfOutsideIn, determines the OutsideIn version to use when converting a document. The earliest OutsideIn version Relativity will support is 2017.1. Any document converted using a prior OutsideIn version will automatically re-convert with at least the minimum supported version input as the value in this instance setting. As a result, users will no longer have to mass-convert to benefit from the latest OutsideIn version.

Documents automatically re-convert in the following priority:

  • Priority One—documents currently being viewed.
  • Priority Two—the next three documents in the review set.
  • Priority Three—related documents, checked-out batch documents, the first 10 documents in a list.

All other documents not subject to the requirements listed above must be manually re-converted.

Image Viewer

When you switch to the Image Viewer, a TIFF or JPEG version of the document displays. You can highlight and redact images in this mode. The Image Viewer is only available if you have loaded an imaged document in the Viewer or if you have manually imaged the file using the Image on the fly option in the Document actions menu. For more information, see Imaging on the fly.

The redactions that are burned into a produced image are the redactions that were on the image at the time that you produced it. If you add or remove redactions from an image after you have produced it, then the image and the produced version of that image will be out of sync.

The Image Viewer offers several ways of viewing and working with documents.

Note: If you used the Basic Imaging profile to produce images of a .pdf file, please note that the Viewer displays .pdf text by mapping the character codes to Unicode in most cases. To check whether .pdf text has been properly encoded and will display correctly in the Viewer, copy the text in the original .pdf file and paste it into another application like Microsoft Word or Notepad. If the pasted text does not display correctly, the .pdf file is not properly encoded. If the pasted text displays correctly in another application but not in the Viewer, contact Support for assistance.

There are options available in the following sections of the Viewer:

  1. Image Viewer toolbar options

  2. Left drawer Viewer options

  3. Document actions menu

  4. Viewer settings menu

  5. Viewer breadcrumbs

Each of these options and menus is described in more detail in the sections below.

Image Viewer toolbar options

The Image Viewer displays the following icons in the toolbar:

  • Zoom Out/In —zooms out and in on the current document in increments of 10% within a range of 10% to 4,000%. If you attempt to zoom out to a percentage lower than 10%, the Viewer automatically sets the display to 10%. If you attempt to zoom in to a percentage higher than 4,000%, the Viewer automatically sets the display to 4,000%. Your zoom setting persists as you navigate through a document set. This means that if you've set one document to 150% and you go to the next document, the next document defaults to 150% zoom.
    To specify a zoom percentage without using the zoom out/in toolbar buttons, type the number in the percentage field and press the Enter key.
  • Reset Zoom —resets the zoom to 100%.
  • Fit Width —increases the size of the document to fit the maximum width of the Viewer. This setting persists when you re-size the window.
  • Fit Page —fits the entire document into the total size of the page. Clicking this zooms out the document and reduces the font size.
  • Fit Actual —fits the document display to the actual size it was in its native application. By default, this resets the zoom percentage to 100%.
  • Layout Mode —select one of the following options to determine how documents that are more than one page long display in the Viewer.
    • Single —one page of a document will display at a time. Use the page navigation options at the bottom of the Viewer to adjust which page you view.
    • Single Continuous —displays the pages in the document stacked vertically so you can scroll up and down to view them.
    • Facing Continuous —displays the pages in the document in a row horizontally so you can scroll left and right to view them.
  • Rotate all pages —rotates all pages in a document clockwise 90 degrees.
  • Rotate current page —rotates only the current page clockwise 90 degrees.
  • Note: Image rotation is persistent. Any pages that you rotate will be rotated the next time you return to them in the Viewer and for other users who view them after you rotate them. Rotation is also applied when you run the production containing the images.

  • Selector —select within a document.
  • Markup Visibility —changes the visibility mode of the markups between full visibility, transparent and hidden. By default, this is set to Solid, which means all highlights and redactions appear as solid as you applied them. For more information, see Controlling markup visibility.
  • Highlight - <Color> —highlights the selected text with the color you specify from the drop-down menu. The default color is blue. Select from the following:
    • Blue
    • Green
    • Orange
    • Pink
    • Purple
    • Yellow
  • Redaction Mode - Basic Redact —enables the basic redaction tool. For more information, see Creating basic redactions.
  • Redaction Mode - Full page —enables the full-page redaction tool. The drop-down menu for this redaction type offers the same options as the basic Redact icon, except that the redaction you choose is applied to the entire page.  For example, if you select White, the entire page becomes white. For more information, see Creating full-page redactions.
  • Redaction Mode - Inverse —enables the inverse redaction tool. For more information, see Creating inverse redactions.
  • Redaction Mode - Mass Redact —apply a full-page redaction across all images or a range of images in the document. For more information, see Creating mass redactions.
  • Redaction Type - <Style> —enables single redaction tool. For more information on redacting, see Creating basic redactions. Select from the following types of redactions:
    • Black —applies a solid black box to the selected text.
    • Cross —applies a white box with an X in the middle of it over the selected text.
    • Text —applies a box over the selected text, in which you can add text such as Privileged or Redacted.
    • White —applies a solid white box over the selected text.
  • Font Size —change the font size of the text within a text box redaction. For more information, see Editing font size in text box redactions.
  • Delete Highlights —mass delete markups from any or all images in the document. For more information, see Mass deleting markups.
  • Create PDF —gives you the option of saving the image as a PDF. For more information, see Saving an image as a PDF.

Left drawer Image Viewer options

The following options are available in the left drawer:

  • Thumbnail —click to expand the left drawer and display the Thumbnail Viewer. Each page of the document you're reviewing has its own numbered thumbnail in the Thumbnail Viewer. To learn more, visit Thumbnail Viewer.

Document actions menu

To learn more about these options, see Document actions menu.

Viewer settings menu

To learn more about these options, see Viewer settings menu.

Viewer breadcrumbs

The Viewer breadcrumbs help you track your current location while browsing documents in the Related items card. The information on your current location updates as you navigate. If Documents is an active link, you can click it to return to the document you were viewing before browsing documents in the Related items card.

Additionally, to exit the Viewer and return to the page you were previously on, you can click the Exit viewer button at any time.

Saving an image as a PDF

Clicking the Create PDF icon brings up the following window, in which you can specify your PDF settings:

  • PDF Profile—select the desired PDF profile to determine how the PDF will be customized. To learn more about PDF profiles, visit Mass PDF.
  • Page Range—select from the following standard print range options:
    • All pages—saves all pages in the document.
    • Current Page—saves only the page you are currently on.
    • Pages—saves a range of pages that you specify in the text box to the right.

Extracted Text Viewer

When you switch to Extracted Text Viewer in the Viewer type tabs, you can access a drop-down menu on the right side of the Extracted Text tab where all extracted text and all long text fields on the field edit/creation page are available. See Creating and editing fields Creating fields in the Admin guide. The drop-down menu lists long-text fields that contain text for the current document open in the Viewer and those you have permissions to.

Note: Relativity displays all long text fields made available in the Viewer in the drop-down menu, regardless of whether that field contains text for the current document. If you select a long text field from the drop-down list, and the current document doesn't have text for that field, the Viewer displays a message stating, "This page is empty."

Note: The Viewer displays .pdf text by mapping the character codes to Unicode in most cases. To check whether .pdf text has been properly encoded and will display correctly in the Viewer, copy the text in the original .pdf file and paste it into another application like Microsoft Word or Notepad. If the pasted text does not display correctly, the .pdf file is not properly encoded. If the pasted text displays correctly in another application but not in the Viewer, contact Support for assistance.

Navigating the Extracted Text Viewer

The Extracted Viewer offers several ways of viewing and working with documents. There are options available in the following sections of the Viewer:

  1. Extracted Text Viewer toolbar options

  2. Left drawer Viewer options

  3. Document actions menu

  4. Viewer settings menu

  5. Viewer breadcrumbs

Each of these options and menus is described in more detail in the sections below.

Extracted Text Viewer toolbar options

The Extracted Text Viewer provides the following options:

  • Zoom Out/In —zooms out and in on the current document in increments of 10% within a range of 10% to 4,000%. If you attempt to zoom out to a percentage lower than 10%, the Viewer automatically sets the display to 10%. If you attempt to zoom in to a percentage higher than 4,000%, the Viewer automatically sets the display to 4,000%. Your zoom setting persists as you navigate through a document set. This means that if you've set one document to 150% and you go to the next document, the next document defaults to 150% zoom.
    To specify a zoom percentage without using the zoom out/in toolbar buttons, type the number in the percentage field and press the Enter key.
  • Reset Zoom —resets the zoom to 100%.

  • Go To Next/Previous Highlight —moves through previous and next highlighted terms in the document.
  • Tab character size —select an option from the drop-down menu to determine the amount of space that is taken when the Tab key was used in the current document. This option can help you ensure that the spacing in a spreadsheet document is aligned and works best when the Tab key is used after each column in the spreadsheet.
  • Toggle WordWrap —determines whether the text in the current document will wrap so that it fits on the current page or not.
    • Enabled—text in the current document will be forced onto the next line if it cannot display in the current window size. You cannot scroll horizontally with Toggle WordWrap enabled.
    • Disabled—text in the current document will not be forced onto the next line will display in more horizontal fashion. You can scroll horizontally to control to view the desired text.
  • Search bar —searches for terms in the current document and navigates through the hits.
    • Entering a term and either clicking the left or right arrow button or pressing Enter in this text box scrolls to and highlights the text of the next instance of the term from the placement of the cursor.
    • Searching in this text box is not case sensitive.
    • The search bar supports dtSearch and so proximity, fuzziness, and stemming can be used. To learn more about this search functionality, visit dtSearch.

Note: If you do not have permission to the Local Access option on the document object, you cannot use the Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Ins options in either the Native Viewer or the Extracted Text Viewer.

Left drawer Viewer options

The following options are available in the left drawer:

  • Persistent Highlighting —displays or hides a panel containing all recent searches from the criteria entered in the search bar and any persistent highlight sets in the workspace. You can also create a dtSearch or keyword search in the Your recent searches section. See Persistent highlight sets for more information. Only terms in the sets and recent searches that are in the current document will display in the pane.
    Additionally, you can control which highlights display in the current document by clicking on either the persistent set to only display highlights from that set or you can click on a specific term to only see that term highlighted in the document. You can also navigate to and from highlights using this pane.

Document actions menu

To learn more about these options, see Document actions menu.

Viewer settings menu

To learn more about these options, see Viewer settings menu.

Viewer breadcrumbs

The Viewer breadcrumbs help you track your current location while browsing documents in the Related items card. The information on your current location updates as you navigate. If Documents is an active link, you can click it to return to the document you were viewing before browsing documents in the Related items card.

Additionally, to exit the Viewer and return to the page you were previously on, you can click the Exit viewer button at any time.

Productions Viewer

When you switch to the Productions Viewer in the Viewer type tabs, you can access a drop-down menu on the right side of the Productions Viewer tab that displays available production sets that contain the current document. For information about creating production sets, see Production sets.

Note: The redactions that are burned into a produced image are the redactions that were on the image at the time that you produced it. If you add or remove redactions from an image after you have produced it, then the image and the produced version of that image will be out of sync.

Select a production set from the drop-down menu to see how a document was produced in the selected production. If a document is not included in a production, the productions mode option is unavailable.

The Productions Viewer offers several ways of viewing and working with documents. There are options available in the following sections of the Viewer:

  1. Productions Viewer toolbar options

  2. Left drawer Viewer options

  3. Document actions menu

  4. Viewer settings menu

  5. Viewer breadcrumbs

Each of these options and menus is described in more detail in the sections below.

Productions Viewer toolbar options

Productions Viewer provides the following options:

  • Create PDF —gives you the option of saving the image as a PDF. For more information, see Saving an image as a PDF.
  • Zoom Out/In —zooms out and in on the current document in increments of 10% within a range of 10% to 4,000%. If you attempt to zoom out to a percentage lower than 10%, the Viewer automatically sets the display to 10%. If you attempt to zoom in to a percentage higher than 4,000%, the Viewer automatically sets the display to 4,000%. Your zoom setting persists as you navigate through a document set. This means that if you've set one document to 150% and you go to the next document, the next document defaults to 150% zoom.
    To specify a zoom percentage without using the zoom out/in toolbar buttons, type the number in the percentage field and press the Enter key.
  • Reset Zoom —resets the zoom to 100%.
  • Fit Width —increases the size of the document to fit the maximum width of the Viewer. This setting persists when you re-size the window.
  • Fit Page —fits the entire document into the total size of the page. Clicking this zooms out the document and reduces the font size.
  • Fit Actual —fits the document display to the actual size it was in its native application. By default, this resets the zoom percentage to 100%.
  • Layout Mode —select one of the following options to determine how documents that are more than one page long display in the Viewer.
    • Single —one page of a document will display at a time. Use the page navigation options at the bottom of the Viewer to adjust which page you view.
    • Single Continuous —displays the pages in the document stacked vertically so you can scroll up and down to view them.
    • Facing Continuous —displays the pages in the document in a row horizontally so you can scroll left and right to view them.
  • Rotate all pages —rotates all pages in a document clockwise 90 degrees.
  • Rotate current page —rotates only the current page clockwise 90 degrees.

    Note: Image rotation is persistent. Any pages that you rotate will be rotated the next time you return to them in the Viewer and for other users who view them after you rotate them. Rotation is also applied when you run the production containing the images.

Left drawer Productions Viewer options

The following options are available in the left drawer:

  • Thumbnail —click to expand the left drawer and display the Thumbnail Viewer. Each page of the document you are reviewing has its own numbered thumbnail in the Thumbnail Viewer. To learn more, visit Thumbnail Viewer.

Document actions menu

To learn more about these options, see Document actions menu.

Viewer settings menu

To learn more about these options, see Viewer settings menu.

Viewer breadcrumbs

The Viewer breadcrumbs help you track your current location while browsing documents in the Related items card. The information on your current location updates as you navigate. If Documents is an active link, you can click it to return to the document you were viewing before browsing documents in the Related items card.

Additionally, to exit the Viewer and return to the page you were previously on, you can click the Exit viewer button at any time.

Imaging on the fly

You can image a single document in the Viewer by selecting the Image on the fly option from the Document actions menu at the top-center of the page.

Using this feature, you can select any imaging profile you have permissions to view and use it to image the document.

Note: If the source file of the document you are imaging is changed during the conversion process, for example through overlay, that document becomes undeliverable and you receive an error. To resolve this error, refresh the page or re-image the document.

After imaging a document on the fly, you can access thumbnail renderings of the imaged pages of the document. For more information, see Thumbnail Viewer.

Imaging some file formats can cause problems. Consider the following:

  • Many .pdf files render and image very well. However, you may have problems rendering and imaging some .pdf files due to the variety of their content.
  • While most Microsoft Office documents render and image well, you may experience issues when imaging documents with embedded files.
  • You may have problems rendering and imaging vector-based documents like Visio and CAD.

For more information, see Viewer-supported file types.

Note: The default priority for all image-on-the-fly jobs is determined by the current value of the ImageOnTheFlyJobPriorityDefault entry in the Instance setting table.

PDF Viewer

The PDF Viewer allows you to view .pdf files in the Review Interface.

Note: You may experience slowness if you try to open .pdf documents that are larger than 300 megabytes.

Note: The Viewer displays .pdf text by mapping the character codes to Unicode in most cases. To check whether .pdf text has been properly encoded and will display correctly in the Viewer, copy the text in the original .pdf file and paste it into another application like Microsoft Word or Notepad. If the pasted text does not display correctly, the .pdf is not properly encoded. If the pasted text displays correctly in another application but not in the Viewer, contact Support for assistance.

There are options available in the following sections of the Viewer:

  1. PDF Viewer toolbar options

  2. Document actions menu

  3. Viewer settings menu

  4. Viewer breadcrumbs

Each of these options and menus is described in more detail in the sections below.

PDF Viewer toolbar options

The PDF Viewer provides the following options:

  • Thumbnail —click to display the Thumbnail Viewer. Each page of the document you're reviewing has its own thumbnail in the Thumbnail Viewer. To learn more, visit Thumbnail Viewer.
  • Find in document —searches for terms in the current PDF, if enabled, and navigates through the hits. The ability to search a PDF is determined by the Make Text Searchable option. To learn more, visit Mass PDF.
    • Entering a term and either clicking the left or right arrow button or pressing Enter in this text box scrolls to and highlights the text of the next instance of the term from the placement of the cursor.
    • Searching in this text box is not case sensitive.
  • Zoom Out/In —zooms out and in on the current document in increments of 10% within a range of 10% to 4,000%. If you attempt to zoom out to a percentage lower than 10%, the Viewer automatically sets the display to 10%. If you attempt to zoom in to a percentage higher than 4,000%, the Viewer automatically sets the display to 4,000%. Your zoom setting persists as you navigate through a document set. This means that if you've set one document to 150% and you go to the next document, the next document defaults to 150% zoom.
    To specify a zoom percentage without using the zoom out/in toolbar buttons, type the number in the percentage field and press the Enter key.
    Alternatively, click the percentage field and select the desired display option from the drop-down menu.
  • Rotate all pages —rotates all pages in a document clockwise 90 degrees.

    Note: Image rotation is persistent. Any pages that you rotate will be rotated the next time you return to them in the Viewer and for other users who view them after you rotate them. Rotation is also applied when you run the production containing the images.

  • Page controls —allows you to navigate the pages in the .pdf file that is currently displayed in the PDF Viewer.

Document actions menu

To learn more about these options, see Document actions menu.

Viewer settings menu

To learn more about these options, see Viewer settings menu.

Viewer breadcrumbs

The Viewer breadcrumbs help you track your current location while browsing documents in the Related items card. The information on your current location updates as you navigate. If Documents is an active link, you can click it to return to the document you were viewing before browsing documents in the Related items card.

Additionally, to exit the Viewer and return to the page you were previously on, you can click the Exit viewer button at any time.

Document actions menu

The following options are available in the Document actions menu:

  • Download document native—select to download a copy of the current document.
  • Copy document link—select to copy the URL to the current document to your clipboard.
  • Email document—select to open an email in your default email application with the URL to the current document included in the body of the email. The subject of the email will include the name of the workspace and the current document.
  • Replace document native—select to replace the native file of the current document with a new file.
  • Image on the fly/Delete all images for this document—image on the fly will display if the current document has not been imaged. If the current document has been imaged, Delete all images for this document will display instead.
    • Delete all images for this document—select to delete all images associated with the current document.
    • Image on the fly—to image the current document from the Viewer, hover your cursor over this option and the image profile options will display. Select the desired profile option to begin the imaging process.
  • Replace images for this document—to replace the images for the current document using an imaging profile, hover your cursor over this option and select the desired imaging profile option to begin the imaging process.
  • Reconvert—select to clear your internet browser's cache and reload the current document for review.

Viewer settings menu

The following options are available in the Viewer settings menu:

  • Keyboard Shortcut Legend—select to open the Keyboard shortcut legend pop-up to view the current keyboard shortcuts available in the Viewer. To learn more, visit Keyboard shortcuts.
  • Enable/Disable Keyboard Shortcuts—select to enable or disable the keyboard shortcuts feature while in the Viewer.
  • Show/Hide Tab Strip—select to show or hide the sidebar and tab strip in the Native Viewer.
  • Pop Out Viewer—select to open the Viewer in a new window in your browser. To learn more, visit Pop Out Viewer.
  • Swap Layout—select to move the coding layout and the document card to the opposite side of the Viewer from where they are currently located.

Pop Out Viewer

You can use the Pop Out Viewer to open the Viewer in a new window in your browser. The document card and the coding card remain in the previously opened browser window and can be expanded to a greater width to take advantage of the space freed up by the Pop Out Viewer. The Pop Out Viewer retains the same functionality as the Viewer. For example, you can switch Viewer types and view highlights or the Thumbnail Viewer as desired.

To open the Pop Out Viewer in a new browser window, select the Pop Out Viewer option from the Viewer settings menu in the upper-right corner.

To return the Viewer to the previous browser window where the document card and coding card are located, you can click either the Pop In Viewer button on the previous browser window or you can select the Pop In Viewer option from the Viewer settings menu in the upper-right.

Alternatively, if you close the browser window that the popped out Viewer is in, the Viewer pops in to the review interface or in other words, returns to the original browser window.

Standalone Viewer

To view a document in a separate browser window, click the file icon in the document list or in the Viewer on the documents card or family card. Launching the Standalone Viewer from either the documents and family card launch the Review interface.

Clicking on the file icon in the document list will launch the Classic review interface which is unsynced. Changes such as turning highlights on and off in the Viewer or entering an on-the-fly search in the document list will not affect a document opened in the Standalone Viewer because it is unsynced.

Note: Keyboard shortcuts are available for use in the Standalone Viewer. For example, if you execute the shortcut for Save & Next in the Standalone Viewer, each window performs the operation and moves to the next document.

Document preview panel

The Document preview panel allows you to view documents in the document list before launching the Viewer. It also allows you to filter the list and quickly view documents in the results which makes the process of finding documents more efficient. To learn more, visit Document preview panel.

Related items card

The related items card is located at the bottom-right corner of the Viewer. Related items are customizable groups of documents within a workspace. Common examples are family groups, duplicates, or similar documents.

The Edit field will be available in the Related items card if you add it to the Relational card view.

The related items toolbar includes the following:

  • Related items —displays a group of documents related to the active document. Options vary within the workspace. Hover over each icon to display the name of the item. Examples include: family group, duplicates, and thread group.
  • Document history Document history icon—displays a history of actions taken on the current document. You may not have access to document history. If you store your audits in Data Grid, this displays the field name, old value, and new value.

    Note: In the Document History card, you can click the Details link to display a pop-up with the audit history for the document. Click Run Details to display information about document imaging jobs, including the name of the imaging profile and the formatting options used during mass imaging or imaging on the fly.

  • Production Production icon—displays all productions in which the document was included. You may not have permissions to view production information.
  • Linked Linked document icon—displays all linked records on the active document.
  • Search results Search icon—displays the results of an Analytics search. See Searching .
  • Batch sets Batch sets icon—shows all the batch sets for the active record. SeeBatches Batches in the Admin manual. You may not have permissions to view this section.

When a coding decision is made, the information in the Related Items card automatically refreshes. If there are two or more reviewers on the same document, a user can refresh this card by clicking on the Menu icon and selecting Refresh card.

The Related items card can be opened in a separate browser window. Click the menu icon and select Pop out card to open the card in its own window. Click the menu icon and select Pop in card to close the browser window and return the card to the Viewer.

Securing Related items

Users are granted permissions or access to related items by default. If you would like to prevent a user from accessing these features, you can disable the following permissions or secure them using item-level security:

Related item Permission or item-level security
Email Duplicates Secure using Email Duplicate Spare Field
Thread Group Secure using Email Thread Group Field
Near Dupe Group Secure using Textual Near Duplicate Group Field
Conversational Family Secure using the Conversation Family Field
Duplicates Secure using the MD5 Hash Field
Family Secure using the Group Identifier Field
Batches Disable the View Batch Pane permission in Admin Operations
RAR Overturn Analysis Disable the Assisted Review Overturn permission in Object Types
Production History Disable the Production permission in Security
Linked Documents Secure using the Link Pane view. This icon cannot be hidden but you can restrict access to it.
Document History Disable the View All Audits permission in Admin Operations
Search Results This icon cannot be hidden or secured in Relativity.

eml and .msg header dates and times in the Viewer

.eml and .msg documents have header dates and times in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format. The Relativity Native Time Zone Offset field determines how the Viewer handles time zones for .eml, .msg, and RSMF documents. To learn more about the Relativity Native Time Zone field, see Fields.

Note: Relativity does not automatically account for Daylight Savings Time. If you need the Viewer to account for Daylight Savings Time, deploy the Set Native Timezone Offset with DST script. To learn more, see Set native time zone offset with DST. You must be a Relativity admin to deploy this script.

Thumbnail Viewer

When in the Native Viewer, Image Viewer, or Productions Viewer, you can access and browse thumbnail renderings of a document's pages. Quickly scan, locate, and navigate to pages in an open document.

Beginning in, the Thumbnail Viewer displays highlights and redactions on the document. This requires that the ImageViewerHTMLConversionType instance setting is set to True.

Note: Setting the ImageViewerHTMLConversionType instance setting to True may cause unexpected behavior with third-party Viewer integrations that interact with the Image Viewer or Productions Viewer. Please contact our Support team if you have any questions or would like more information.

To open the Thumbnail Viewer, click in the left drawer. The left drawer expands and displays the Thumbnail Viewer. Scroll up and down to navigate all pages in the open document and click a page to view it. As you scroll through the document, the thumbnail viewer scrolls simultaneously to keep the viewed pages in focus.

The Thumbnail Viewer is compatible with word processor, presentation, vector Image, and raster image file types.

Note: The Thumbnail Viewer may not be available in the Native Viewer for document types that do not paginate such as spreadsheets or plain text.

Note: To access to the Thumbnail Viewer, you must have the Admin Operation permission View Image Thumbnails. If you don't have this permission, contact your system admin.